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With the opponent having hostages, we’re now put in a bind; seeing that we don’t we have no intention to fight back, the opponent the let the silence continues.

As the deadlock continues for a while, Dimol descends next to me and pull my sleeve with his beak.

He normally doesn’t pull my sleeves, though.

Is it because the unusual situation we’re in?

While I’m confused by Dimol’s behavior, which he had never shown before, a voice echoes in my brain,

[It’s me. Cinzia. Right now I’m borrowing the body of my best friend Dimol. The body of the dragon species is strong against mana, so employment magic doesn’t work quite well on him, but I sure am glad I did my best and prepared this just in case of an emergency like this tim——] (Cinzia)

Hold on for sec, Cinzia-sama! Please don’t cast weird magic on my precious Dimol without permission!

[It’s not a weird magic! And I casted employment magic after getting permission from Dimol! How rude.] (Cinzia)

No, I mean, look, as the amount of mana in Dimol’s body increase, wouldn’t the chance of him turning into a monster also increase?

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[He wouldn’t turn into a monster with employment magic’s level of mana.] (Cinzia)

But still… I’ll have you explain it properly later, alright?

[Haa~, this is exactly why I’m worried about you, animal fetish-kun. Rather than that, my real body, along with Danton and Philia, is being carried off by an old man who took Abyss Walkers along with. The trouble over there is bigger, right!] (Cinzia)

The director and his wife are!? Are they okay?

[They’re unconscious, but okay. I was defending with golems, but then they took the orphanage children hostage, so I surrendered.] (Cinzia)

Are the children of the orphanage and the evacuated villagers safe!?

[Yeah, it seems that the old man’s aim was only me, Danton, and Philia. When we let ourselves be caught obediently, he quickly took us out of the building without touching it. Since I’ve entrusted the children and the villagers to Suzana, I’m sure they’re okay.] (Cinzia)

So, what’s your situation now?

[Danton and Philia are unconscious, while I have most of magic power sealed and can’t move. Now I can only share view with Dimol like this. After tying us up, it seems like they carry us toward the village’s entrance, that is the tunnel.]

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So, they’re intending to run away?

[I’m sure they are. Though I don’t know their purpose for kidnapping us.] (Cinzia)

The tunnel, huh…

I turned my gaze toward the tunnel, which is the only entrance and exit of the village.

Seems like they haven’t gotten there yet…

[Oops, the magic power I’ve prepared is about to run out. I probably won’t die because my armor will do its best hibernating, so——I’ll leave the rest to you. If I die, I’ll haunt you, okay—] (Cinzia)

That’d be a bit too much for my mental, so I’ll give it my best and do something about this situation.

Dimol, holding my sleeve in his beak, perhaps have returned to his usual self, as he lets go of my sleeve and bows his head.

“Thanks, Dimol.” (Frick)

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“What should we do, Frick-sama?” (Noelia)

While I’m patting Dimol’s head next to me, the approaching Noelia asks me.

On top of one of the opponents has been injured, we’ve found a weak point where the monsters’ movements grow dull when instructor is attacked.

Should we incapacitate the instructor…?

If we do, the monsters would be disarrayed, and we can use the opening to go save the three from the lot who try to withdraw from the tunnel.

I whisper and ask Noelia who came next to me.

[Sorry, but can you cast Ivy Bind on that young man? When the opponents become disordered, we’ll head for the tunnel.] (Frick)

Noelia nods, before beginning to chant magic.

“So you’re not going to put down your weapon. Genociders, get them.”

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The man, seeing Noelia start chanting magic, realizes that we aren’t willing to surrender and orders the monsters to attack.

“O’ solid stone sleeping in the ground, intersect with the atmosphere, form a spiral, and pierce mine enemy! ‘Spiral Bullet’.” (Frick)

When I release Spiral Bullets at the incoming monsters, they penetrate the monsters’ hard skins, making them scream, and their blood to soak the ground.

On the other hand, the ivy grasses of the Ivy Bind Noelia activated entwine and bind the man’s body.

During that time, I see the mask covering the man’s face gets entangled by the ivy grasses and torn off.

“M-my mask! Let go! Fuck, Genociders pull off these ivy grasses restraining my body! Shit! I won’t die in this kind of place!”

The man whose mask is torn off appears to be more impatient than he has ever had until now; he instructs the monsters to tear off the ivy grasses restraining his body.

Alright! The opponents won’t follow us for a while with this.

I carry Noelia and, just like that, run from that place toward the tunnel.

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