A Villainess Needs to Have the Ability of a Villainess Chapter 205

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Close Your Eyes (2)

On the other end of the phone, Liu Zhengming comforted Wen Yi'an, "Yuhe has promised to take care of Yuyu. Don't worry, since he has opened this mouth, he will definitely help."

Wen Yi'an nodded, but after thinking about it for a while, he was still worried. He took his mobile phone and started booking tickets, "I'd better go there as soon as possible. My daughter always reports good news but not bad news."

In the room, Wen Yu, who succeeded, asked Jiang Yuhe with a smile, "Who was on the phone? Who do you want to take care of? Ah—"

Before she could finish speaking, Jiang Yuhe grabbed her ankle and pulled her closer—

"You like to provoke me, don't you?"

Wen Yu blinked and asked vaguely, "Then have you been provoked by me?"

After staring at each other for a moment, Jiang Yuhe began to unfasten his watch strap, and said aggressively, "I'll tell you the answer now."


Knowing that the answer would not be easy, Wen Yu did not expect it to be so heavy.

At first, she smiled and hid, but then she couldn't laugh anymore, and honestly paid the price for her provocation.

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She didn't know how long it took. The coolness slowly hit, like the rain outside falling into the room, and the indoor temperature dropped a little bit.

Fortunately, the wine was strong, and the roses were carefully watered, warm and hot.

When the raindrops fell, every petal was embellished with the most fascinating colors.

The dark black facade mirror the starry sky top ceiling was also like the recorder of a story at this moment, silent but flowing.

The gloomy night was soon dyed with color.

Roses were plucked of thorns, and the layers of petals were wrapped in nectar and bloom.

Raindrops flowed down the glass, gradually forming a line, connecting into a whole bead curtain, blurring the picture.

Wen Yu took several deep breaths, but still couldn't adapt and covered her face with her hands.

Jiang Yuhe stopped and looked at her from her point of view, as if he understood something.

But he still had no plans to turn off the lights.

Gently soothing Wen Yu's emotions and wiping the thin sweat from her forehead, the man casually tore off the black stockings she hung at the head of the bed, circled them lightly, and covered her eyes.

Underneath the transparent black was the slightly reddish lips that had been invaded.

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It was a bone-deep visual impact.

Jiang Yuhe clasped Wen Yu's hand, as if announcing the start of the game, and whispered in her ear, "Close your eyes."


She didn't know if it was because the rain was too loud or the heat in the room was too thick, and the glass windows were gradually dyed with a hazy fog color.

Wen Yu's vision was completely obscured, and she seemed to have sunk into the deep sea. She couldn't see anything in front of her, except for the soft yellow light in the bedroom, which gradually became blurred under the penetration of black gauze.

The sound of the rain outside was like a musical note, and the raindrops were eagerly and fiercely beating on the transparent glass. She didn’t know how long had passed, but this sound was slow, empty, and distantly echoing, completely drowned in the hustle and bustle of the night and disappeared.

Wen Yu felt as if she was dreaming. The images of her acquaintance with Jiang Yuhe for more than half a year kept flashing in her mind, and it was played like a movie. She grasped him tightly, trying to make herself see his face clearly.

"...Do you remember... the first time we... met?"

The dazzling flash of light that night seemed to be constantly floating in front of her eyes now.

"...Do you remember… someone gave you—"

Jiang Yuhe covered her lips in dissatisfaction. "Don't talk."

Confused, hazy, humble, and endless…

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At dawn, the bright and noisy world finally burned to ashes, returning to silence in a tumult.

It's almost dawn, the rain was still falling, the quiet indoor charm had not retreated, and the love was still warm.

Wen Yu leaned on Jiang Yuhe's arms tiredly. Her eyes were too sleepy to open. She only felt that after her body was gently lowered and covered with the quilt, a deep voice whispered in her ear. "Go to sleep."

Wen Yu didn't respond at all.

She was so tired that it seemed like she had run a long marathon, and she fell asleep in a daze almost as soon as she closed her eyes.

After only a few hours of sleep, her habitual biological clock woke her up.

Slowly opening his eyes, she saw the man's chest in front of her face.

A posture that completely protected her in his arms.

This never-before-seen sense of security made Wen Yu, who had just opened her eyes, unconsciously smile from the corners of her mouth.

She wanted to turn over, but her body was so tired that it seemed to fall apart. When she accidentally touched her calf, there was a burst of pain.

She hissed and took a breath of cold air, raised her body to look, and then froze there.

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Scattered evidence.

It's all evidence that Jiang Yuhe was not a human being.

Wen Yu was stunned. Her thoughts were chaotic, and she vaguely remembered the conflicting feeling of love and pain mixed last night—

This man's legs were really strong.

Consciousness gradually returned, and more pictures appeared in Wen Yu's mind.

He forced her to call him, but not by name.

Indulging in the word ‘Brother’ again and again, he seemed to have an obsession that was about to get out of control.

It seemed that the longer this "humiliation and bearing the burden" drama happened, the stronger it will be, and the more explosive it will be.

Wen Yu closed her eyes, suppressing the tumultuous feelings that surged up again.

When the memory of the scene hit, she realized that what turned out to be more irresistible to her than the night was Jiang Yuhe's voice.

It was the first time she heard such a voice from him. It was full of hormonal tension, and the sexiness was extreme.

It also finally let Wen Yu know that Jiang Yuhe would also be irrational and out of control.

Under the thin comforter, she gently went to find the man's waist, hugged it, and crawled into his arms, wanting to relive the hug last night.

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