“It's spacious.”

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“Sit at ease. I'm gonna take my coat off for a second. ”

“Yes, yep. ”

Kang Shinhyuk thought, taking off his coat and seeing Claire Boyle hanging on his hanger. How did this happen? It was Kang Shin-hyuk who said he liked chicken if he would definitely buy it, but · · · · · ·.

Then go to my room. The chicken from the hotel room service you're staying in is delicious. ’

Can I have chicken for room service? ’

‘There's nothing you shouldn't do with your money. ’

So I was dragged to the hotel where she was staying. A luxurious hotel that rises to 30 floors all by myself in the city. Tr an s l at e d by Jp mtl .co m

I remember. It was established in the Thousand Month of a Global Corporation in honor of the 10th Anniversary of the World Summit in Seoul, 10 years from now.

I was dragged to the top floor suite like no other, but it was a really spacious and comfortable place. The night view of the city through the window, the people below the cliff, is like garbage.

‘No, wait. ’

Kang Shinhyuk, who was fleeing reality, regained his mind at that moment. This is a very dangerous situation!? I can't believe you're in a hotel room with an adult woman! Even if I report this at this point, aren't alchemists going to get caught!?

“Then I'll give you room service! Are you sure you want three? ”

“Oh, I really do. ”

Kang Shinhyuk coldly replied to the sound of the chicken that was heard instead of worrying. Shortly after, he realized that he had crossed a river he could not return to and was desperate. You're an idiot! T r ans lated b y jpm t m

“The boys are really good at eating here. Three chickens · · · · · No · No four. Some beer, some chicken. Yes.”

While Shinhyuk Kang curses his disguise, Claire Boyle finishes her call and sits across from his couch.

I took off my coat and became lighter, revealing the provocative body line clearly. Kang Shin-hyuk glared at me with a clear-headed cough, and her eyes flashed brightly.

“Oh, what a cutie. ”

“I'm sorry for being so cute. He's still young.”

“No, cherish who you are. This is the only time you can be so naive and cute. It'll be quick to evolve into a more explicit and vulgar adult. They look inside without being ashamed. ”

Claire Boyle smiles slightly. Seeing that face, Kang Shin-hyuk felt his excitement subside a little.

“That's going to be painful. I'm sorry."

“No, it's okay because it's kind of fun. You can hide it when you don't want it to come out. Covering up opponents, time and place. Basic, right? By the way, those who want to be heard uselessly even when I try to hide them are out of sight. You should be careful with women like that. ”

According to that, I want to reveal it now, but Kang Shinhyuk stopped thinking there. Let's not dwell on it right now. Alchemists bring themselves to this place for a different reason. No, I was relieved to think there would be.

- Ta-da!

That's when the bell rings. Claire Boyle went out to receive room service after sitting down Kang Shin-hyuk who was about to wake up. The superman seemed to be superhuman when he saw two large silver trays coming in without hesitation with his missing arms.

“Let's eat and talk. ”

“Oh, yep! ”

It was funny to say this to myself, but Kang Shin-hyuk really thought he was a fool. Because as soon as I saw a chicken in front of a beautiful girl like Claire Boyle, I was eager to eat. Tra n s lat e d b y Jpm t l.c o m

“You really eat well. ”

“I was a little hungry. ”

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“Knighthood, right? It's worth it. ”

A class the size of an alchemist would have battled alongside countless superhumans. Kang Shinhyuk nodded and explained to her who was reacting to Kang Shinhyuk's developed body.

“Yes, but not because of training, but because of the club. ”

“A club?”

“Yes. A little bit of metallurgy. ”

Kang Shinhyuk said that and shoved the whole chicken leg in his mouth. The word metallurgical makes Claire Boyle a little stiff, rather than pouring soju into my glass.


“Yes. Beating iron into swords. ”

“It's a production trait. I can't believe you even went to Shinyoung to start a production line. ”

“Uh-oh. It's not that I don't have combat skills. ”

“Of course. I know that move earlier. ”

Although I'm getting a chicken, I don't need to explain it in detail to someone who never has to see me again. Kang Shinhyuk is roughly surrounded by such thoughts, but the alchemist's eyes deepened.

T r an s l ate d by jp m t “A line of production, so maybe what I felt before was something in common with a line of production · · · · · · ·. ”


“No, it's nothing. Eat all you want."

I told him to eat as much as he wanted, so I decided to do as he said. Kang Shin-hyuk, who had killed the two quickly, lightly wiped his hands and mouth, then the third chicken enjoyed the taste more calmly. It was delicious, as she assured me.

“Do knights and children eat as well as you do? ”

“Different traits are different, but it seems like you use a lot of body like me. ”

Moreover, if we consume spiritual power, we will lose hunger, so if we increase the amount we eat in the future, we will not decrease. He shreds his chest and puts it in his mouth as he explains. He suddenly likes an alchemist who emptied a bottle of soju, and slaps his hands together.

“Now I want you to pay for the chicken. Speaking of which, what's your name? ”

“· · · · · · Yes, I am Shinhyeok Kang, 1st Grade of Kyunghyeok University in Shinyoung, Korea. ”

This is the moment I was finally getting ready for. The heart of a boy who hopes and doesn't say no. Reason for trying to suppress it. Kang Shinhyuk struggled to calm himself by remembering the blacksmith anvil.

“Mmmm, Shinhyuk Kang. Yeah, you know my name, right? He knew my nickname. ”

“Yes, alchemist. Her name is Claire Boyle. ”

“Right. Just relax and call me Claire. I'll call it Shinhyuk, too. ”

The distance was narrowed. Kang Shinhyuk was more nervous and faced with an alchemist, · · · · · · · · Claire. However, the words that followed made him tilt his head.

“I woke up in high school. combining and processing the myriad of things in the world to create things that didn't exist. That's my gift. ”

T r ansl at e d b y jpm t l .c om “Well, yeah. ”

I don't know why he suddenly told me about his past, but one thing was clear. Tonight, Kang Shin-hyuk will not worry or expect anything to happen.

To be honest, if he was not disappointed, it would be false, but what was more reassuring was the evidence that he was still an innocent boy.

“Magic Bomb, Simple Trap, Special Magic Bomb, Potion · · · · · ·. I made tons of stuff and became famous in a heartbeat. I've gotten stronger along the way. I also have the ability to handle my products more efficiently. ”

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Of course it's amazing. Alchemists are among the monsters ranked in the top 500.

It was also her lack of pure strength, so it was natural for her to rank in the 100th place, given the importance of what she could do with her traits.

I can't believe Kang Shin-hyuk is sitting face to face with her in this hotel room.

“Shinhyuk, do you know what my favorite thing is? ”

“I heard it's called a um · · · · · · potion. ”

“Yes, I like to combine different materials in different ways and eventually create a mixture of liquids. It was a bartender's dream until he woke up. ”

Claire says that and grabs the bag underneath her. Inside was a bunch of shakers, zigers, bar spoons, and cocktail tools like Mudler.

“I still make all the potions out of this. It tastes and smells different depending on how the same potion is blended. Making potions as tasty as possible, that's my purpose on the ground. ”

“This is so cool. ”

“Pretty cool, huh? Right?"

The alchemist's emotions and those of the male high school students were a single moment.

“Kmm, sorry for the excitement. Let's get to the point. I mean, I've been having the strangest feeling lately about potions. ”

“Strange feeling? ”

“Yes. I feel like I'm being sucked into a potion. Something different from magic. ”

Until then, the eyes of Kang Shin-hyuk who was listening quietly became narrow.

Wait, I think I've heard this before.

“There must be something, but I can't catch it. However, the potions you created while feeling that way are definitely working. The scent is good.It means it's been upgraded more than once. But I don't know how I did it. ”

Kang Shinhyuk was convinced at that point.

This woman is dealing with spirituality without her knowledge. I don't know why I haven't woken up yet!

“Sometimes I feel it in the ingredients. There's a black market that sells rare ingredients, where the air quality smells strangely good. A relaxing aroma. I'm sure I can figure it out by dealing with them a little bit more. ”

“Then you can buy them all. Oh, is there a limited supply? ”

“No, we don't have enough money. ”


Do you know that a lot of superhumans pay millions for her potions in battle? Kang Shin-hyuk gives a curious look, and Claire shakes her head with an embarrassing look.

“The dollar or won currency is not a very good market, so there is such a thing. That's why I met Shinhyuk, who was wandering around. ”

“Me · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

“Yeah. You smell funny. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk picked up my sleeve and smelled a sniff, but I didn't smell anything because I left the shower earlier.

Are alchemists really able to smell spiritual energy? I wanted to ask the manager, but I couldn't do anything wrong in front of this woman. That's when the manager realized his mind and sent the message first.

- Spirituality is the rarest and most unique ability in the entire universe, and it depends on your point of view. So the way people feel, the way they deal with it, the effects of it all vary.

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There are two people in this room who handle such a rare energy, and this might be a little weird.

No, I didn't think it was strange to think that Kang Shin-hyuk was attracted to him because of his spirituality in the first place.

- You feel spiritual energy with clear heat and have the ability to manipulate it to contact Shui's origins, but it's absolutely incredible. She doesn't yet feel it, she doesn't even know it, she only knows it by scent.

In the following explanation, Kang Shin-hyuk thanked his manager with his heart. Yo said that Shinhyuk Kang is talented enough that no one can imagine.

- 10 HP bonus from your manager for recognizing your appreciation!

Now I'm just going to give you a bonus for not saying anything.

“That's why I caught you. I couldn't miss a clue. So I want you to tell me if you can. I'll pay whatever it takes. ”

Meanwhile, Claire, who didn't know the country play between Kang Shin-hyuk and the manager, looked at him seriously, took out a small jar of red liquid from her lap and shoved it toward him.

Kang Shinhyuk admired the dark spiritual power and magical power that was felt in him. It was a treasure I could not even imagine as a student in a teaching school.

If this is the potion made by an Alchemist, its value can't be counted. I could see how serious she was being.

“This is a small gesture. · · · · · · Tell me? Do you know about the power, the smell? ”

“I · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

Agony was not that long. If you don't know your spiritual history at all, and are already dealing with it half-consciously, I will find a way sooner or later, whether you tell me or not.

Then, it is an overwhelming advantage to make a rope with her in exchange for helping her find the path a little. A person who gives out potions of this size, saying it's a small gesture of goodwill. There was nothing bad about being close.

- Burrrrrr

At that moment, Claire's phone rang like a cartoon. No, the whole building vibrated right after that. The sound of sharp sirens fills the city.


“Yeah, maybe. ”

The stick that was stuck in Kang Shin-hyuk's trousers was also ringing like crazy. Unlike the fact that I turned on the screen and checked, [multiple Emergency Calls Happened at Irregular Gates] had arrived.

‘Irregular. An unpredictable surprise gate where and when it happens. One of the worst disasters · · · · where monsters of any grade are unlikely to appear · ·, are persistent, monotonous, or absorbent. ’

He closed his eyes tightly. Honestly, it's pointless to get this text. It's only ever been sent after a case explodes!

In fact, sirens are still ringing throughout the city. Disasters were spreading quickly.

“· · · · · · · Dammit. ”

Thinking back to the day when my parents died because of the gate bandwidth, Kang Shin-hyuk instinctively changed it. No matter how much time passes, I will never forget the memory of that day.

The day he made a commitment to be superhuman. It was the first day I learned the feeling of hatred and despair. From that day forward, if I just heard that siren, the landscape of that day dominated my mind and wouldn't let him go.

“Eun-ah? Yeah, I hear sirens. If you're trying to kill monsters by bursting their eardrums, you'd better stop. Before that, my eardrum will burst. ”

Claire is on the phone next to him. I thought she had a disaster text, but she didn't.

Kang Shin-hyuk's heart sank a little, in her calm voice, answering the phone. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at the alchemist. He looked as calm as his voice.

“How many are there? Where are you going? Oh, yeah. What's the prognosis? · · · · · · Minimum A majority? Whoo, I get it. We can hurry.”

The call was shortly ended. The alchemist picks up his bag and swipes it out, smashing the outer window.

“Shinhyuk, I'm going to catch some monsters for a while so you can hide in this room. This place is as secure as it gets. ”

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I don't think you just broke any of those security systems, "you decided not to tag them unnoticed. She must have picked the fastest way out to solve the disaster in this city.

“Let's keep talking when we get back. Will you do it?”

“Yes, I will. ”

Kang Shinhyuk nodded firmly and said with all the respect he could to the warriors who were going to fight the enemies of humanity.

“So have a safe trip. ”

“I like that look. Cheerful. All right, I'll be back. ”

Like Kang Shin-hyuk's reaction, Claire looks up and smiles and jumps out the window. From there, I thought about what to do, but the bag she was holding tightly expanded and quickly turned into a hanger.

‘If I was two years old, I'd think I was a real piece of work. ’

Perhaps an artifact, Hanglider shines bright, harnessing the power of the wind, vanishes with her in an instant.

In the industry, the bartender and the downtown hangglider dreamed of becoming an alchemist, so the male middle school romance was a wonderful sister who realized it all by herself.

I should be ashamed if I was old enough, but I was still a young man.

“Whew, so I... ”

It is suicide to walk out on the streets of Irregular Gates. Like all the other talents, he was eager to go out into the streets and defeat the monsters, but he knew he still lacked his abilities.

I had to hide now. For later, for now.

He decided to stay in the bathroom and held the red potion on the table in his hand. I don't know, but hundreds of millions of dollars in cash will go a long way. We can't let it go.

- Elixir that temporarily boosts all Statuses when drunk. As you are proficient in spirituality, you can also look for additional or permanent increases in stats.

“More than · · · · · · · · billion. No, you don't have to tell me the price. Don't ever do that. ”

He puts it in his heart and turns away. Just in time.

- Boom!

The sound rang out. Right in the middle of nowhere.

Shinhyuk Kang, who was ricocheted by the terrible shock, worried about the potion while flying against the opposite wall and plunging it upside down from his head, but fortunately, the glass bottle was very strong.

- Khh, khh, khh, khh, khh.

You hear a cry. The strange voice of the beast, strangely enough, sounds like laughter.

Kang Shin-hyuk looked forward, frightened his silly body. Claire's broken window is now shattered without a trace.


Come in.

- I found it, I found it.

A black monster who speaks.

- Different smell. A special smell. · · · · · · · Spirit's smell!

- Hurry up and take your potion! A variant of the Class B Monster War Troll, we can't deal with it like this!

I slapped the axe in my hand, staring at Kang Shinhyuk.

An axe filled with spirituality.

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