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Chapter 117: 117

The landscape in my room was always a dead end. The only thing that was unique was that there was a steaming teacup of sand with a plate of beautifully cut lambs in the corner of the room.

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Perhaps it's Tsukuyo's devotion to the wife of Anu. Preparing a share for the dead was a very oriental custom. You pay for Tsukuyo's name, Shinhyuk Kang ridiculously thought that.

“I think about it every time I see it. Why doesn't it get cold? ”

- Preservation magic. The fox, unfortunately, is good at handling time and space.

When I heard that Tsukuyo was good at both magic, I naturally understood that time and space are usually considered magical endings. Just looking at the mysterious atmosphere that she was surrounded by. No, not now.

“Now you just call me a firefox. ”

- Moreover, what you've done can't be taken away by the power of the manager...! This is an act of aggression. Want to be penalized?

T r a n s lated by jp mt l .c o m “No, you don't have to. Let's leave it at that for now. I... I don't feel bad. ”

- …… you.

Kang Shinhyuk was staring at the teacups smoking for a while and the plate of lambs. No one would dare to guess what he's thinking.

“As expected, I don't know. ”

He mutters abruptly. The manager asked me immediately.

- What you don't know.

“Well…… I wonder if it was a good thing to think about your past life. ”

- That's grown-up talk. Tr a n s l a te d by Jp m tl.co m

“No, quite the opposite. It's just a childish brawl. … I'm sorry, Manager. Dimensional quests, I'll check. ”

- … Okay.

A message appeared in front of Kang Shinhyuk's eyes.

[world crumbling]

[Mirotoz was destroyed. Nothing new is born in that world anymore. But the ones that haven't died are still there. They want to live a little longer. Looking down Halo decides to lend a hand for them, but he doesn't have enough talent to ask for your help.]

[You must form a chain to tie Terota's feet, the roaming giant. If we can tie off the Giant's feet, Halo will take care of the rest.]

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[Quest deadline - 6 months 5 years 21 hours 40 minutes 56 seconds]

[Earth to Mirotoz Time Ratio - 1: 1.5]


Dimensional quests changed the mood of Kang Shin-hyuk in many ways. The dimensional quests that he has experienced so far have never been unusual, but as he now sees, they are not unknown!

“I don't understand anything except the part about the world being destroyed.... Uh, I mean, isn't this a request for the world that halo lives in? ”

- You can and you can't. Halo will explain more.

There were other questions. How tying Giant's feet relates to the destruction of the world, what Halo does... and why the quest deadline is so generous compared to that of Earth!

- I can answer any questions you have about the time ratio. It's because, as the quest says, the world is already doomed. There's no big change in the world anymore. It's all over.

“…… Then what is the criterion for the destruction of the world? ” Tr a n s late d by jpmtl.co m

- based on whether new life can be born or not. When all the core energy in the world, called "the source," is consumed or stolen, nothing new can be born in that world.

It was a clear criterion: that the world to be turned from now on had already lost its origins and perished, leaving nothing new to be born. It was a very awkward story, but I was able to accept it somehow. Probably because of the original image of the destruction of the world that Anvil holds.

“Then what about Kielon? Didn't you say the world was doomed? ”

- We were so close to destruction that the plunderers who call themselves Jormungandra thought they had nothing to take from us. However, there are still a few roots left in the world, and you have the fires to save them.

“…… Perhaps, Millia? ”

- That's the firefox.

Why didn't you say one thing?

- She is a descendant of the royal family and is gaining access to the source of the world. So, if you do well, you might be able to build a foundation for rebirth by drawing the remaining energy from the land. Of course, as a result, Jormungan might make eye contact with the world again... ….

“Give me another dimensional quest when the time comes. ”

- If your ability solves the problem, I will. But now it's time for you to take on another dimension of quests.

Kang Shinhyuk nodded firmly and accepted the dimensional quest. As he moved around the world, a unique feeling came over him. You close your eyes and open them, and there is a very large tree standing there.

"...... Huh?"

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Kang Shinhyuk blinked his eyes violently. The sky looked up and was covered with a thick red glow, and as I lowered my head, there was a dead gray earth spread out like the sky.

Only the trees that joined them were green.

Tra nsl a t e d b y Jpmtl.c om [My friend, Anvil. Finally.]

I heard a voice from that tree. Gender is an inhuman voice that cannot predict age. Kang Shinhyuk instinctively realized that the tree was halo.

“Halo...? ”

[It's so nice to meet you in person with the anvil inspiration. No...... Maybe it's not quite right yet.]


Kang Shin-hyuk sighed for a short time because of the sound of Halo's words. A tree belonging to the Hero Universe!

[I'm not a tree, old man. It's not my body, it's just a handset holding a piece of my soul.]

“Body? Terminating...? ”

[You'll know it when you touch it. Don't touch me, old man.]

“I'm not inspired, but I get it. ”

Kang Shinhyuk gently placed his hand on the tree, just as Heilo instructed. At that moment, the spiritual force extending out of him was in harmony with the spiritual power flowing through Heilo's enormous torso.

No, the expression "sympathy" is ridiculous. I was stunned by the vast flow of spiritual power that I felt at the moment of contact, and I only managed to peer at the reality a little.

Halo was right. This was not his body. It wasn't even life.

This was a physician creature of enormous spirituality…… a golem.

“How can there be so much energy...?"

Tran sl a t ed b y Jpm t l .co m [I'm just using this tree as a terminal for energy. I just wanted to hold the world a little bit longer.]

Halo said without a word. That's what he just said. Not through the body, but through this tree!

If anyone didn't know what he was talking about, he would snort...... But Kang Shin-hyuk who felt his energy couldn't do it. It felt like he could do it.

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I have been Awakening my spirituality and dealing with it, at least in this field I thought it was not ridiculous that I was ahead of myself, but I was able to discard my delusions neatly thanks to meeting Halo. Hero Universe really was a group of monsters.

If this tree is Halo's handset, where is his body? How Halo was able to send terminals to the world. There were many questions, but this was the most curious of them all.

“With this power, you can do anything for yourself. Why did you call me? ”

[I just told you, I'm supporting this world. If you try to fight Giants with your immovable body, the world will collapse in no time.]


[That doesn't mean we can't leave him alone. Giant steps are too heavy for this world right now. In the next 100 years or so, we won't be able to overcome his turmoil and the floor will collapse.]

I didn't know that the world was falling apart was a physical story. At that moment, the earth theory passed through Kang Shinhyuk's head. Maybe the world is really flat.

“How big is he? ”

[I'll show you.]

In front of Shinhyuk Kang, Hailo offered me a branch. The ends of the branches curl into a loop, and a drop forms in the hole.

Kang Shinhyuk realized it was a telescope and brought his eyes to it. At first, I wasn't focused, but soon I saw a clear view.

So... uh... I see a very, very large black pillar falling slowly from the sky.

“No way.”

[It's his leg.]


When I heard that he was a Giant, I first realized that he was a giant the size of 6 meters in a fantasy movie. Then came the 30-meter giant from the Japanese cartoon.

But it can't be...... A giant pillar is only one leg that can't contain all of it in the naked eye.

That bridge would be hundreds of meters in circumference. Not length, circumference.

And you're sticking to it? I thought it was a joke.

[That's why I called for inspiration. With inspiration, we could make a chain around his feet. If I can keep him immobilized, I can kill him with this body. What do you think, Anvil? Is that possible?]

Kang Shinhyuk opened his mouth to answer something, but he kept quiet. I felt so clumsy that I didn't know where to start.

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That's how I cringed my mouth, but I could barely think of a question.

“If we're going to put a chain around that giant... we need to prepare something special, too. ”

[Of course I did.]

Halo laughs back. It made people feel strange that they could not understand any other information, even though they could clearly see that they were smiling.

[But rest now, old man. The children will guide you.]


When Kang Shinhyuk heard that, he raised his head reflectively. A leaf falls over his head. The moment the leaves landed on his head, the landscape in front of his eyes changed in an instant.

[It's a lodge. I told the kids to follow them.]

You hear Halo's voice through the leaves. Kang Shinhyuk blinked his eyes a few times. I picked up the slowly luminous leaf above my head, and I put it in my chest first.

As I looked around, I felt familiar with the dim wall without a window. Yes, there was a facility like this in Gromas. Maybe this place is underground. When the world perished, all mankind crawled underground.

“I've been waiting for you, Anvil. ”

“I've been waiting. ”

Just in time, 'children’ who will guide him appeared.

Kang Shinhyuk blinked at them. There was no other reason. They were all ridiculously beautiful, and their skin was dull enough to glow on its own in the dark, dry and tall, with very long ears.

Kang Shinhyuk knew what to call this being in a fantasy novel.


“It's an honor to know my kind. ”

The man in front of the dog once again bows politely before him.

“A world where there is nothing left, but I wish you a pleasant stay. ”

Summer vacation for beginner's upbringing school grade 1.

Kang Shinhyuk met an Elf.

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