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Chapter 136: 136

The opening ceremony was a dismissal, with only a face in the classroom.

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Karen, who guessed what had happened with Eleanor during the holidays, stabbed him in the shoulder and made a gruesome look, or even lured a white man to hang out, but he sprayed all of them and left the school all alone. It's because I was making a promise to meet Shin Eun-ah at the superimposer.

In fact, Lee Jin-seok's request also made him an excuse to contact Shin Eun-ah. Sin Eun Ah did not reply to a few of the first messages he sent, but agreed to go to Claire's bar if he didn't come after he set the meeting time and place, and the answer came back as he calculated.

The meeting place is a cafe, private room, of the first superimpostor they formally met. The clerk was still the same, but Kang Shin-hyuk changed a lot compared to that time. I was surprised to think that it was only a change that occurred less than half a year ago.

“Ha... installments. ”


Waiting in the room, Shin Eun Ah showed up with a tray containing Kang Shin-hyuk and a drink of her own.

Her balls were tingling. Kang Shin-hyuk who was accustomed to her childhood was also a rare face, so people who knew the ice princess would be frustrated if they saw her. Tr an sl a te d by Jp mt l .c o m

“That's too much installment. ”

"I'm sorry if I've been busy. But I wish I hadn't come."

"I hated sending it to Claire. ”

I thought it was roughly the reason. Kang Shinhyuk took a cafe mocha with a lot of whipped cream and licked the above cream slightly. Shin Eun-ah blushed her cheeks as she watched him like that.

“So, why have you been doing this? ”

“Ugh... I'm sorry. ”

Tran sl at ed by jpmt l.com It's because there are only two of them. Today is granddaughter mode from the beginning. But the distance between the two was farther than when they were in the lead mode. Maybe it has something to do with having been disconnected.

“So, why? ”

“Grunt...... I'm afraid I'll get angry. ”

“Why would I? ”

“I hugged her all I wanted. ”

Well, considering the strength of the skinship, there doesn't seem to be much difference in what she did to Kang Shin-hyuk... Kang Shin-hyuk's eyes narrowed slightly. Shin Eun-ah's attitude was still suspicious. He finally decided to ask openly.

“Why did you hug me? ”

“I don't know.”

“Maybe I was happy I was okay? ”

"I was angry because I was fighting the enemy on my own. ”

Suddenly, I picked it up.

“No, I wasn't alone. ”

“Claire, just watch. ”

“I was protecting you with a drone...."

“That little girl is acting strangely close to the old man. ”

“He's kind of a close friend, since he's the leader of the same club. ” T r a n s lated by jpmtl .c om

“You don't talk to me, you wear the same uniform. ”

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“It was just a disguise. ”

By this time, Kang Shin-hyuk realized that the story had derailed. Still, Shin Eun decided to listen to her story while drinking cafe mocha because it was better than keeping her mouth shut.

“But it was cool. ”



After a long pour, the anger subsides, and her voice sinks again.

She shrunk her shoulders, rubbing a white and thin finger across the rim of the glass.

“Everyone who was there thought it was cool. ”

“Suddenly, it defines the situation. ”

“That's why I'm jealous...... Stop. ”

After all, it was an exclusive lust for a child's family. After doing that, he came back to his senses and dived into the water, realizing that it was dangerous behavior in many ways.

That's how it's done. Since the moment of the transition, the brotherhood, enthusiasm, and conspiracy of Shin Eun-hyuk and the brain have been filling all kinds of communities. The picture that Shin Eun Ah was hugging him was already widespread enough to have seen the people on the other side of the world once.

By the way, the most popular ones now were enthusiasm and transsexual replication theory.

“So... I'm sorry. ” T rans l ated by jp mtl.c om

“Yes, I definitely want you to refrain from seeing other people. ”

“I'm sorry.”

Kang Shinhyuk smiled bitterly. That's when Halo's advice came to mind. He raises his glass. To be honest, I thought it would have an adverse effect, but I still couldn't stop because my heart is bigger because I cherish Shin Eun Ah.

He approached Shin Eun Ah sitting on the other side, and carefully hugged her behind him. Shin Eun Ah jumped like she had been struck by lightning, but soon she was silent. I felt like I didn't know what to do.

“But I didn't do anything bad. It's okay. ”

“Ah, ah. ”

“We're close, but we can hug each other. Instead, it's only ever gonna be the two of us. Okay?"


“Then we'll make up. ”


Like a cat on a high tree branch, Shin Eun-who nodded repeatedly, repeating the same answer as if the baby had failed.

As expected of Halo, the manager sends a message to Kang Shinhyuk, who sighs of relief in his mind, thinking he was pretty good advice as a friend for a long time.

- That should reverse the effects. A backhug if I have to.

Does it have a bearing? ’

Tr an sl a t e d by jp mt l.co m - The direction of the palpitations is different. You are such an idiot.

Looks like the manager was broken, too. It's the first time I've ever heard a manager say I'm an idiot. The manager doesn't exist, but he can't give me a hug, and I don't know how to get rid of him...... I decided to think about that later.

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“Then we'll make up. Let's go eat. Actually Eun-ah, I have a favor to ask you, so let's talk while eating..."


Relieved that his grueling relationship with her had recovered, he stretches his arms out and retreats, but Sin Eun Ah shakes her head slightly to hold his arms steady.

“Just a little longer, I'm going to stay like this. ”

“... Are you a child as soon as you reconcile? ”

"Hmmm...... Yes."

She grimaces as if to say something, then shuts her mouth and closes her eyes, leaning her head against the chest of Kang Hyuk.

Kang Shinhyuk felt that her mood had changed somewhere, but he dared not ask about it.

After all, it was two hours after the two of them went to eat, but even though it was just the two of them all the time, somehow Shin Eun Ah did not call him a installment.

@ @ @

Shinyoung's second semester is five times more important than the first semester. Because all the activities such as school festivals, fraternity exchanges, and finalization of ranking are also focused on examinations that determine the future as superhuman beings.

Of course, it is because there are two semesters of graduation exams in which preliminary beginners are reborn as formal beginners. Events that take place before and after are the best opportunity to appeal to Shinyoung's graduates to outsiders.

Clumsy first and second graders also watch and learn their roles and prepare for their turn. There was only the passion of young warriors in place of youth.

...... and, of course, most of the students were doing everything they could.

“This... this makes no sense!"

I was angry, slapping the white desk.

“When men and women cling to each other during summer break when they have to work hard at the gate and focus only on self-discipline, the massive amount of pink couples that emerge in class as soon as they start school…… does this make sense?! This is me!”

“Calm down, asshole. ”

Kang Shinhyuk tried to calm down by beating the white man's head, but his anger did not sink that far.

However, when I saw a couple showing affection with sticky body touch in the class, Shinhyeok Kang also got cold somewhere, but the white man's reaction was severe.

“Second semester real-world grades will hit bottom. No, it has to be. Those who hold hands inside the school will die...! ”

“Ha, why is he a white man...?"

“What a face, I want to give it to another child. ”

“Isn't Shinhyuk biting too? Wouldn't it be better to isolate him with a white man? ”

“What are you doing if you're handsome? Kang Shin-hyuk is with the non-Dragon Knights Leader...."

After a long time of seeing a white white woman, the girl said, 'I've always been handsome,' and her liking was returning to the ground.

It's okay for him to be alone, but the problem is that the white man is attached to Kang Shin-hyuk. I wanted to pretend to be someone else, but the white man wouldn't let him go.

“Don't you say anything! I know you're dating Algiers! ”

“So just calm down. ”

Rumors spread throughout the holidays, but the fact that Kang Shin-hyuk finally brought a new Wyvern to the Non-Dragon Knights spread.

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Of course, it was also known that Eleanor was accompanied, so some said that Kang Shin-hyuk would be the new deputy director, and some said that it was certain that they were already together.

“Shinhyuk's hands are so fast! ”

“What a coincidence, I think I just heard something like that...."

“What an accredited couple! I can't be friends with anyone but you anymore. You know?”

Karen, on the other hand, seemed overly explicit with a single smile on her face. Kang Shinhyuk narrowed his eyes and stared at her.

“You're the one who spread the rumors, right? ”


“It's good to be honest. ”

“Ouch, ouch, ouch.”

Karen was the first woman at this school to be able to swing her temple without hesitation. Since the old days, I've been able to turn my fist against the troublemakers at the orphanage.

“But Shinhyuk, can I ask you a serious favor? ”

“You look pretty thick for asking me to fuck with you. ”

Karen takes his words naturally and asks him.

“You have a connection to the Association, right? ”

“Well…… yes. ”

In fact, I want to actively gossip about Kang Shin-hyuk. No one will mess with him without the South Korean superhuman society's vote. In fact, at this point, Kang Shin-hyuk was quite a big man, but he didn't realize it himself.

“I told you before, why did you save me last time and this time Shin Eun-hyuk, a very active Special Forces officer at the station......"

“I don't know. You said you didn't know. ”

“…… wasn't the answer a little too quick? ”

“I don't know. ”

“I'd like to meet her and talk to her, please! Somehow!”

Karen blushes her cheeks and puts her hands together in front of her chest. Honestly, Kang Shin-hyuk, who thought it was disgusting, took a little distance from her. But she squirms like a cockroach, closing the gap in no time.

“I had a crush on the video this time...... and it was so cool! I'm ashamed to say this, but he's my type. So I wanted to make a personal contact somehow... … Shinhyuk? Why do you look like a skunk with a corkscrew canned in front of your eyes? ”

“It's nothing. But I don't know.”

“It's really too much...! You're good with brains. How do you get a contact number? Oh, I see! ”

Karen chuckles and stabs him in the cheek.

“Is it because the brain system abandoned you and went to Shin Eun-hyuk? You were pretending not to care...... That's why I told you to get along with the Director in the first place. Yes? Yes? ”

Karen keeps poking him in the cheek. It was like I had studied how to piss people off.

Kang Shinhyuk smiled quietly. Today, the three teachings of weapons training 2. It was probably the first time in two semesters, so there must have been a struggle.

“If you beat me in the race today, I'll teach you. ”

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“You knew that, didn't you? I knew it! I knew it! Once I meet him, no matter how much brainpower I have, I will never lose to my rivals, because I am much younger! ”

“Don't talk about it in front of Eun Ah. ”

It was time for the third period. Kang Shin-hyuk, who ignored the awkward gaze of the teacher's citation, challenged Karen and engraved the laws of the Oriental Court directly on her body.

“Quite a bit!”

“But the pig's throat sounds a little weird, doesn't it? ”

“Keheh... It hurts so much, it hurts so much! I don't see any attacks! ”

“You haven't worked hard on your neural enhancement. ”

“I worked hard...! Oh, it hurts. ”

However, the students who were watching the duel were overwhelmed by the sight. Karen also saw Kang Shin-hyuk's unilateral gains, even though she was the strongest in first grade.

No, to be precise, you should say you didn't even see Karen go out, even though he was attacking properly.

“What...... Wasn't he stronger? ”

“Then we practiced during the holidays, but we wouldn't be playing Kang Shin-hyuk. ”

“You've always been a trainee. ”

“But no matter what, ”

“Is she a freshman? ”

They were in the first grade of Shinyoung, but Kang Shin-hyuk's martyrdom was also stupid enough to feel jealous.

I've been feeling it for a while before the vacation…… but now he's just going to go to a completely different realm. It wasn't a competition, it was a chase.

“Aren't you stronger than a white man? ”

“No, I really think so. ”

“Rumor has it the Wyvern's been tamed, too. ”

“No, it has nothing to do with direct combat. ”

“Is that him? ”

It was time to roughly raise up the ragged Karen and send her to the nursing room. Dojin, who was sharpening the day hard by himself, stepped forward. Even though I saw the opposition unfolded unilaterally, I did not die of vigor.

“Shinhyuk Kang, let's fight. ”

“Fine. Then Karen can wait and get along with Dozens to the nursing room. ”

“Son of a...! ”

“Wait a minute.”

However, there was someone who stopped Kang Shinhyuk as he was about to go up to the arena with his teeth sharpened by a light taunt.

“Oh, come with me. ”

It was Baeg-in ha

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