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Chapter 176: 176

- Today's Login Bonus gives you a Speed Boost Buff! Only allows you to move 30% faster for 24 hours!

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On Friday mornings, Kang Shin-hyuk simply washed as soon as he woke up from his room and cleared the room with snacks, not triple but 30% faster movements.

I thought it would be painful for people to go out to the same restaurant, so I decided not to go out today if possible.

You almost bothered me about what happened inside the Class S gate.

‘In Paris, France, I was caught up in an SS-class gate, but it was not known that I was doing my part.'

At that time, the white man was buried in a myriad of other supernatural people, and it was only known enough to ‘fight back, not be defeated by monsters.'

Of course, even though it is highly flammable, it is another dimension to conquer a Class S gate in one piece.

Tran sl at ed b y jpmtl .c om Especially given that Vanguard's renowned elite combat novice has become ragged!

‘Then what do we do? Should we pick up where we left off yesterday? ’

I tried texting Inahi, but I closed the screen suddenly because the answer was [save me].

Of course, she was excited to find out that she had been read and immediately sent more text.

[Nahee: Hey, save me!]

[B: Practice ^ ^]

[Nahee: Can I write a good word for you? Huh?]

Tr anslat ed by jpm t l.c o m [I: Latte is horse..]

Kang Shinhyuk put the fiercely vibrating stick in his arms like the wings of a hummingbird.

Anyway, work with Inahi has crossed the water.

But the gift to Claire and Shin Eun Ah was determined to work alone, so there was no problem.

“I just need to work a little harder. ”

Actually, yesterday morning, after preparing to open the bar, I went into my room and knocked on the iron for the rest of the evening.

Iron was the best way to calm my mind.

Since I didn't have anything to do with the battle, I worked with all of Hwang Yong Jeong's jealousy and spirituality, but the basic refinement was overflowing.

‘Let's make it a series. Giving you the same serial numbering...... I'm sentimental. ’

In fact, the gift for both of them was the same thing. Technically, I was trying to make an extra gift for Eun-who, just like Claire's. Furthermore, the items that we worked with Inahui the previous day could be grouped into the same category, so we will already make three.

As a bonus, Kang Shin-hyuk was also quite confident in handling this, so he wanted to make his own share.

If you have the energy source to deal with this, everyone can attack with their traits…….

'While we're at it, let's make a white one with Eleanor. ’

Eleanor might be able to fill her own shortage with this.

White people have a lot to do together, so it shouldn't be too bad to make them.

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He was hesitant until the moment he signed the contract, but in reality he needed to know how lucky he was. T r ansl a ted b y jp m t l .c o m

Now, if you're a member of an artifact like this, you're a member of the team, Masked Barkers.

White people don't? What are you talking about? He's part of a great team. From now on, it will be so.

If you say you're tied up with a team like Claire, Inahui, and Eleanor, he'll cheer, and he won't hate it.

“Then let's get started! ”

He entered my room.

The time ratio was adjusted to one-on-three, so it was more profitable to work here than to carry out dizzying dimensional quests.

Although I have not completed many dimensional quests, the internal diameter of my room has not changed that much.

Although there is a problem that the correct anvils and braziers have not been installed and the liver needs to be solved with a set, in fact, this was enough to do the work of a smith.

“Light a fire. ”

When I saw the burning fire, my heart calmed down. I felt a little more familiar with the Light Mastery the other day.

I want the Fire Mastery, too. Kang Shinhyuk picked up a hammer and affection with such useless thoughts and began his work.

- Even if you are an artisan in precision parts manufacturing. You're good at a lot of delicate parts. It's not minting. It's forging.

“I tried to get tired of making blue cow mods. It's more convenient this way now. ”

Reclaiming the memory of a previous life means reclaiming the memory of an artisan, who hung only on a blacksmith for decades, except eating, chewing and sleeping.

Kang Shinhyuk carved out delicate mechanical parts that did not allow for errors of 0.001 mm and did not feel any fatigue. Tr ansla ted by jp m tl.com

‘But it's not just Nogada. I'll give you different features for each numbering. ’

The basic ingredients are all the same Dwarf nails.

However, each numbering added a slightly different ingredient.

White Tiger Eye and Blue Cow shell, sold by Hero Universe, make the remaining blue alloy.

Eleanor's is poisoned by Spine Rosse's spines and wasps, which she left behind after making the previous alloy. I dared to invest them all.

Claire's work held her grounds, giving her inspiration as she thought she had room to relax. and added a special feature just for her.

Shin Eun-ah's, in fact, thought it was necessary to make even hers, but I made it with care.

To this we added shards of shadow elements and blue alloys of a material such as the outer shell of a blue cow, just like under a white cow.

“Whew, that's about it. You need your Mana to complete it, so you may want to stop at this stage. I also want to receive Nahee's enchantments if I can. ”

- You work very fast.

“I've already made most of the frames... … How much did I do? Oh, five hours. ”

It was not that the room was available for 5 out of 10 hours, but that the time ratio tripled and left 5 hours for 30 hours.

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Even this is due to the 30% increase in speed given to him today, so you can guess the amount of work he has done.

After all, you've left everything you have for someone else to finish, so you've decided to work on your own.

Trans late d by Jpm tl.co m By reference, Kang Shin-hyuk decided to make two things.

It makes it much easier for two to gather together.

‘Okay, enough ingredients... Or is it too much? I don't know, change everything. ’

The first item was first attached with fragments of Shadow Elements, plus the stone left by the sediment of chaos.

I wish you would have told me you were coming out, but after the battle, it was automatically rooted and stuck in your inventory, so it took Shinhyeok Kang to find it.

I was worried that he might have used a stone of too high a rank, but I couldn't help but do what I already did.

“I can handle this...? Okay, I think we're good. ”

- You are now a superhuman being who ranks SS-rank only according to the ranking of the Guia system.

“I can't believe it, but it is. ”

Technically, his abilities are still lacking.

Power has become an SS-rank, but agility and stamina still remain in the S + rank.

However, a typical superhuman would most likely have gained an addition point in that there are two abilities: [Spirit], [Yellow Dragon Warrior], and both reach the SS-rank.

That would include Huanglongbing and Soul Poison, as well as the fact that you are acquiring highly rare skills.

- SS-rank soon.

“Haha, then the name of the top ranker won't be a waste. ”

Anyway, after he had just stood up and said he could handle the products he'd just made, he went into the production of a second piece.

Here, I smashed all the blue metals that remained after making white men and Shin Eun Ah's things.

In addition, I decided to insert the wing bracelet of the queen wasp that I was not wearing these days.

An object that adds vibration to objects. It is quite powerful, but has never been used in harmony with other abilities.

So I decided that I would rather use it as artifact material than let it go.

- Are you saying you want to use the finished artifact as an ingredient?

“Yes, I think it's possible now. ”

Reading from the memory of the anvil the other day, it was now quite possible at the level of Shinhyuk Kang.

The manager didn't answer his younger self for a while, and soon only printed a short message.

- 10 HP bonus.

“Thank you.”

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Why does the 10HP bonus feel more impressive than the bonus you used to pour on a few thousand units?

A bitter smile was made because I thought I knew why.

He didn't open his mouth, he was obsessed with the task.

The material used to make the skeleton is fused with all the ingredients and the Queen Bee's Wing Bracelet and melted into an alloy.

You pour out spirituality and Huanglongbing and trigger your traits.

Mixed, watched calmly, and mixed again.

Fortunately, the object was created before being kicked out of my room.

- We used all of our fine artifacts as materials to create an alloy with a special purpose! This metal that vibrates with the effects of the wind has tremendous potential.

- But because it's so special, if you can't make the right stuff, it can have a detrimental effect. Greatly increases skill level of Metallurgical Skill.

It was a metal with a strange blue glow. A special metal that replaces the force of the wind with hypervibration.

If Shinhyuk Kang names it here, the alloy will become very famous by itself.

Of course, it was the metal that would be exhausted here, so you don't have to name it.

- You, what is the purpose of this alloy?

“The manager didn't notice either? That's what you suggested to me. ”

- You mean the manager recommended it? What in the world...?

The manager sends you a message with an exclamation mark to see if you had any guesses.

This service is still cute.

Yes, Kang Shin-hyuk was about to create a beam weapon!

‘I've been thinking since I got the Light Mastery.'

At the moment of acquiring the skill, a theory was mysteriously established in my head about the destructive power and principle of magical light.

Unfortunately, the skill level he possessed or the limit of materials he could use was exceeded.

So I had a dream while I was thinking about it.

Dream of gaining new possibilities by using already completed artifacts as materials.

“This alloy is the result of putting it into practice. ”

This is an idea in a different realm than before.

This alloy is a magical metal that allows the vibration to be controlled by the force of the wind.

Whether light is a particle or a wave has been studied intensely by countless people since the 17th century until now, but it has not been concluded.

I just fed her the damn quantum mechanics.

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However, it is clear that this aggressive force of light generated by the [Light Mastery] is strongly characteristic of the wave being strengthened and compressed by the intervention of external vibrations.

- Since the metal of vibration highlights the properties of the wind, the manager thought you would create artifacts with the power of wind and lightning…….

“It's too simple. It's like this artifact I'm going to make for the white man. ”

- You don't mind denying your work to make your own progress. 50,000 HP bonus for impressive managers!

It not only confines the power of light, but also adds a vibration element to its control and power.

This experience of crossing the limits of his skills and knowledge into an alloy with extraordinary materials, would have done him an extraordinary service if it had been successfully completed.

“Hmm, then……."

Restricted material, there can be no mistakes.

Kang Shinhyuk carefully began his work.

In fact, I was going to use it all to create my own artifact, but I decided to add a little bit of this metal part to Whitehall's stuff with a special touch of compassion.


It's been 29 hours since I entered my room.

Kang Shinhyuk sighed after finishing all his work.

It was a much denser task than yesterday's.

I could see how much power he had put into this work just by looking at the power and the specter of Hwang Yong Jeong on the ground.

“What do you say?”

- Completing all of this will boost your rank of metallurgy.

“Actually, I think so, too. ”

It was a series of spontaneous ideas, but this was pretty good.

Maybe this is the world of creation experienced by real master craftsmen.

Maybe if I showed this to Imanwoo, he'd say, "You're No.1! ’There will be an answer, but Kang Shin-hyuk did not know until there.

“I should probably get back to my weapons training, then. ”

- Sir, I'm sorry, but you have a Dimensional Quest quest.


After a rewarding day's work, the manager's message was sent to Kang Shin-hyuk who was about to end the day with physical training.

- Dimensional quests from Kielon.

It was a name I had heard somewhere.

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