[Cinzia: The Grave Sin of the Past]

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※Cinzia’s POV

“To think you guys are running an orphanage in a place like this… I thought for sure you guys were working as Linus-shi’s assistants at the royal capital, however.” (Cinzia)

After the harmonious dinner at the orphanage with Frick and the others, Danton and Philia called me to the director’s office at midnight when everyone has gone to bed.

“You as well… who would’ve thought you would end up in such a state. I’m surprised you used such magic derived from employment magic.” (Philia)

Seeing me meeting the two of them not with my familiar bone bird but with my main body, the full body armor that host my soul, Philia’s words is filled with thorns.

“It’s not something I wished for. Things just ended up like this because I was rampaging in the battle against Abyss Walkers at Inbahanes at the time of the Great Invasion. Unlike you guys who were carefreely staying in the royal capital.” (Cinzia)

“You say we were carefreely staying in the royal capital? Do you think you, who pulled out of the project halfway, have the right to criticize me and Philia?” (Danton)

Danton seems to be offended by my words; his expression becomes grim.

It’s been 20 years since I last met them, but as I thought, it seems the compatibility between me and these two is the worst.

Although we were fellow disciples who strove on magic research along with Florina under Linus-shi, I didn’t get along well with the two.

“It’s strange instead that you are able to stay sane participating in such a shitty project. I can only say Florina, Linus-shu, and you guys were crazy.” (Cinzia)

“We too didn’t participate willingly. We were just desperate to create capable people who could end the Great Invasion so that the kingdom wouldn’t perish.” (Danton)

“It’s as Danton says. It was only due to luck that the hero Lloyd’s huge gamble paid off, ending the Great Invasion. If he failed, Abyss Walkers would still be rampant throughout the kingdom even now after all.” (Philia)

“Are you saying that immoral project was justifiable, I wonder?” (Cinzia)

Recalling the magic research that became the cause of me splitting up with my teacher, Linus, the discomfort that I’ve been trying to forget for a long time swells up in me.

Twenty years ago, the sudden great invasion of the Abyss Walkers brought a complete change to the world, numerous lives were lost; in the midst of the pandemonium, an inhumane project was proposed by my teacher, Linus.

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A project to create humans that went beyond human limit, ‘Superhuman Project’.

It was a project to create beings, which should be called enhanced mankind, bestowed with physical ability and amount of magic power that surpassed the limit of normal humans using magic stone which hold monster’s factor and even dragon blood by means of magic to artificially create human that existed in the ancient magic civilization era, which was made taboo and forbidden to research until then.

I, who participated in that project, together with these two here and Florina, completely devoted myself to decipher the ancient documents that describe the usage of the magical devices which was excavated from an ancient ruin and had been stored in the Magic Research Institute under the guidance of my teacher, Linus.

It took several months until we were able to activate them, but using the hair left by the hero king who founded the kingdom of Hartford, we succeeded in creating artificial human beings.

However, there I felt skeptical about the morality of the project, and opposed my teacher Linus over the project; after that, I pulled out of the project, left the royal capital, and went to the territory of Inbahanes, which was said to be severely damaged due to Abyss Walkers.

Since then, I haven’t had the courage to find out what happened to that project, until this very day.

“I don’t want to be told that by you who went as far as planting her soul in an armor to live. You completed that magic by using the knowledge and experience you gained by participating in the project, right?” (Danton)

Danton’s grim gaze is poured onto my hollow body.

Certainly, as Danton said, the dead spirit magic that I thought out when I was about to die in the battle against Abyss Walkers was originally based on the knowledge I gained in that project.

I was conflicted of using it, but at that time I just wanted to live and kill as many Abyss Walkers as possible.

“I didn’t think out this magic with impure feelings. To defeat all the Abyss Walkers with my own hands. That was the only thing I wished for.” (Cinzia)

“Danton, Linus-shi, and I picked a different direction than you, but we held the same feelings. That was why, I agreed and lent a hand to the Superhuman Project that Linus-shi proposed, after all.” (Philia)

“…………” (Cinzia)

I can’t see qualm in participating in the Superhuman Project in the eyes of Philia and Danton.

As I thought, I sure can’t get along with these two…

It seems that they have no qualm in creating human beings that surpassed the limit of humans.

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Florina was at least hesitating to participate in the project, though she fell in order to create a future for her child.

“Even though your expression becoming unreadable is one of the disadvantages of that body, it also has its own convenience, isn’t it? I can imagine you looking at us with despising eyes if you were to have a body.” (Danton)

I’m getting close to snapping due to Danton’s words, but I tightly hold it in and decide to cut to the main subject that I’m interested in.

“Let’s end the talk about the past here, and talk about the present. I’ll ask without beating around the bush, are Frick and Alfine children created from the Superhuman Project? When I pulled out of the project, the fetus floating in the cultivation tank wasn’t even named though?” (Cinzia)

The complexion of the two changes at my question.

“What do you want to do by knowing such a thing? Do you want to tell them? It’s essential for them to be ordinary children raised in this orphanage in this Lisburn village due to becoming orphan after losing their parents in this Lisburn village… If it’s the intelligent you, then you should be able to understand the reason, right?” (Danton)

Danton says as though squeezing out the words with a frown on his face.

“As Danton said. No matter what you think, if you want to bring up the past again and expose it, even if you’re an old friend, I’ll get rid of you. We’re their parents after all, I’ll protect the secret of my children’s birth even if my life is at stake.” (Philia)

Philia points the short cane under her robe at me.

“That’s your answer, eh. Frick’s ridiculous amount of magic power and sword skills, Alfine’s unbelievable physical ability to the extent she is acknowledged as a Sword Master at that age, thinking normally, they are far beyond humans. If they were children born from that Superhuman Project, then everything would make sense.” (Cinzia)

“I think you shouldn’t open that loose mouth anymore, though?” (Philia)

“I get it. I get it. Frick is also my disciple after all. I just want to know the secret of my disciple’s birth as his teacher. Because this is relating to the past grave sin, I’m not gonna talk about this to anyone other than you two, so be at ease. Of course, I’m not gonna tell it to Frick nor Alfine either. I quitted the project and escaped after all.” (Cinzia)

Seeing that I have no intention to expose the Superhuman Project, the faces of the two, showing hostility, visibly soften,

“We would be grateful if you could do that. Because the plan itself was discontinued thanks to Hero Lloyd; those who know about it, except for the late Florina-sama, are only 4 people including us. There is no need to dig it up in this era when the world is already at peace.” (Danton)

“Finn-kun… no, he is Frick-kun now, isn’t he? And also Alfine, and even Florina-sama’s daughter, Noelia-sama…… To think children involved in that project gather in this place…” (Philia)

The words Philia spills suddenly stuck in my mind for some reason.

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Florina’s daughter, Noelia, should be a normal child born between her and Hero Lloyd.

The way Philia phrase it bothers me.

The feeling of I should know the detail of the project I had escaped from arises in me.

“Philia, could it be, Noelia was also…” (Cinzia)

“……It’s a story after you quitted the project and ran away. You were also guilty, so I’ll tell you everything to make you suffer. Noelia, unlike Frick-kun and Alfine, is a child who has been enhanced since she was born through natural childbirth by the use of magic derived from the techniques accumulated during the project. Compared to Frick-kun and Alfine, her ability is a bit inferior, however, even so, she still displays superior ability when compared to other humans.” (Philia)

“Enhancing a normally born child? Florina approved of such a thing!?” (Cinzia)

Hearing the story completely unknown to me, I get confused due to the information and my head get hurts.

“Florina at that time might have gone crazy despite her calm outward appearance, even if I say so myself. So that Lloyd who kept fighting Abyss Walkers doesn’t die, to her own child, she…… But I want to believe she regained her sanity when she last joined the breakthrough unit, however, there’s no way of knowing it now.” (Philia)

The shock of being shown a side of Florina that I didn’t know is stronger than I thought.

I thought that the only victims of the project were Frick and Alfine, but even Noelia was at the mercy of that crazy project…

This story is absolutely can’t be leaked outside…

I absolutely have to protect it…

Being made newly aware of the weight of the sin I had committed after meeting the two, I feel the cruelty of fate.

“Speaking of which, we haven’t told Linus-shi about Finn-kun and Alfine. The project was abandoned immediately after the end of the Great Invasion, and in order to protect teacher’s position, the enhanced artificial human beings created because of the project was supposed to be disposed of. That’s exactly why, Finn-kun and Alfine are our children, and must be orphans who lost their parents in the Great Invasion.” (Danton)

“When we received the report that Lloyd’s breakthrough unit had destroyed the facility at the Abyss Hole, the source of the Great Invasion; we established the orphanage in this place which could be called a solitary land that lost numerous of its villagers to the Great Invasion, bringing the two who were just born as babies, and raised them as orphans, deceiving them to be the children of the villagers.” (Philia)

“So, that’s what happened…” (Cinzia)

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The two have raised Frick and Alfine, the fruits of the project, as ordinary children.

I might do the same if I were to remain in that crazy project at that time.

I can’t get along with the two, however, that doesn’t change the fact that for Frick and Alfine, the two are their foster parents; there’s also a feeling of guilt for running away from the project inside me, so I don’t feel like condemning them anymore.

“Cinzia, this talk is over with this. We adults have no need to cause anymore harm to those three youths’ future, right?” (Danton)

“Yeah. Danton, Philia, I just want to say thank you for raising them all this time. From now on, I’ll also make sure to watch over those children.” (Cinzia)

“Please.” (Danton)

“We’re counting on you.” (Philia)

Danton and Philia clasp my hand, which has become armor body, and bow their heads.

“But still, when I thought that the three are having a normal love affair, I became so I happy that my tears——” (Philia)

“Although I feel like things are somewhat complicated, you have to experience such a thing when you’re young, right? I wonder if Finn-kun can display his dependability and marry the both of them.” (Danton)

“Is that dense Frick dependable, I wonder~. Who knows, he might run away from either of them.” (Cinzia)

“No no, my son Finn-kun won’t ever do such a shameful——” (Philia)

From then on, we talk about the love affairs of the three youths until dawn breaks.


Does this mean Frick and Alfine are royalties?

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