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Chapter 183: 183

I couldn't afford to joke about it.

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He opens his mouth to the kingdom without even looking at Kang Sin-hyuk, whether he could not draw his aggressor from the sword.

“Oh, shit. ”

I thought I'd seen a lot of it somewhere, but I could tell by the sparkling crystal on his head and the overwhelming aura in his throat.

“It's Bress.”

I've seen the Wyvern shoot Bress, but I've never seen a chicken shoot Bress before.

The important thing is that the Bress is likely to be a high-density energy that is not comparable to what Wyvern Melloy shot.

Tr an slat ed by Jpm t l.com ‘Even that's the attribute of light, right? Bress of ultra-dense compressed light energy. Watching that will really help you train the Light Mastery…… No, now is not the time! ’

Kang Shin-hyuk's brain rotated rapidly.

Making yourself bigger, I'm still trying, but I can't do it right now.

There is only one other way to stop Bress……

Kang Shinhyuk shoved his bead into the new sword in his hand.

- Due to the fusion with [Ultimate Shrine], the new Sword temporarily regains some of Bondi's character. Your new Sword has become SS + rank. Strength and vigor of the sword are amplified and all special abilities are maximized!

- You can now deal with [Absorption] and [Generation] of the Extremist Special Abilities.

T ra ns l a ted by jp mt l .co m - Special Ability [Release] is temporarily unlocked.

A great treasure that controls all kinds of energy.

The newly inserted blade again aims for his throat and maximizes.

I hope you can stop that Breach!

- Cough!

The flaming sword plunges into his open mouth and the Breeze of Light explodes!

Suck it up, release it and offset it! ’

The Grim Reaper gives off a radiant glow, pulling the light that was about to leap out of his neck towards him.

The overwhelming light energy that emanated from his Brest was unbearable even for the treasures of the SS + rank, but he was able to endure it because his new Sword had strong light resistance thanks to his added ‘Sword’ special ability while eating and growing Excalibur.

- Kuak, queek!

Giant monsters constantly vomit their breasts out in agony, feeling like a large thorn in their neck.

Bora-bitten new swords were absorbing most of them and releasing them again, blowing up the rest of the Brest inside his neck!

- 150,000 HP bonus from your Base Manager!

“Thanks, but not yet! ”

Kang Shin-hyuk remembered that he bounced off a new sword just before he got caught in the eye.

T ran sl at e d b y Jpmt l.c o m I still haven't been able to figure out what kind of ability it is expressed in his mind.

And…… the supergiant chicken, who was constantly hurting himself at his Brest, once again exerted its ability, shining a dazzling crystal in his head.

- Cough!

The scene that happened shortly after was astonishing to Kang Shinhyuk.

A new sword under the control of Shinhwyuk suddenly shrinks and bounces out of his throat into the air.

Kang Shinhyuk was embarrassed and tried to ‘regress’ the new sword in front of his eyes, but he was horribly stuck in the air.

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It was clear that it was the ability of the chicken to glare at Kang Shin-hyuk and his new sword.

His eyes were torn lengthwise like that of a snake, shining yellow and imprisoning the whole body of Shinhweok.


It was pain that could not be expressed verbally.

It feels like every element of the reinforcement is forcibly stopping.

Is this what happens when your body hardens like a stone?

Even had an effect on his spiritual power, which was fortunately, Huanglongbing had escaped its influence and was fiercely rushing through his entire body to confront his energy.

“Huff, huff..."

- Now I get it. Maan of Petrifying...... A variant of Basilisk, the tail of a snake on the head of a chicken! What a terrible hybrid! A Basilisk with light!

Thanks to Huanglongbing's jealousy, Kang Shin-hyuk, who is barely breathing, was gasping for air, so the manager talked later. T ra n s l at e d by jp m tl .c o m

If you look at the information one step later, it is clear that the world beyond the gates of that variant of Basilisk is a world that is not under the authority of the Hero Universe.

- Cough...!

He aims at him as if he didn't want to miss him for a moment, just as he did this time. Nevertheless, Bress aims straight at the kingdom.

If it had been the same, the whole kingdom would have been wiped out by the Brest.

But just before Bress melted down the top of the castle, a hemispherical shield appeared around the city.

Kang Shinhyuk realized that it was a special ability that was included in the will of the guardian, and let out a sigh of relief.

‘But that too won't last long. ’

Once the spiritual power stored in the belt runs out, the kingdom will be swept away.

No. If his power to shrink the Necromancers were even applied to the belt, it would be finished before his spiritual power ran out.

‘I have to stop him. ’

He gripped his teeth and circulated Huanglongbing away from the oppression in his gaze.

Even impacting spirituality means that his ability has something to do with marriage.

However, Huanglongbing was relatively free because it was a force based on his characteristics.

‘In other words, if it's my nature. ’

Guardian Huanglong.A power that holds the power of dragons in everything and keeps them from disadvantaged in any fight. Tr ansl at ed b y jp mt l .c om

Ability to strengthen me and my allies and weaken my enemies.

Kang Shinhyeok's eyes darkened the young golden glare, and the flow of Huanglongbing was intensified.

‘We'll be able to overcome his power...!'

It was that moment.

A new sword that was frozen like ice in the air begins to wiggle.

It was not able to emit its energy properly under the light of the Basilisk, emitting a light that might have absorbed from the Brest of Basilisks - and magnifying it again.

Kang Shinhyuk was confident that he had regained control of the Necromancers and shot it straight at him.

- Rrrrgh!

At the same time, exert the maximum [Absorption] capacity of the extremist.

The special power and protection built into the Necropsy Blade was triggered.

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“Suck……! ”

The shield formed by the new Sword prevents Bress from spreading towards the city's shield.

A brace made of compressed energy of intense light.

It is inherently impossible to confront the spirit of a new Sword in its entirety.

It was, but it was melting as soon as it touched the shield.

The ability to absorb, combined with the shield, was triggered by the shield absorbing the Bress in real time and using it as fuel to build the shield again.

- Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!

He glares at the new sword again as if trying to trick it, but it never gets any smaller.

Rather, his spiritual gaze, which had been tied, began to move freely thanks to his distance from Kang Shinhyuk.


The suppressed spiritual power rushed through his body.

Kang Shinhyuk recalled the moment when he made the new Sword massive.

In the process of communicating with the Necromancers and Spirits, I revived the will I received from him.


His temper is not oppressed by the laws of the world.

The fact that the belt he made in one day was so big proves that.

So, if he tried calmly, he would definitely be able to find the ‘original’ size.


It was at that moment that his spiritual power and Huanglongbing began to blend together.

The rushing spirituality stretched out to the outside of the body of Kang Shin-hyuk to form a constant frame, and the Huanglongbing envelope filled it, and the boundary between the two began to fall and form a specific shape.

- You did it, you. 30,000 HP bonus!


Kang Shin-hyuk realized that it was him, and his vision changed at the next moment.

Energy is good, and then the body chases after it.

The remaining bike seems to be in a state of panic, and then becomes as massive as Kang Shinhyuk. The blue cow's ego was stronger than Kang Shin-hyuk's.


My head is dizzy. I feel pressure from everywhere, as if the world were holding him back.

Therefore, it is natural to rebel against the laws of Kielon in this world.

But as a result, we can protect ourselves.

Kang Shin-hyuk was able to say that he had the unique strength to be a member of the Hero Universe.

“How many minutes, Manager? ”

- One minute and a half.

“Well, then I guess we'll just have to try. ”

The first time I saw him, it made no sense to fight him directly.

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Now, that chicken head, which looked like it would fill the world, seemed like a pretty good mountain.

- How dare you...?

It wasn't until he realized that Kang Shin-hyuk had become enormous that he took a hold of Bress and turned to him.

Along with the pressures of the world, Vasilisk's gaze and the petrification of Mayan overlapped, and his body was riddled with horrific servants, but Shinhyuk returned the new sword and held it firmly in his hands.

As long as I know that I can resist Huanglongbing, I won't be affected by that ability again.

“It's my turn, chicken head. ”

Moreover, Kang Shin-hyuk was also able to influence the enemy.

Guardian Huanglongs strengthen themselves and weaken their enemies.

Standing at an eye level equal to Basilisk, I could put him in the influence of the Guardian Dragon.

- Quiet!

On the other hand, he twists, screaming if he feels any abnormality in his body.

I can see his size shrinking in real time.

Perhaps because of the Guardian Dragon's effect, his ability was suddenly weakened, the balance of power was broken and he was influenced by Chielon's law.

Excellent opportunity. The time will never come for Kang Shin-hyuk to defeat that monster unless he's weakened now.

- What's wrong? Kuooooooooooooo!

At this rate, he twists his torso and exhales a powerful shot, assuming it's really dangerous.

At that moment, the crystal in his head vomited a dazzling light!

Kang Shin-hyuk ran the Light Mastery with a fierce grip as he watched the light go off in all directions.

At the same time, it triggered the absorption of the Necropsis, all of its light converging with its own sword!

- Improve your Light Mastery (SS) skills!

- Improve your Light Mastery (SS) skills!

“Thank you for that...! ”

It was impossible to completely absorb aggressive light energy.

The light that spread throughout Kang Shinhyuk's body warmed his skin and burnt him.

Nevertheless, it was nearly zero damage compared to his attack power.

The Lord Extreme himself was not enough. The Light Mastery would not have been enough.

* Sword - Energizes the weapon holder and allows it to handle the power of light. Allows the Pokémon to resist light.

There was a new Sword that could melt the two abilities together, allowing the owner the power of light and strengthening the body. It was able to endure.

No, I've even stored most of the light spilled beyond the enduring in an enormous relic instead of energy.

“I wish I could have handled the Black Creed properly at this time. ”

But looking at what I can't do now doesn't mean anything.

Kang Shinhyuk kicked his tongue and poured out some of the energy overflowing into the Ultimate Shrine, which absorbed his light, into a stormy bush of blue cows.

The rest focused on all the specimens.

Light will not work well for the one who handles the light, but I replaced it with pure energy and sublimated it back to Huanglongbing and spirituality.

It was possible because he was the architect of all energy.

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“Here we go then. ”

- Whoo-hoo!

The new sword and the blue cow resonate with one mind.

Kang Shinhyuk lunged out of the air and suddenly changed his posture as he read his energy while flashing his light.

- Cough!

His torso resembles a giant python, wrapped around his trunk like a chicken head.

Moreover, from the new sword to the strange shield that protected the body!

- Must be a defensive skill with petrified eye. It stops the target from moving within a certain range, killing the momentum.

“It can be applied without being seen by the eyes, right? ”

- It appears to be applicable only to a very narrow range around your body.

However, I was able to see that it was only a dog's ability.

Kang Shinhyuk put his tongue on, but did not despair.

Unlike the one who just threw a new sword at him, he now has a weapon in his hand.

The specimen and killing control characteristics apply only when he wields the new saber himself.

A sword that enhances all of his abilities, a killing control that allows him to slaughter only what he wants to slaughter.

Those two things should be able to pierce through his shield and cut off his head.

- His magic is in order. If we don't get this done quickly, we're gonna have to call you back.


Despite the manager's warning, Kang Shin-hyuk was prepared to charge calmly, without any urgency.

Deep breath connects with your new sword.

Now I can become one with him without having to connect spiritual power.

It triggered the Sword Characteristics, encouraging a mystical power throughout his body, and his killing control made his mind more refined.

I could see that Huanglongtu was exerting its power properly.

My instinct as a prosecutor was telling me that everything would be determined in this single charge.

“…… Sip! ”

Blue cows were rashed with a short basis synthesis.

At a moment's speed, he reached forward with an unwavering will to the new sword he held in both hands.

The blue spark splashes and adds lightning and wind to the sword. It was the power of the blue cow.

- Parker.

The golden air stream starting from the Sword of Necromancers extending straight ahead flowed backwards as if it surrounded the stronghold and the bicycle, as if it were a comet that flowed backwards from the earth to the sky.


- Cough!

As soon as Kang Shinhyuk's eyes opened, the bike straightened over the body of Basilisk.

A blue line was drawn in the sky.

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