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Chapter 133: 133

- Janus whispered: I'll mix them up. Grandpa's an idiot.

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- Shut up, man.

The blacksmith was still touching the iron in a workshop that wasn't so spacious, where only the flames burning in the brazier were becoming a source of light.

However, touching the iron did not make armor. He was working on mixing the two metals to create an alloy. The materials were the metals he collected from the trading board for the money he made selling armor.

- Janus whispered: Is that why you scraped together the monster's remains, the magic metal? I think you're wasting your time. Though it's inspiring and fun.

- I thought you said it was noisy.

- Janus whispered: How's it going?

The blacksmith was silent for a moment, but then he spoke frankly. T ra nsl a t ed by Jp m tl.c om

- There's just more garbage. These magical metals, they don't come apart once you mix them together.

- Janus whispered in his ear: The only time something better comes out is when the original was scrap money. Right now, a dragon's scales or dragon's bones are the perfect ingredient. We can't make anything go any further.

- Leave it alone.

In the whisper of a friend who seems to be worried about the blacksmith, he continues his work with annoying arguments.

He also knew that his chances of success were slim. But this was his stubbornness.

A blacksmith who survived on his own in a world where nothing new was born, insisted on creating something new somehow.

T ransl at e d by Jp mt l .com Therefore, the act itself had meaning. I'm sure he would be delighted if the results were to follow…… but he was just so happy that he could try this.

Even the will of life can make the old body feel alive for a little while.

- Janus whispered in his ear: This is why I...

- Before you die, you must create something that surpasses the bones of a dragon.

Despite the ongoing failure, the data was still accumulating.

The blacksmith, along with the spirit of dancing with his hammer, analyzed the metals of countless worlds and engraved in his mind their transformation by mixing them with other metals.

Every time a new batch of failure was created, a new possibility of alloy was revealed gradually. In fact, it was a trivial but trivial success.

Iron flows through the narrow workshop. The old blacksmith slowly begins to understand all the metals.

- Janus whispered in his ear: …… I miss him now.

- Don't fret. Help me dispose of the scum.

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- Janus whispered: Ah, right. Can't you just throw it away? Okay, here's the deal. so that I can immerse them and just manage their inspiration.......

@ @ @

Kang Shinhyuk peeled through the blueprints of countless Magic Drive Bikes and at the end of his research, he was able to design the most suitable interior for blue cows. It was achieved after only seven hours of work.

[Oh, that's a talent for inspiration.]

“Spirituality is the power of nature. Anyone with a knack for putting it together. ”

[.......] T r an s late d by Jp mt l.co m

Halo is silent. It's hard to meet the basic requirements of spirituality, but it's never easy to transfer the essence of things determined by spirituality.

Even more so, he understood the nature of many things and created new things by combining them.

“Then let's get started. ”

Prior to entering the full-scale work, Kang Shin-hyuk analyzed the blue cow's armor. because I wanted to fit the parts that would fit into the intestines as much as possible like that of a blue cow.

- You, then.

“Yes, I'm going to challenge the alloy."

Even alloys, of course, are not meant to be titanium alloys or tungsten alloys used on Earth, but are meant to be made from all kinds of magical metals and biometals obtained from monsters. It was one of the tasks that the anvil in my previous life cared about the most.

“You have to make it as blue as possible to be less objectionable. ”

In fact, there was a better way to make an alloy. It's called the body.

Blue cows have the special ability to absorb lightning and absorb the part of their body that falls away. In other words, if you repeat the process of removing his body, absorbing and restoring electricity, you can theoretically produce as much metal as you want!

... But that way the burden on the blue cow becomes too much. In a hurry, he hasn't regained his ability yet. If I put repeated harsh burdens on them, they might not find the principle and sink.

More than anything, Kang Shin-hyuk didn't want to do. I've been collecting considerable quantities of metal over and over again these days. That's why I wanted to try now.

In a past life's work.

“Okay, we've got enough...... so let's get started. ”

Tra n sl a te d by Jpm t l .com He pulls the brazier out of his inventory. With 15 million HP portable miniaturization purchased thanks to tens of millions of units of HP just playing in the bandwidth.

An artifact, of course, an advanced brazier with the option to increase the chances of success, reduce worker fatigue, and improve the quality of finished goods.

Even though Kang Shin-hyuk is an artisan, it's almost impossible to create a brazier with all those functions. In that sense, the Hero Universe was a place that could not be underestimated.

[Hey, old man, the alloy is here...... Oh my, it's already started.]

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Halo heard it was impossible to challenge an alloy that has no recipe yet, but it was already too late to stop him.

Haylo sighed as he shook his branches, focusing on taking out various metals and melting them. I couldn't understand how the situation became like this.

- Your concentration is exceptional. That hasn't changed since the beginning.

[…… yes, but the rest of it turned out to be quite interesting. If it had been an anvil before, I would have gotten satisfaction from his conversation, but I would not have gotten this pleasure.]

- Well…… maybe even in this part of the world.


- No, Mr. Helo. Now just watch.

The metal obtained from the monster's body (although it is not the exact name, for convenience Shinhyuk Kang decided to call it biometal.) and magical metals in the proper proportions were difficult enough to even attempt with the metallurgical techniques of a dizzying hardship.

But the fairy tale rate of Kang Shin-hyuk is now 32.5%. Even though I had not reached the previous life of making legends out of trivial materials, I was close to reclaiming them, considering the memory of making alloys.

And it was a precious knowledge that the craftsmen of the whole universe would want for their lives. As much as Anvil's technology, his knowledge of embracing all sorts of metals on the Hero Universe's trading board remained as heroic universal for 20 years.

"…… umm…"

Tr an s l a t ed b y jp m t l .c om The knowledge thoroughly searched even the biometals of the first monsters and allowed them to discover the possibilities of alloys. There were countless monsters, but the biometals of monsters of the same lineage often had similar structures.

Nevertheless, it was not perfect, so there was no choice but to create rubbish during the work. I remembered my past life, so I also knew Kang Shin-hyuk.

A simple magical metal alloy has the potential to melt and return to its original state, but cannot be easily separated from the moment the biometal enters. We have no choice but to go through a losing resurrection to somehow create the armor to revive that temper.

Most of them, of course, failed to challenge the resurrection.

“Yes, in case this is the case, Janus…… Janus Gaaaaaaaa!? ”

About two hours after we started working on the alloy? Kang Shin-hyuk, who was continuing his work, cried out as if he had been struck by lightning, not thinking about how to dispose of the alloy waste. The manager freaks out and checks in on him.

- Why, why, you? Even if it's for you, Janus, the manager...!

[Take it easy, manager. Janus would never harm the Anvil.]

“Now, wait a minute. Wait a minute."

Kang Shinhyuk stopped working and calmly breathed. Then I opened my inventory and woke up Onyx, who was sleeping in it as usual.

- Boom!

“No, I can't. ”

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As soon as I got up, I instinctively blinked once, and suddenly Kang Shin-hyuk grabbed onto the tail of Onyx, who was approaching the blue cow without hesitation.

“How about this instead? ”

- Chuckle... Chuckle!

Onyx has tasted at least once of the biometals of the monsters he hunted, as Shinhyuk's monster hunt has been active lately. Because he left his performance and started brawling for new metal.

Until now, I thought it was just food. But now that I've reached rank B, repeating myself with new metals and armor, I've seen a new possibility to save his character.

Boom, boom, boom!

“Yes, do you want some? ”

- 45115;!

Onyx strikes a pile of metal with a passionate reaction. Yeah, it's a pile of alloys that Kang Shin-hyuk just made, you can't help but call trash, but his spirituality is permeated enough.

“…… opportunity. ”

- Well, at some point, you started to grow rapidly and Onyx wasn't going to be very helpful.

“Sharing the effects of Status Amplified Potions can still help me grow faster…… but I still think it can be a small help. ”

For example, the hideout of Onyx, where skill level reached B rank.

Hidden places say you can hide not only yourself, but also those near you. This way you can benefit from Shinhyuk Kang without having to buy a copy scroll on the trading board.

Honestly, I searched the transaction board a few times for charming skills, but unfortunately, the Hidden Stone never came out as a property.

“How is it? Is it good? ”

- Whoo-hoo!

Was he just up and hungry or unlimited in the first place? Onyx was crying happily after cleaning up the rubbish that Kang Shin-hyuk had caused for two hours.


[Onyx - B + Rank]

[Physical ability]

Force - C +

Agility - A-

Health - B

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[Special Ability]

Golden Magic Power - A-


Iron Predatory (S +) - B

Implementation (SS) - B +

Defense - A-

Hidden (A +) - B


Dependent on Shinhyuk Kang - Loyalty 81

Kang Shinhyuk quickly checked his status. Until I summoned him, his Golden Magic Power, which was still in B + rank, suddenly grew to A-rank! Plus, hiding is a rare plus one. You're already a great superhero!

“Okay, we can do this. ”

- Ji-Woo?

After knowing that it wasn't a bad story for him, Onyx cries adorably and hovers at his feet. Kang Shinhyuk smiled and whispered in his ear to his friend.

- Janus.

- Janus whispers: grandpa! Are you finally ready to make a new sword?

- Give me the keys.

- Janus whispered: I heard you didn't have enough skills last time, so now you're trying the alloy again?

- Conditioner.

- Janus whispered: Well, it used to be Anvil Grandpa.

Shortly after, a gift arrived from Janus.

The gift was originally quite expensive depending on the person and their personality and the value of the gift…… but if I could recover the item I had left in the form of a rental, I could get my current Strength Innocence back.

It was one small key. In memory of Kang Shin-hyuk's recent arrival, Anvil used this key made with Janus' help to manage the rubbish created by alloying.

Yeah, it is.

In the unique space opened by this key, there was all the alloy junk that the anvil had created in its lifetime.

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