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Chapter 210: 210

- You won ‘10 Greater Energy Potions’ as a VIP Wheel Reward! Congratulations!

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Under a full moon night sky.

A collection of dark and hazy mists in the middle of downtown Seoul, an oval gate, was spinning, vomiting an unusual magical force.

- Stand by! SS Class Gate [Clapping of the Getaways] will be released!

“That's one hell of a gate naming. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk, who was on the quest for Masked Barkers, smiled bitterly, fixing the position of the mask over his nose.

T r an sla t e d b y jp mt l .c o m Next to him, a white man riding on a blue cow mutters with a rotten expression.

“SS class…… oh, am I gonna be okay with this? ”

“That's why I lent you my bike. It grows faster in a fight with the enemy. ”

“Unless you're worried about dying. ”

I had to nod my head to Kang Shinhyeok's remarks as a white man who had experienced unusual growth while working as a masked bacchus for the past few months.

He would have done the same thing. If he climbed one half year, he would have had four miracle statuses in the last few months. Two for each health and strength.

His organs, Agility, were starting to grow, and by this point, he had reached the target level by the first semester of the third grade.

Tra nsla t e d by jpm tl .c o m “Are you always this close to fighting? ”

Seeing the gate expanding, the white man throws a swift bite, forcing his pistol into his hand.

Kang Shin-hyuk thought about what he would take out of the two pistols.

“I fought for Claire's pills. ”

“Oh, I wish I'd gone through a couple. ”

“What if it's true? Claire's potion is elixir for me. ”

Claire used to prepare the potion like a miracle when he was in danger all the time. Honestly, I was wondering if this was Cheeky.

Yeah, sometimes I wonder why that's even possible. There was a hypothesis that he was thinking alone, but if he took it out, he wouldn't even pretend to hear it.

So there is only one thing Kang Shin-hyuk can say right now.

“It's the power of love that matches so well... ”

“A little unlucky. ”

“Right? This guy's a jerk, isn't he?"


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Eleanor, who took out her pistol likewise next to Shinhyuk Kang, pouted her lips.

The white man stepped in sharply and proposed to her.

“In that sense, Eleanor, tonight is the night 45545; leave it with me...." T r a ns l a te d b y jpm tl .com

“Ah, the gate is open. ”


Eleanor takes a step away from them and sets a solemn eye on the gate. Kang Shinhyuk raised his hand to salute the white man who looked like he was going to scatter to dust when he touched him.

“I salute your endless spirit of challenge. ”

Stop joking, both of you! It really opens!]

Claire's voice echoes through your ears, riding the receiver. Now she's riding her bicycle and waiting to be airborne.

For the record, Inahi, who used to ride in Claire's back seat, has been working separately on a drone built with Claire's help.

- Machine gig.

- Geez.

An angled insect's leg protrudes out as the gate opens and snaps into place.

Insect-type monsters are characterized by their way of moving. Kang Sin-hyuk pulls out the poibos and fires straight at them, radio Claire.

“You're gonna need a shield. ”

[It's an SS grade gate, so I can't help it. I'll trigger the field.]

At the center of the gate, a shield of Mana rises from all sides. It quickly filled the gap and turned one area around the gate into a confined space. The superhumans simply called this‘ field ’.

T r a n s lat ed b y Jp m tl.c om Although installing a field on a massive landslide that rises from all sides as before was only a waste of time, it was important to monitor the situation where only one gate was spreading damage or preventing the monsters from escaping.

Of course, it's not impossible for monsters to penetrate it with power, but at least this allows us to see if it has been penetrated or not, so we can install the field.

As a result, Shinhyuk Kang has never penetrated a battle after installing this field.

- Bang!

“Hey, you die in one shot, right? Of course, I shot a lot of Mana, but it's still too weak for monsters coming out of the SS grade gate..."

“Don't put on the repair sheets for nothing, asshole. ”

Kang Shinhyuk shouted at the white man who was shouting nonsense and shot bullets in a row.

But it was true that they were really weak.

It's neither fast nor defensive.

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You crawl out of there with a strange screech. You get shot and fall before you can do anything right.

The only thing I disliked about it was that there were no bodies left.

Kang Shin-hyuk, who thought it was definitely strange, fires a radio at Claire, blocking their movements with bullets.

“Claire, how's it look up there? ”

[Life reactions are disappearing at an unusually fast rate. Just grab one and take a closer look.]

By spirituality, you mean.

T r an s l ated b y jpm tl .c o m Kang Shinhyuk nodded and took out another gun straight away. Unlike Poibos, the symbol of light, it was a symbol of darkness.

[Tyrannosauce No.O-Erebos]

[SSS + Rank]

[Special Ability - Sudden Bomb, Coal, Lunch, Bleach]

* Sudden Shot - If you have ammunition, it will automatically load the magazine without having to reload daily. Ammo's destructive power is increased by 40%.

* Charcoal - Dark Bullet. Speed and power are maximized in the dark, and they move faster and freely in the shadows. When loaded, the effectiveness of the ability is reduced instead of drastically reducing the energy consumption.

* Lunch - forces the enemy to assimilate with darkness, planting an indelible poison in the Darkness itself that deals Damage Over Time. Extremely reduces the enemy's Darkness Resistance and can be tied to the Shadow. When loaded, the effectiveness of the ability is reduced instead of drastically reducing the energy consumption.

* Bless - Dark blessings to protect users and enhance their ability to handle darkness.

[Hidden numbering of luxury handguns produced by great craftsmen in a series. It is recognized as No.0 because it has a sudden burst of power but exerts my power when using it without 'loading up' the live ammunition. Crafted using extremely rare materials to perfection, unfortunately, the creator's lack of understanding of the darkness has left him within the limits of mortality. You cannot use humans other than the owner because you have branded them. However, this power increases when held in the owner's hands.]

In all seriousness, this gun was a step up from Poiboss.

There was a + attached to the rank, but that meant it was very large, which meant the gun was actually an artifact at the limit.

If you go beyond this, you're not measured by X from there, which is the realm of Status, which is not measured by beings like Genesis.

If Shinhyeok Kang had more than two middle-bodied skills like [Dark Mastery], this gun might have crossed its limits.

‘We used both the byproducts of chaotic precipitation and Mana Stones. ’

The precipitate of chaos was scary, even though the rank was low as SS + rank (Kang Shinhyuk was afraid to say this was low.) The potential was boldly comparable to Class X.

The manager said it was weak at birth, but it wasn't until the moment it ate everything around it that it woke up that it threatened humanity.

If Kang Shinhyuk hadn't made Black Crescent at the right time, everyone except Kang Shinhyuk would have made peace with the sacrifice of raising his rank.

One of the real forces of Jormungan, one or two at the time of the end of the world, was the same as the evidence that Jormungan was keeping an eye on Shinhwyuk.

“But now it's a good material for my gun. ”

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Bang! A daring bullet pierces through the trunk of the insect that crawled out of the entrance of the gate and into his shadow.

At that moment, he froze like a static video screen.

“And the others, too. ”

- Bang, bang, bang!

If you fire without firing live ammunition, it will consume energy more vigorously than the Poibosses, in some sense, but you cannot be careless while dealing with SS grade gates.

The projectiles embedded in the area resonate and expand the shadow area in one fell swoop. Then those who weren't directly pierced by the bullets stopped there as well.

“Wow, I've seen it a few times. ”

“Artifacts that each have an option comparable to the higher attribute……."

White walkers and Eleanor mutter, as they continue to shoot bullets in cold sweat, in case they leave the field.

Of course, they were armed with handguns made by Shinhyuk Kang, but his handguns were clearly of high grade.

“Just deal with the newcomers. I need to find out why these guys are dying so fast. ”


He casts his spiritual energy into the shadows of the ground. His spiritual energy, which flowed through the shadows, penetrates the area of the shadow where the bullets formed, and comes into contact with the source of the impenetrable insects.


It is always a dirty moment to explore the source of a creature that is different from its own concept, even one that is hostile to humans.

He squeezes his fist against the rising greed and continues to explore them. Their vitality, defense, special abilities, and the purpose of their grumpy screeching….

Then I raised my head chewing on my lips.

This is bigger than I thought.

“Stop, stop shooting. ”

The user strikes all remaining areas of its body with a pistol and fires a single shot at the target.

As soon as the accelerated bullet passed through the center of the gate in the darkness of the night, a black hemispherical region spread around the scar and stopped everything from entering it.

The bugs that were writhing on the floor and the bugs that had just stepped out of the gate all paused. Even the dust that was floating in the air stopped and was able to pick it out one by one.

“Wow, that's crazy...... so fucking cool. ”

“Both of you, drop your pistols and take my weapons and kill one by one with maximum power. You know what I mean? ”

“You mean you haven't killed the right people? ”


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I asked for a large spiritual potion from the wheel.

I kept collecting coins to spin the Enhancement Wheel, but I didn't gather them strangely, so I was really disappointed when I turned the wheel once and 10 potions popped out, but I was convinced that this was a really excellent choice as I felt the power to recover quickly.


[You figured it out. I'm preparing for the gate intercept....]

“Stop. Teleport these bastards when they're shocked. It's not dying, it's just sacrificing a little magic and teleporting. ”


Fortunately, Kang Shin-hyuk has the ability to bind his enemies, or he would have suffered a catastrophe immediately.

[Wait, but I didn't catch anything moving. If you can't, you're an SS class monster. Can you do that?]

“Teleport into the gate. ”

[Say that again.]

“teleport into a nearby gate. ”

[Oh, my God, you have the power of a landmine!]

Claire urgently calls the Superhuman Society headquarters. Meanwhile, Shinhyuk Kang stabbed insects that had stopped in harmony with Eleanor, White Hat. We bind them in darkness and stop them from moving and kill them before they release their ammunition.

“We need to clear this as soon as possible and search all the nearby gates. ”

“Have you figured out the range? ”

“Yes, thank God. I think we're just gonna have to go through 200 gates. ”


When the three of them groaned and somehow slaughtered all the bugs inside the gate, boom! I heard something explode.


[20 kilometers straight, that's where Class C Gates are located....... Do those monsters have the ability to explode?]

“…… The man I examined had the ability to freeze nearby enemies for a while. ”

[Does every individual have different abilities...?]

It felt like my heart was sinking in Claire's words.

Kang Shinhyuk looks at his colleague and grips his teeth and draws his sword into the gate.

The total number of insects that the gate has erected and teleported is 33.

The night of hell began.

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