“Brother, I want to be your bride when i grow up.”

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A little girl with two braids followed Chen Fann around the kitchen with a flushed face

” Don’t be gloomy brother, is it not just breaking up? Humph, breaking up with you is that woman’s loss.”

” Lingling, what nonsense are you spouting?” Chen Fann turned his head and rolled his eyes at the little girl behind him.

” Really big brother? You always treat me like a little kid.” Chen Lingling replied angrily, ” I’m not young anymore. I’m already twelve years old!”

“Twelve years old and just graduated from primary school, and you still claim you are not a child?” Chen Fann shook his head helplessly. Since he broke up with his girlfriend a week ago, this girl Lingling kept talking nonsense about how she would marry him when she grew up to comfort him.

” Go, go, go. Don’t get in my way here. The kitchen is uncomfortably narrow to start with, so it’s really inconvenient for me to stir-fry vegetables here.” Chen Fann who was wearing an apron, forcefully pushed his sister out.

” Anyway, I’m just telling the truth.” Lingling was persistent. ” Those laymen don’t know how powerful brother is, but i do!”

” Yes, yes, yes. Get out first and wait for me to finish cooking.” Chen Fann replied despairingly. He really was powerless over this girl.

Lingling wasn’t his biological sister but his adopted one.

Eight years ago, her parents who were mystics scholars picked her up from somewhere.

Not long after bringing Lingling back, her parents, who had gone to the hometown of Norse mythology to investigate and study, suddenly met with a shipwreck. Both of them died without leaving anything behind. Even now, not even their remains have been found.

Before he knew it, it had already been eight years. Chen Fann felt a little emotional.

Reminiscing the past, he carried the stir-fried, green peppered shredded meat and fried tomato eggs out of the kitchen.

” Alright, let’s eat. Don’t speak a word.” As soon as he arrived at the table, Chen Fann immediately said with a straight face when he saw that Lingling was about to say something inappropriate.

Although he didn’t take Lingling’s words to heart, it wasn’t befitting of a twelve-year old girl to say such things.

” Chen Fann, have you already left? Sorry, we arrived by car. We just remembered that you have not arrived yet.” Chen Fann who was about to start eating received a message from his friend, Zhang Mingyu.

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” It’s nothing, you guys have fun.”

After sending the message, Chen Fann put down his mobile phone and did not look at the message again.

After the breakup a week ago, Zhang Mingyu had planned to go out and have some fun this weekend in order to let Chen Fann out of the break-up shadow. But in the long run, Zhang Mingyu and the others actually forgot about him.

However, Chen Fann was already used to these kind of things.

Since his tender age, his sense of existence had grown so thin and easy to ignore, like he had been cursed.

He was blotted out when they planned on a vacation, left alone in an internet café when they went online, always forgotten when he was treated to a meal and furthermore, the teacher even never called him out.

Just last week, when his ex-girlfriend agreed to get a room, he was ghosted and abandoned for the whole night.

During this period, he had sent his ex-girlfriend a message, made a phone call but her phone had been switched off.

The next morning, he received a reply implying that she had been too  busy on her studies preparing for the level 6 English exam. And that her phone had not been charged so she fell asleep.

Who would believe that!

No matter how inexistent he was, he was unwilling to believe that his presence would be easily ignored.

Chen Fann didn’t get mad, nor did he argue with his ex-girlfriend. He just felt aloof in his heart and calmly chose to break up with her.

He didn’t put the blame on anyone, he only accused himself for being too naïve. He didn’t even hold her hand before taking a step on her stomach.

” Brother, what are you thinking about?”

” It’s nothing.” Chen Fann sprung back to his senses. ” Let’s eat. Let’s eat.”

He would never speak about such embarrassing things to his sister.

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“Brother, Lingling will show you something good.”

After dinner, Chen Fann was lying on the sofa playing on his phone when suddenly, Lingling stuck her head out then looked around. Her hands were clasped tightly behind her back as if she was hiding a rare treasure. She walked over with a face full of praise.

” What is it?” Chen Fann followed Lingling’s words and asked, not taking anything to heart at all. Because what good stuff could a twelve-year old girl take out?

“Dang, dang, dang!”

Lingling took out a magazine from behind like she was presenting a treasure.

“Lingling, where did you buy this book?”

Chen Fann immediately stood up from the sofa and gazed at the mature woman on the cover of the magazine. On the cover sides were words that made people’s face red and their hearts race.

“Second Aunt Ai wrote a 3 million IOU. The court sentence must be returned…”

“Love in hardship, your light and my vigor, blossom two branches…”

“The second type of loyalty: the marriage of a pair of lovers…”

It was the famous adult literal work, Awareness.

Chen Fann snatched the magazine from Lingling’s hands.

This was incredible,  it was really hard to discipline a teenage girl. How could she read such a nonsensical book?

“Hehe… Brother, did you also notice how amazing this book is?”

Lingling thought that her brother had taken a liking to the magazine and so she excitedly snatched it over. It was the same exact reaction she had when she saw this book at the newspaper stand. It was as if she had found a rare treasure.

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“Yeah, it’s really amazing. I never thought that you would read such a book!” Chen Fann said. “Who taught you this? I don’t believe that you would read the book on your own initiative.”

“Brother, I bought this book on my own accord. How can I withstand letting others read this kind of treasure book by themselves? Only Big Brother would take the initiative to take it out. ” Lingling said complacently.

This was still a treasure book?

And it was bought on her own accord?

This won’t do. Looks like I really have to discipline this girl properly today. Otherwise, I’ll be a bad role model to her in the future.

“This’ Old Sun’s Gospel ‘is really too inconceivable. When Lingling first saw this book, she was instantly attracted.”

Just as Chen Fann was about to open his mouth to scold her, Lingling said with an intoxicated expression.

“The creature on the cover is mysterious, ancient, and horrifying. Words alone can’t describe it.”

“And the guide on the cover.”

“Redemption of sin and evil. Judgement may be late, but it will never be absent…”

“The bloody massacre, the dusk of the gods, the dusty past…”

“The memories of the betrayers, the betrayers will eventually be destroyed…”

“When I saw these guides, I felt that my soul was trembling. It was as if something in my body had awakened.”

“Huh?” Chen Fann was surprised

Before Chen Fann could break out of his shock, a distant voice suddenly sounded in the void.

“A magic civilization sleeping, a giant frozen in the land of ice, a dragon sleeping in the far east, a wizard sealed within the deep sea…”

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“Gods that have disappeared in the long river of history, waking up from the deep abyss, the era of the gods is about to begin…”

“In order to let modern humans live, we will now begin the global human cultivation in Another World.”


Everything happened too fast and abruptly. Before Chen Fann could react, Lingling had disappeared in front of him before saying another word.


Chen Fann roared.

The sudden change caught Chen Fann by surprise.

Hey, this is a dream. It must be a dream, right?

Chen Fann could not believe it. He took out his phone and dialed Zhang Mingyu’s number, but no one answered.

The bad feeling in his heart grew stronger and stronger, and consequentially, he instantly rushed out of the room.

The originally bustling market was now empty. Not even a single person was to be seen. It was so silent that the sound of a dropped needle could be heard.

He fiercely pinched his thigh. Yes, it hurt.

‘This is not a dream.’

The words spoken by the voice in the void just now were all true.


“Hey, there’s still me!”

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