The axe was made in a workshop not so wide. A tiny yet timeless anvil that draws magical power and burns constantly. An old, blunt hammer. And there was an old blacksmith.

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‘It's a failure.'

Looking down at the finished axe, the blacksmith thought. There are too many bad ideas in there.

The blacksmith always tries to strike the iron unconsciously, but there are still times when he gets distracted by the work. It was usually not a pleasant idea. Memories of the time when the world was destroyed, sorrow when the family was lost, and anger toward the dimensional invaders who brought all its disasters.

Such dark emotions surged out of control, destroying things every time. Weapons are said to be inherently harmful to other lives, but weapons with such intense ambition become toxic.

"Nevertheless, you cannot kill the child you gave birth to. ’

The blacksmith kicked the tongue and registered it on the Hero Universe's transaction board. May you meet a good owner and make amends to your natural life · · · · · ·.

Trans la t e d b y jp - Private purchased this item. Get paid 176,500HP!

The axe was quickly sold. It's not unusual. The blacksmith considers the axe he just made as a failure, but other friends in this community of hero univers have always called the objects he makes luxury. But...

‘Is it private again? Looks like the same guy, though. ’

A person who does not reveal his identity, who appears like a ghost every time he brings out a dark-living object.

He said that if he didn't want to disclose his ID to the seller, he would have to have a high membership and buy special items as well, but he was not amused by how those people became eye-catching about these items.

‘I hope I don't have to give up these things in the future. ’

The blacksmith considers for a moment, but his concerns are not that long.

T r an sla te d by jp m t No matter how much you live, it can be a different object depending on who uses it. You have crafted an object, and you don't decide the future of it.

“I don't know who it is, but please take good care of it. ”

The blacksmith closes his eyes with the last stalk of steam that Najjik recited.

At that moment, I thought my consciousness was failing me, but when I woke up, I saw myself standing stupid in the middle of the training room.

- Synchronization is accelerated. Current fairy tale rate 1.7% · · · · · · · 1.8%

The message that synchronization has accelerated has barely returned to my senses.

Vainglory, anger, doubts, hopelessness, determination, vengeance, and myriad other emotions slowly vanished from the echo. It was an emotion I had never felt before in synchronization.

Among them, there were some that Kang Shin-hyuk could empathize with and none of them, but he couldn't chew on them forever. Kang Shin-hyuk shakes his head hard to reveal the image of the old blacksmith who was dominating his brain.

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‘Like the manager said, I really did make it in my previous life. ’

As soon as I absorbed the ax with my new sword, I felt a little sad that I couldn't get anything out of it, but I didn't have to. The new Sword absorbed the axe completely and kept its origin intact.

And that means that the Necromancers can grow again and again, including within themselves the source of other weapons in the future! Of course, an ordinary weapon would never do that.

At the same time, I realized something.

‘Trolls with axes went crazy looking for spirituality because of the negative energy in the axe · · · · · ·. Then who bought it and how did it get into the hands of the War Trolls? ’

Kang Shinhyuk himself was the anvil, so I could remember the time of making it, but the rest was still there. It's just a guess as to whether it might have something to do with Hero Universe.

The manager did not say Hero Universe is a gathering of heroes, but a gathering of perfect virtues.

‘If there are the following, then · · · · · · · · · No ·, worrying is meaningless now. ’ T r ansl at ed by jpmtl.c om

Let's say an enemy in his former life is holding a weapon he created and one day comes after him again. What is the way to know it in advance, and what is the way to prepare for it?

Therefore, Kang Shin-hyuk only does his best to take every moment. Just like we're practicing.

However, the moment Kang Shin-hyuk reaches out his spiritual energy, holding a new sword with that thought, suddenly his heart thundered and his whole body's blood boiled.

- The source of the axe absorbed by the new sword resonates with the energy in your blood. You have successfully awakened a new ability, regeneration, with the help of your spirits and traits!

“Ew, what? ”

My body was hot. It was as if my organs had suddenly started to move, even though I had never known existed.

Kang Shin-hyuk tried to understand the changes that had just come to him by looking at the message in front of his body as if he had been drinking.


The source of the axe resonated with the energy in the blood? The moment I saw the phrase, I instinctively realized it. Blood Buff! If that's the only energy in his blood right now!

The blood-buffs that are being applied to the Reign of Power now originate from the heart of the War Troll. And the axe absorbed by the Necromancer was also handled by the War Trolls.

As a result of their resonance through their spirituality, they gained permanent new special abilities from blood that was only a temporary buffer · · · · ·!

Well, I can see the conclusion, but the process was not well known either.

‘It's not a skill, it's a special ability. ’

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Until he reached out to the hero universes and realized his spirituality, he thought special abilities were all he had. The super-antigenic schools did not teach us anything else about it, and there was no external investigation into special abilities other than magical powers.

T ran s la ted b y Jpm t l .com However, Shinhyuk Kang has already obtained two special abilities other than magical power. Maybe it's not normal.

I don't think Kang Shin-hyuk alone has this ability in the world, but he would never advertise that he would find a colleague.

‘By the way, is it similar to the resilience of a Troll? Of course, it would be absurd compared to that. ’

I felt like I was revitalizing my body earlier. I was able to understand it instinctively because I realized it because of my spiritual power.

A living creature should feel like its body regeneration is at its peak. It was the same special ability, but it was very simple compared to the talent that could be handled in many different ways. But that alone is enough power.

[Shinhyuk Kang - C-rank]

[Special Ability]

Spirituality - D

Regeneration - F

When I opened the status window, regenerative power was added under the power of the Special Abilities column.

At the starting point of the F rank, it was just a blessing to Kang Shin-hyuk, a supernatural close family member who has to move at all times, whether he is training or in practice. Moreover, it will be even more effective when you grow up. · · · · · So I don't know how to specifically grow it!

“A heart cocktail really pays off. No, let's stop thanking Claire. ”

It's not only because Kang Shin-hyuk was able to regenerate, but also because Claire made cocktails more than perfect, but most of all because he has the ability to draw things out of his mind.

If she doesn't seem to know more about renewal than Kang Shin-hyuk does, and if she has a relationship that can confide in her abilities, then it won't be too late to talk about it.

‘Well, I hope that's the relationship. ’

Kang Shinhyuk smiled a little, thinking of Claire shaking her shaker with a serious look, and then he clapped his cheek in anger. T ran slated b y Jpmt l .com

This is not the time to be delusional. Didn't you decide to grow your strength while the bloodbuff lasts?

‘Now that I have regenerative power, I can overdo it a little. All right, let's start over! ’

Since then, Kang Shinhyuk has been really passionate about moving. The machine itself has regenerative power in its body, which was rushed by the blood buff. Except for the time when it stops to eat something in the middle, the rest time is constantly moving.

It's not just about having high health stats. It was impossible unless the will and spirit of steel were based on it.

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However, Shinhyuk Kang had them for a long time. I can't even beat an anvil that's been pounding iron for decades.

If you hadn't, you wouldn't have gone to the best superhuman school in the world with a body that couldn't handle magic.

@ @ @

- Eun-ah's Whisper: I want to rest, but I still have to work today. Hing.

- Janus whispers: Grandpa, how far is the new Neo Sword?

[Bartender Sis: Shinhyuk, did you know that Eunhyuk is going to your gym!?]

[Caucasian accent: Ah, no. I don't want to train sweating.]

- You earned 500HP with today's login bonus!

Even after night and morning, Kang Shin-hyuk was constantly moving. I'm sorry, but I ignored all contact between Hero Univers and Sticks.

He exchanged his weapon relentlessly to learn more about the sword, and died at the same time in a parallel physical training. The preservation ceremony on the other side of the training room and the Aeren Jelly, which was in Hero Universe's shop inventory, were quickly reduced.

- The duration of the Blood Buff has ended. Remember the bloodstream that is amplified to increase your regenerative strength to an F + rank.

Despite his lack of strength, Deadline comes to you. It became Sunday night, and the blood buff that guaranteed his hyperbole was over.

However, Kang Shin-hyuk did not stop. The bloodshed is over, but there's no regenerative power left. I'm finally growing to an F + rank. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I could survive until morning, but Kang Shin-hyuk decided not to care about that.

‘Just a little more and I think I'll go up. ’

He usually doesn't trust his intuition, but now he's helping the body with his spirituality, so even minor changes in each part of the body feel creepy.

There was definitely a sign of growth. Not only that, but so is agility.

In addition, the regenerative power that relieves the body's fatigue through blood and gives it a more vivid energy was definitely felt. The spiritual training was a surer solution than the status quo for understanding oneself.

‘Just a little more. ’

Kang Shinhyuk gripped two more 50-kilo reinforcement plates on the barbell. It was definitely too much, but I decided to bet on regenerative power. I felt a little pain, but I could hear it somehow.

‘Just a little more. ’

After searching for the nearest limit by weight, I immersed myself more and more times. It's really hard to die, but if you try to do one more thing there, you can do it.

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“Shhhhh · · · · · · · ·! ”

Kang Shin-hyuk raised the barbell with a shout he couldn't hear for others. I erased the thought of limitations from my head. All that was left was the desire to move on.

He grips his teeth and just raises a damn lump of iron in front of his eyes.


I wonder how much longer I've been doing that. I don't know how many more I heard, but I also exceeded the limit of regenerative power. I can't even hold a barbell, and my arm will go out as soon as I lose the strength in my hands. It was right when my head was completely white.

‘Moving on.’

As I instinctively move my arm when I hear a voice from somewhere, I hear a strangely heavy barbell flashing. All the cells that were making the body grew dramatically in a moment, almost indefinitely.

Kang Shinhyuk felt as if his whole body had become his heart. I realized that the voice I just heard was not for anyone else but for me.

- Power grows to C-rank.

- Agility grows to C + rank.

- Break your limits and grow your spirituality to a D + rank.

A message demonstrating the growth of Kang Shinhyuk came to my attention. Not just strength, but agility and spirituality all at once! I felt it as soon as I heard the barbell, but I felt more sorry for seeing it with my own eyes.

His will was of course important, but it would not have been possible if his last moments of spirituality had not encouraged him.

He learned more about how to communicate with himself and strengthen himself, and was able to handle more skillfully. There will probably be no more desperation, as there was in the fight with Dojin.

“Ha · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

There you go.

Kang Shinhyuk calmly put down the barbell first. Out the window, I could still see the dark night sky. Get the stick out and check. It's 4: 00 in the morning.

Well, maybe it'll be okay.


Kang Shinhyuk smiled faintly and did not get up. Three hours later, I would have been late on Monday if I wasn't a white white man looking for a training room.

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