Easter Eggs (1)

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The invitation list for the concert had been sent to Jiang Yuhe’s email address. He had been back from Jiangcheng for two days, and only after he had completely settled the matter with Li Man did he have time to sit down and peruse the list.

There were thirty guests in total. Excluding those he knew, there were less than ten guests from other fields left.

After another round of elimination among the last ten, the most likely one left was Zhao Wenjing, a famous debutante in Jiangcheng.

Judging from the photos, Zhao Wenjing’s figure was very close to the mystery woman who sent him the note.

Jiang Yuhe, however, felt that everything didn’t feel quite right.

There were unforgettable thoughts lingering in his heart for a long time, but when he saw this face, it caused no turbulence at all.

Jiang Yuhe didn’t know where the problem lay.

He turned off his computer and did not look at the photos again.

But after a few days, that slender figure would still jump into his mind in between his work, lingering.

She was like an inextricable knot in his heart. Jiang Yuhe had always been restrained, but this time, he couldn’t calm down.

He wanted to know who she was, wanted to know what she looked like.

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He wondered, what kind of character did the woman have to have written such an interesting line?

Jiang Yuhe didn’t know if this counted as being in love.

He obviously only saw a back.

But he could never forget it.

He had no way of restraining the strong urge in his heart to find her and get to know her.

So, on the sixth day after the concert, Jiang Yuhe decided to return to Jiangcheng.

Before going, Jiang Yuhe asked his secretary to set up an appointment with Zhao Wenjing in advance.

Although Zhao Wenjing’s photo didn’t quite match what Jiang Yuhe had in mind, he still planned to meet the real person, at least to ask if she was the one who sent the note to him that night.

Besides, maybe it was the ambient rendering of the live lighting and music that night which caused his bias in the photos.

The meeting with Zhao Wenjing was at a famous restaurant in Jiangcheng.

Zhao Wenjing arrived early, excited about suddenly being invited by such an outstanding man. Thus, she blew a wave of news in her circle of friends about her potential boyfriend, not to mention highlighting that the other party was the most powerful capitalist tycoon in the entertainment industry.

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That being the case, she treated this meeting with unparalleled solemnity. She wore a new dress she just bought and arrived at the restaurant early.

When Jiang Yuhe arrived, she was answering a call.

“Kick her out. Why should she stay in our celebrity circle when that Wen family has been reduced to such a state?”

“What are you afraid of? I don’t believe that Wen Yu can continue to show off her power when she has gone bankrupt.”

“Feel free to drive her away. Just say that it’s my order.”

Jiang Yuhe had not yet seen the real person, but just listening to these words, he frowned.

When he walked to the seat and caught the first glimpse of Zhao Wenjing, that intuition grew stronger and stronger.

It was not her.

Although this woman’s looks and dress were considered superior, and that she was also wearing a similar style of velvet dress, with even the same long curly hair…

The voice inside Jiang Yuhe’s heart was telling him…

Zhao Wenjing was not the person he was looking for.

Out of respect and courtesy, Jiang Yuhe still asked.

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“The night of the concert, was it Miss Zhao who sent me a note?”

Zhao Wenjing blinked, not understanding what he meant. “What note?”

At this point, Jiang Yuhe understood.

He shook his head and got up, not wasting an ounce of time on this strange woman.

“Sorry, I got the wrong person.”


After leaving the restaurant, Jiang Yuhe thought long and hard in the car and decided to go to the venue where the concert was held, the Langjia Center, one more time.

Because it was on the rooftop that night, there wasn’t any surveillance for him to check.

But Jiang Yuhe knew that he could find clues from the elevator monitoring in the building.

He asked people to contact the organizer of the concert that night, and requested the elevator surveillance of the Langjia Center that night on the grounds that he had lost something.

However, there were too many people who entered and exited the elevators that night. Even on the top floor, many passersby from other floors who got the news sneaked up and peeked outside.

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Therefore, it took Jiang Yuhe and Li Bai more than five hours to comb for that figure from hundreds of people.

But still nothing.

In the elevator that night, there was no woman in a black velvet dress who appeared in the elevator.

After watching to the end, Jiang Yuhe got up tiredly and left.

He stood on the rooftop and lit a cigarette, overlooking the entire Jiangcheng from the blurred smoke. He couldn’t help but doubt…

Was that woman real?

She appeared so briefly and stunningly that no trace of her could be found.

But every word on that note was written so legibly, so how could she be a person out of his own imagination?

Jiang Yuhe didn’t know what evil had taken root in him, nurturing the obsession in his heart deeper and deeper.

He would like to find that woman, even if it took digging three feet under the ground.

After smoking that cigarette, Jiang Yuhe had someone find the event organizer and decided to investigate layer by layer.

“Are there any staff members who bring in relatives or friends privately? You must give a truthful account.”

Jiang Yuhe was the person they couldn’t offend the most among all the guests that night. He claimed to have lost something, so no one dared to be slack.

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