“That’s why……! Even if I lent you that money?”

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“Forget it. Give me what is already been packed. I will pay you right away.”

“You stupid…!”

“Oh, and now I’m going to make my own potions and use them, so give me a crafting tool.”


Okay, a natural act.

I opened my mouth as I saw the slave trader looking at me with a bewildered face.

“What are you doing? Give it to me. I have no money to buy, so I have to make my own.”

“Ha. No, don’t you think potion-making is a kid’s joke?”

The recipe for making potions is actually nothing special. But the talent to make it was different.

‘Whether I can handle the mana of the earth attribute, or I have been blessed by a different race, huh, I have known it all from before and better than you.’

Most of them belong to the former. Only those who embody the mana of the earth, even if weak, will become potion makers.

There’s no way I don’t know that because that’s the setting I suggested.

Besides those two, there is another one that’s only possible for mixed races. But this slave trader doesn’t know that.

“It’s none of your business. What are you doing? I’m going to buy that, too. You don’t have it?”

When I violently twisted my face as Evelyn usually did, the slave trader couldn’t continue to talk with a speechless face.

When I urged him with a naster look, he gave me the tool with a frustrated face.

“You will regret it.”



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Now that I can send him back without attached strings I will never have anything to do with this slave trader again. Probably because of the personality of this guy, he’s going to wait for Evelyn to fail to make potions and come crying to beg him.

‘Then at least, he won’t come back here until Raven goes back to the North manor.’

Of course, I have succeeded in producing it, so I won’t see him again.

‘It’s going to be a little difficult, but once I can make it, I won’t run out of money.’

With that in mind, I was about to send the slave trader back.

Subtle but clearly, something thumped inside the room, and a falling sound was heard.


Both I and the slave trader paused for a moment.


The slave rolled his murky eyes towards the room.


I asked first, pretending not to know.

I was worried because he wasn’t a kid who would stumble and fall down by mistake, but I managed to not show it.

“Obviously, there was a sound just now.”

“…Are you asking me without knowing that things might fall when the wind blows, or are you ignoring me because I don’t have money?”

When I frowned and shot at him with poisonous eyes, the slave trader looked at me with a look of absurdity.

“Tsk, sigh. You will really regret it. Here, everything has been packed.”

I quickly checked my purchases.

‘Seasoning, clothes, salt and soap…’

I also bought a bowl and a headband. After changing a few clothes to something more gender-neutral, I kicked the door open.

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“Now go. It’s annoying to see your face.”

I heard some bullshit whisper about a cheeky bitch, but I just wanted him to quickly go away, so I just glared at him.

“But I mean. Are you sure you don’t have any second thoughts? Potions aside, it must have been time for you to run out of money and there is no other way to make more.”

I was mad because of the slave trader who kept talking in a subtly tone, but I was firmly ignoring it until the end.

“Gee, you are really. No matter how cheap it is, why do you keep using it? It has almost no effect. You are even trying to make low-quality potions now.”

“Get out of here if you’re done.”

As I chewed him out again, the slave trader got angry and put the ingredients for the last potion I ordered in my hand.

When I glanced at it, the slave trader smiled and said what he was thinking.

“If you change your mind, just tell me. Even if this house is useless….I’ll still give you as much money as possible. Then, add your living expenses, and when you get sick, how much better is it to take good medicine? Right?”

“Get Out! Of! My! House!”


The slave trader, who had been flirting with a friendly tone, glanced up and down at me once and hurriedly went out. In that way, the slave trader turned around with a very regretful face as if he was anxious to sell Evelyn as a slave.

I stared at the spot where the trash-like man had disappeared and roughly slammed the door.

Without even organizing the things, I ran into the room.

What happened?

What made him make such a sound…I hope it wouldn’t be a big deal.



When I opened the door, what I saw was a blood-stained Raven.

* * *

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Swallowing the screams that almost popped out, Raven collapsed to the floor.

He was lying on the floor, his little body trembling.

It was because he had wounds on his back, stomach, and chest as if he had been hit by a large beast in a second.

The shape of the wound is, perhaps, the slave pattern of the Guild of Athos that he fled from.

Very occasionally, when a rare slave is caught, they stamped the pattern of the Guild in advance before the slave seal was stamped, and that pattern was also stamped on Raven. If this pattern is stamped, it will cause seizures if there is a merchant from the Guild of Athos nearby.

‘If my physical condition was normal, I would have been able to erase it with my magic.’

My body condition, which had been improving little by little, felt like it was getting worse again. 

As it stands, it would take another few weeks for the magic pattern to be erased.

‘I can’t believe a merchant of Athos would come here.’

The worst thing I had ever feared had happened.

‘Evelyn is ……’

My thoughts went on and on, while severe pain engulfed me.

Perhaps it was because he was still young and had not received all the necessary education to endure torture, Raven couldn’t remain calm.

He only barely suppressed himself from screaming.

‘I can’t get caught now.’

I still had to endure without getting caught.

Only then will the family be stabilized, his magical powers will be restored, and he will be able to reach the vassals.

‘…Let’s think about it.’

Confused, his mind was dizzy, as if he had returned to the first time he had met Evelyn.

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A proper reflection was impossible because of the dizziness and pain. 

If Evelyn finds out about his condition like this. Then he will be able to subdue the kid and run away?

Or he can use threats.

‘……He doesn’t have to kill her.’

But now, if he catches the merchant’s eyes.

‘It’s over.’

It was probably a merchant belonging to the upper branch of Athos, not far away from here. 

After he flowed into the slums around here, no matter what happened, Raven didn’t even get close to that area.

‘So finally, it has come.’

Raven clenched his teeth losing track of the time.

Click, and the door opened.


“Ray! Why are you like that!”

Raven closed his eyes tightly, feeling that the time had come.

‘Did the merchant go away?’

Raven was holding out so as not to lose his mind by assessing the situation, but he suddenly felt a trembling hand.

‘She’s checking the pattern.’

The pattern on the Athos Guild.

Since she lived in this town, it was less likely that she couldn’t recognize it.

And as expected.

The moment Evelyn saw the pattern made up of wounds on his body, the hand carefully lifting his blood-soaked clothes stopped.

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