Jealous (2)

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While chatting, You Xin’s all arrived. She was very popular now, and there were no more actor friends in her circle than in the past.

Everyone noticed that Wen Yu was also there, so they took the initiative to show their goodwill. Sister Yu at the start and Sister Yu after, they fawned over her to the extreme.

Not to mention Wen Yu’s own abilities and achievements, anyone in this circle who saw her must be polite just because she has Jiang Yuhe behind her.

You Xin invited many friends in the circle, both male and female, most of whom were familiar faces to Wen Yu. She was very stable in front of outsiders, and her persona as ‘President Wen’ never fell. Thus, when everyone was singing happily, she sat and watched very coldly.

After watching this, she got a bit bored.

She sent a message to Jiang Yuhe: [I miss you.]

Jiang Yuhe knew she was with You Xin tonight, so he left work alone first. However, now when he saw such a message from his wife, he immediately replied: [Not fun?]

Wen Yu: [Can it be fun? I am President Wen.]


Jiang Yuhe could almost visualize Wen Yu’s aloof appearance in front of others.

He smiled helplessly, turned off the computer in front of him, picked up the car keys, and told her: [I’ll come pick you up.]

Wen Yu needed only to say a word, and Jiang Yuhe could quickly make the response she wanted at any time.

She pursed her lips contentedly, waited for more than ten minutes, and after receiving the message that Jiang Yuhe was already downstairs, she immediately bade You Xin goodbye and set up an appointment with her to hang out alone next time.

“My husband has come to pick me up. I’m leaving first.”

You Xin winked at her. “Don’t. I still have several model friends who haven’t arrived. There are handsome guys.”

Handsome or not, it was none of Wen Yu’s business.

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“So what?” She said, “The most handsome one is at my house anyway.”


‘You’re terrific, you know?’

You Xin, who received someone’s bragging, disgustedly picked up Wen Yu’s bag and jokingly nudged her. “Take my jealousy and leave.”

Wen Yu also stood up with a smile, but the moment she got up, something seemingly whirled right before her eyes. She felt a little dizzy and wobbled.

You Xin thought she had pushed her too hard, so she held her up. “What’s wrong? I didn’t push too hard.”

“I’m fine.” Wen Yu shook her head and took a few seconds to compose herself. “Maybe it’s too stuffy in the room.”

There were many people in the room, so it was indeed a bit stuffy.

You Xin quickly assisted her to the door. “Are you feeling better?”

When Wen Yu came out of the confined space, she did feel that she could breathe much better, so she asked You Xin to go back, “Go and entertain your friends. I can go down by myself. He is waiting for me downstairs.”

Wen Yu pushed You Xin back to the room and went downstairs alone.

After getting out of the elevator, Wen Yu spotted Jiang Yuhe’s car parked on the side of the road as soon as she walked out of the KTV entrance.

The window was halfway down, and the man’s arm was propped up on the edge of the window, also looking in her direction.

They clapped eyes from afar, and Wen Yu couldn’t help but curl her lips.

Although the two were together every day and could see each other, every time they encountered such a moment, she still felt a sweet stirrings of love.

She couldn’t wait to reach down the steps and wished she could fly to her lover’s side immediately. However, she didn’t know if she was too eager, but when she landed down to the third step, the dizziness that struck her upstairs just now recurred.

Although it was only for a brief second or two.

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Wen Yu was wearing five to six centimeter high heels, and she was on the stairs, so this second was enough for her to plunge into the air.

In a split second, a hand suddenly reached out to hold her.

The next moment, a low and magnetic voice sounded, “Are you okay?”

Fortunately, he had the strength to support her. Otherwise, her fall wouldn’t have been light.

Not far away, Jiang Yuhe also witnessed this scene. He opened the door almost instantly and strode towards Wen Yu.

But the traffic flowed to and fro, and the light was green, so he couldn’t cross the road. Hence, he could only wait patiently at the red light on the sidewalk.

Meanwhile, Wen Yu stood still and breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m fine.”

She looked up and was about to thank the person who held her, but the moment her eyes touched his face, she was stunned.

He was such an attractive man.

He was above 188 cm in height, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, with a high nose and handsome features.

But what attracted Wen Yu at first sight was the indifferent temperature in his eyes.

Even though he was caring for someone else at the moment, he still gave people the feeling that he was detached, very cold.

Very ruthless.

Maybe to summarize a little more directly…

Very Jiang Yuhe-like.

Wen Yu had seen countless handsome male newcomers in major colleges and universities. There were too many handsome guys with good looks, the warm type, the sunny type, the ruffian type, the mixed-blood type, and so on.

But none resembled Jiang Yuhe’s aura at all, handsome but radiating a ruthless air.

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But the man in front of her had a resemblance, although not enough to emulate him.

In a trance, Wen Yu suddenly felt that she had found the ideal Jiang Xun actor.

When the man saw her stand still, he didn’t say anything more, but put his hands in his pockets and continued to catch up with his friend in front of him.

Wen Yu froze, turned around, and just as she wanted to call out to him, he heard the group of people say.

“What’s Xinxin’s private room number?”

“308, didn’t I send it to you on WeChat?”

“How the f*ck did you come empty-handed and not prepare a gift for someone?”

“I sent her a red envelope by WeChat.”

The bunch went inside in a frenzy, except for the man who did not say a word and followed them on the side.

…It turned out that they were the model friends,who, according to You Xin, had not arrived yet.

But Wen Yu had no impression of this man; even in the modeling circle, she had never seen this face.

He should be a newcomer.

Jiang Yuhe finally arrived from the other side of the road at this time and looked up and down to check her. “Did you sprain your foot?”

Wen Yu just stared at the departing figures, and said slowly only after a long time, “Did you see that man?”

Jiang Yuhe paused. “Which man?”

“The one who helped me just now.

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Jiang Yuhe saw someone help Wen Yu, but at that time, his eyes were all on her, and he didn’t pay attention to whether the person was a man or a woman.

“No.” He raised his eyes and saw that Wen Yu’s eyes were still stuck in the direction of the KTV lobby. “What’s wrong with that man?”

“He’s so handsome, so charming.”


Wen Yuhe said to Jiang Yuhe again at this time, “Why don’t you go back first?”

Jiang Yuhe frowned: “Are you not going?”

Wen Yu pointed to the direction where the man had just left and blinked. “After seeing that handsome man, I suddenly feel alive again.”

Jiang Yuhe’s eyes sank imperceptibly. He stared at her for a long time, and said in a voice that cooled down, “Wen Yu.”

‘Here it comes, it’s exactly this ruthless aura!’

Wen Yu knew very well what it meant when Jiang Yuhe started calling her by her full name.

But Wen Yu was very fond of seeing him like this, so she always teased him on purpose. She would jump across the edge of his bottom line repeatedly, watching him get jealous and watching him burn for her.

Now that she got her way again, Wen Yu couldn’t stop laughing and wrapped her arms around him. She repeated what she said to You Xin in the room, “But the most handsome and sensible person in the world is already in my house.”

Facing the wind, Wen Yu just finished this sentence when a feeling of nausea inexplicably rose to her chest. It was followed by a vomit that she could not contain.



Feeling insulted, he calmed down for a few seconds before he said, “Throwing up on me, huh?”


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