473 Chapter 473 the man of the hour in city Y (33)

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Rong Yus thought was that since he was going to plead guilty the next day, he had to get his benefits back today.

Just like that, Gu Qingchen was badly beaten up!

When the two of them separated, Gu Qingchen could still feel the numbness on her lips.

She did not even need to look at herself in the mirror to know that her lips must be a little red and swollen!

Rong Yu was too strong! Too strong!

She did not know why, but she suddenly had the urge to go to her masters place and ask him to slow down the speed of finding information for Rong Yu.

If her master gave Rong Yu a definite answer, Gu Qingchen felt that her good days would come to an end.

It was possible that she could eat him alive in a matter of minutes.

If she could not get up the next day, it would probably become a common occurrence.

Dear wife, I think I like this reward more. How about we change it? How about we change it?

Looking at Rong Yus unsatisfied expression, Gu Qingchens heart was trembling. This guy, when he went crazy, he really could not do anything to him.

Tomorrow, three bowls!

Gu Qingchen used an expression that she thought was vicious and glared at Rong Yu.

However, she didnt know that this expression of hers, in Rong Yus eyes, was very cute.

Just as she finished speaking, in the next second, Gu Qingchen was once again swept up!

The posture was the same, the time doubled!

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Gu Qingchens heart actually broke down! Rong Yu was really addicted to kissing. This was not a good sign.

Finally, after a round of passion, Rong Yu finally let go of Gu Qingchen with satisfaction. Gu Qingchen even saw Rong Yu Lick his red lips with the tip of his tongue, looking satisfied, suddenly, Gu Qingchen felt as if something exploded in her head.

Although Rong Yu let go of Gu Qingchen, he still maintained the posture of holding Gu Qingchen. He whispered in Gu Qingchens ear, Dear wife, do you still want to add the medicine?

Gu Qingchen suddenly felt her whole body go soft. The thing she could not stand the most was someone blowing air into her ear.

The feeling of her whole body going soft was like an electric current. It went straight into her brain and goosebumps rose all over her body.

Rong Yu knew this weakness of hers, so he teased her like this.


He was not teasing her!

He was definitely threatening her!

If she really added more medicine, Gu Qingchen wouldnt be able to walk out of the villa today.

Rong Yu was too cunning!

Gu Qingchen held it in for a long time, her face was red. In the end, she still chose to be a good man!

A man must be able to adapt. Although she wasnt a man, she still had to understand this principle.

On the surface, Gu Qingchen nodded her head vigorously and said in a very formal manner, No More, Definitely.

Rong Yu smiled, What a pity I thought my dear wife would reward me a little more!

Gu Qingchens face was full of tears. Reward? It was really a reward!

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She said that she would add a bowl, but it was devoured crazily. How could she dare to say that she would add more!

However if she did not add more, she could add more!

Dear wife, why do I Smell a conspiracy? Are You Thinking of a bad idea?

Rong Yu narrowed his fox-like eyes. He looked like a cunning old fox.

Gu Qingchen smiled a few times, but her heart was filled with all kinds of emotions.

Damn it!

It was obvious that she could read minds, but why was it the other way around when it came to Rong Yu!

It was too unfair!

It seemed that she really could not think of any small ideas in front of Rong Yu, otherwise, Rong Yu would easily see through it.

Bad Idea? What Bad Idea Can I come up with in front of you?

Gu Qingchen pretended to know nothing and said.

Unfortunately, Rong Yu was not so easily fooled. He smiled and said meaningfully, Well let me think about it. For example Its not a bad idea to increase the dosage and add more ingredients. What do you think?

Gu Qingchen looked at Rong Yu with a broken face. She was already convinced by Rong Yu in her heart.

Seeing Gu Qingchens stunned look, Rong Yu pinched the tip of Gu Qingchens nose, moved closer to Gu Qingchen and pecked her lips a few times.

My dear wife, dont tell me you really think so?

The bewitching voice entered her ears.

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Cough, cough, cough! Of course not, am I that despicable!

Gu Qingchen could only say that, sigh! A husband who was too shrewd, did not seem to be a good thing.

Even this little thought was seen through, it was really too miserable.

Seeing Gu Qingchen like this, Rong Yu smiled with relief, as if he was relieved. He said, Thats good, I also feel that my dear wife is not willing to let me suffer.

After that, Rong Yu even winked at Gu Qingchen. Gu Qingchens heart was broken.


It was too heartbreaking!

Rong Yu, this guy, really, she was going to kneel!

It was not easy to get out of the dynasty hotel. Gu Qingchen chased Rong Yu upstairs to rest while she went to the hospital.

When Gu Qingchen arrived at the hospital, it was already afternoon.

What was especially funny was that when Gu Qingchen arrived at the hospital, she actually saw Rong Cheng was still there.

When he saw Gu Qingchen, Rong Cheng was about to stomp his feet.

It was unknown whether it was because he was too excited to see Gu Qingchen or because he was too impatient to wait.

Why are you only here now! What time is it already!

Rong Cheng was full of resentment when he opened his mouth. Those who did not know him would think that he was a little resentful woman!

Gu Qingchen took a look at Rong Cheng. This kid was a little embarrassed. Rong Cheng, who had always paid attention to his appearance, had already started to wrinkle his clothes.

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The clothes were still the same as yesterday. He probably did not have time to change them.

Hows Little Jues condition?

Gu Qingchen asked about little jues condition. She ignored Rong Chengs words.

Compared to the suffering of others, Rong Chengs little embarrassment was nothing.

How would I know how she is? Anyway, the Doctor said that she wont die! Alright, cut the crap. Since she wont die, Can I leave now?

It turned out that Rong Cheng had been waiting for Gu Qingchen to come over because he wanted to tell gu Qingchen that Xiao Jue would not die, so it had nothing to do with him.

To be honest, Gu Qingchen did not think that her words would be so useful to Rong Cheng.

She thought that Rong Cheng would have gone back after she left last night.

However, she did not expect that Rong Cheng would wait until now!


Gu Qingchen found it funny. If Rong Cheng knew what she was thinking, she did not know if he would explode!

Go back and wash up first. Come Back and guard at night. The patient is most dangerous at night. It is safer to have someone to guard her.

Gu Qingchen said casually.

Rong Chengs eyes widened when he heard that. If there wasnt someone here, he would have reached out and strangled Gu Qingchen.

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