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Chapter 207: 207

- You have created the ‘Root of Judgment’ tool, a tool to transform the destined future by processing some parts of the Great Being. Your spirituality grows to SS-rank!

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- After a long period of effort, you have completed a masterpiece. Skills in Metallurgy grow to SS-rank. Strength grows to SS-rank.

- Synchronization is greatly accelerated. Current fairy tale rate 68.6%

Funnily enough, Kang Shin-hyuk came up with the first thought at that moment: 'SSRank Dogging......! It was.

Each status has been growing into an SS-rank, but it hasn't been a gateway for months.

As soon as you complete the shackle, your power and power grew to SS-rank!

‘I can feel my muscles strengthening more. It's also the soul that's called the big one. ’ Tr ans l ated by Jpmt l .com

The higher the rank, the greater the actual growth width.

Right now, Kang Shinhyuk is in a state where all stats except Huanglongbing are amplified thanks to the soul connector, and in fact, his power and power is at the SS + rank level.

I'm proud that I've achieved stats that even top rankers can't break.

But his thoughts didn't last long.

- Kuaa!

The moment Giant's feet fell on the shackles.

T r a ns l at e d by Jp mtl.c om The roots twitch and curl his feet.

- Kure?

Giants try to tear it off with slow motions, whether the Hayes' cooling time is over yet. However, the roots begin to climb up his body at a rapid rate, regardless of his circumstances.

Oddly, the green luminous tree root extends over the giant's feet, wraps around his ankles, and crawls up his calves.

The tree roots swiftly circle around the giant's knee several times, then swiftly whip their thighs and circle around his groin again.

And split into two, one on his other leg and one on his waist.

- Kuoooooooooooo!


A giant screams as he leans into chains, unable to come close.

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However, if you are weak, the lioness that can be reduced to ashes with just that light sunshine did not have any effect on the roots of the tree.

Kang Shinhyuk felt a bit creepy, seeing the tree roots wrapping around the giant's body at once.

“I've seen that a lot. ”

- In the Monster Ecology file as opposed to entering Shinyoung High School on the D drive…….


How did the manager know that!? I'm sure we've already sold all the data before!

Trans lat e d by Jpm tl.com Kang Shinhyuk proactively blocked the manager's monthly rights and watched the scene.

In the meantime, you try to cast the Giant's Heist again and break the chain however you can. The rootstocks that were already wrapping around his whole body wouldn't move his feet or hands.

- Ugh...! Queek, queek!

The woodcutter already wrapped around his thick chest and leaped up to his neck, pressing his vocal chords to prevent him from even screaming.

It was only at the moment that the voice of a giant who had slaughtered the fragile creatures that had been making up this world for so long was cut off.

“Wow, why haven't you been able to do something so simple? ”

- Because Halo had a condition that he couldn't move himself. It also borrowed the hand of a giant because it was impossible to intervene.

I had a rough idea that there would be such a situation, but he had no idea that the situation would be reversed as soon as he made the chains.

All he could think about was tying up giant movements to allow destruction, or using the chains to draw him into Heilo's "original world."

But now this...... is his gaze towards a shackle deeply rooted in the earth.

‘Installable shackles. It looks like a simple tree root, and it's actually aimed at one root hitting the ground, and one branch reaching out to the enemy like a branch. ’

The essence of these chains is not the branches that bind the enemy, but the roots that dig into the earth.

Upon completion of the shackle, it was rooted deep into the earth, being fed endlessly with energy and willingness from an 'endless source of energy.'

That is why, based on Bondi status, it is not difficult to bind Giants in chains that are not comparable to Giants.

- Glug... Glug...!

T r ansl ate d b y jp mt l .c o m While Kang Shin-hyuk was spiritually observing the shackles he had made, the tree roots opened the mouth of the giant and put branches inside.

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A woodcutter filled his mouth completely stops his voice from being heard, and he breaks into his intestines and fills his insides.

From the looks of it, he was already a wooden mummy.

“Halo, I'm scared...."

[This is not my strength. I'm just spreading my power over this land by legitimate means. As it has been since the world began.]

This chain, the Root of Judgment, made from the roots of Heilo's tree, has a simple ability to converge all the energy that must spread throughout the world to itself.

In other words, he was blindfolded, but so was that giant who was trying to destroy the world with the power of Jormungan.


Then the giant falls to the ground.

With the great shadow shaking and the earth shaking, Kang Shinhyeok felt like the sky was falling at all.

He shudders to summon his bicycle, and lets out a sigh as he flies on it.

“How do you win something like this from the front? ”

[Do I need to win from the front? This is a victory for inspiration. Now that you've captured the Giant by installing your own shackles, it's not your victory.]

“But it's Halo's power that's killing him. ”

[I don't know what that means.]

T rans la te d by jp m tl .co m Halo shudders on the subject of what everyone knows.

Kang Shinhyuk smiled and turned his gaze back on the giant.

A giant who lost all maneuverability and lay down on the ground.

However, the roots of the tree have only just begun, sprinkling green light and wrapping it tighter.

It's even more energized even when Giants can't use their strength properly....

It was only then that we implemented the true power of the chain, the 'energy drain’.

[Trees suck up all the energy and stockpile. If you want to absorb energy well and conserve it well, you don't need to have a weak root, but you don't need to have a weak torso. From the absorption of energy to the storage and utilization of energy, it must be done naturally in order to grow into a giant tree. Take a good look, Anvil. That's part of the secret to growing beyond limits.]

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“I don't even know. ”

The chains tighten the giant and draw its energy with all their might. It flows back into the deep roots of the earth, some stored and some spread to the earth.

Giant energy has given rise to new stimuli in a world that has lost its vitality.

The world that has already lost its source has accepted the immense life force of Giants, creating a weak but new hope.

Processing it was the work of Heilo, a tree, and he was willing and able to do it.

“The giant is getting thinner...."

- Pleasure to see you. This is what happens in Jormungan.

Being like a giant who could destroy the world by himself, he was weakened by a chain that only shared the will of the absolute.

The only thing that can fill your throat with tree roots is a weak breath, and you can see a part of the earth rotting in your breath.

Can you fight a giant in that state and win? Well, even if you extend the new sword to 20 meters in length and stab it as deep as possible into the creature, it will be no different from being bitten by a mosquito.

You are pathetic when you boast that you've won a victory over only one of the constructs in Neourst.

‘It wasn't time to be satisfied that Status had moved up to SS-rank. ’

Whenever it comes to hero universes, I think of my sister.

Earth's superhuman standards are merely a childish prank.

He became aware that he was a toddler who had not yet stood on the Starline and took pride in being a blacksmith in the fact that such a giant being was being killed by the artifact he created, even though he had Haylo's support.

It was new and welcoming because I had never felt this emotion before living in the anvil.

[It's over.]

How long has it been?

Immediately after Halo said that with a satisfied voice, the body of the giant who did not stop struggling to the end suddenly sagged.

The tree roots tightened the giant roughly, sprinkling a glorious green light. At that moment, the giant's body broke down like a powdered statue.

Then the roots of the tree were scattered to dust at the same time, and the place with the giant and the chains quickly emptied out.

“…… what the hell. ”

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The enormous creature disappeared, and I felt a sudden flash of vision.

Hailo kindly explained that Kang Shin-hyuk was just opening his mouth because he was so ashamed.

[Some I have received, and some of it sprinkled on this world as a possibility.]

“... I can't believe there's no trace of it. ”

[No, there's a trail left.]

At that time, a message appeared in front of Kang Shinhyuk's eyes.

- An artifact with the power of great beings that has overwhelmed those who do harm to order! Bonus for Level! 555,000,000 HP! With the VIP bonus, you earned an additional HP equal to 50% of your reward, giving you a total of 832,500,000 HP!

- It brought an end to an evil, giant being. Influenced by an indirect source of energy, HP and Huanglongbing grow to SS-rank.

“... I really have some left. ”

I didn't know it was gonna be treated like I caught it.

No, a creature that size can't have ended up with this much HP rewards, so it must have been calculated as a joint victory between Heilo and himself.

Not only the HP bonus, but also Hwang Yong Jeong has grown to SS-rank.

In the meantime, even though I had caught a considerable number of monsters, there was no rise in stats, but the class was also different when I saw two stats grow in a heartbeat.

‘As soon as you get up to speed, all the stats will be SS-rank…….'

Though the time and care it took to complete the shackle was immense, the price was enormous.

But it wasn't over yet.

[What are you talking about, Anvil. That's the trail I'm talking about.]

Kang Shinhyuk carelessly raised his head in Halo's words.

I thought there was nothing left in the place of the shackles and giants, but I didn't.

Looking closely, something the size of his fist falls from the spot where the chains were placed.

It was a bead that glowed bright yellow.

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