Chapter 188 - Searching

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“In exchange, this dome can’t move. You must stay inside it. Alright?”

“Okay!” Cecile answered energetically.

Even after hearing her confirmation, Estian hesitated for a moment, before he started to move. Cecile took a seat on the ground, as she watched Estian head off into the distance. The grass was slightly damp from the chilly night air, but it was better than standing.

“So, those are all apple trees…” Cecile gazed warmly at the apple trees visible below. As long as Estian exterminated the phantom beasts, then these trees would once more bear fruit—apples of unparalleled sweetness and tartness, which were highly lauded by the people. ‘They must be delicious.’ She sucked back the drool pooling in her mouth as she thought about the apples that would soon be in her grasp.

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Apples—king of fruits. They were delicious eaten as is or when baked too. They could be stored for a long time, smelled heavenly, and even had a wonderous texture. Her thoughts turned to the lecture Maggie had drilled into her earlier.

“You think we use ordinary apples? The apples you normally eat have a strong sweetness, but the ones that go into our pies need to be tart too! The apples from that farm are the fruit of our research, and are exclusively used by our brand! They’re the perfect blend of sweet and tart with a crisp crunch when eaten raw. That texture still remains even after being baked into a pie!”

Cecile had initially wondered what possible excuse Maggie had for being unable to make pies for a lack of apples, but it turned out it was due to the stubbornness of a master pie maker being unwilling to compromise on the ingredients needed to make the best pies. She swallowed at the thought of the apples that she would soon be eating, when…

“Huh? N-no! Why is this here now!”

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The color in Cecile’s face instantly drained when she discovered her fingertips had bumped against a familiar object—an untitled book.

* * *

Bang! Irene frowned at the sound of the desk being slammed, but Kane paid no regard as he demanded, “Where did you hide her?”


“Don’t pretend you don’t know that I’m referring to that maid.”

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“Whoever is this ‘maid’ that you speak of?”

“Lady Irene, if this is how you’re going to be…” Kane’s expression turned harsher than she’d ever seen, before he continued, “I will write a letter to your father. I will have him quickly come and fetch his daughter, and I will have you charged for harboring a witness to a criminal case. Surely, the professor… or should I say, the earl, is unaware that you are currently in the imperial palace, serving as the chief handmaiden of the empress, no less.”

Irene paled at the mention of the only person she feared. If her father knew of her activities, he would’ve immediately come to drag her home, while exclaiming, “Oh, our daughter’s done it again!” However, she was unwilling to give Kane the pleasure of knowing she was shaken by his threat.

“I’m seeing you in a new light, Sir Kane. To make such a petty threat…” Irene said in a resolute voice. “Do you not feel shame as a knight? And do you think such a threat would shake me even a little?”

“You’re holding that paper upside down, Lady Irene.”

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“Oops.” She swiftly turned the document in her hand the right way up and cleared her voice before continuing. “Fine, I hid her. I couldn’t bear to see a foolish and poor maid suffer while she got swept up in the affairs of the imperial palace. Am I not even allowed to show that much generosity as her master?”

Pausing, she cast a look full of suspicion at Kane, before adding, “Besides, I haven’t a clue why, sir knight, you care so much about my maid. I shall only reveal her whereabouts once you give me a clear reason.”

“It was taken from me,” Kane replied without hesitation.


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