Conquer (3)

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A few seconds later, Jiang Yuhe chuckled and looked at Wen Yu. “Well, President Wen is right.”

The way the Boss and the Lady Boss discussed business matters was too good that it was excessive, right?

Secretary Ning smiled with relief, “Then I won’t disturb the two of you. I’ll take my leave.”

“Okay, bye.”

When the door was closed, Wen Yu was still carefully reading the documents in her hand.

“Still acting?”

Wen Yu raised her head. “When did I act?”

After a pause, she added, “My President Wen persona can’t collapse.”

“Is that so?” Jiang Yuhe leaned back slightly and leaned on the seat to look at her. “Then what is your persona with me?”

Wen Yu subconsciously looked back outside to make sure the door was closed before she walked back to Jiang Yuhe. She untied her scrunchie, and her long hair fell out smoothly.

She gracefully fell into Jiang Yuhe’s arms, and in a blink, her fingertips tugged at his chin. She lovingly teased, “The persona that makes you lustful- ah.”

Their eyes were closely locked, and the atmosphere subtly went quiet for a few seconds. Jiang Yuhe suddenly released his hold and pushed Wen Yu away.

“Go over there and wait for me.”

Wen Yu couldn’t help pursing her lips. “What am I waiting for?”

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Jiang Yuhe looked down at the document without batting an eyelid. “What do you think?”

Wen Yu asked knowingly, “How do I know? I’m very simple and decent.”

Jiang Yuhe’s pen paused. He restrained himself and restrained himself yet again.

He was not so impatient to do that kind of thing in his own office.

It just so happened that the phone rang at this time, distracting Jiang Yuhe a bit.

It was Qi Xu calling, asking if he was free to go to the archery hall tonight.

“I’m not available,” Jiang Yuhe replied while looking at Wen Yu. He just wanted to go home after work and ask this woman how she was going to make him want to stop.

On the other end of the phone, Qi Xu said, “Be human, will you? I haven’t seen you out to play since you got married.”


“Am I not human if I don’t come out to play?”

“If you don’t come out tonight, you’re not a human being.”

After releasing a light sigh, the tone suddenly changed, “My wife is out shooting.”

‘Oh, I see.’

The lonely man who had no one to accompany him wanted him to go and keep him company.

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Jiang Yuhe flipped the pen in his hand. “But my wife is at home.”

After a pause, he added with an inexplicable sense of superiority, “She’s next to me now.”

“…” Get lost.

Three seconds later, a busy tone came from the phone.

Wen Yu asked curiously, “Is it President Qi?”

Jiang Yuhe hummed.

“He’s asking you out for fun?”

“Ming Qiao is out of town shooting a movie, so he asked me to go to the archery hall.”

Wen Yu’s interest was instantly roused. “Then why don’t you go?”

Jiang Yuhe gave her a glance and replied with a meaningful undertone, “Don’t I have some things to do in the evening?”

Of course, Wen Yu knew that she had just provoked him blatantly. Jiang Yuhe could not possibly let her go.

After calming down, she coughed and ruffled her hair again. “It’s okay for that thing to be a little late.”

Jiang Yuhe looked at her up and down.

Wen Yu maintained her calmness. “I want to go to the archery hall for fun.”

Jiang Yuhe, however, understood it in some other ways. “Do you want to see Qi Xu?”

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Wen Yu knew that this man had a lingering jealousy in his heart. After so many years, he still held a grudge about the fact that she chose Qi Xu the first time when he asked her who was more attractive between him and Qi Xu.

So Wen Yu blinked her eyes and asked sincerely, “Who is Qi Xu? I don’t know him.”

“I just want to relive my Brother’s archery style.”

“I’m Brother’s little fan girl.”

“Brother, I beg you to give me this opportunity.”

Silence reigned for several seconds.

Jiang Yuhe redialed Qi Xu’s number. “What time?”

Qi Xu originally thought that Jiang Yuhe would come alone, but to his surprise, this man blatantly brought his wife with him when he knew that his wife was out of town filming.

“Hello, President Qi. Long time no see,” Wen Yu greeted him with a smile.

Qi Xu glanced at the two who were holding hands and smiled slightly. “Hello, Xiao Yu.”

Jiang Yuhe suddenly inserted, “Yuyu gets off work with me every day, so I brought her here. Is it okay with you?”


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If Wen Yu was not there, Qi Xu was bound to have already retorted with a dirty word.

The two men separately collected their bow and arrow equipment stored at the archery hall and returned to the hall. Wen Yu was already there sitting in her seat, seriously ready to watch.

Jiang Yuhe took off his coat and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.

Qi Xu also took off his watch and was completely prepared to compete in a game.

“Your wife is here. Don’t lose to me.”

Jiang Yuhe scoffed, “As if you know you will win.”

The two men looked at each other and then picked up their bows and arrows.

Stand still, ready the bow, and draw the string.

Wen Yu had to say, these two men standing here were not inferior to those male stars in the entertainment industry.

Not only did they have the face and body, but also were adept at learning, and had the brains.

Especially her husband.

It was probably because beauty was in the eye of the beholder. At this moment, Jiang Yuhe, who was drawing the string of the bow, had indifference in his eyes, but he was so handsome that he could have incurred both man and God’s jealousy.

Wen Yu still remembered the first time she sat here and watched him shoot arrows, when she was still a third-class citizen and pretended to compare her heart to his in order to please him.

But it was different now.

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