[Last Choice]

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In the midst of pale light dyes the room white, Vigo, whose chest is pierced by Dayle, drops to his knees.

“Kaha!” (Vigo)

He coughs up the blood from his pierced heart and lung, dyeing the floor red.

“Haah, haah, cough, cough! It’s too late. Your negotiation with me has been concluded. But, rest assured, I will keep my promise with you. I will not leak the secret of your birth to Boris. Cough, cough!” (Vigo)

Because he forced himself to speak, the amount of blood he coughs up increases.

Vigo pulls something out of his inner pocket and stabs it in his nape.

“I don’t care about that! Just tell me how to close this door!” (Frick)

“Haah, haah, it can’t be stopped. That is, as long as the last fusion reactor left in our world continues to produce energy. According to the time of this world, it’s about three days.” (Vigo)

“Three days?” (Frick)

“Haah, haah, I told you, didn’t I? We’re seeking for a place to migrate to. We can’t care about the means to that end. We end up using violent means because we are pressed for time. We, who are involved in the plan, will use our death to compensate for it.” (Vigo)

The white-robed people around Vigo spit out blood into their masks and collapse one after another inside the room that is shrouded by a pale light.


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How can he treat his allies in such a terrible manner!?

“Vigo, why did you go so far as to sacrifice the lives of your own allies!” (Frick)

“They have already given up their lives since long ago. All so that our compatriots may migrate to this world. Haah, haah. And I, too, shall be joining them soon. Cough, cough!” (Vigo)

The amount of blood he coughs out is much more than before, indicating that Vigo’s lamp of light is dying out.

“In any case, now that the negotiation has concluded, all that I have left to do is to leave the choices to Frick-dono and co. Originally, we were planning to have our compatriots to live in an underground city with less mana pollution under Boris, but… Meeting the three of you made us make a big change to the plan. For that, the word thank you isn’t enough to convey my gratitude to you.” (Vigo)

They changed their plan? Does he mean to say that the reason why they betrayed Boris was because of us who relentlessly pursued the Abyss Walkers’ whereabouts?

“The owners of acquired powerful mana antibodies that can be transplanted to human bodies that we have been seeking for are you replicate humans born from the Superhuman Project. Thanks to the blood we took from Frick-dono, all of our compatriots can get the qualification to live in this land. Cough, cough.” (Vigo)

My blood? Ahh, at that battle in the village!

Did he create something from my blood?

“We haven’t told any of the young ones among our compatriots of the sins we have committed. We told them that it was the hero Frick-dono, the one who have laid everything necessary over on this side, from offering mana antibodies to assisting us toward the success of the migration. They, who had lost their futures, adore Frick-dono who is going to lead them in the new land, and they would definitely cross the dimensional gate and step in this world while trembling with joy.” (Vigo)

“I assisted your migration? So you even lied to your compatriots!?” (Frick)

Vigo squeezes his power and escapes from Dayle who pierced his chest, before turning toward me.

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“That is the case only if we can take the dark truth that we ‘Foreigners’ have dirtied our hands in this land to hell. I only wish that our compatriots, whose hope of the new place to migrate to have swelled, can live peacefully under a new leader here.” (Vigo)

“That’s very selfish of you.” (Frick)

“Yes, I’m a selfish man, after all. Haah, haah, after destroying the evil organization ‘Foreigners’ who controlled the Abyss Walkers, which had caused unprecedented disaster in the Kingdom of Hartford, the hero Frick becomes the leader of the people who have crossed over from another world, and following the steps of the Hero Lloyd, he protects the peace being of the kingdom along with them, making his name goes down in history. Don’t you think that is a great ending for your heroic tale? Cough, cough.” (Vigo)

“How many people do you think have been sacrificed for such a scenario?” (Frick)

“600,000 lives have been sacrificed. Depending on Frick-dono’s choice, there may be another 6,000 more. That choice isn’t a choice for me, however.” (Vigo)

With one hand holding the blood spilling from his chest, Vigo operates the equipment on the wall.

In the newly projected image, I can see a large crowd of young men and women taking their masks off and hugging each other like they’re exploding with joy on the surface of the Abyss Hole.

They are Vigo and co’s compatriots…

Does it mean that even if they cross the gate, they won’t necessarily turn into Abyss Walkers?

“Now, my life is about to run out. I would like Frick-dono to make a ‘choice’. Either kill all of our last 6,000 comrades, or welcome them to this land as their new leader. Choose one of them!” (Vigo)

“Wha! Choose!?” (Frick)

“You heard me right. ‘Choose’. Cough, cough, quick!” (Vigo)

Vigo’s complexion has become pale. He’s standing and leaning against the wall while breathing raggedly.

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Choose? Me? Whether to kill 6,000 people or welcome the people from another world as residents of this land…

Making such an important choice is too much for a mere adventurer like me.

In the image reflected at the corner of my vision, I can see the joyful appearances of young men and women who have increased in number.

Dammit, there’s no way I can choose…

Look at them, they seem to be even younger than us!

“Frick-sama…” (Noelia)

“Frick-san…” (Al)

Looking at the image, Al and Noelia both make an anguished expression just as I do.

I understand their feelings and what they want to say, and I think it’s extremely cowardly of Vigo for forcing me to make a ‘choice’.

However, I neither have the courage nor the willingness to become a murderer.

Director Danton and Philia-sensei who have passed away, too, would definitely tell me not to kill them.

I raise Dayle in front of the dying Vigo.

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“With my magic sword, Dayle, as a witness, I will answer the question from Vigo, the leader of ‘Foreigners’. I swear on my sword that I will become the protector of the people, who have traveled to this land from another world, and spare no effort so that they can live peacefully in this land!” (Frick)

“…Frick-sama…” (Noelia)

“Frick-san… are you sure?” (Al)

“Yeah, I decided to shoulder all the anger and hatred of the victims. Because it feels a lot lighter than killing people.” (Frick)

Still, what I will shoulder from now on is not light.

Many people in the Kingdom of Hartford have relatives whose lives were lost to the Abyss Walkers.

If they find out about these young men and women from another world, many of them will aim for their lives.

I’ve decided to shoulder the job of solving all of those problems, too.

I think I really have a burdensome personality, even if I say so myself.

“You have made a good choice. With this, the pledge has been made. To my compatriots, I command you to live a long and happy live in this land under the hero Frick, who have become your new leader, from now on! Now, farewell!” (Vigo)

At the end, after squeezing his power to utter those words, Vigo slides down from the wall he is leaning on, before closing his eyes and passing away.

Vigo’s last words seems to have been heard by the youngsters on the surface, as I can see them cheering and calling my name in the image.

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