A Villainess Needs to Have the Ability of a Villainess Chapter 264

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After a few seconds of silence, this was the conversation between the two men.

"I told you it's no good for your son to take after you."


"This isn't something a yuan can fix anymore."

"How about we talk about the bride price?"

What bride price was he talking about? Who knew what other flirty moves Qi Xu and Mingyao had taught their son at home?

To ensure the safety of his daughter, Jiang Yuhe quickly took Xiao Shi away without leaving her half a step away from his sight.

In the evening, after the two families finished their dinner, Jiang Yuhe and Wen Yu took Xiao Shi back to the villa they had bought.

The distance from Qi Xu's villa was five or six hundred meters, so the two of them strolled slowly as an after-dinner walk.

Maybe because Xiao Shi was too tired from playing today, so she was already sleeping on Jiang Yuhe's shoulder, while Jiang Yuhe held Wen Yu's hand and strolled through the mountains. There was a cool breeze, while frogs were croaking with the sound of a waterfall. It was cozy and warm.

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"It's nice to have childhood friends." Wen Yu still smiled when she remembered the two children during the day. "I wonder if they will still be so good to each other when they grow up in the future."

Jiang Yuhe responded indifferently, "Try it if they dare."

Wen Yu smiled. "Can you stop being so fierce all the time?"

After a pause, she quietly leaned over Jiang Yuhe's ear. "Later, after Xiao Shi is settled, shall we talk?"

Jiang Yuhe looked at her and unraveled the meaning of this 'talk'.

"What do you want to talk about?"

The moonlight from the hilltop poured a fine and gentle light into Wen Yu's eyes through the dense forest.

She didn't want to say it again and smiled lightly with a wink, "I'll tell you when we get back."

After walking for less than ten minutes, the two returned to the villa that Jiang Yuhe had bought.

Before their arrival, Qi Xu had ordered the housekeeper to clean it up thoroughly. The rooms were neat and tidy, and you could see the dark night in the distance on the second floor bedroom when you walked out onto the balcony. It was as if it was submerged in the clouds with an endless picture as far as the eye could see.

The night sky here was more mysterious and charming than the night sky in the city with high-rise buildings.

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Wen Yu lay Xiao Shi to sleep in the small crib in the bedroom, then walked out and hugged Jiang Yuhe from behind.

"Our daughter is asleep."

Jiang Yuhe hummed in response, turned to look at Wen Yu, and his eyes darkened.

After a brief pause, he couldn't restrain himself from lowering his head to kiss her.

Wen Yu ducked back and chuckled. "Don't you want to know what I want to talk to you about?"

But Jiang Yuhe still kissed her. "Yeah."

Wen Yu was kissed unrelentingly, and finally retreated to the bed. It would be difficult to find a respite once she was lying down, so she hurriedly interjected, "I want to talk about the birthday present that I gave you when I was pregnant."

Jiang Yuhe slowed down and completely stopped.

Although the gift was given as a birthday present for the next year, since the birth of their daughter, the two of them had left their time to their families and child in their spare time. Although they would still be intimate in that respect, they had more of a sense of stability as parents.

Wen Yu seemed to have forgotten all about it, so Jiang Yuhe never mentioned it. Thus, the stockings were sealed.

Now that Wen Yu mentioned it again, Jiang Yuhe was a little surprised. "What do you mean?"

"It means..." Wen Yu raised herself enough to kiss his lips, and her voice softly rang with a seductive undertone, "I, President Wen, never owe anything. I always stand by my word."

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That night, the moon in the mountains was bright and hazy.

The ambiguous lights in the room and the starlight of the mountains were intertwined, and the two figures indulging in each other were entangled, hidden, projecting one erotic picture after another on the wall.

The stockings melted with searing heat, and passion burst out of control.

It had been too long since they let go and drew on each other like they did in the past.

The noise was unstoppable, and the tide rose and fell, time and again, submerged in the silent jungle.


The next day…

It was early dawn in the mountains, only six in the morning, but birds were already singing crisply in the mountains.

At 3:00 am, Wen Yu changed Xiao Shi's diaper and fed her once. Now that it was dawn, she habitually wanted to take a look at the crib to see if her daughter was awake.

But just as she straightened up, her soul was almost scared away.

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"B-Brother... Husband, wake up." She nudged Jiang Yuhe.

Jiang Yuhe habitually reached out to hug her and responded in a muted voice, "What?"

Wen Yu spoke with some stuttering, "You, look, what is Jiang Xiwen doing?"

Jiang Yuhe opened her eyes and followed her gaze. Only then did he realize that the little kid had woken up somehow and climbed out of the small crib by herself, not to mention that she had climbed onto their bed.

She was now sitting between them.

The most terrible thing was...

She was playing with the already torn sexy stockings.

Xiao Shi saw that Wen Yu and Jiang Yuhe were both awake, and with a small grin, she seemingly introduced the new toy she had just found to her mom and dad. She waved it a few times with her little hand, and then her next move was to put it on her head.



‘No, Baby!!!’


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