Indulgence (3)

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Jiang Yuhe really couldn’t understand how it was romantic for two decently dressed people to get off the car instead of sitting inside just for a couple of steps under the pouring rain.

Where was the romance in that?

From an intellectual point of view, it was childish; and from an interest point of view, it was not rewarding at all. On the contrary, it was counterproductive if you were to catch a cold.

But Wen Yu obviously thought the opposite.

And one sentence directly sniped all of Jiang Yuhe’s theories.

“If you love me, get out of the car. If you don’t, just sit here.”


In the end, under Wen Yu’s coercion and lure, Jiang Yuhe, a man who would likely never let the soles of his shoes on the rainy ground, got out of the car for the first time in his life.

He held an umbrella, while Wen Yu snuggled into his arms contentedly. Afterward, the two slowly walked a few meters along the sidewalk.

“Brother, I think it’s so romantic,” Wen Yu said contentedly.


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Jiang Yuhe didn’t speak.

Rain splashed all over the place, and he was trying his best to embrace the ‘romance.’

He thought this aimless walk in the rain was the limit of Wen Yu’s hypocrisy, but against all expectations, after walking a distance, she made an even more bizarre request.

“Take off your suit and put it on our heads. How about we run in the rain?”


Jiang Yuhe frowned, he wanted to say something, but balked at it.

He exhaled and tried to calm himself before asking, “Why do we need to run in the rain?”

Was there something wrong with them?

However, Wen Yu tugged at the corner of his clothes and lowered her eyes in embarrassment. “I want to make up for my regrets.”


“Yeah, didn’t we fall out that day on Valentine’s Day? It was raining cats and dogs that day. On the way back, I saw couples hiding from the rain on the street. I was so envious of them at the time. I felt, oh, if my boyfriend could accompany me on a rainy day, running in the rain like them would be so fun and exciting.”

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Silence lasted for a long time.

Only then did Jiang Yuhe say, “So you also want fun and excitement?”

Wen Yu nodded. “You should be vigorous when you are young, because you can’t run when you’re old, even if you want to.”

Hearing no response from Jiang Yuhe, she issued a few more coquettish prompting, “Please?”

… A new trick could be made every day.

The sound of rain tickled in Jiang Yuhe’s ears. He looked at her for a while and acquiesced, “Okay.”

After he finished speaking, he clasped Wen Yu’s hand. “Let’s change the place, there are many people here.”

Wen Yu looked around, but it was true.

Although the place was not a downtown area, it was still in the center of town, and there were many pedestrians coming and going. If people recognized them, tomorrow’s headline might be ‘The Jiang couple lost their minds and ran on the road’.

Wen Yu blinked. “Where are we going to run then?”

Jiang Yuhe didn’t answer. He just took her back into the car, started it, and drove out.

Wen Yu didn’t know where he was going to take her, but she was still looking forward to it, imagining in her mind that she would hide under Jiang Yuhe’s suit jacket and run enthusiastically in the rain with him.

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‘It’s so romantic. I’ll make sure to take a picture of it later, so I can keep it as a souvenir.’

The mere thought of it made the corners of Wen Yu’s mouth unconsciously curl up to the sky.

With such a fantasy, the car finally stopped twenty minutes later.

Wen Yu looked up and glanced out of the window.

It was dark and empty, looking entirely desolate.

There were no tall buildings, no passersby, only the impermeable sound of rain pouring into her ears.

It was indeed a place where one could run with abandon.

Wen Yu was very happy and was about to get out of the car by unbuckling her seat belt, but she heard the sudden sound of the car door being locked.

In the next second, the panoramic sunroof shade overhead was also slowly opened.

The sound of rain fell down more clearly, as if it was falling right in front of her eyes with the sky as the canopy and the earth as the mattress.

The glass turned foggy and was quickly dyed with hazy water vapor.

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Wen Yu was stunned. She looked at Jiang Yuhe, and before she could speak, the seat under her was flattened.

She lay down without warning.


‘You said we were going to run in the rain. What are you doing?!’

Wen Yu was caught off guard. She suddenly heard a familiar sound of a metal buckle opening, but just as she lifted herself to take a look, Jiang Yuhe held her down with one hand.

Immediately afterwards, her two hands were also yanked by him, and the warm touch quickly spread to her wrists.

Wen Yu registered something and subconsciously tried to struggle, but she found it was too late.

Jiang Yuhe bundled her hands with the belt that carried her body heat and pushed them forcefully above.

And only then did he languidly moved closer towards her, telling her under the sound of the roaring rain.

“You want stimulation, do you?”


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