A VIP as Soon as You Log In

Chapter 169: 169

- The source of the shadow recognizes and attempts to evolve an ideal form of energy.

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- The source of the Shadow sucks out Shadow Eaters!

I wish he'd made a Shadow Golem to turn himself into a nucleus and attacked us.

He created a shielding platform to block Shinhyeok's approach and began sucking back the Shadow Eaters he had given birth to.

And it was shrinking... gradually.

Kang Shinhyuk seemed to have seen it a lot somewhere.

“I don't think they're trying to attack me. ”

- This is a great opportunity to explain, sir. T ran slat ed b y jp m tl.c om

Going into descriptive mode meant that the situation was really not dangerous.

There was no danger against Shadow Eater in the situation where Kang Shinhyuk had begun to stably activate the spiritual shield that applied Huanglongbing, spirituality and soul poisoning.

The source of the shadows, which I thought would emerge as boss class at least, began to evolve over time with the enemy in front of me.

It was safer for a magical girl to change into a magical girl costume when she was surrounded by a suspicious light in front of the enemy.

- All monsters are hostile to humans, but some of them suppress their instincts and regard survival as a top priority.


T ran s l at ed b y Jp mtl .com - Yes, it is more common among non-living monsters that are influenced by many humans, legends and myths than among instinctively born ones.

It was hard to understand.

No, a monster that prioritizes survival and is non-living!

- Non-biotype monsters are monsters of inorganic material that cannot be defined in the form of animal plants. Typically, living armor belongs to it.


- These non-living monsters don't get overwhelmed by instinct because they don't have a living body. But since it was originally a non-living organism, I want to survive even more.

It sounded very ironic, but I could understand it somewhere.

Something that was originally lifeless, some miracle led to life.

Then, unlike the creatures that naturally held it in their hands, there was nothing strange about life that was obsessed with it.

“How does that relate to this situation? Once I understood that the source of this creature was a non-biological monster with a strong obsession with life. ”

- I don't see how I can beat you, so I decided to make a change that won't harm me. It's an option that no living monster would ever think of.


Because Kang Shin-hyuk overwhelmed Shadow Eaters?

Or is it because Kang Shin-hyuk handles Soul Poison?

- Exactly. Your soul venom, which has polarity to everything that appears on this gate, has greatly diminished the source of the shadow, and as a result, this breakthrough has finally taken appropriate hints and attempted a change. This is the site now.

T r a n s la ted by jpmtl .co m Monsters dying by superhumans is an enormous number of things happening at other gates right now.

But no matter how big the gap between them is, there's usually very little chance of surpassing it.

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The problem was that the soul venom of Shinhwoo appeared to be an impenetrable wall to judge at least from the point of view of the source of the shadow.

That's why, unlike other gates that managers have observed in the past, this time, it has led to a different way of coping, irregularization.

“Because you saw this. Is this the mirror or something? ”

- Halo, you're not describing a situation like this.

Well, I'm sure he is.

Kang Shinhyuk shook his head and looked at the black sphere in front of his eyes.

When I first discovered it, it was bigger than Kang Shin-hyuk, but it was now small enough to be held with both hands.

From that state to the far reaches, Shadow Eaters have been called in and swallowed, compressing themselves into smaller, stronger, richer, and thicker parts.

So it was…… similar to when Kang Shinhyuk used to train the Benadilite particles converging on him in the past, around a single terminal.

And the result is now Shinhyuk Kang.

“That's because I showed up with the Necromancer and the Necromancer. ”

- This is a case even managers could not have anticipated. It's up to you.

So Kang Shinhyuk decided to do as he wanted.

T r a n s lat e d by jp m tl.co m You put the Necromancer back into the sword house, joyfully listening to the Shadow Eaters' terminals, now trying to escape from the source of their sucking without striking him, and take a step closer to the source of the shadow.


One moment it was pulsing loudly.

I could clearly read Kang Shin-hyuk's feelings right now.

It was frightened of Kang Shin-hyuk.

“I was a little harsh. ”

If I told you about this dungeon, it would have been scarier than you.

The manager told me honestly. When you give me a bonus for being cool.

- From the point of view of the enemy, 10,000 HP bonus!

It was useless to give a late bonus.

Kang Shinhyuk smiled and reached out to the source of the shadow.

He did not resist Kang Shin-hyuk, whether he had already resigned.

He unleashes his spiritual power over it.

It was originally difficult to use for living people, but it was not that hard to understand whether they came from managers' words or inanimate objects, or because they were completely afraid of Shinhyuk Kang.

‘Are you ready down here? ’

No, it's much better than when you made the Ultimate Necromancer. Tran sla t e d b y jpm t l .com

Not only have I already experienced it, but I've also improved my Metallurgy skills and increased my ability.

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Above all, he possesses the power of Huanglongs, which can strengthen him in his fundamental realm, no matter how hard he tries.

Kang Shinhyuk raised his hand.

He imagines that he has a hammer in his hand, just like he did when he made the Ultimate Heirloom.

The golden glow that wrapped around his hand, followed by a spiritual force that gently covered it.

He dared to strike at the source.

- Thump!

It definitely sounded like that.

He was very nervous that Kang Shinhyuk thought Gear was going to destroy him, but it wasn't until he got a big hit with the Spirit Hammer that he realized it wasn't.

I realized that Kang Shin-hyuk would help his evolution.

He was in deep contact with him with his spirituality enough to read all of his delicate emotional changes.

- Thump, thump! Kick!

Kang Shinhyuk waved his golden hand in succession, but he wanted to see what this was doing.

You ended up practicing metallurgy where you came in for battle.

I'm really glad you came alone into these woods.

- Thump, thump! Kick!

It was good until the source of the shadow saw the Extreme Necromancer and tried to evolve along it, but the thing about him was that he was an enormous collection of energy, and everything else was different.

I didn't have the jaw to make that change on my own, and all I could do was shrink myself and compress the energy.

Funnily, for Kang Shinhyuk, the process is the hardest, and once the compressed energy is shaped like the Extreme Divine Spirit, it is not that difficult as it has already been done.

“We're going to need some finishes. ”

The finish, of course, is a byproduct of the Shadow Eater I killed earlier.

They were extracted to express traits, enhance abilities, and process them using spiritual power.

With it, I now completely surrounded the source of the shadow, which had reduced to the same size as the Pearl of Extreme Shinju or Wind, and pulled out the thread of spirituality with the soul connector and sewed it tightly.

Once the shape was completed, the thread of spiritual power was absorbed into the sphere and a clean bead without a trace was completed.

- Awesome craftsmanship, 15,000 HP bonus!

“…… I think that's great. ”

It is unknown what the sculpture of the Shadow Eater was.

However, the shaped beads were shining smoothly, like a stone or metal, just like the Grand Chamberlain of Wind.

- Thump, thump! Kick!

But it's not finished yet.

Kang Shinhyuk kept tapping and tapping it.

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It injects its own spiritual power and Huanglongbing to stabilize its state while strengthening its source power.

I exerted a characteristic to constantly rub and stimulate it.

Although the shapes were much different, this was similar to the work of forging, quenching and polishing iron.

Perhaps when we reached the end of this, we could call it the all-craft, and Kang Shin-hyuk kept tapping the marbles, thinking that he was dazed.

- Thump, thump! Kick!

The work seemed to be quite long, but was actually less than five minutes away.

When Kang Shin-hyuk stopped thinking that he didn't need to knock anymore, the bead came round by itself, shining a mysterious black light in harmony with the spirit of Kang Shin-hyuk.

Is it right to call it a self-contained artifact?

There was a jewel that was born after Kang Shin-hyuk took all the means he could now take.

- After conquering life from matter with charisma and metallurgy and performing miraculous work, he was able to rebuild it as a treasure [Black Eternal Spirit (SS)] with the power of a source of shadows that no one expected.

- Not only did he subdue the living object and turn it into his own material, but he also assisted in the work and produced a successful outcome. Your Metallurgy skills have increased tremendously!

- Synchronization is accelerated. Current fairy tale rate 51.4%

Unexpected results, plus some expected results.

When Kang Shin-hyuk held the black orb in his arms, his retina was continuously tapped by a burning message.

- VIP 3rd Liberation is underway - 2 Billion HP will be saved!

- Revitalizes one of your previous skills. You have learned the Derivative Skill [Repair]. Fairy Tale Rate and Metallurgical Skills will increase your Repair Skill Skill's Skill Skill to A + Rank!

Kang Shinhyuk opened his eyes wide.

If there's one thing you can do, repair the skills you revived with 3rd Liberation.

In a way, this was also a skill called metallurgy, because the metallurgy that Kang Shinhyuk used when he was making the supreme spirituality or the metallurgy that he used to create today was a concept that was a little closer to repair than complete creation.

‘Maybe this is not just a repair, but a skill that will affect my overall metallurgy in the future. ’

Kang Shin-hyuk quickly thought about it and realized he had gained a great skill.

No matter how strange a skill may be, Skill A + rank makes it an indisputable power.

It was a quick valuation.

- Congratulations on your 3rd Liberation and a 150,000 HP bonus from your manager! As a reminder, you will also be able to purchase an Epic Status Amplifier Potion for 1,000,000 HP each, which will increase each Status for three phases and an hour in the future! We've added more items for you to buy in the store. Energy glue is also included!

“Even the mid-level potion was worth living for, but it suddenly grew. ”

Of course, it was silly to say 1 million HP right now because of the 2 billion HP together at the time of the 3rd release, but it was never cheap when people like Claire and Shin Eun Ah beat it to millions of HP.

- Because it's superior. Of course, you can get an additional VIP discount for 700,000 HP!

Becoming a VIP allows you to buy Advanced Potions, why is there a VIP discount?

Although Kang Shinhyuk was questioning the structure of this hero universal shop, he decided to keep his mouth shut because he only knew that there was nothing good to ask the manager.

- Also keep in mind that Advanced Potions have a stat amplification limit of up to SSS rank.

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“When you're SSS rank, can you beat Hale? ”

- I can't win.

The manager answered briefly. Kang Shinhyuk reasoned and nodded.

“I've grown quite a bit in a short period of time, but I still can't see the end. ”

- You're growing at an alarming rate. Even though your rank may seem like a long way to the next level, you don't have to be nervous because your distance is still narrowing at a fast pace.

“Thank you, Manager. ”

- 150,000 HP bonus!

…… You're not going to keep throwing bonuses at 100,000, are you? Kang Shinhyuk was somewhat terrified of Manager's daily inflation bonus, followed by Manager's message.

- The 3rd release also enhances the login bonus. Plus! Here's a Enhancement Wheel to spin for 20 Wheel Coins!


Every time I gathered 5 Wheel Coins these days, I could only spin something that didn't change. Was it a stone for this?

- The Enhance Wheel includes a number of Hero Universe Hidden Systems, including gear slots, so don't miss out!

“You already pulled out the gear slot. ”

- That is proof of your high luck! In addition, the maximum daily availability of my room has been adjusted to 10 hours and 3 times the time to Earth, so make the most of it!

It's the happiest news ever!

Even though the time ratio of 2 to 1 has been 5 hours, it has been useful for training or metallurgy. At this point, it was better to stick to my room than to receive intermediate dimensional quests.

- There have also been an enormous number of other dimensional quests available. If you return to the world after completing the previous Dimension Quest, you will have the privilege of halving the amount of HP you need!

“Oh, it's time to fill my room with a World Quest. ”

It's time to skip the endless knocking of Mirotoz dimensional quests and explore other dimensional quests!

However, when Kang Shin-hyuk was excited about the fresh shocks brought by VIP 3rd release, he forgot all these depressing things.

- You and your manager were excited and forgot something for a while.

“What is it?”

- The gate is not cleared even if you have secured the source of the Shadow as the Black Cultist.


And here's what happened.

Kang Shin-hyuk smiled as he was momentarily wandering around, but there was a sudden explosion on the other side of the wall.

- Another irregular phenomenon is happening in line with the variation from the source of the shadow!

“Oh, really. ”

If Irregular doesn't happen in a dungeon filled with Kang Shin-hyuk, then that's even weirder!

Kang Shinhyuk forgot the joy of the 3rd liberation and landed firmly in the arms of Black Youngsters!

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