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Chapter 216: 216

Kang Shin-hyuk always thought it was important to treat people seriously.

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So I tried to convey what happened when I fought Oh Ju-young as much as I could, but as a result, Oh Hye-na cried.

“Of course I'm gonna cry! ”

“No, did you mean talk to me with a sword? So…."

“You didn't even pull out the black...."

“Fist to fist, communicating with each other, that's what they meant. ”

T r ans l ate d by Jpmtl .c o m “I didn't even hit him once...."

Hyena was extremely discouraged.

Hiding behind a shield called The White Hat, she's muttering and sipping on Claire's car.

The white one waited for Hyenas to calm down, then talked to her.

“Hyena, she's not a bad girl. So that……."

“I know.”

“You know?"

“Just……." Trans l a t e d by Jp m tl .co m

Oheena gave out the cup of tea she drank while talking.

Claire pours a brand-new car, lowering her head slightly, and pulling it back in front of her, she rubs her lips together.

I once shot Shinhyeok, who would be on the other side of the white man, and said without hesitation as if it were just me and the white man.

“I just wanted to see it for myself. How strong my father's killer is. I wonder if this really is the man who killed my father. ”

“…… aren't you here to ask me why he died? ”

“That's fine. I've already convinced him. ”

Oheena kept her mouth shut again and moved the teacup to her mouth.

Kang Shin-hyuk was the same age only a year ago, but he drank tea with the idea that he couldn't understand what he was thinking.

“But... I didn't even know I wanted to know. ”

Oh, I started crying again.

“I fucked up...."

“But you've gotten stronger today. More swords.”

A white man who was less than likely to dig a hole in the ground tried to compliment her, but she said with a shriek.

“You're a terrible swordsman. How do you know that? ”

Tra ns l a ted b y jp m tl .com “Even if this peanut hits the shield. ”

“It's not peanuts anymore, I'm tall. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk looked back at Claire when he saw those guys who were starting to argue over themselves.

“What do you think? ”

“Yeah, is everything all right? You two look great together. ”

“So now we can surprise them and kick them out? ”

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Kang Shin-hyuk, who had a firm mind, tried to expel the two of them, but just before that, Oh Hye-na said urgently.

“Hey, sword. ”

“You want to fight with a sword? ”

She nods without an answer.

It wasn't difficult, so I decided to listen to her request.

This time, however, it was quicker than the first two fights.

One swing of the sword against the trajectory of the sword she wields was enough.

- Chang!

You don't have to show off your stats.

T r a n slate d by jpm tl .c om The user wields its sword with little force, and just in time, it combats its attack and stabs the target with critical force.

Of course, his sword stopped at her glance before making Oh Hye-na miserable.


Oh Hye-na, who sits there with a soulless face.

Kang Shinhyuk waved his hand in front of her, but she didn't react.

It looks like an ordinary corpse.

“What do I do?”

Kang Shin-hyuk's expression was embarrassing, but the corpse... No, Oh Hye-na suddenly raised her hand and gestured to the white man.

White White Cedar sighed deeply and gently approached her, and she got up and hid behind his back.

It was in contrast to when I first entered the bar.

“I'm going. ”

“Are you happy now? ”

“You're dying. ”

“I'm worth it, peanut. ”

She steps back and reaches the entrance with the White Cedar as her shield.

Then he opened the door, put his head out behind the white man's back and lowered his head to Kang Shinhyuk. T ra n s l a te d by jp mt l .co m

“Thank you.”

I barely said it, and then I dragged the white man away.

The door closed with a pearl and a sound.

Kang Shinhyuk tilted his head and looked at Claire.

She was taking her mask off anyway.

“What are you thankful for? ”

“You saved me at the gate the other day. Is that why you're thankful? ”

“...... So you've been running around trying to say that? ”

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Kang Shinhyuk kept his mouth shut.

Thinking about it, she was hostile to Kang Shinhyuk from the beginning, but did not try to question him about his father's death.

Which means she's already convinced and accepted the death of her father, which is why her father had to die.

She wanted to meet Kang Shin-hyuk, because she thought she should thank him for saving her life, though of course she shouldn't blame him for killing her father.

“But you can't just bow your head to the man who killed your father. That's why you put up a fight, isn't it? ”

“What the hell is going on with the circuit? ”

“I thought it would be a more violent battle. ”

Claire's mid-circuit is turning hot.

“You know, pouring out real feelings for each other. Screaming at each other at the sword. ”

“Oh, that. That's when the protagonist and his old rival get into a big fight. ”

“That's when they puke out all the words that they have in their mouth, and they become cool with each other. ”

“We can clear each other up. It was perfectly convincing.”

Unfortunately, there was a four-dimensional wall between the two.

Oheena burst into tears because she was frustrated by the situation that she did not resolve on her own.

“Life is exhausting. ”

“It used to be at that age. The whole world is my enemy. ”

“I did.”

However, when Gear said thank you, he could see that he was not naturally a bad kid, unlike the impression of being cold.

...... I think it's a bit false when I see her crying.

“Whew, I'm glad it seems to be resolved somehow. ”

“Oh Ju-young was supposed to kill him anyway, so don't mind him. ”

“Yes, but the family is innocent. I'm glad it went well. ”

At this rate, maybe next year, he won't come at us with a knife every time he sees him.

This was a matter for Oheena to be a close acquaintance and a new student of Shinyoung spirits, unless she was someone else who would not be related to him in the future.

However, Oheena was more mature than I thought, and she was also a child who understands her place well.

‘Behavior is still a little immature, but so is everything immature until human death. ’

Leave the rest to the white man.

Relieved Kang Shin-hyuk lay on the bar table long.

Claire, who saw it, picks up a muddler and tickles his hair, making fun of it.

“She was really pretty. ”

“Yeah, I wouldn't say that to a white man. ”

“Hmmm. That's it? ”

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Epilepsy, pranking, she puts the muddler in the sink and falls down in a similar manner.

The gaze of two people who fell down got caught in one place.

Kang Shinhyuk felt that his back neck was tickling for no reason.

“Does it feel rational or not? ”

“That kid? That was the same question as asking Claire if she felt like a white man. ”

“Wow, that's a lot of confidence. ”

But unlike what she said, Claire was smiling faintly at her mouth.

However, unlike Kang Shin-hyuk, white people feel like children.

If Shinhyuk Kang felt the same way about Oheena as he did about the white man, Claire would be relieved.

“Were you nervous? ”

In response to Kang Shin-hyuk's question, Claire hesitates, pulling her chin up and down to confirm.

I was surprised, to be honest.

I thought there was someone in the world as confident as her, but there was some anxiety in her, too.

However, it is also because you value the opponent so much that you feel anxious.

The memory of the anvil said so, so that Kang Shin-hyuk could also confide.

“This is why you shouldn't like someone better than me. ”

“Nonsense. ”

“When I first saw red shoes, I was a little nervous, to be honest. ”

“You're right to feel anxious about him. I didn't know you were going to kill Eun Ah.

“So you weren't attracted to her either? ”

“I thought it was charming. ”


However, Kang Shin-hyuk resolutely said.

“I only like Claire. Claire's the only one who thought she wanted to be together. ”

“H-give me your hand, then. ”

I reached out my hand.

She slowly reaches out her hand and pulls Kang Shin-hyuk's hand to her mouth.

You open your lips and bite down on his weakness.

And he reached out his hand to Kang Shin-hyuk's mouth.

I asked him if he had to do it, and he pushed me.

Kang Shinhyuk asked a few questions about her weakness.

Claire says with a satisfied expression.

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“We're together now. ”

“Until now?”

“Lover (Jean). ”

“What the heck. How does Claire know that? ”

“Eun-ah taught me. ”

How else would Shin know that?

When Shinhyuk Kang smiled, Claire said.

“Two years to graduation. ”

“I see.”

“I wish I'd gone sooner. Ahhhh.”

Claire grunts with a playful tone, pulling his hand back and biting.

Kang Shin-hyuk, who felt a strange erose there, took his hand out of her mouth and stood up straight away.

“Do you want some chicken? ”

“When I had no money, it was delicious, but it's not cute. ”

“Then order it? …… Oh, but do I have to do business? Are you gonna be okay until it's over? ”

“No, I can't take it anymore because I'm hungry. ”

Claire shakes her head tightly, slowly getting up from her seat.

“So I won't open today. Let's celebrate the second grade promotion together. ”

“It's a second grade promotion. I'm doing it all. ”

“It's not just a promotion. Isn't he special since he's first in command? There must be a list. ”

“I don't want to see that...."

Claire laughs as she sees Kang Shinhyuk's publication, then hides her face.

“I... I should leave the store door to CLOSE. ”

@ @ @

Shinyoung freshmen perform many tasks during their original vacation.

Most of the time, it was a practice task to enter the guild and learn how to deal with the actual gate.

Experiencing group mobility in collaboration with schools and associations, and realizing skills in an environment different from that of schools.

But this year, I'm already bored with it for the second semester, so the vacation assignment came out the other way.

Second semester, supplementing and performing assignments with video lectures provided by the school with parts that were missing or incomplete.

The students cried out, "What is this vacation?" But it was none of their business.

Kang Shin-hyuk completed all the assignments within a week after the vacation started, and received a new dimensional quest.

- This is a quest that really suits you. "Shut up, Yoyot. ”

- SuperUltra Galaxy Fist Whisper: Grandma, where are you? We're almost there!?

It was a quest to build a castle in a larger world in every sense than the Earth.

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