- We have subdued those who do harm to order. Bonus for Level! You got 5,000 HP! BONUS VIP! You earned an additional HP equal to 50% of the reward and a total of 7,500 HP!

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- I have a small but important epiphany about spirituality. It deepens your understanding of spirituality and greatly expands your own spirituality. Your spirituality is growing to a D rank in no time!

- Improved understanding of the fundamentals of martial arts by spreading out an imperfectly transcendent group. Arithmetic (S-) grows to B-rank!

- I remember the rise of my body through the battle against B + grade monsters. The energy of the Alchemist's Special Boost Potion responds to this, and your body begins to change. All physical abilities grow by one level.

The list of messages I had not seen earlier filled his retina tightly as soon as the enemy died and the victory of Kang Shin-hyuk was confirmed.

It's a bit anticipated that defeating monsters will give you the HP you can use on Hero Univers, but more importantly, the other part. It is the ability to grow.

‘All I did was drink potions and defeat my enemies, but the two harmonized to stimulate growth. ’

Trans l a t ed b y Jpmt l .c o m Moreover, did the growth buff that remained in his body play a role? He grew one level, one level of physical ability, and two stages of spirituality.

I thought it was only in boy cartoons to get Awakened during battle to overcome and grow stronger, but I can't believe I'm experiencing that.

It was funny to say this, but it was worth dying for.

Kang Shinhyuk instinctively clenched two fists in the excitement of growth.

- He's hurt real bad! If you don't heal quickly, you could suffer permanent damage!


And I rolled to the ground because I couldn't overcome the pain that came later.

My whole body's muscles twisted, my bones broke, my skin cracked, and my flesh gnawed at the same time. T rans la t e d b y jp m

Then you challenged yourself to an unfinished territory that you shouldn't have crossed! I was able to endure until the end of the battle.


- Purchase Emergency Trauma Medicine from the Hero Universe Transaction Board! This medicine prevents permanent damage to the body while leaving an unsuspected level of trauma to those who discover the site!

“Thank you for the proper advice, but can I buy it with my money · · · · · · ·!? ”

- Available for 5,000HP!

Considering you've just defeated a B-rank monster and earned 7,500 HP, the amount of medicine will increase, but you can't stop buying it now. Kang Shinhyuk quickly bought a trauma treatment and swallowed it, following the manager's instructions.

I felt that I could buy medicine to take, not medicine to apply in situations where my whole body was not used properly.

- I'm getting better. However, if you do not receive adequate treatment within a few days, your condition may worsen again.

Strangely, right after taking the medicine, the pain subsided a little, and I remembered that message. Kang Shinhyuk let out a sigh of relief because he thought that the dangerous level had escaped.

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There are some preaching points. If you have defeated the War Trolls and have permanent damage to your body, you will die of injustice.

- There's something you need to do next.

“I think I know that. An axe that emits dark spirituality, right? I don't think it's safe for someone else to find that out. ”

- Get an all-in-one bonus of 100HP for yourself!

When the pain subsided and he was able to move his body somewhat, Shinhyuk Kang raised his body as a staff with a new sword in his hand.

Trans l at e d by jpm tl .c om What you see in front of you is a dead body of a war troll with his neck and one arm falling off, and a black axe gripped by a fallen arm.

While Shinhyuk Kang thought that he wanted to explore that axe with spirituality at the moment, he could not relax and practice his spiritual skills in the middle of a chaotic hotel room. There is no guarantee that no other enemy will appear.

“Okay, so can you eat it? ”

Woohoo. That's how the new sword vibrates. While the War Trolls were holding it, it was protected by its energy and could not penetrate it, but now it is consumed by the ability of the 'snapping predatory’ that the new Sword opened.

‘By the way, a spiritual axe · · · · · · · · No · no. You can't just make anvils with spiritual possession. But it doesn't mean he's been tracking me. I'll think about it later. ’

Now is not a good time to hesitate. He dares to strike the axe with the sword in his hand, as if he had blown away his resolve.

At that moment, I wondered if the light emanating from the new sword would envelop the axe. The axe melted like ice cream on asphalt road and was absorbed by the new sword. It was truly a mysterious sight.

- A new Sword that has eaten the Axe with its power regains some of its power. However, it will take some time for all outside spirituality to be purified and absorbed. We can help you save time with your resume.

“Is that enough? ”

- I wish I could get rid of the War Troll variants, but it would be best to ask her to take care of them if that's not possible.

Manager answered Kang Shinhyuk's question vaguely. It was only a matter of time before I knew who the word 'she’ meant. The broken window immediately flew through Alchemist Claire Boyle.

It's the second time, and it's really bad timing, as if you're walking past the walls of a Troll or Claire or the top floor of a hotel.

“Shinhyuk, are you okay? ”

“Claire! Oh, he's not okay. I lived to die.”

Kang Sin-hyuk sat down the moment he saw Claire. I was serious, not acting.

T r ansl a te d by jpmtl .c o m Miraculously, in a situation where the war trolls were wiped out and exhausted, a stronger ally appeared before his eyes in case another enemy ever showed up. It was hard not to relax.

“Dead, you're a war troll. Did you win this by yourself? ”

First and foremost, Claire found the remains of the War Trolls and vomited mild malignancy.

War Trolls are one of the toughest monsters in B rank. It is a force that refuses to confront even the feisty current superhero.

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However, it was clear that he subdued the War Trolls, including a neatly cut neck and arm, traces of sword left in the groin, and finally, a black sword in the hands of Shinhyuk Kang.

“If it's true, you cheated me. It didn't seem like you were good enough. ”

“I barely won thanks to the potions Claire gave me. ”

“It was a rare potion, but so was it. There's no way a trainee at the training school can beat a war troll if you eat a potion like that, right? No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. ”

Claire is too embarrassed to speak out like a rapid-fire, and she notices the state of the reincarnation later.

No matter how much blood was shed in the battle, Kang Shin-hyuk's clothes were all covered in rags, and I could still see new blood coming out. She reaches out to him in a panic.

“If you're hurt, don't you think you should talk? I've been interrogating a sick man! ”

“No, it's so serious. ”

“Come here now. ”

She tugged on Kang Shin-hyuk and stripped off his clothes skillfully. Kang Shin-hyuk took his clothes and put on a pair of panties without knowing what it was. Claire looks at his wounded body and shudders.

“Wow, this is really bad. But I know how you won. Do you think your skills are better than your physical abilities? You tried so hard not to think back and forth, right? ”

Tr a n s la t e d by Jpm t l .com “Precisely.”

You don't lie because it's true that you have a higher skill rank than your body stats.

After reviewing the whole body of Kang Shin-hyuk, smiling bitterly and positively, Claire whistles a small whistle, seeing his refined flesh that cannot be covered by scars, realizing that it's not the time to do so, and clears her throat and pulls out a bottle of potions from her chest.

“Let's start with the obvious trauma. Stay still.”

She takes the potion out and pours it into my hand and applies it to his wounds with virtue. I could feel the potion seeping into his wound quickly healing his skin, muscles, and bones.

The effect of the trauma treatment I took earlier also increased, resulting in rapid repair that is noticeable.

“Wow, you're a natural healer. It's a medical practice. Can't you report it? ”

“That can't be right. Thank you."

“First of all, trauma is fine. The problem is internal injuries, but there was something good. ”

Suddenly, a silver flashing scalpel protrudes from her arms. Kang Shin-hyuk, with the blade in front of his nose, instinctively grabbed hold of the new Sword, but Claire's goal was not Shin-hyuk Kang, but the War Troll he killed.

“Too bad I blew up a part of myself in the middle, but it was okay to slit his throat. This should keep the heart strong enough. ”


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“Freshly harvested Troll hearts are the best medicine for poison. Besides, if it's the heart of a war troll you just hunted, maybe you can look forward to the growth of Status. ”

She gives Kang Shin-hyuk a happy smile. You stab the scalpel directly into the chest of the Troll.

Then I chopped off his hide skillfully, dug out his flesh and reached out with both hands and pulled out his heart.

Kang Shin-hyuk's whole body looking at it became ticklish for no reason. He insists that he shouldn't offend her in the end.

“Wait, I'm going to make you the best cups from now on. ”

Claire looks at the troll's heart and smiles brightly. The blood gushes from the dead troll splashes across Claire's cheek. Kang Shinhyuk trembled.

“Huh? Is this a variant? It's a little different than the heart of a war troll I know. More energy. ”

“Is that so?"

“· · · · · · · It's okay now. Worry later, worry later. ”

After securing the ingredients, Claire went straight to the manufacture of 'cocktails’.

First, he injected the processed Mana into the Troll's heart to compress its size, and then put the compressed heart with another herbal and sticky liquid into the shaker from the bag and pulled a little blood out of the body of the War Troll.

“Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.”

Then he closes the strainer and cap and starts shaking the shaker with a strange nostril.

I can't believe I'm making potions like I'm actually making cocktails, even in this situation! A little absurd, but she really seemed to be enjoying herself.

But in the process, I wanted to see a faint glow in her body, and I saw the light that covered the shaker.

It looks that obvious to Kang Shinhyuk.

Is that spirituality?

- Correct, 10 HP Bonus!

I just didn't seem to know it. Shaking the shaker while singing excitedly as if he had forgotten the situation, even Kang Shin-hyuk who was watching made me feel better.

Shacock-break, the shaker that was jumbling with a cheerful sound, immediately stopped.

“Hey, it looks like skill success. Shinhyuk, you're really lucky. ”

Whether the skill was successful, even though she could not detect her own spiritual energy, she opened the cap and poured out the contents of the glass and made a surprising face. However, I smiled satisfactorily and gave him a cup.

“Troll Heart Cocktail Complete. Non-alcoholic. Now, drink while it's cold. ”

“I don't think I put any ice in it, but is it cold, or is it a shaker? ”

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“Both. Come on, come on. ”

Claire's looking forward to it. Kang Shinhyuk resolutely raised his head and raised a glass of Troll Heart Cocktail. The contents of the perfectly melted Troll's heart were plain blood.

Kang Shinhyuk, who once looked at Claire, took it in and unexpectedly opened his eyes wide to the taste of it sticking to his tongue. What kind of magic can make a potion that contains Troll Hearts and Blood look like this?

But what was even more surprising was the effect of the cocktail.

- Resilience is spiking! All wounds heal instantly and become ‘Increased’ buff only for 3 days from now. Your metabolism will accelerate and promote growth in all areas, but you will need that much food.

- Accepts specially processed War Troll variants for their spiritual power. Strength grows to C-rank.

Not only did the cocktail descend on his neck amplify the circulation of blood, but it immediately affected his body, making his bones and body more robust and evolved. By entering rank C, you have literally increased your body size!

At that moment, Kang Shinhyuk was so moved that he almost hugged Claire. Wound Healing or Buff just regrowth their stamina a second time, and they end up in C rank · · · · · · ·!

“How's that working out for you? ”

“Amazing! Amazing! ”

Kang Shinhyuk did not hide his joy and excitement. Claire laughs satisfactorily at the appearance of the child he reveals.

“Good, it's worth the effort. So, you want to wait here a little longer? Actually, the situation isn't over yet. I came as soon as I heard some Class B monsters sneaking out of the siege while the gate was opening. I was heartbroken when I found out he was headed for this hotel. ”

Hearing that became clear. War Trolls have been after Shinhwaek from the beginning. Why, and how.

A myriad of questions have engulfed my mind, but they will not be resolved immediately. He smiles as he tries not to reveal his complex heart.

“I'll wait quietly. ”

“Yeah, we should be good here now. I'll be right back! ”

“Oh, Claire! ”


After seeing that all of Kang Shin-hyuk's wounds had healed, he headed straight for Claire, who was extremely shy and frank.

“I'm really sorry, but I'm a little hungry for a lot of blood. No, if you're too busy. ”

“Did you have a hole in your stomach? ”

Claire insists on being ridiculous, but promises to take care of everything and bring me some chicken.

Kang Shinhyuk thought she was a really good person.

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