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Pinaka didn't react, he took the decision of meeting her.. Samyukta said, 'go and meet her.. I will be leaving to Manipura on some important work.. next month we will meet in Avanti city for coronation.. ' she turned away, Pinaka held her hand and pulled her towards him, he hugged her and said, 'I will come to Manipura next week.. ' she said, 'mmhmm'.. it was a beautiful sight.. they came out holding hands.. Rudra Verma saw them leaving together.. he felt frustrated.. how long does he need to wait to touch her.. to hold her in his arms.. to kiss her beautiful lips.. his heart stirred with desire.. he thought, 'very soon.. you will be mine.. '

All arrangements were made for Samyukta to leave, the Royal guard along with Rudra Verma escorted her.. Pinaka and his parents came to see her off.. it pained his heart to see her leave, but both of them were duty minded and prioritized their responsibilities over their relationship..currently they were spending a week together and shuttling between Manipura and Indraprastha... Samyukta ascended her horse and waved to Pinaka.. he could see longing in her eyes.. he remained there till she disappeared..

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Rudra Verma sighed in relief.. finally she was away from him.. he thought.. they kept moving forward..

Pinaka prepared himself to meet Maya.. he was bound to his mother land.. he felt responsible for the well being of the people and country.. even if it were empty words.. he couldn't take chance..

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Maya knew that he would come.. she waited for him..

Pinaka dressed himself in simple clothes, he looked like a common man, he didn't want to go to the middle of the city dressed in fine robes.. and with security around him.. he took the axe gifted to him by Samyukta and walked towards the lake..

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Maya was dressed in her best, she looked like a fairy who descended to earth in her white saree (Indian dress), she looked perfect and charming,.. it was very hard to resist her charm..

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Pinaka looked at the vision in front of him.. it was full moon night.. .. the lake was shining in the silvery moon light.. there was a beautiful figure clad in white standing and looking at the moon.. Pinaka sighed in his heart.. what a lady.. he thought.. he immediately shook his head remembering Samyukta.. she was the one for him.. Samyukta was not in any way inferior to Maya.. her beauty was like a goddess.. yet the sight before him made his heart skip a beat..

She sensed someone looking at her, she turned around and looked at Pinaka, she didn't recognize him immediately as he was dressed like a commoner, but once she recognized him, a beautiful smile lit her face.. that smile could kindle anyone's heart.. yet Pinaka was stable.. he said, 'lady Maya, you said there is something important to discuss.. ' she pouted and said, 'you just came for the information.. you don't like me.. ' Pinaka didn't know what to say, he had limited experience in dealing with women and Samyukta was straight forward, he didn't get to deal with women who could cast puzzles with their words.. and this woman seemed to be an expert in that.. she looked at his confused face and laughed, she said, 'Prince, I was just teasing you.. where is your wife.. oops the future empress I mean.. ' she said in a mocking tone.. he looked at her with some seriousness and said, 'lady, there is a limit to my patience.. ' she looked at him with an innocent gaze and said, 'ok Prince, as I said earlier I am a dancer, a very famous one indeed.. I traveled many countries.. few months back I was in Mangol empire, I performed for the emperor, and his court.. he was very impressed with my performance.. he praied me and said that I must stay as his guest for few days.. during these days, he would often come to me and pursuade me to become his woman, he even offered marriage, but I said that I didn't have the intention to settle down and I wanted to be a free performer.. he looked at me sarcastically and left.. the next day he said that I could go.. I left along with my assistants and body guards.. then I stayed in a inn for a night.. during that night while I was having dinner, I overheard a man telling the inn owner that the king of Mangol was planning to invade Hindustan.., that man who spoke was the army general of the Mangol emperor.. '

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