Chapter 11 – That Is The Oath Made By The Young King Under The Witness Of The Gods

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Editor: SleepyMango123

Proofreader: Lore

It happened so quickly that many people couldn’t react to it.

There was a dead silence in the hall for a second, and then…

“Master Ziemuer!”


“Your Excellency-“

The child’s unfortunate actions caused the originally quiet hall to instantly be in a scene where chickens flew and dogs jumped.1

The crowd rushed over, showing great concern for the priest. There were servants who came over, nervously trying to wipe off the ink on Ziemuer’s body. Of course, they could only wipe the light-colored robes on Ziemuer’s body, making it dirtier by the minute.

Some wanted to blame the culprit, but the child who was in trouble seemed to be frightened, standing there wide-eyed and in a dumbfounded manner. Looking at his pitiful little appearance, it was difficult to condemn him.

They were all heirs of the royal blood, and he was still a naive boy who couldn’t be beaten or punished. Master Ziemuer could only admit that he was unlucky.

It was just that this kid must have no role in becoming the King’s Brother.

At the nervous interrogation of the crowd, Ziemuer frowned and waved his hand to push the agitated servants away. He looked at his clothes soiled with ink, and then at the child who looked at him, stupefied.

The boy looked at him with his wide, watery and foggy eyes, as if he would cry if he were spoken to a little louder. He looked pitiful and cute, which made others feel a bit delicate.  

Ziemuer didn’t plan to scold the child. He didn’t know why but he felt that what happened just now was not an accident. The adolescent purposely splashed ink all over his body.

Because he had been staring at the child’s eyes, he saw that before the boy stretched out his hand, his golden pupils suddenly turned nimbly a few times.

It wasn’t the nervous glance at seeing him approaching, it was obviously a look with some horrible idea in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, his clothes were a mess. 


Yes, Garlan did it on purpose.

I am a bear child and I am the best!

Garlan felt that if he didn’t rely on his status as a child to add obstacles for Ziemuer, he probably would never have another chance in the future.

A serious and strict person like Ziemuer was definitely not good at caring about children who were ignorant. At most, he had a bad impression of himself. Anyway, he didn’t want to be selected as the King’s Brother, so if Ziemuer didn’t like him, it was all right. When he saw Ziemuer standing across from his table, he immediately made up his mind and wanted to take the opportunity to let out his anger, making Ziemuer hate him.

Killing two birds with one stone.

At that moment, his pair of big innocent eyes looked at Ziemuer who in return was staring at him.

I’m just a child.

An insensible and thoughtless child.

Blinking his eyes lightly, Garlan turned to Ziemuer with a pure look, his eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and he looked as if he would cry.

This child’s body was so easy to use, if he called for tears, they could seep out at any moment.

He thought, if Ziemuer were to really dare to reprimand him here, he would immediately cry.


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Haha, what face does he still want? He’d just relied on his identity as a child. Regardless of the commotion, as long as he could embarrass Ziemuer, his goal would be completed.

However, despite thinking it all through, the other party might not follow his script. He looked at Ziemuer with his watery eyes wide open, and spoke with his eyes.

Come and punish me, scold me ah, scold me ah.

But Ziemuer only asked the servant to wipe the ink splashed on his arm, and then motioned to the servant to wipe the table and ground clean. It seemed like he had no intention of teaching him a lesson.

Was my acting too emotional? My expression too poor?

Garlan began to deeply reflect on himself.

A slender finger stretched over. Ziemuer stared at Garlan, tapped on the table that had been wiped clean, and touched the parchment paper with his fingertips.

Everyone noticed that the parchment paper had also been smeared with ink, and more than half of it was dyed black. The remaining half was also spotted with ink marks, and it was impossible to use again.

“Would you like to give him a new copy?”

One person asked.

Ziemuer glanced at the child and shook his head.

“According to the regulations, everyone has only one chance.”

Children, who couldn’t even protect their own possessions were even less likely to have the future of this country pinned on them. Therefore, at the beginning, Ziemuer only prepared the parchment paper corresponding to the number of candidates, and there were no spares.

Now that the child’s paper was destroyed, it meant he had lost this opportunity.

Although this selection test was not the only one, in addition to the knowledge test, there were different tests in various aspects such as bow riding, fighting, and matter judgments. Finally, they would be considered comprehensively. But the disqualification of the knowledge portion was basically equivalent to being removed from being a candidate.

And looking at the child’s frail appearance, Ziemuer was afraid that he would fail in the test of competing against people and some of the subsequent dangerous tests. Let him be eliminated early to avoid injury in those dangerous tests.

It succeeded.

As soon as Ziemuer’s words came out, Garlan breathed a sigh of relief.

Ziemuer was his teacher, so he was very familiar with his ways.

To put it nicely, this priest of Shamash was serious and self-disciplined, observed order and rules, and did everything in a straightforward manner, allowing no deviation.

But Garlan knew that was actually a so-called obsessive-compulsive disorder!

It was precisely because of his understanding of this person’s disorder that Garlan could guess that this person would never prepare a spare test paper. If there was a problem with the test paper, he would be eliminated from the game.

Therefore, he had deliberately pretended to accidentally dirty his test papers and made this grade completely unusable. In this way, he would not have to think hard about how to make himself not outstanding in the various tests.

In addition…

He would face other issues later on. As the first candidate to be removed in the eyes of everyone, Garlan was extremely calm in the eyes of other teenagers who were secretly watching, gloating and mocking.

This was fine.

He thought so. But on the surface, he still had to pretend. Therefore, he showed a small obedient appearance, watching the attendant step forward and put away his black-stained parchment paper with a look that said he wanted to say something but didn’t dare.

Then, he showed a little timid expression again, looked at Ziemuer and spoke in a low voice.

“Can I leave now?”

The child looked at Ziemuer miserably and asked.

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Ziemuer glanced at him blankly.

“Sit down.”

After speaking, he turned and walked to the front. His lips were tightly pressed and he looked very unpleasant. Everyone thought he was unhappy because he was offended by the youth. Seeing that the low pressure radiated by the man was dominant, the people around him thought it was rare to see His Excellency Ziemuer so angry.

Everyone sighed.

Garlan, who was left behind by Ziemuer and as the culprit, lowered his head, and had a well-behaved appearance.

No one saw his lowered face, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and his little foot happily circled under the table.

Everyone thought that Ziemuer was so angry because he was insulted. Only Garlan knew that Ziemuer didn’t care about the offence a child like him made.

The real reason why Ziemuer radiated out the almost substantive low pressure was…

The priest was holding back the soiled clothes on his body with great perseverance.  

Yes, others didn’t know, but Garlan did.

This priest was not only obsessive-compulsive, but also had a strong habit of cleanliness.

He cleaned up twice every morning and night, and took a bath more frequently than Garlan. Although it was rare for him to show many expressions, Garlan, who was often with Ziemuer, had seen it more than once. As long as a little dust was accidentally stained on his robe, Ziemuer couldn’t help but frown. An unbearable look flashed across his eyes.

Later, Garlan was curious for a while and checked Ziemuer’s date of birth.

…Very good, he really was a Virgo.

Even if it was only stained with dust, Ziemuer couldn’t bear it, so now that he was splashed with black ink, and as the host of this exam, his sense of responsibility did not allow him to leave early.

Therefore, he could only hold back the filth on his body and continue to stand here.

Seeing Ziemuer’s frowning and gloomy expression at the moment, he should be very uncomfortable at the moment.

Very good.

Seeing Ziemuer was uncomfortable, Garlan was happy.

He didn’t plan to do anything in this life to be involved with the King’s Brother and be together with Ziemuer and Heimos. But before he left, he felt that as an ignorant bear kid, it was possible to take revenge on Ziemuer.

A little bit of revenge on his original mentor who had a disorder, Garlan was satisfied.

However, now he had to pretend to be good, so he could only sit down at the bluestone table that had been cleaned up and not do anything.

Garlan sat alone on the last table. Looking in front of him, he could see all the other candidates. He sat in a chair with his toes swaying, bored. He was really idle and had nothing to do, so he secretly looked at Heimos who was not far from him.

The black-haired boy was still writing quickly, and Garlan vaguely saw that the parchment paper was almost full of writing. It seemed that Heimos should have achieved good results in this academic test.

Well, yes, after all, he was one of the two King Brothers who were finally elected.

What was the use of him thinking so much?

Shaking his head, Garlan threw all the issues of the King’s Brother, Heimos, and Ziemuer out of his mind.

All of this had nothing to do with him anymore.

He’d leave this city tomorrow, and then he’d never set foot here again.

He’d completely forget these things and never think of them again.

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Looking away from the direction of the group of young candidates who were struggling to write, Garlan turned his head and looked in another direction. Through the spacious hall, through the standing columns, one could see the endless blue sky, and the faint outline of the blue sea.

He looked at the vast world and the white birds passing by in the sky.

He thought that was his brand new life.

This world, this land, had countless things that he didn’t know.

Perhaps, after his body grew up, it would be a good idea to travel around this land unfettered.

Just like this, dreaming about this future that belonged only to him, the future he could live on, the corner of the child’s mouth couldn’t help but show a little smile.


The hall was very quiet, only the rustle of writing was uninterrupted.

After the farce ended, all the candidates bowed their heads deeply, putting all their minds on the examination papers in front of them. Even the always stubborn little chubby boy was the same. Even though half of his parchment paper was blank.

The priest of Shamash stood in the middle, his face calm and motionless.

The light-colored robe was smeared with several ink marks from the chest to the soles of the feet. At first glance, it looked like a special black pattern had been deliberately embroidered on the robe.

The low pressure he emitted made others stand a little further away from him subconsciously, and then everyone’s eyes slowly swept across the young candidates. They evaluated and judged these candidates with their own eyes, and wanted to guess who the final winner would be.

No one cared about the blond child sitting in a daze at the last long stone table.

For everyone, that child was already a discarded child, and there was no need to waste their energy and time.

That boy was already useless.

In this silence, suddenly, there was a snap.

It was the low footsteps made by the soles of heavy boots stepping on the bluestone slab.

The hall, where there were some small conversations, was silent for a moment.

Someone came through the gate of the main hall.

The blazing sun illuminated the tall man, making the man seem as if he were coming from a flame of light.

At this moment, everyone stood in awe, even the teenagers who were answering the question, panicked and stood up.

At this moment, even a needle could be heard dropping quietly in the hall.

When the man strode over, everyone bowed their heads respectfully.

The man, who came from the blazing sun, seemed as if his side held a roaring wind, passing his short brown hair. The fiery red cloak that fell from one of his shoulders was high behind his broad shoulders and flew high, like an endless red flame burning behind him.

He was like a lion with a thick mane undulating in the wind, proudly stepping into his territory.

King Camos; King of Aaron Landis; A young and fearless king; An invincible hero on the battlefield.

His bravery and strength made everyone who saw him admire him.

His greatness allowed all his subjects to surrender willingly at his feet.

At this moment, everyone stood up, bowed their heads to the heroic King, and paid high respect to him. However, the child, who was seated at the last bluestone table, was looking outside at the sky and did not move.

King Camos looked at the child who hadn’t stood up to greet him. His golden brown eyes were like the pupils of a lion, as sharp as scorching coals.

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Ziemuer frowned. The others held their breaths, and no one dared to breathe.

To be disrespectful in front of the King and ignore him…

Even an uneducated child couldn’t be easily forgiven.


Looking at the bright sky outside the hall, Garlan, who was in a trance, suddenly heard footsteps.

The loud and steady footsteps seemed extremely abrupt in the silent hall, and he turned around subconsciously when he felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly a gust of wind whistled in front of him, and the flame-like cloak flew high and passed in front of him.

The golden eyes widened suddenly, and a familiar face was reflected in the child’s pupils.

What suddenly appeared in front of him at this moment was the brown-haired young man who appeared in front of him with the lion yesterday.

A pair of big hands stretched over, reached under his arms, and grabbed him.

He was lifted aloft by the tall, brown-haired young man in astonishment.

“From now on, you are my brother!”

The young and powerful King said loudly before everyone else. His words were finalized.

He lifted the little child high above his head.

He raised his head and looked at the child’s large, bright golden pupils. In the eyes of everyone nearby, King Camos gave Garlan a bright smile.

“I, Camos swear by the glory that the gods bestow on me, I will protect you like I protect my kingdom, Aaron Landis.”

The brown hair was flying in the air like a lion’s mane. Among the flying golden brown hair, the young King grinned at the child he raised.

His snow-white teeth were exposed in the sun, and his sturdy arms were on his sturdy arms, and his bronzed skin glowed darkly in the sun.

On his tough face, the bright smile was like the shining brilliance of the legendary sun god Shamash.

“I take my supreme throne, under the gaze of the gods, I swear here…”

This was the moment witnessed by the gods, and the strong and loud voice of the young king resounded across the sky.

“I will fight for you and Aaron Landis, and I will guard you until my life returns to the hands of the gods!”


The author has something to say:

King Camos: Kiss kiss hug hug and raise high high~~

Garlan: ???

Ziemuer:? …! ! ! !

Audience: All crash down.

The gods of Aaron Landis who were forced to witness: …(Although the trajectory of fate seems to be correct, there’s always a feeling that something is wrong.)


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