Chapter 328: Chapter 328, Gu Group (12) , updated

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Translator: 549690339

No matter which group it is, as long as it is a person who has entered the semi-finals, I have the possibility to choose. who has ever insisted that I can only choose the members of my own group?

An LAN was going to support an GE anyway, Moreover, I am a member of Universal Media. Naturally, I have to choose the most promising newcomer for our company. An GE indeed has potential. I believe that even the higher-ups of universal media will agree to my choice.

There was no other way. The Mentor was an LAN. Since an LAN had already made her decision, what else could they do? !

The director of Universal Media Thought for a moment and also communicated with an LAN. However, an LANs attitude was very clear. The director also felt that since it was a talent show, there was no need to make his companys big shot star angry.

Moreover, that an GE was indeed handsome. If it was packaged, it might really become popular.

Ive just discussed with the company and we agree with miss an LANs choice. Moreover, we didnt say before that the tutor can not choose other members of the team. Therefore, an GE will be the last member of the an LAN team.

The supervisor gave the result directly. These were all students, how could they argue with the people of a big company.

Moreover, it was Huanyu media who was choosing the candidates. They couldnt control who they chose.

However everyone felt a little cold.

Wait a minute.

Just as everyone had no choice but to compromise, Gu Qingchen suddenly spoke.

They did not know why, but when everyone heard Gu Qingchen speak, they subconsciously felt that there was still a chance for things to turn around.

They could not explain why they had such thoughts, but Gu Qingchen gave them a feeling of hope.

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An Lan was stunned for a moment. The person she did not want to face the most was Gu Qingchen.

Other than the hatred she had for Gu Qingchen, she was tortured by Gu Qingchen almost every time.

And she could not ignore Gu Qingchen. After all, Gu Qingchen was Wang Qingtians benefactor.

An LAN took a deep breath and looked at Gu Qingchen. Student Gu, what do you want? Dont tell me you also want to interfere in the matters of Huanyu Media?

An Lan was telling Gu Qingchen that this was an internal matter of Huanyu Media, and it was best for her not to get involved.

Unfortunately, an LAN did not understand Gu Qingchen very well. Would Gu Qingchen back down just because of an LANs words?

What a joke, this was absolutely impossible.

An GEs heart trembled at this moment. Anyway, every time Gu Qingchen stood up, an GE had a bad feeling.

Could it be that Gu Qingchen wanted to ruin his entry into Huanyu Media?


He couldnt let Gu Qingchen ruin it!

He had just entered heaven, he couldnt let Gu Qingchen send him to hell again.

Miss an LAN, you seem a little too nervous and sensitive. I just want to know, if Huanyu media stipulated that you can only choose trainees in your own group, who would you choose as the last candidate?

Gu Qingchens question was also a question that many people wanted to ask.

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An LAN frowned, Theres no if. Ive already chosen the candidate. Its impossible to change it again!

Gu qingchen smiled slightly, Hehe, I dont seem to have said that I want to return the candidate. Im just curious. I think this question is not just my curiosity. Many people are very curious.

Gu Qingchen glanced at the crowd and everyone nodded. Even if they could not enter Huanyu media, they still needed to know the answer.

Because they also wanted to prove that they were not really inferior to others!

An LANs face darkened. Of course, she did not want to answer such a question. However, hearing the discussions of the crowd, it made her head hurt. In the end, she could only say, Then Lu Xingyang it is.

In fact, she was just casually pointing it out. Since Lu Xingyang had saved her life before, then she would just say that he was fine.

Gu Qingchen nodded and did not say anything else. An Lan thought that Gu Qingchen would use this as an excuse. However, she did not expect that Gu Qingchen only said nothing after she received the answer.

She actually did not make things difficult for her!

Wasnt this too strange? It did not seem like Gu Qingchens style.

An GE was also on tenterhooks. Anyway, every time Gu Qingchen interfered in something, there would always be changes.

When the other two coaches announced the name list, everyone was happy and disappointed.

Okay, all the students who have been selected, you all have to report to our Huanyu Media y City Branch Tomorrow.

The manager of Huanyu Media said one sentence and was ready to end this talent show. At this moment, Gu Qingchen spoke again.

Teacher Murong.

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Hearing Gu Qingchens voice, everyone immediately looked at Gu Qingchen.

Murong Yuanhao also didnt expect Gu Qingchen to suddenly call him, Student Gu, is there anything else?

Yes, there is indeed something. Huanyu media I have no intention of going. So, since a member of Group Two was inexplicably robbed of his qualification, if I withdraw now, there should be an extra spot to compensate, right?


What the hell?

Gu Qingchen was going to withdraw?

She had already been selected. This was something that many people had been looking forward to. She actually withdrew just like that.

Of course, most importantly, they understood what Gu Qingchen meant. This was clearly giving up her spot to Lu Xingyang.

At the same time, it was also a slap to an LAN and an GEs faces!

In other words, Gu Qingchen had given up her spot to Lu Xingyang, who had been snatched away. Didnt an Lan Not Want Lu Xingyang? Then Gu Qingchen would let Lu Xingyang enter Universal Media.

It was just a small action, but it was a slap in the face. It did not give an LAN and an Ge any face.

With Gu Qingchens actions as a comparison, an LANs previous actions were naturally much more despicable.

An Lan was extremely angry, but she could only endure it and not get angry in public. Otherwise, her sweet, pure, and amiable image would be completely gone.

Moreover, if she really thought about it, what she did just now was indeed inappropriate. If she stood up and opposed it now, wouldnt it be a despotic and overbearing reputation?

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Therefore, if she wanted to save face, she could only rely on Murong Yuanhao.

An LAN secretly gave Murong Yuanhao many hints in her eyes. As long as Murong Yuanhao refused, it would be fine.

But for some reason, Murong Yuanhao didnt look at her today, as if he was deliberately going against her.

If thats the case thats fine. Lu Xingyang, dont waste student Gus kindness.


Murong Yuanhao actually agreed!

An LANs eyes widened in disbelief!

And Lu Xingyang was completely in a daze. Happiness came too suddenly, it was simply a plot twist, and he couldnt react in time.

Really could he really enter universal media as a trainee?

This wasnt a dream!

Also, why? He did not understand why gu Qingchen would give up her position to him. However, he only knew that Gu Qingchen was definitely the most important person in his life!

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