Welcome (3)

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In this way, at nine months of pregnancy and under Wen Yu’s personal guidance, the movie finally finished filming. It was scheduled to be released on the first day of the New Year in the coming year.

The main characters of the movie were all unknown newcomers, while the supporting cast included popular stars like You Xin. This attracted the attention of the audience.

What kind of movie was it, and how good was the depth of the movie that two completely nameless newcomers were confidently and boldly employed?

As the due date approached, Wen Yu also put down her work and stayed in the obstetrics department of a private hospital, waiting for the delivery with peace of mind.

But for some unknown reason, Xiao Shi was slow in coming out. He stayed in Wen Yu’s belly, with no intention of coming out.

On the day of her delivery date, there was no response.

On the second day, he still made no reaction.

On the third day, a friend suggested Wen Yu to eat something heavy, such as hot pot, burger, cola, etc., to see if it could urge the baby out.

Wen Yu followed all of them, but her belly still didn’t move at all.

Seeing that she was several days beyond her due date, the doctor solemnly told her to take oxytocin for a few days. If there was still no reaction, she might have a direct cesarean section.

Wen Yu has always firmly held the belief in natural delivery. She loved beauty and didn’t want to leave a scar on her stomach. She was only amenable to a cesarean section when natural delivery was out of the question.

But now she was not given the opportunity to perform. She had to go under the knife just because the little brat was late in coming. That was also too unfair.

It was just that Xiao Shi’s daily data monitoring was normal, but he was lazy and refused to come out.

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In desperation, the doctor intervened manually and gave Wen Yu an oxytocin injection, thinking that she would be able to enter labor quickly afterwards. Unexpectedly, Wen Yu only had a slight swelling in her lower abdomen.

That was all.

The little one wasn’t pushed to come out at all. What was more, under the ultrasound monitoring, the kid was even playing happily with his umbilical cord.

After 41 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor gave an ultimatum and was ready to perform a C-section on Wen Yu.

After all, this was the treasure that the entire Jiang family had entrusted them to take care of. The entire team of experts carefully evaluated it, not daring to make any mistakes.

The night before the C-section was decided, Jiang Yuhe accompanied Wen Yu in the hospital ward.

“Why do you think Xiao Shi refuses to come out?” Wen Yu was still a little uneasy about having to take the initiative to take the child out, and even felt a little frustrated.

Other people’s babies would come out when it was time, and some even gave birth early before the due date. So, how come her baby was so different?

He really inherited Jiang Yuhe’s character. He was too calm…

Jiang Yuhe was lying on Wen Yu’s side, habitually hugging her with one hand and holding his mobile phone in the other, looking at the precautions after a cesarean section.

He lightly replied to Wen Yu. “I’m not him. How would I know?”

Wen Yu raised her head, looked at the man beside her, and suddenly said, “Then go and see what’s going on with him?”


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Jiang Yuhe put down his phone and lowered his eyes to meet Wen Yu’s gaze. “How can I see it?”

Wen Yu neither blushed, nor her heart raced. “Go in and have a look.”


Throughout her pregnancy, Jiang Yuhe restrained himself and never touched her. Because he knew very well that in that matter, there was never anything to quench his thirst.

Once he started, there was no end.

Therefore, not to mention touching her, he seldom even kissed her. Several times, Wen Yu asked for a kiss on her own initiative before he gave her a token, a quick kiss.

Never deep.

But now…

After Wen Yu said that, her body softly pressed closer to him. She grabbed his hand with one hand, and blew against his neck.

Hot and provocative.

“Go in and have a look. Tell him to come out now or Daddy will be angry. Daddy’s anger has serious consequences. Even his parents’ might get involved in a scandal.”


There were too many scenes in these ten months where Wen Yu made Jiang Yuhe’s head buzz. Unexpectedly, she could still render him speechless once again even though she was on the verge of giving birth.

Her few flat and unremarkable words made his blood boil at lightning speed.

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He put his phone down and calmly regarded Wen Yu. “You’re telling me this in front of the child. Do you really think I wouldn’t dare?”

Wen Yu was deliberately teasing Jiang Yuhe. She has to go to the operating table tomorrow and was anxiously waiting for dawn, so she found fun in teasing her husband.

She blinked. “Come on, then. Come on. Let’s show Xiao Shi his Daddy’s power and majesty.”

After saying that, she took the initiative to sit up and kiss Jiang Yuhe while holding her belly.

The second she touched Jiang Yuhe’s lips, she distinctly felt the man shrink back, but she was prepared for it. She held his neck and pressed him towards her, then her tongue gently pried his teeth.

Of course Jiang Yuhe knew about her deliberately provoking him.

After just enduring it for ten months, some emotions really couldn’t stand the test, but more than that, Jiang Yuhe wanted to cure Wen Yu from recklessly provoking him.

So the moment when Wen Yu was about to pry his teeth open, he accepted her and quickly took control.

Wen Yu was caught off guard and whimpered twice. Her laughter of success also spilled through her throat, gradually turning into a soft gasp.

She was going to the operating table tomorrow, but tonight, she received a hot kiss. Wen Yu was satisfied.

But Jiang Yu He didn’t intend to let her go just like that. He deliberately lifted her nightgown, and his hand also explored deeper.

Wen Yu, who was immersed in the kiss, suddenly sobered up. She opened her eyes and pushed his hand away. “What are you doing?”

“Going in and having a look.”

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“Are you serious? I was joking.”

Jiang Yuhe opened her legs. “Do I look like someone who likes to joke around?”


Wen Yu was startled and was about to speak when a cramp suddenly seized her lower abdomen. She frowned and covered it subconsciously.

“Wait, my belly hurts a bit.”

Jiang Yuhe looked at her without batting an eyelid. His gaze was telling her, ‘Nice try.’

As if a force fell from the center of Wen Yu’s lower abdomen, she noticed something was wrong and said, “I’m not joking. It’s true.”

She tried to sit up, and just as she straightened up, she suddenly felt something warm flowing between her legs.

Wen Yu was stunned and looked down.

The sheets were already wet.

She slowly remembered what the doctor had said about water breaking being a sign that the baby was coming out. She immediately came back to her senses and danced around excitedly, saying:

“He’s here! He’s here! Xiao Shi is coming out!”

After exclaiming, she didn’t forget to pat Jiang Yuhe’s shoulder with relief. “You don’t need to go in. He’s coming out!”

The birth catalyst tool man, Jiang Yuhe merely just said, “…”

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