Wen Qingyou x Jiang Lingwei (6)

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“Don’t think that Sister Jiang’s fondness for fun makes her a vase only. She is the Vice-President of Yasheng Corporation, and she is in charge of the entire legal department. By the way, she is a top student who graduated from Columbia Law School. She is very powerful.”

In just a word, Wen Qingyou further understood Jiang Lingwei.

He also finally understood why she gave him such an overpowering momentum, which he couldn’t get over with so far.

It turned out that kind of charm emanated from her bones.

She had never been an ordinary woman who indulged in life and debauchery.

Jiang Yuhe’s car was in front. Wen Qingyou was following behind, and Wen Qingyou could vaguely see the back of the woman in the car in front.

He failed to find her no matter how much he searched in the past. He didn’t expect that when he was about to give up, she would appear again.

Was this another chance given by God?

After a momentary silence, Wen Qingyou asked Wen Yu in a casual manner, “How outstanding. Is she married?”

Wen Yu didn’t know about her brother’s affair with Jiang Lingwei, so she told him the truth of the matter without any precautions.

“No, she doesn’t even have a boyfriend. At the bar just now, she said that Grandma Jiang has been urging her.”

Wen Qingyou did not speak.

But, the corners of his lips already bore a slight upward curve.

Back at the hotel, the two cars stopped side by side at the parking lot.

Jiang Yuhe and Jiang Lingwei got off from the car next to each other, while Wen Qingyou and Wen Yu followed closely behind.

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The four of them walked together, but both weren’t calm on the inside, each hiding different thoughts.

For a moment, Wen Qingyou’s eyes met Jiang Lingwei, but she quickly dodged, seemingly not wanting to communicate with him.

When they reached the elevator, Jiang Yuhe said to Wen Qingyou in a light manner, “I only want to talk to Wen Yu alone about the contract.”

“As you wish.” Wen Qingyou had no intention of following them inside. He glanced at his watch and said, “I will pick up Yuyu before twelve.”

Jiang Yu He didn’t say anything and closed the door.

Looking at the closed door, Wen Qingyou then slowly lowered his eyes to the next door.

The woman there was the real purpose of him tagging along with them.

He walked forward, raised his hand, and knocked on the door.

Jiang Lingwei didn’t shy away or disappear. In fact, the reunion of this relationship knocked her sideways. Her own brother and the man’s younger sister?

A one-night stand abroad.

It was amazing how they met again months later in such a way.

Dramas wouldn’t even dare a plot like this.

So much so that at first, Jiang Lingwei thought she had recognized the wrong person.

But seeing the eyes behind the peephole, she seemed to be transported back to that passionate night in an instant.

She knew that it was him who was knocking on the door, so she opened the door calmly, glanced at him, and gave way.

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Wen Qingyou tacitly walked in and the door closed again.

A moment of silence settled in the room, and neither of them knew what topic to start with.

After a long time, Wen Qingyou took the initiative to open a conversation. “Did you just come back?”


Then a long silence followed.

They really didn’t know where to start. Even greetings seemed superfluous and awkward.

What else could they discuss after a seemingly impulsive night?

Desperately hoping to get out of this awkward atmosphere, Jiang Lingwei simply stated her position directly, “Mr. Wen, I hope you won’t let my younger brother know about us.”

Wen Qingyou paused briefly. “Okay.”

“Don’t let your sister know too.”


Jiang Lingwei took a deep breath, and finally said, “The same goes for us. We don’t know each other.”

But this time, Wen Qingyou didn’t answer so crisply.

It was several seconds before he spoke, his voice faint but tough, “No.”


Jiang Lingwei raised her head, somewhat puzzled. “What do you mean?”

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Wen Qingyou stared at her. He hadn’t seen her for two months, but her face wasn’t at all unfamiliar.

As if that night was enough for him to remember for a lifetime and never be able to get rid of.

“I regretted it,” Wen Qingyou said.

Jiang Lingwei was momentarily stunned. Her heart beat a little faster, but her face remained calm: “Regret what?”

“I want to get to know you. I want to understand you.”


Jiang Lingwei’s thoughts inexplicably drifted off for a few seconds, feeling as if the words she heard were not quite real, so distant and unfamiliar.

“I’m sorry.” She smiled unconsciously and then shook her head. She moved away to look out the window as she spoke, “That day has been deleted from my memory. As for me and you, nothing has happened.”

After seeing each other again, this sentence instantly widened the distance between them even further than before.

Wen Qingyou asked her, “Nothing happened?”

“Yes, it never happened.”

The instant her reply fell, the temperature in the room immediately turned cold.

The air solidified little by little, stagnant to the point of near stagnation. Even breathing became short and rapid, as if there was lack of oxygen.

Jiang Lingwei’s eyes remained fixed out of the window. She took a deep breath, trying to continue saying that they should not contact each other again, but her head was suddenly straightened by a pair of hands, forcing her to face him.

Before Jiang Lingwei could react in time, a searing breath already rushed forward, blocking everything she wanted to say.

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Jiang Lingwei’s eyes widened. She didn’t expect Wen Qingyou to be so reckless. She pushed him, tugged at his clothes, and tried her best to distance herself from him.

But it was all in vain.

In a blink, the resistance and entanglement have also quietly become unconscious indulging.

Jiang Lingwei liked the city of Miami because it was warm and free, and it always gave people unexpected surprises.

That night two months ago…

She wasn’t sure if tonight was to bid it goodbye, but her consciousness was beyond her control, and it gave the answer on her own behalf.

It was a long time before Wen Qingyou let her go. He asked under a hoarse breath, “Let me ask you again. Did it never happen?”

Jiang Lingwei calmed her breathing, trying to pull back her lost soul.

She didn’t know what Wen Qingyou meant by such a move.

Was it a desire to relive their fleeting affair with her once more in this city, in the same hotel, on the same night?

She admitted she couldn’t resist him.

Jiang Lingwei therefore gave in. “Why don’t you just say what you want?”

Wen Qingyou looked at her, and only after a long time did he say one word softly.



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