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“Frick-sama, are you alr——” (Noelia)

When I arrived at the mansion, Noelia’s complexion changes the instant she sees me.

“I’m perfectly fine, no worries. This chainmail protected me well, after all. Next time I’m on the front-line, I’m going to keep the Wind Barrier active all the time.” (Frick)

“Frick-san, that dent on your chainmail…” (Al)

Al seems to have noticed the dent in my chainmail, too.

Since she can’t use magic, I better properly tell her about those guys’ weapons.

If the enemies fire at her simultaneously, I doubt she can dodge them all even with her physical ability.

“I was hit by a metal ball released from a cylinder used by the enemy. It didn’t penetrate my body because I wore this chainmail, though. But, if it had hit an unprotected body part of mine, it might have shot through it and incapacitate me.” (Frick)

“Did it have speed that even Frick-san couldn’t dodge?” (Al)

“If it’s just one, then I may be able to dodge it, but if dozens are shot at me at the same time, I’d have no chance to dodge them.” (Frick)

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“In that case, if I give them a chance to shoot, I, a swordsman, would lose.” (Al)

As expected, Al, who has been living as a swordsman, immediately guess that she’ll lose if she is shot at from outside her sword distance with the long-range weapons.

“Then, I will support you with magic to prevent that. If those metal balls can be blocked with Wind Barrier, there should be no problem if I cast and maintain it in a wide range.” (Noelia)

“That would be great. Honestly, there are only a few mages who can use Wind Barrier, and with their magic power, they likely won’t be able to keep it up for long, so it would be a great help if we could have Noelia-sama’s support. As we have more things such as that to discuss, let us move to the drawing room.” (Meiss)

Meiss urges us, who are talking at the entrance of the mansion, to enter the drawing room.

“I’m sorry, Al, Noelia, let’s go inside.” (Frick)

When we enter the drawing room, I see Suzana, Meila, and Sophie, who came as part of the reinforcements, sitting side-by-side, while on the other side, there are Loran and Gawain.

After Noelia sat down in the main seat, Meiss stands beside her.

Al and I, on the other hand, sit down on our respective chairs.

“Now, everyone has gathered here. Thanks to the efforts of the knights, especially Meiss, the defense of Youg Hannotes from the enemy’s offensive has been going well, however… As I informed to everyone earlier, we need to figure out countermeasures against the Genociders.” (Noelia)

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“I heard from Frick-dono that if they wear the cloak that hide their figure, finding them would be impossible.” (Meiss)

“Yes, just like support magic’s Camouflage, it has the effect of blending the figure of the wearer into the surrounding terrain.” (Noelia)

If we can see the Genociders, we can surround and launch a concentrated attack on them.

Is there really no way to find them?

“Noelia-sama, is there a way to see through Camouflage magic? If the cloak used by the enemy has the same effect as Camouflage magic, we may be able to use it.” (Meila)

Immediately after Meila, who has been listening to the talk of Noelia and the others raised her hand, she asks if there is a way to see through Camouflage magic.

“A way to see through Camouflage magic, is it… To see through Camouflage is a difficult task because we can’t see the other party. We can only sense them from their sound or presence…” (Noelia)

Back when I used it at the royal capital and erased my presence, the royal guards couldn’t discover me, too.

I get why Noelia said that seeing through it is a difficult task.

“Only from their sound or presence, huh. They’re like ghosts, then. It’d be over if they manage to sneak into the city.” (Sophie)

As Sophie says, the Genociders, whose figures can’t be seen, are like ghosts.

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However, unlike ghosts, they have corporeal bodies, so they should leave some kind of trace…

Ghost… trace…!?

Thanks to Sophie’s muttering, something clicks in my mind, and the way to discover the Genociders come to my mind.

“Footprint! It’s footprint! The Genociders aren’t ghosts; they have corporeal bodies, so even though they’re invisible, they should leave footprints when they move!” (Frick)

“I see, footprints! Certainly, it may be difficult to discover them in the city where the ground is paved with stones, but outside the wall, the ground is bare soil. With the Genociders’ giant stature, they should leave distinct traces.”(Noelia)

“But the soil outside is dry and dusty, so why not make it muddy to make it easier to discover them? And given their giant bodies, moving on muddy ground should be quite difficult. Plus, it can also do the work of harassing enemies who are closing in on the city.” (Cinzia)

“Mud! The enemy forces will certainly find it harder to draw close if they don’t have steady footing.” (Meiss)

Having heard my proposal, Noelia, Cinzia and Meiss bring up new suggestions one after another.

“Noelia-sama, can you turn the ground muddy with magic? All the lands outside the wall combined is extensive, after all.” (Al)

“To answer Al-sama’s question, it is impossible for an ordinary mage, but with my amount of magic power, I think I can generate clouds and create a thunderstorm. Rain almost never falls in the territory of Youg Hannotes and it has poor drainage, so if a heavy rain falls, even only for a short time, the land should become muddy in no time.” (Noelia)

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“If you’re going to make a thunderstorm with magic, I’ll lend you a hand. I mean, since the enemies have been repelled just now, they most likely won’t attack again in a short while, so let’s do it quickly. We don’t know when the enemy will send in the Genociders, after all.” (Frick)

“The enemy has confirmed that Frick-dono and co have led the reinforcements into Youg Hannotes, too. It won’t be weird if they make their move soon. I think before night comes, we should turn the surroundings muddy and prepare many bonfires to make it easier to find them.” (Meiss)

“I understand your suggestion, Meiss. Henceforth, Frick-sama and I will call a thunderstorm and make the vicinity of Youg Hannotes muddy. Please tell the knights to raise their vigilance after the thunderstorm is over. We will give priority to the annihilation of the Genociders once they are discovered. In case they are still not discovered in several days, we will hold a countermeasure meeting again.” (Noelia)

So, if the Genociders are still not discovered in a few days after the reinforcements arrived, this may be Vigo’s diversionary tactic to tie us in Youg Hannotes; that’s how Noelia sees this, huh.

We’re not going to win if we keep protecting the city, after all.

It’ll be Vigo and his organization’s victory if they manage to open the door at facility in Abyss Hole.

It’s probably because we have to stop them that Noelia set a deadline for discovering the Genociders.

The face of Vigo sneering at us being troubled on deciding whether to defend the city or recapture the Abyss Hole come to my mind.

“I understand. I will order the knights to rest for now.” (Meiss)

After Meiss led the knights guarding in the room out, the other attendees also get assigned with tasks to do and go out of the room.

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