
The news of Gu Qingchens Gu group entering city y was not as well-known as Paradise.

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On the contrary, the GU group was very low-key this time. They started to operate without informing anyone.

Although there were not many people in the GU group now, after careful selection by Xiang Yang, they were all people with good character and business.

Of course, there was another person in the GU Corporation. It was Luo Yu, who had said that he wanted to do business with Gu Qingchen.

That day, Luo Yu was called out by Gu Qingchen alone. Luo Yu was very surprised that Gu Qingchen called him out alone. After all, this was something that had never happened before.

Along the way, Luo Yu was also full of curiosity and kept asking.

Qingchen, where are you taking me?

Luo Yu was a little curious, but also a little excited.

Youll know when you get there. Didnt you always say that you want to work together with me? Today, Ill give you a chance.

Gu Qingchen said unhurriedly, while Luo Yu was very excited.

What? Really? We can work together today?

Luo Yu was even more excited this time and quickly asked, Then what are we going to do? Do you have any ideas?

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Gu Qingchen smiled slightly and said mysteriously, Youll know when we get there.

Luo Yu glanced at gu qingchen, Tsk! Youre still making it so mysterious. Good! Anyway, well know the answer in a while, so Im not in a hurry.

Very soon, Gu Qingchen arrived at the building, which was now the GU Corporations building. After the renovation, the Gu Corporation was indeed very impressive.

Luo Yu was not a person who had never seen the world before, but he was a little puzzled. He did not understand why gu Qingchen would bring him here.

Qingchen, what are we doing here? Could it be that youre in this building and youre keeping an eye on the studio and you want me to give you some advice?

After all, Luo Yu never thought that Gu Qingchen would have a building. In many companies, at the beginning, there was only one floor of the office. Such a starting point was already very high.

Gu Qingchen smiled and did not answer his question. She just took Luo Yu into the elevator.

The elevator soon reached the 28th floor. The elevator opened and Gu Qingchen walked in with Luo Yu.

Luo Yu was a little confused. Apparently, there were already people working here. Why did Gu Qingchen walk in as if there was no one else here.

Could it be This was already gu Qingchens company?

When Luo Yu followed Gu Qingchen to the office, Luo Yu realized that this really seemed to be Gu Qingchens company.

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Wow! No Way, Gu Qingchen, you already have your own company? I thought you only had one Paradise!

After all, Gu Qingchens Paradise had just opened for business. Who would have thought that Gu Qingchen would start another company in such a short period of time!

And it was such a large-scale company with a floor so big!

Gu Qingchen smiled and patted the desk in her office, From today onwards, this is your office. From today onwards, you will officially start work.

AH? This is my office? Mine? Not Yours?

Luo Yu was a little surprised. After all, the biggest office on this floor was this office. Since Gu Qingchen was the boss here, why did she give him the biggest office?

He was a little confused.

Gu Qingchen shook her head and smiled. She pointed upstairs and said, My office is upstairs. This is for you.

Upstairs Upstairs?Luo Yu was a little surprised. He thought that there was only one floor of the office, but he didnt expect that the upstairs was also for Gu Qingchen.

Gu Qingchen nodded and didnt keep him guessing anymore. She told Luo Yu everything directly.

This building belongs to the GU Corporation. Today is also the first day of the Gu Corporation. I asked you to come here, but of course, I didnt really ask you to do it for free. This building is only for you to sit temporarily. Whether you can sit properly will depend on how capable you are.

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Gu Qingchen looked at Luo Yu. Her tone was different from usual. It was not as casual as when she was in school.

This entire building actually belonged to Gu Qingchen. He really found it hard to believe.

Luo Yu also put away his joke and said seriously, Dont worry, since I said that I want to fight with you, I will work hard to achieve my goal. Although this is temporary, I believe that I will rely on my strength to stay here!

Gu Qingchen looked at Luo Yus energetic look and knew that Luo Yus blood was boiling.

I have never heard of it, I only see what you do. If you do well, I will naturally see it. Of course, I also hope to see your good results.

After that, Gu Qingchen told Luo Yu about the direction of the companys future development. Luo Yu also listened very carefully.

However, he realized that the more he listened, the more shocked he became. Later, he looked at Gu Qingchen as if he was looking at a stranger.

Gu Qingchen, I think that the wisest decision Ive Made in my life is to fight with you!! How did you do it?? Im really curious. Not only did you use such a huge building as the companys office, but you also bought the land in the YUANXI development zone without anyone noticing!

Gu Qingchen did not hide this from Luo Yu. Luo Yu would find out sooner or later anyway, so she told him in advance so that he could be prepared.

This matter is still classified. Im telling you because I believe you. But you have to remember that you cant tell anyone about this before we announce it. Do you understand?

Gu Qingchen looked deeply at Luo Yu, and her words seemed to have a hint of warning.

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Luo Yu was a smart person, so he immediately promised, Since Ive already become a member of the GU Corporation, I naturally know what I should say and what I shouldnt say. Dont worry, Ill keep it a secret.

Gu Qingchen nodded in satisfaction, the corners of her lips curling up slightly.

It was not that Gu Qingchen did not trust Luo Yu, but it was because Luo Yu was also a person of status.

Gu Qingchen naturally did not want Luo Yu to talk about this with her family. She was still waiting for an opportunity and a policy, so this matter could not be leaked for the time being.

Of course, Luo Yingming had been keeping an eye on Xiang Yang and knew about the building. Now that the GU Corporation was established, Luo Yingming would find out sooner or later.

However, Gu Qingchen was not afraid that Luo Yingming would find out. She still had something on Luo Yingming. Even if Luo Yingming found out, he would be at a disadvantage!

Anyway, Gu Qingchen had Luo Yingming in her grasp.

As Luo Yu still had to go to school, Gu Qingchen specially approved him to come over at any time and not have to report in every day.

After that, Gu Qingchen introduced Xiang Yang, little bean, and the others to Luo Yu. After they got to know each other, they seemed to get along quite well.

Gu Qingchen was very satisfied.

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