At this time, the people who were discussing matters with mo Cheng all walked out from inside. Seeing this scene, they could not help but start to discuss in low voices, and even raised their heads to point at her.

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No one would dare to disturb this mo Chengs call if there was nothing serious! This woman was truly audacious.

Who was mo Cheng Huan? The mo familys second-in-command, the famous ruthless mo chenghuan in the business world! Some people called him a cold-faced executioner who never showed any mercy.

President mo! I really didnt mean it that way. Just pretend I didnt say anything. Shen ziqian was uneasy and thought to herself, Im finished!

This persons temper seemed a little strange.

You didnt say? Then you really have the guts to do it. Mo Cheng humphed coldly and asked sternly,If I remember correctly, youre also a fake miss Shen, right? You know best whether its you or Shen chengjing whos under the emperors command.

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Shen ziqian couldnt help but take a step back and look at him in disbelief.

Such vile methods! Youre not qualified to play with the mo family! Do you think I cant find out who did it just because its a small delivery? Are you sure it was Shen chengjing in that little video? Or do you dare to block the road and scold people? The Shen familys style really made ones teeth turn cold! Complaining halfway, and pretending to be pitiful! You should know your own moral integrity. Mo chenghuan scolded angrily. He had never said so many vicious words before.

A woman was blocking his way, and she was saying this?

Who was Shen chengjing? She was his sons wife! She was the only daughter-in-law that he, mo Cheng, had! In the entire world, other than mo Cheng, who could make it difficult for him to call a single person, what qualifications did an outsider have?

Besides, what kind of person was Shen chengjing? Ever since the night mo Yancheng brought her home, he had already thoroughly investigated her, including all eighteen generations of her ancestors!

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President mo! She was so frightened that tears of grievance welled up.

Shut up! What the hell! What a mess, you really dont know shame! Mo Cheng threw the briefcase at the assistant. After the assistant took the briefcase, he looked at Shen ziqian with sympathy.

Do you think you can easily destroy the mo family? Believe it or not, I can make your Shen group close down thirty times in a minute! Mo Chengs face suddenly turned ashen as he angrily rebuked.

Close down 30 times? Close down 30 times? This time, the people standing behind him all took a few steps back, rejoicing that they had not provoked mo Cheng.

President mo, youve really misunderstood. I was talking about Shen chengjing, not the mo family. When Shen ziqian heard this, she thought that he must have misunderstood.

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Mo chenghuan looked at her coldly and turned to his assistant,If you see her mumble anything in the future, Ill break her legs.

Yes! When the bodyguards heard this, they all bowed and nodded. They all looked up at her to recognize her face.

This! How is that possible? Her face paled and she retreated in a panic. She could not believe that mo Cheng Huan was actually a lunatic.

Not only did he scold her, but he also said that he would make her family close down 30 times. He even said that if he heard it again, he would break her legs? Was this something an elder would say?

Shen chengjing, what right did she have to make mo chenghuan speak up for her?

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Miss Shen, as a person, you should know how to find your own place. In the future, dont speak so casually anymore. Otherwise, my brothers will not be polite. At this moment, her assistant walked up to her, curled her lips, and said in a deep voice,

On the surface, it was clear, but in the dark, it was red. It was a threat.

Shen ziqian was so scared that she took a few steps back. Her legs went weak and she fell to the side of the road.

How is this possible? Shen chengjing She mumbled to herself. When she said the name Shen chengjing

[PS: the mo family is a family that protects their own, dont you think so?] He could hit and scold, but he would never allow an outsider to destroy a single thing, okay?

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