[Alfine: Pursuit]

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• Alfine’s POV

The carriage on which Vigo, my former butler, rides is running at a dangerous speed on the main road where the number of pedestrian traffic is increasing.

Driven by Meila, our wagon rapidly close the distance with the carriage.

“The carriage over there, slow down and stop immediately! I have something to ask!” (Alfine)

I demand the coachman driving the carriage to stop.

However, the other party does not seem to intend to stop, as he increased his speed as though to ignore me.

He has no intention to stop, I see.

The number of pedestrian traffic is increasing, if he speed up at such a place, an accident would occur.

“Meila, if there is a break in the pedestrian traffic, can you line us up next to that carriage?” (Alfine)

“Okka~y, leave it to me. Be careful when you jump.” (Meila)

“How do you know?” (Alfine)

“Nee-chan knows everything about Al-kyun after all. Maribel-chan, I’m gonna ramp up the speed, so hold tight, m’kay?” (Meila)

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“U-un. Ah, looks like there will be a break in the pedestrian traffic shortly.” (Maribel)

“Al-kyun, let’s go get ‘em!” (Meila)

When a break appears in the pedestrian traffic, the wagon that speeds up at once catches up with the carriage on which Vigo is riding, starting to run parallel to it.

At that moment, I jump onto the other party’s carriage, take away the reins from the coachman sitting in the coachman’s seat, pull the reins with all might to stop the horse, and then kick the coachman off the carriage.

“Dammit! Who are you! Can’t you see we have the crest of the Radcliffe family! You do know what would happen to you if you stop the carriage of a noble without permission, don’t you!”

Vigo, coming out of the luggage compartment, speaks in a menacing voice to me, who have stopped the carriage.

Heeh, so that calm Vigo could shout in anger like this.

That’s a surprise.

Thinking it would be bad if I get exposed due to my voice, I pull my cloak deeply so as to cover my mouth and speak with a different voice than usual.

“Please forgive me for my transgression. However, even for a noble’s carriage, rushing on the main road with a lot of pedestrians like this might endanger not only them but also yourself, it made me extremely worried.” (Alfine)

“We are on a task that requires urgency.” (Vigo)

This damn Vigo, could it be he doesn’t realize that I’m Alfine?

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Perhaps the fact that I wear my cloak deeply and change my voice also play a part.

While I’m astonished at Vigo who, unlike his usual self, is showing a murderous expression, I come to realize that he has not notice my real identity yet.

Right now, I feel like I could take Vigo hostage if I take this opportunity.

The director and his wife are on luggage compartment, let’s take Vigo hostage until they are released safely.

“Stopping us is a crime that deserves capital punishment.” (Vigo)

Vigo, who is making an angry expression, turns a small cylindrical object he has in his hand toward me.

“My apologies. Would you please forgive m——” (Alfine)

I pretend to apologize, grab the cloak I’m wearing, throw it at Vigo and rob him of his sight, before rushing his away, and restrain him in an instant.

“Be quiet, Vigo. And tell your men to release the Director and his wife inside.” (Alfine)

“T-that voice!? Don’t tell me!?” (Vigo)

When the restrained Vigo looks back and see my face, he makes a startled expression.

“That voice, blond hair, blue eyes…a young male adventurer-like appearance…two swords…don’t tell me, y-you’re Alfine!?” (Vigo)

“I’ll put the answer on hold. However, the clever Vigo should be able to understand his current situation, right?” (Alfine)

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I press the stiletto I draw from my waist against Vigo’s throat.

I’m prepared to cut through Vigo’s throat with this sword without hesitation if he were to show any strange movements.

“W-wait. Please wait, Alfine-dono. Regarding your matter, I was only carrying out Gile-sama’s orders. If you release me, I will report to Gile-sama that you have died, making him he pulls back the pursuers from the Royal Guard Knight Order. Then, you will be able to live as the adventurer Al without a hindrance. How is it, not a bad deal, don’t you thi——” (Vigo)

“I refuse. Do you understand your current situation, Vigo? I have my sword pressed on your throat and am threatening you to release the Director and his wife, you know?” (Alfine)

“Please don’t get me wrong, Alfine-dono. Danton-dono and Philia-dono have been invited as honored guests by the King. Gile-sama has been asked to host them, and that is why I am fetching them.” (Vigo)

The Director and his wife are invited as honored guests by the King?

The Director and Sensei are?

For a moment, I believed in Vigo’s words, but thinking back upon it, when I caught a glimpse of them, the two didn’t seem to be treated like honored guests at all.

“Stop spouting rubbish. You’re just planning to use the Director and Sensei as lures to bait me, aren’t you! Hurry up and tell your subordinates to release them.” (Alfine)

“I would have to decline that request. If you want to save them, please come to Gile-sama’s estate in the royal capital.” (Vigo)

There is a sound of something falling on the floor, before an intense light spreads to the surroundings, robbing me of my view.

The next moment, I’m blown away with tremendous momentum.

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And when the light subsides, I see Vigo himself taking the reins and driving the carriage.

“Vigo, wait——” (Alfine)

Thrown to the ground, pain runs through my body, but I immediately stand up and turn my eyes to the carriage that has started to run.

From the luggage compartment that comes into my sight, I see a person wearing a cloak aiming a red light from cylindrical object toward Meila’s wagon.

What is that cylindrical thing…

And the red light aiming at Meila and co gives me a bad feeling.

Feeling a vague apprehension, I run up to the wagon, pick up Meila and Maribel on the coachman’s seat, and roll into a nearby pit beside the main road.

The moment we roll into the pit, I sense the cylindrical object shining, before Meila’s wagon explodes and goes up in flames.

“M-my wago———n! Do you know just how hard I worked to save enough money to buy ittt!” (Meila)

Seeing her wagon exploded and went up in flames, Meila screams like crazy.

“Al-oniichan, the carriage will be gone soon!” (Maribel)

“Even if we have someone else give us a ride and chase them, we’ll just end up being targeted by that weapon again… The royal capital is just further ahead, so let’s just walk from here. Vigo told me to come to Gile’s estate anyway.” (Alfine)

Having lost the wagon, we could only see off Vigo and his company running away.

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