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Pinaka, Shiva , Indra and few men started their journey.. they ascended their horses and moved forward. It was a hot scorching day, soon their clothes got drenched in sweat, After some time, as they approached a fresh water spring, they stopped, this time Samyukta didn't accompany them, as her father Krishna Chandra was leaving to Magadha empire, he said that he will visit again once the emperor Surya Gupta (Pinaka's father) will be back.

The old emperor Kailash Nanda was still staying in the royal palace waiting for the return of his son in law, emperor Surya Gupta. The empress was in the temple, praying for the safe return of her husband and son.

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Pinaka and party took a break, their horses were being watered. Pinaka was lying below a tree resting his eyes. He slept for a brief period and woke up, then their journey continued. As they were approaching the forest region of Vindhya mountains, it was mid day. Shiva insisted that they take a break now, before proceeding further. Shiva and one of his men went to hunt, they came back with a Deer carcass. As per the ritual, everyone surrounded the carcass of the fallen animal and prayed for the onward journey of its soul.

Then Pinaka and Indra started a fire and roasted the meat, they sat around and shared the meal like brothers. They moved ahead, as they went on they felt that they were being followed. Pinaka had this feeling as if someone was moving behind in the shadows following them. Soon a swishing sound came one of Shiva's men screamed and fell, he was hit in the calf portion of his leg..Pinaka shouted "everyone down!" all the men lied flat on the ground. Pinaka shouted, "what is it you want? come forward , show yourself!" then there was a masculine voice saying, " hold your hands above your head and stand up..don't move or you will be killed.."

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There were few men who came out of the bushes, they were tall, well built men wearing green clothes, they had long beards, their eyes were lined with of the men said, "Prince, your father is with us, " Pinaka looked at Indra, he looked utterly perplexed, Indra said, "Impossible, the emperor is with my men.." the green robed man said, "you can check if this belongs to emperor Surya Gupta," and handed them a ring, that ring was the coat of arms (emblem) of Gupta Empire. Shiva looked at it and said, " two swords is our coat of arms, yes, this belongs to the emperor Surya Gupta.."...

Pinaka looked at Indra, he too nodded, Indra then asked the green robed man, "what about my men..?" he replied, "they are injured, but alive, emperor is fine too.." Pinaka asked," what do you want ? who are you all.. you don't look like you belong to our country.."

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The green robed man said, "Prince, we will answer all your questions, come with us and remember, don't act smart..otherwise you will pay dearly.."

Pinaka said, "Let me first help my man who is injured by your arrow.. otherwise he will lose his leg.." the green robed man looked at him and nodded, then Pinaka went into the forest, came back with some herbs, he had good knowledge of medicinal herbs, he crushed those herbs with his hands, extracted the juice and poured it over the wound, luckily the arrow only wounded his skin, it didn't penetrate his bone..then he tore a cloth and tied it like a bandage around the wound, Shiva asked one of his men to stay back along with the injured person..

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All the others moved forward, the green robed people were leading the way... they were ascending the Vindhyas (mountain range), they climbed up a hill and came down to a valley, as they walked on , they found a clearing, the clearing showed a well lit path, it lead to a dark cave...they reached the entrance, the guards standing at the mouth of the cave were also wearing the same green robes, all these men must belong to a sect, Pinaka thought.

They entered into the cave, as they went in, the damp smell of a cave greeted them,..then, they saw a big opening in the cave, it was well lit and looked like a room in the palace..the floor was carpeted with expensive rugs, the walls of this portion of the cave were adorned with animal skins, it looked like the interior of a make shift tent arranged for nobility..

Against the wall of the cave, there was a huge throne, there was a seven foot tall giant sitting on it..

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