598 Chapter 598 eating or not eating? (18)

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Gu Qingchen heard the voice and seemed to have heard Kevins voice. She frowned slightly and followed the voice.

When she walked over, she saw Kevin arguing with a man in his forties. No, it was more like a debate.

Hehe, Kevin, arent you too naive? This place is already mine, not your fathers! Even if you can pay off the debt, I Wont give you the shop!

You how can you go back on your words! Youre a businessman, you have to be honest! You said that as long as I pay off the debt, I can redeem the Shop!

Kevin was a little agitated, Ive already paid off a lot of money before, you cant go back on your words! Youre cheating!

You paid off the money? Who proved it? Do you have a receipt? Or do you have a witness to prove it? Shoo shoo! Dont mess around with me. Youre really daydreaming. You actually came to my place and even wanted to rob the shop. Im telling you, if you come and cause trouble again, Ill call the Police!

Gu Qingchen took a look. This shop owner looked like the GE Langtai from the books, but he seemed to be even more detestable than GE Langtai.

[ HMPH! You want to return this shop? Are you kidding me? I definitely wont give it to him. As for the money he paid back, Ill take it as interest. Who asked his father to owe me money! ]

Gu Qingchen saw through the shop owners thoughts and felt that this person was even more detestable.

This person reminded her of Shi Weis father, Shi Tian.

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Back then, Shi Tian had forced her father to his death and seized her fathers property. When she returned the money, she was ridiculed by Shi Tian. There were even a few times when Shi Tian refused to admit that Gu Qingchen had returned the money.

Later on, Gu Qingchen learned to be smart. Every time she returned the money, she would ask shi tian to leave a note.

Gu Qingchen had always thought that such a person could only be found in the country. She did not expect that the people in the country and abroad were actually similar. There were also people like Shi Tian.

Perhaps this shop owner had brought up too many bad memories for Gu Qingchen. Seeing this shop owner, she could not help but think of that bastard shi tian.

Okay, if you dont call the police, I will. I want to see how you will tell the police! I have given you 80,000 euros intermittently over the past two years. You also said that if I had collected the 500,000 euros that my father owed you, you would return the shop to me.

This shop was definitely worth more than 500,000 Euros. Kevins father had used the shop to pay off his debts because he really didnt have any money.

Back then, Kevins family only owed the boss 500,000 Euros. Later, Kevin said that he wanted to redeem the shop. The boss also said that as long as Kevin gathered 500,000 Euros, he would return the shop unconditionally.

After all, the boss wasnt in the antique business and didnt know much about antiques. Therefore, the boss didnt take the shop seriously at that time.

But now, as antiques became more and more popular, more and more people came to buy antiques. The boss tasted the sweetness and knew the value of the antique shop, so he naturally didnt want to return the shop.

Therefore, he started to renege on his debt, and because he was greedy, he didnt plan to pay back the money Kevin gave him.

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In the shop owners eyes, the 80,000 euros was his interest.

He had seen shameless people before, but he had never seen such a thick-skinned one.

Kevin was so angry that his whole body was trembling. Fortunately, Louis was holding Gu Qingchens things. Otherwise, Gu Qingchen would really be worried that her antiques would be accidentally destroyed.

Buddy, come out quickly and chase these people away! Remember in the future, if they come again, chase them away! Dont let them in!

The shop owner began to chase them away. Kevin naturally didnt agree to chase them away.

You Old Thing! Profiteer! I Wont leave unless you return the shop to me! The 80,000 yuan I gave you was used to redeem the shop, not for interest! And it wasnt given to you for free! This is 500 euros. I gave it to you this time.

It turned out that every time Kevin had money, he would send it here. However, Kevin didnt expect that people were evil. The money he sent was now all swallowed by the shop owner.

Alright! Gu Qingchen had a new opinion of Kevin. Before, she only thought that Kevin cheated money, but he had his morals. Now it seemed that Kevin cheated money for his own reasons. Of course, it was wrong to cheat money.

I dont know what youre talking about. Where did this hooligan come from to cheat money? Get out of here, or I wont hold back!

The shop owner was actually going to make a move on Kevin!

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Many of the buyers in the shop saw this and didnt know what was going on, but they didnt want to meddle in other peoples business.

After all, they were here to buy antiques, not to meddle in other peoples affairs. Besides, Kevin and the others were dressed like hooligans.

They were more willing to trust the shop owner than Kevin and the others. Some people even thought that Kevin and the others were just here to get some money.

However, some people thought that Kevin was ridiculous. If they were here to collect protection fees, it would be fine. They actually wanted the shop owners shop. This was too ridiculous.

Just as the shop owner gave the order and a few employees came forward to chase Kevin Away, Gu Qingchen spoke up.

Buying antiques and watching people fight at the same time. This is something new.

Gu Qingchen walked over. Kevin only remembered that Gu Qingchen was here when he saw Gu Qingchen. It didnt seem right for Gu Qingchen to see him like this.

The boss of the shop saw that Gu Qingchen was holding an antique in her hand. It seemed like she wanted to buy it. His expression immediately changed, and he welcomed Gu Qingchen with a smile.

Beautiful lady, do you like this antique? This porcelain bottle was produced in the Qing dynastys official kiln and was used in the imperial palace. It has a noble air about it!

It was not hard to see from the words of this shop owner that he really did not know much about antiques.

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Gu Qingchen looked at the porcelain bottle in her hand and smiled. What she was holding in her hand was clearly a fake. Moreover, it was a fake with poor workmanship.

Why did she say that?

Who had ever seen a porcelain bottle produced by an official kiln in the imperial palace with the words Made in Chinawritten on the bottom of the bottle?

Haha, Gu Qingchen really wanted to laugh. This boss was really too good at Bullsh * tting!

This was an antique shop after all, and he actually made such an extremely pirated porcelain bottle to fool people.

Of course, Gu Qingchen did not stand on ceremony and only said, Oh? Boss, what is the price of your Qing dynasty Imperial Kiln Porcelain Bottle?

When the boss heard Gu Qingchens words, he immediately smiled and said, This porcelain bottle is a good thing and very popular. How about this, I see that you are not old, so dont ask for a high price, just 50,000.


Gu Qingchen repeated. The boss nodded, Thats right, its 50,000. This is the lowest price.

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