In a few days, the workshop was always cozy and quiet.

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No matter what all the commotion was outside, he seemed to have cooled off a little, too, when he met an annoying senior, looking around the workshop that was always looking the same. Of course, it would be impossible to sink completely.

“Let's get started. ”

- Armor would be nice.

A little while ago, the manager, who was chattering rather than killing Yoo Min-jun, boldly asked him if he had noticed Kang Shin-hyuk's calm heart.

He looks back at the steel ingots in one corner. Perhaps it's because emotions are ahead, and spiritual power naturally extends out and envelops all of them.

The weak feelings of steel ingots collide in front of the outbursts of anger that erupted from within him, and soon fade away.

T r a ns la ted by jpm t l .c om - Whoo!

But there was one who survived and resonated with him. He was a man with a vague but obvious‘ anger ’that seemed to fade away soon. The one at the bottom of the Ingot Pile.

From the moment I entered this workshop, I was waiting for the day I would be reborn as a wonderful weapon, but I was constantly lying underneath it, so my anger accumulated and I was finally exposed to the outside.

‘Well, it's... ’

It was related to Imanwoo, because I had a memory that was brief with the mind of Kang Shin-hyuk.

He grabs the hammer used by Shinhyuk Kang in this workshop and pounds the metal on the anvil. Next to her was another person whose memory evaporated before recognizing her face.

- You?

“Ah · · · · · · · · Nothing. Let's go with this one. ” Tr a n s l ated by Jpmt l.c o m

- But I understand. Metals with distinct emotions are likely to be reborn as artifacts.

The memory, after all, of this guy's emotions was very compatible with his present self. I didn't believe that I could create artifacts.

Kang Shinhyuk handed over a message from his manager, who was still evaluating himself, and put an ingot in the brazier. I was dumbfounded by the flaming ingo.

‘If you're going to make defense gear, you'll need to melt more Ingots. ’

Let's figure out exactly what to make after melting it down.

On the subject of the muttering, Kang Shin-hyuk immediately started hammering as soon as the ingot melted properly.

I couldn't wait any longer. I couldn't stand it any longer.

- Thump, thump! Kick!

The hammering itself was much more sophisticated than the first attempt, but there was an unspeakably harsh emotion.

I couldn't tell if the ink's emotions were contagious or if his inner rage was an act. Since the moment the iron melted, the spiritual energy expressed has suddenly surrounded him and his Ingots.

- Thump, thump! Kick!

A metal that slowly and elongates as the hammering continues.

Despite his good looks, he was not in the form of armor, but the manager decided to keep an eye on his work. It was because I had anticipated this would happen.

- Thump, thump! Kick!

T r a nsl ated by jp m t l .c om Kang Shin-hyuk has been good at hiding his feelings since he was very young.

When I lost my parents at a young age, I had to grow up in an orphanage, and my Awakened nature was a good opening, and I was humiliated in Shinyoung spirits who tried hard.

In such an environment, he could never express his feelings honestly.

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That's why he had to keep pressing. I'm used to pressing and holding, so I forget how to get it out.

- Thump, thump! Kick!

But he couldn't keep lying on the anvil. His previous life's work revealed everything he had to offer against a lump of iron.

Leading to the ingots and spirits that constantly vomit out their emotions and resonance and clear anger, Kang Shinhyuk slowly began to vomit out the wrath that had been suppressed within him.

- Thump, thump! Kick!

Kang Shinhyuk became ecstatic and made fun of the hammer. He melts two more ingots, but his movements do not stop.

The spiritual force covers the entire workshop gently. The former him would not have survived, but now that he had trained and secured the D + rank, it was almost possible to maintain it.

‘This happened before. ’

In the ecstasy, Kang Shin-hyuk suddenly thought.

Obviously, this is the second time to challenge metallurgy.

‘Again, I think I was. ’

The strangest thing is,

- Thump, thump! Kick! Tr an sl ated b y jpmt l.c o m

Immediately after thinking that, I started hearing the sound of hammering in my head.

Sounds a different hammer than his.

It was the hammering of the anvil.

@ @ @

It was almost a memory of the first moment.

- Thump, thump! Kick!

The blacksmith tapped the iron again and again, just as he had been since the moment he entered the workshop.

At first, his hammering, which was just cheerful, suddenly contained his notion of the world, his longing for all that was lost, and his anger toward those who took everything away from him.

Just as Kang Shinhyuk did, he also couldn't hide his emotions from Iron.

- Ugh, ugh.

He decided to focus solely on tapping the iron, but at the end of sharpening and sharpening the tack of the finished spear, he faced a horseman who was afraid to hold his hand because he lived without difficulty.

“This is a stupid thing to do. ”

The blacksmith sighs with his terrible weapon in front of him.

The fury inside him should be his own. I didn't want to put an indestructible scythe on a weapon that was the same as my own child.

Though I tried to forget, I could not keep my mind to myself, but when I surrendered my body to my instincts, I used to be so desperate that I would run away. T r an slat e d b y Jpm tl .com

“A failure. A failure. ”

He was very concerned about whether he could post the weapon on the Hero Universe's dealing board, a community he had recently learned about.

Hero universes, where all the dimensions of writing come together. They feel that their weapons may have a detrimental effect.

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Even though they are beating iron alone in a dying world, they have endless possibilities. Yes, it is absurd that someone like you should have tried something with them in the first place.

- That's not true, sir.

The manager, who had confirmed everything from the moment he met, took his side again.

- Even a living weapon can be used to protect people as much as you want. Just as you are angry, you are creating a weapon for others.

“Isn't that the story of possibility? I just want to stir up the bad effects of being like me just touching them. ”

- Everyone in Hero Universe has a judgment to recognize good and bad. In fact, all the weapons you've already created and listed on the trading board have already been purchased by buyers along with their compliments.

So the manager said.

- Once you have completed your weapon, you may want to register it on the bulletin board. Now that you've done your part in building the weapon, you can leave it to the warriors who will actually hold it and use it.

“The manager's words always scare me. But yes, you're right. My role is to make weapons, and evaluating them and using them is for those who hold them in their hands · · · · ·. ”

- 10 HP gift for those of you who have courage!

Though it is said to be full of shining heroes that cannot be compared to the ruthless self.

As such a gathering place, there will be no misuse of this weapon.

The blacksmith took the courage to register the weapon on the trading board. At that time, there was a reaction that I had never thought about.

- Two messages have arrived from the buyer. Would you like to check?

“Hmm · · · · · · · · · ·? ”

- Looks like you liked your weapon. It's also recommended to socialize with members of the Hero Universe, so we encourage you to check with your manager as well.

“If you say so. I'll check them both out. ”

A message from someone else soon appeared in front of the blacksmith.

Hey, this window is fun! What are you? Whose world are you from? Can I talk to you for a second?

- Tsukuyo's Message: Did you make this weapon? It's called an anvil. I'd like to speak with you a little more. Do you have a moment?

When I saw their message, the window was sold. It was also taken with 30,000 HP or Udon in addition to the price paid by the blacksmith. It was by a man who did not identify himself.

- Janus' message: You are truly gifted. It's probably spiritual to be able to contain your emotions completely on a weapon, right? That's not a common talent in this hero universes.

- Tsukuyo's message: Truly, it was a beautiful spear. I've fallen for your skills. Yes, I fell in love. I'd really like to know what allowed you to make these windows.

“Huh · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

The blacksmith was troubled by their reactions, but was willing to reply to them.

It was desperate to be able to talk to him who was trapped in his own room and knocked on his weapon.

That's how the blacksmith and other members began to interact.

@ @ @

- Synchronization is accelerated. Fairytale 2.9%

“· · · · · · · · ”

Upon waking up, Kang Shin-hyuk was in a studio in a club room. He had just fallen unconscious for a moment with one window just completed in front of his eyes.

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I was sure I was going to make some armor for myself at first, but I couldn't figure out how it happened.

- Made a ‘Poisonous' steel spear (D) with a little inspiration. Greatly increases metallurgical proficiency.

- Metallurgical skills grow to E + rank. It will be able to handle the hammer a little more easily and will have weak resistance to all kinds of heat.

“That just happened. ”

For the first time, I created a weapon of rank D and grew the rank of metallurgy, but Kang Shin-hyuk was not easily pleased with it.

It was because I could not think properly of the myriad of memories that came to my mind in that brief moment of insanity, and the deep emotions that were contained in those memories.

It was different from when it absorbed the memory of the previous axe. At that time, I only read the thoughts of the anvil that had always been attached to the axe, but now Kang Shinhyuk himself has drawn the memory of the anvil.

Even the sense of unity with the anvil, the quality of the memories that came to mind, and the hammer that remained in the flesh, all came to life.

- You have created such windows in the past. And that would increase the fairy tale rate even more. Achieve perfume-stimulating achievements to earn 100 HP as a bonus!

“In the past · · · · · · · · · · Yes, that was also then. ”

He glances down at the window he made and reflects the anvil's memory in his head.

In that memory, the anvil was unable to suppress the negative emotions boiling within itself, and finally it was transferred to its weapon.

He denied it as a failure, and his friend Janus found it amusing and flattering, whereby Tsukuyo fell in love with the anvil said it was beautiful.

It was also the moment when he made his first ‘failure’ and the interaction with his friends began.

“Ha · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

So why did you come up with that memory at this time? I knew the answer without a fuss.

It was because Kang Shinhyuk had no control over Yoo Jun's feelings, making metal that was supposed to be a defense gear into a sharp weapon, as well as smashing into it all of his own annoyance or anger.

Yo said that he repeated his mistakes in his past life.

“It just happens all the time. It was routine, until I got to know the hero universes. ”

- Because suppressing feelings doesn't make them go away. But nice work. Anger can sometimes be a driving force. In fact, the weapon you created now has the power to be used against monsters.

There is a saying that the weapon starts at rank D. If you are a Hunter fighting in the field, you must at least give them a D rank weapon in order to fight properly.

In fact, if you rank below it, you can't beat strong monsters in terms of Durability or Ability.

“It's definitely not ‘escape’, but it's still a failure. ”

“That's funny.”

“Huh!? ”

It was then that someone stood up to him. Kang Shinhyuk was surprised and turned around, and there was Imanu, the teacher of the artifact making club.

Why does this person always show up so secretly? No, maybe Kang Shin-hyuk, who was obsessed with his work, didn't notice.


“Failed to create an artifact with no enchanter's power and no magical power? It's a mockery of a myriad of people who ruin their entire lives and never make it that far. ”

“I didn't mean that. By the way, artifact? Is this artifact? ”

“Even funnier. You made this up and you don't know? Even I can recognize its talent at a glance. ”

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Kang Shinhyuk flinched at his words and instinctively grabbed the pole. At that moment, a little piece of information appeared before his eyes, as if he had touched a new sword.

[Poisonous Steel Spear]

[D rank]

[Special Ability - Poison Blast]

It's true. His weapon is equipped with special abilities. That's one hell of a special ability, too! Lee Man-woo smiled bitterly, watching Kang Shin-hyuk drop his spear in surprise.

“Glad I caught you late. · · · · · · Just unusual. The artifact doesn't seem magical to me. ”

How did this grandfather figure out that an artifact is a weapon that doesn't seem magical to him?

Kang Shinhyuk glanced at him, so Lee Man-woo grabbed his spear lightly as he approached.

“Well done, anyway. How can this be a reason to stop the lungs? ”

“It is called justification. ”

“At the end of July, there is a World Rookies Creator Artifact Contest in Seoul City. Once you get there, you will no longer be asked to abandon this club. ”

“At the end of July · · · · · · Yes · ”

At the beginning of Kang Shin-hyuk, it was clear that 'performance’ was the appearance of the contest.

Kang Shinhyuk convinced him to nod, and Lee Man-woo raised only one mouth and said with a wicked smile.

“I thought it might be possible, but I can't believe you're creating artifacts this fast. This just keeps getting better and better. Besides, I can see why you said you failed. You didn't express your emotions on purpose, you just spilled them out of control. ”

“· · · · · · Correct. ”

“From now on, try to control it. I'm not asking you to force it out. I'm asking you to control it. It's a powerful weapon to capture emotion in iron. If you can capture as much emotion as you want, at the timing you want without rushing, then there's nothing you can't create in the world. ”

It's easy to say, but how many trial and error do we have to go through to actually do that? Lee Man-woo pulled his tongue out of Kang Shin-hyuk's face.

“Try your hardest without fail, because it will always rise. · · · · · If you like what you're doing, I can help a little. ”

“· · · · · · · Understood. ”

“Fine, then I'll take this. We only take it for a short time to register for the competition. ”


Kang Shinhyuk stopped Lee Man-woo who was reaching for the window. When Lee Man-woo opened his eyes, Kang Shin-hyuk looked straight at him.

“This is just a byproduct of my emotions. I will definitely bring you the artifact I created of my own accord, so please wait until then to register for the competition. ”

“· · · · · · · · · · · Ha. Arrogant.”

Lee Man-woo's mouth twitched. Unlike what he said, he looked satisfied.

“Okay, I'll wait. At least you'll have to bring me something less ugly. ”

“I'll keep that in mind.”

Kang Shin-hyuk took the finished spear this time and turned away after he was baptized to Imanwoo.

Whenever I had time to tap iron for a few days, Kang Shin-hyuk was unable to produce defensive armor artifacts.

The Necromancer doesn't eat steel spears.

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