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Chapter 120: 120

- 3,500 HP bonus for those who work hard!

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“That bonus just made me feel really uncomfortable. Manager. Manager? ”

- 3000 HP Bonus!

“Here he comes again. ”

- Bonus of 2,000 HP!

After the five scarecrows [Guardians], he made ploughs, and even led the ploughs himself, emitting Huanglongbing, and plowing the fields himself. It was very late at night.

There were some elves who cheered for the expansion of the field and wanted to touch him (in exchange for touching his body.) Shinhyuk Kang, who ran away, was alone in the bathtub, avoiding the oncoming elves who wanted to wash his body.

The world was destroyed, but clean water was easily saved. Long live the artifact. T ra nsl at ed by Jpmtl .c o m

After washing every nook and cranny, repelling the elves about to enter the bathroom, enjoying a little hot water, Heilo's leaf sat on top of his head while he was poking through the eyes of the elf peering through the window.

[The ingredients are ready. Come out and check them out, Anvil Inspiration.]


I was busy all day thinking it was an Elfney field because of the destruction, but I was only able to reach the quest's purpose. After getting up from the bath, you roughly scrub yourself out, and an elf waits for him to guide you.

“I've got it right here. ”

“Outside the facility? Well, I'm not expecting much. ”

T r ansl a t ed by jp m tl.c o m If it's about the material of a chain that can tie off that giant Giant's feet, it'll be hard to carry it. Not only that, the material would not tie a baby's toe if it tried to use ordinary steel.

There, Halo told Nuance that he would prepare the ingredients himself. Conclusions arising from the above conditions. The identity of the material is... ….

[I cut off the biggest, thickest of the 12 roots.]

It is Halo's terminal itself.

“Do you think I can process this? ”

Kang Shinhyuk spewed a sigh looking at the thick tree roots that filled the void. You can barely measure the length of your circumference by running with your arms spread out for 10 minutes. You're processing this yourself? There was also a joke.

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However, Halo replied decisively.

[Inspiration can be anything. I felt the possibility of seeing a piece of art made from low-quality branches.]

“That's ……."

If Hailo argues that it was possible because of his help, the manager will also argue that it was not. I also decided to accept it quietly because I had no complaints about flashing ideas and their outcomes.

[I've come to realize that anvil inspiration is an anvil inspiration, even if the rank of metallurgy has fallen. Tsukuyo didn't calm down for nothing.]

“Why are you suddenly talking about Tsukuyo again? ”

However, when I thought of her recently, Kang Shinhyuk hesitated for no reason and said with a chuckling voice.

[More obsessed with inspiration than anyone else at the Hero Universe. I know that much about inspiration. And when she acknowledged that inspiration, there was no question about the anvil's inspiring skills, the possibility of inspiration. I don't always like wiping out inspirational merchandise... but yes. Speaking of which, could you accept a few of my nominations while I'm here?]

“How come talking to you has more work to do every time!? ”

But I thought the reward would be good, so I decided to accept it first. Halo is satisfied with his words. T r a nsla t e d b y Jpmtl .co m

[But the important thing is the shackles. What do you think, Anvil? Will you do it?]


In fact, I wanted to say that this gigantic scale of work is still coming to me.

But... unfortunately, seeing the tree roots reminds me of the idea. It's even more robust than making a scarecrow.

I don't think I can do it by myself right now, but if I slow down and make it, it won't take me a day or two, I might be able to make something decent with increased craftsmanship.

“Okay, here we go. ”

[Thank you!]

“But you can return to Earth during this quest, right? ”

- As long as it's settled.

[There's still plenty of time until the end, Anvil, even if it's doomed.]

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As it turned out, Kang Sin-hyuk rushed to the roots of the tree as soon as he got confirmation from his manager and Hailo. I thought about carving it according to the shape I had envisioned, but I changed my mind after touching it a few times with a new sword.

“This is metal. ”

[I think you're better off with inspiration. I changed my temper a little.]

“What an unbelievable story!? But well done!”

T r an s lat e d b y jp mt l.co m Metal would be better off melting and hammering with a glander. However, the entire wall of this furnace could not exist in this world, and it had to be partially melted and refined. A thousand Kang, Shin-hyuk, is not enough material to surround the ice!

“Era, I don't know, it'll be over before I die. ”

- 2,500 HP bonus to you!

As a result, Shinhyuk Kang embarked on shackle construction with a firewood in one hand and a hammer in the other and a tree root in the other.

What is important in anvil metallurgy is spirituality. Melt some of the roots of the tree and hammer while simultaneously injecting spiritual energy. After pouring out the limit of power, I waited until it was restored and did other work that did not require spiritual power.

“You don't even have to add a resume to make necessities. ”

“That's right, Anvil! A dining table to put here..."

“I wish I had more cookware. Please!”

“Anvil, please pay for the goods tonight……."

“One of your guests is leaving! ”

As Hailo told Kang Shin-hyuk earlier, there were many things that were lacking for the Elves living in the underground refuge of the world that was destroyed.

Even Heilo couldn't buy what they needed with his HP. Until now, he had to live with the inconvenience, but in the middle of this time, Shinhweok was added to make almost everything they needed.

“Anvil, can I... Cow, underwear too? ”

“It's a cloth. I thought it was time to challenge sewing. …… but wouldn't it be better if I just bought it for you on Earth? ”

“I want to wear the underwear you made me! ”

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“Are all elves perverts like you? ” T ra n s la te d by Jpm tl .co m

With Kang Shinhyuk, who can travel back and forth between Earth and Mirotoz, it was faster to get the supplies that the Elves needed from the Earth's Shop.

But after four days of Mirotoz life, I feel like I'll never be able to stop by Earth.... Nothing lasts long, and the tears melt away.

The manager, who had been opposed to the import of the Earth's objects from the beginning, had only just quietly revealed one of the secrets of the world.

- The world is too high, you. Earth's produce cannot survive here. It's not just the giant's footsteps. The atmosphere of the world is oppressing the weak. This is also why we've placed you on hold for accepting dimensional quests.


Kang Shin-hyuk hung over his body and Kang Shin-hyuk's mouth was fine, so he had no idea at all, but it was later discovered that Kang Shin-hyuk, a member of the hero universes, was only protected at the system level.

Maybe in a world lower than Earth...... Yes, Kieron would have no problem carrying the Earth's goods. But Mirotoz was different.

A world where the average rank of survivors is S rank, what does that mean? Subpar beings and objects were hard to endure here.

“How have the people of this world survived? ”

A world where Giant's footsteps shake the world regularly, making the hearts of survivors soft. Kang Shin-hyuk indirectly felt the weight of the survivors' burden and let out a hollow smile.

In a world where there are fewer than 100 people, or what we call swarms, there is nothing but a disgraceful human being who quietly waits for the coming destruction.......

What kind of thoughts do they have about each day?

“The underwear of Anvil # 1! ”

“Me, too! I'll have Anvil underwear, too! ”

“Auction, let's decide the auction fairly! ”

…… No, maybe he really doesn't think at all.

Kang Shinhyuk resumed his work looking at the elves who were starting the auction in their underwear with a cool look. Yes, he was sewing now.

A cloth made of unknown material provided by Elves. All that remained in the perishing world were raw materials that did not burn human hands.

In fact, when he first created the scarecrow, he didn't have to rob the inventory.

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“Honestly, I was anti-Semitic, but it worked. ”

- A crafting skill is almost impossible for one person to master more than one skill. But as such, if you have more than one skill, you will be able to utilize some of it in other crafting processes. And that's when it gets to the extreme: all-craft. You've already reached that point in the past, so you can still do a part of it now that metallurgy isn't done yet.

Although the manager's words did not understand logically well, he decided not to argue with it as much as he had already experienced it several times with his body.

It was pretty fun while sewing. However, I wanted you to stop actively approaching the Elves to measure themselves.

- Various tasks have made me realize some of the unlimited possibilities of metallurgy. Metallurgy grows to rank A! Strength grows to S + Rank! Your SP grows to S + Rank!

- Synchronization is accelerated. Current fairy tale rate 28.2%

After doing various tasks like that, metallurgy suddenly grew to rank A. At the time, I was working with metallurgy, but I felt that work other than metallurgy might have affected the growth of my skills.

‘Cause it's an A rank. Status went up two things at the same time. With the exception of agility and Huanglongbing, Status is all + rank. I don't have any more excuses... "

Although it's easy to forget that there are only monsters around, S + ranks are the realm of the most sincere elite superpeople, only a handful of superhumans can reach. Half a year ago, a boy who had been trapped in his own limitations suddenly got ahead of him.

- You will grow faster in the future.

“I think that's really going to happen when I hear from the manager these days. ”

When I ran so fast, I suspected myself that I had already changed this much. Perhaps if you had been this strong before connecting to the Hero Universe, you would have settled down here.

But now...... I know we still have a long way to go.

Kang Shinhyuk chuckled and hammered. Now, only a hundredth of the tree roots were incomplete, and a small portion of the tree roots emitted a bright light, shifting to the shape he wanted.

“Let's stay up all night again. ”

- Maybe we should go back to Earth tomorrow.

“Yes, it's a good time. ”

Kang Shinhyuk sighed satisfactorily and looked up at the sky. You can't see anything by covering the branches coming out of Halo. Giant footsteps echoing across the earth right after the mass.

It is a world that does not allow even the thought to be locked up. He shrugs and goes back to work.

The fourth week of summer vacation was coming to an end.

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