
On the other side of the phone, he answered without hesitation, Yes, Im married.

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It was just a few simple words, but he answered without hesitation.

On the contrary, Tang Feng stood there in a daze, holding the phone in his hand, his expression a little dull.

Tang Feng had always been cool, but this was the first time his expression was so ugly. It didnt match his looks.

Youre Rong Yu?

After a long while, Tang Feng finally said this.

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously unwilling to answer Tang Fengs childish question. He only said, Cant you tell?

I can tell. It just feels a little strange! You, Rong Yu, Young Master Rong! Youre actually married!

Tang Feng finally returned to normal. It seemed that he had recovered from his initial shock. His speech was finally a little more fluent, and he did not stutter anymore.


Tang Feng turned on his chatterbox mode, When did this happen? How come I didnt know! Arent women the most annoying thing about you being a Germaphobe? I Cant, I need to be alone.

Yes, okay.

Then, there was only a blind tone on the other side of the phone. Rong Yu hung up the phone and asked Tang Feng to be alone.

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Tang Feng was instantly dumbfounded. He looked at the phone in a daze and only then did he know that Rong Yu had really hung up the phone.

It really left him alone.

But now he was sure that Gu Qingchen and Rong Yu had already admitted that they were indeed married!

It was too heart-wrenching!

Tang Feng felt that his entire worldview had been turned upside down. He could not accept this reality.

In fact he still liked Gu Qingchen a little. But before he could start, everything had already ended.

What should Tang Feng Do?

After he found out about this little idea of his, he subconsciously began to cut off his female companions and had not found a woman for several months.

But because Gu Qingchen was still young, he was naturally not in a hurry, thinking that he still had time to slowly build up a good image.

In the end in the end There was no end!

This detestable Rong Yu had actually grabbed onto a young lady like Gu Qingchen. It was too detestable!

Most importantly, it was obvious that he had met Gu Qingchen first!

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Of course, this was what Tang Feng thought.

Tang Feng really found it hard to accept this fact. This news had come too suddenly and he was not prepared at all.

Tang Feng looked at Gu Qingchen. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he hesitated. It looked very interesting.

Gu Qingchen could not bear to see Tang Feng like this. She could only say, This matter is also very sudden. We only received the certificate.

Gu Qingchen felt that if she did not explain clearly, Tang Fengs brain would not be able to think straight.

This time, Tang Feng finally understood and believed her.

You guys are really good at keeping secrets. You didnt even tell me! I know this news from this idiot! Im so angry, Im so angry! I really dont know whether Rong Yu treats me as a friend or Not!

Tang Feng was a little sad because before he could make a move, Gu Qingchen was taken over by Rong Yu.

Of course, more importantly, he could be said to be Rong Yus best friend, right? After all, Rong Yu did not like to get close to strangers, so Tang Feng felt that he should be Rong Yus best friend.

However, even that fellow Luo Yingming knew about this news before him, which made him very unhappy.

How could he know that Luo Yingming only knew about it because his aunt, Luo Qiaolian, was in the Rong family.

Luo Qiaolian knew about the news of the Rong family very quickly.

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Tang Feng took a deep breath and felt that he should calm down. When he saw Luo Yingming in the blink of an eye, he said, Luo Yingming, Hehe, you just said that Gu Qingchens status is low. Even if she said anything, no one would believe it, right? Hehe, then I wonder As Young Master Rongs wife, would anyone believe what Gu Qingchen said?

Although Tang Fengs heart resisted when he mentioned Young Master Rongs wife,he still said it out loud.

Luo Yingmings body suddenly stiffened. When he had just learned Gu Qingchens name, he had already thought of this question.

But at that time, how could he have known that Gu Qingchen was Rong Yus little wife!

If he had known, he would not have dared to do it even if he had a hundred times the courage!

This thisLuo Yingming began to stutter again.

Gu Qingchen realized that stuttering could actually be contagious. Luo Yingming and Tang Feng stuttered one after another.

Youre not using the Luo family to pressure me again, are you? Hehe!

Gu Qingchen smiled and said in a relaxed tone as she looked at Luo Yingming, But you can go and complain to your aunt. Maybe your aunt will blow a pillow talk or something and help you. But I dont think it will be of much use. You know, her position in the Rong family is not as noble as outsiders think.

Indeed, outsiders might think that Luo Qiaolian was the mistress of the Rong Group, but in fact, Gu Qingchen had already seen through it. It was not what outsiders thought.

Although Luo Qiaolian was doted on by Rong Qingtian, in the Rong family, she could not really do whatever she wanted.

You youre talking nonsense! My aunt is very doted on! Everyone knows that Rong Qingtian loves my aunt very much! My aunt is the mistress of the Rong family!

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Luo Yingming was a little angry. His aunt was very good to him, and he protected this aunt the most.

Of course, the reason why he was able to reach his current position was more or less because Luo Qiaolian had helped him a lot.

After all, the title of the mistress of the Rong family was very important!

Many people changed their expressions after they found out that the mistress of the Rong family was his aunt, but they were more useful than him, the young master of the Luo family.

Therefore, he obviously could not let Gu Qingchen spread rumors about Luo Qiaolian.

Luo Qiaolians fall would not benefit him.

During this period of time, he had heard many complaints from his aunt, Luo Qiaolian, all about Gu Qingchen.

Moreover, according to what he knew, that damned old man of the Rong family seemed to want to hand over the Rong group to Rong Yu. In that case the identity of the Rong familys mistress would have to be changed.

Gu Qingchen chuckled, The mistress of the Rong Family?? Hehe, you really dare to say that. I advise you not to spread rumors outside. If the old man of the Rong family finds out, it will be of no benefit to Luo Qiaolian at all. The lady of the Rong family is not someone who can do anything.

The old master of the Rong Family?

After hearing the old master of the Rong family, Luo Ying was obviously even more frustrated.

ILuo Ying was completely at a loss for words. He did not know what to say anymore.

Gu Qingchen did not want to waste any more time with him and said, Alright. I dont have time to waste with you here. Tell me, how are you going to resolve this matter today?

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