[Magic is Activated with Imagination]

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“Umm, can you please let me down?”

As I was admiring the power of the magic that Noelia released, she told me that she wanted to be let down from princess carry.

“Oh, sorry.”

I quickly let Noelia down.

Because of the Man Eater’s acid liquid, her clothes had been reduced to something that made people difficult to look at.

“Use this. If you keep that kind of appearance, I’ll be troubled.”

I gave her the cloak that I was wearing.

Looks like she finally noticed the state of her clothes.

“I-, I am saved. Because if my skin is seen by men, my father will be angry.”

Noelia, who received my cloak like with a snatch, seemed trying her best to pretend to be calm.

The cloak made for me was long enough to cover her petite body.

Then, she picked up the staff that was lying on the ground herself.

“Are you injured?”

“O spirits of water who were drifting in the air. Purify the dirt on my body. (Clear). Yes, my injury is also no problem. I have also cleaned up the acid liquid.”

Water vapor was rising from Noelia who activated magic in front of me.

It seems like she had cleaned her wet body from the acid liquid with magic.

“Then, good. I’m glad you didn’t get injured, but with that appearance, should I walk you to the city?”

“No, I don’t mind if you continue to do your request.”

Finally, Noelia turned her face and didn’t escape, so we were able to talk face-to-face.

She is a person with a behavior that I can’t understand, but her root seems not a bad person.

Nevertheless, Noeliaーwho is a powerful person of platinum rankー made a mistake like being caught by Man Eater’s vine…

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Don’t tell me, she is so absorbed in watching me that she forgot to check her surroundings.

I’m curious why an experienced adventurer like her could made such basic mistake, so I asked her.

“I don’t really mind, but I saw the thing that occurred before… and it is very difficult for me as well… but, Noelia is a platinum rank adventurer, so you should have the ability to not make the same basic mistake that the beginner adventurer would do, right?”

“…I think I have caused you some inconvenience. I will give you remuneration as an apology in a later date.”

“No, I don’t need such a thing, I only asked you to tell me why that occurred? So I can take a measure against that as well.”

Noelia seemed to be very embarrassed of the fact that she was caught by Man Eater which could be avoided if she was wary.

“…I was watching.”

The voice that came out of her opened mouth was too small to be heard.

“Eh? What?”

“I said, I was watching what Frick-sama was doing.”

She spoke quietly with a monotonous voice as when we first met.

However, maybe she was embarrassed that she made a mistake that only beginner adventurers would do, as her eyes were swimming sometimes.

“Why did you do that kind of thing?”

“I don’t know. However, I am curious about the behavior of Frick-sama, and because I was concentrating on watching, I neglected checking the surroundings, then made the unbecoming blunder from before.”

“You don’t know… You did it of your own will right?”

“Yes. However, it is a situation where the correct answer cannot be derived if asked for the reason… Well then, I will ask you back. Why is Frick-sama with such excessive magic power, not using magic? With your amount of magic power, rather than fighting with sword, I think it is better for you to mow down your enemies with powerful magic.”

In Noelia’s ice-blue eyes, there were doubts and confusion about my action.

Despite having a weapon that can fight better than a sword, it seems unbelievable not to use it.

“You can’t use anything you don’t know how to use, right. I don’t know how to use anything other than sword.”

Confused expression spreads over Noelia’s face.

Apparently, she can’t believe that I can’t use magic.

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“Even though you have huge amount of magic power, but you can’t activate magic… When I heard about that case, I thought Frick-sama said it to play dumb, only nonsense to hide your real strength… That expression, by some chance you really can’t…”

“Aa, I’ve said it many times, but I’ve never used magic, and with Noelia was the first time I did Magic Power Synchronization.”

“No way, you have that amount of magic power without devoting yourself to magic study at all you say… impossible… that’s impossible.”

I felt that fear and surprise were mixed in Noelia’s voice, who had never felt any ups and downs of emotions.

Is it really that surprising?

Although I always thought ーmagic is useful, right~ー.

“Then, I would ask you back, how can magic be activated?”

“How to use magic, right? It is activated by chanting incantation. The principle of magic is that if you can imagine the attribute and magic effect to invoke, you can influence the surroundings according to the amount of magic power in your body. Incantations are secondary aids that make it easier to imagine the magic effects to invoke.”

“Ha-, haa… use incantation to imagine.”

“There is (Fire Arrow) in elementary magic, but I fixed the imagination that came to my mind by chanting the incantation 『Become a hot burning arrow and penetrate my enemy』, use magic power to give it form and release it at the enemy.”

Noeliaーwho chants the incantationー turned toward a nearby tree, then shoot the invoked (Fire Arrow).

“Since the content of the incantation is the key to fixing what kind of magic effect to generate, memorization of incantation and seeing and memorizing the generated magic effect together is the popular method to learn magic.”

“Well then, if I say the incantation while imagining the magic I saw just now, will it activate?”

“Maybe, anyway, you have more than enough amount of magic power. I think if you can fix the form, you can easily invoke it. Please give it a try.”

“Hmm, if it’s just trying, then it’s completely fine. Etto 『Become a hot burning arrow and penetrate my enemy』 right?

I was asked to chanting by Noelia, so I chant the incantation for (Fire Arrow).

In this situation, I should imagine the magic I saw before, right.

A huge flame that looked like a sharp arrow flew away.

It’s target is a visible tree there.

As she told me, when I imagined the fixed form by chanting the incantation in my mind, I pointed my fingertip at the target tree.


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An object that was several dozen times bigger than the (Fire Arrow) fired by Noelia earlier was formed from my fingertip, flew out and severing the air at a tremendous speed.

“Wai-!? Frick-sama!? What do you activate――”

Noelia’s voice which was different from usual became a weird background noise.

“What you say… I only imagined the (Fire Arrow) you showed me before though… I thought it was a bit big, but the shape is the same.”

“No. It is absolutely different! That is definitely not a (Fire Arrow).”

The face of Noelia who said so was pale.

Eventually, my (Fire Arrow) that hit the tree, released a tremendous explosion to the surroundings that made me thoughtーwe’ll be blown awayー.

“Wow! What a strong wind! Noelia, grabbed on to me.”


After I hold Noelia who was about to be blown away by the explosion because she was petite, I stab my sword into the ground so that we wouldn’t be blown away.

When the turbulent wind passed away like a storm, the trees around the place where the target tree was were carbonized and burned out, and smoke was rising from the red burned ground.

“The magic just now is definitely not a (Fire Arrow). It’s power and area of effect are too different. That is definitely at the power rank of advanced-level magic End of Light《Megiddo Explosion》.

“No, when I imagined with reference from incantation that you said and the magic that you showed me, that was activated though… but, is it different?”

“It is wrong!”

It seemed that Noelia, who didn’t show much emotion, was angry.

I think that the power was a little misadjusted, but I think the shape was quite similar.

“Why does the advanced-level magic was activated when you chant the beginner-level magic… that is the first time that such a mess of a magic was formed.”

“I don’t know. I just did what you told me to do.”

“What and how such power…”

Noelia seemed to be unable to accept the magic that I invoked, she is holding her head and thinking.

I also want you to tell me what’s going on.

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I just did what I was told to do.

“Let’s try it one more time. Imagine it smaller this time.”

Noelia, who was thinking, suggested to try the magic one more time.

Seems like she wants me to imagine it smaller this time.

However, even though I can imagine the flame and shape, it is difficult to imagine the size.

Well, since I was told to make it smaller, I should think it to be smaller, huh.

Smaller, smaller.

A thin, thin fire arrow.

The target is that tree.

“Okay. Let’s go, become a hot burning arrow and penetrate my enemy. (Fire Arrow).”

I chant the incantation and point my finger at another tree.


A little bit of jet-black smoke came out from my fingertip.

“…!? Activation failed!? I-, it became too small!”

“I-, is that so? It’s hard to imagine fixing the size…”

This time, it seems that the magic couldn’t be formed because I imagine to be too small.

I felt that it’s surprisingly difficult…

“W-,why? You can just imagine the size to be as big as you saw before.”

That’s difficult for me though…

After that, I was practicing magic with Noelia, but it turned out that I was not very good at adjusting the power of magic.

It seems I can only choose one of the two options, making the power too high or it is not activated, I really can’t imagine the middle size.

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