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Chapter 236: 236

“Hmph… Hmph…."

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Kang Shinhyuk rebelled against a nostril song that heard the end next to him.

The man sitting next to him was no one else but God.

“Is there something good going on? ”


Shin Eun looked around in the car with no one but two anyway, and carefully confirmed.

Tr a nsl a t ed by Jpm t l .c om “You're right next to me. ”

“We're going to work together. ”

“Humans work until they're born and die, junior. ”

Shin Eun said with a very serious face, looking back at Kang Shinhyuk, leaving the steering wheel that she was holding.

As soon as I graduated from superhuman school, I went to the superhuman association and continued to work like an automatic puppet in Korea.

Ah, the vehicle they were riding on was a tool with automatic driving capability, so she was headed to the destination on her own without driving.

“That's unusual, though. When did you learn to drive? ”

T ra n s lat ed by jpm tl .co m “Not long ago. ”

I grabbed the wheel again and gave Kang Shin-hyuk a good look.

“I thought it would be good to learn....... I miss this relaxation every time I go to warp. ”


Kang Shinhyuk looked out the window, looking at the words only in his mouth.

They were now running out of Seoul.

Since the emergence of a gate in Korea, of course, the roads in the capital city of Seoul have become very complicated.

In the end, there are places where the natural environment has changed completely due to the erosion of the gate that has not been blocked in time, and there are places where the vehicle needs to go around due to the existence of an indelible gate.

“Can I drive around in a car? ”

“It may not be anybody else, but I'm here. ”

“That's right. ”

What they were doing was routine patrol.

Numerous appearances and disappearances, or nearby areas of the gate that have not yet disappeared, have not been displaced, but were confirmed directly by the eye.

Monsters are more likely to appear in changed environments. Regular patrols were an essential task, unless all of South Korea's sensory capabilities could be attributed to the surveillance work.

‘It's just that it's a little tough being ranked first and fourth in the world. ’

Tr an sl ated by Jp mt l .com Not long ago, Shin was busy enough to lack three bodies.

However, fortunately, the incidence of gates that have been booming since half a year ago has recently started to decrease noticeably, and more than anything else, the incidence of regular gates has allowed Shin Eun-ah some time to relax.

‘Rather, that's why I feel even more anxious. But I'm glad we have time to breathe for the human race now....... I need to rest properly at this time, even Eun-ah. ’

Kang Shinhyuk wanted to encourage her to take a vacation and take a rest, but she came up with this simple task whether her monomanic disposition made it unacceptable.

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He looked at the side face of Shin Eun Ah while driving.

As the master of endless magical power, her body is still full of strength, and her fatigue cannot find a single piece.

A slight redness emerges over the smooth, white skin that is not awkward to be called the Bisque Stone.

Although her health itself seemed to be on the outside, her mind was inevitably going to wear out in busy work.

“Hmph, Hmph, Hmph. ”

“…… No, that too? ”

Seeing Shin Eun-hyuk who seemed to be really enjoying himself, Kang Shin-hyuk was confused whether she really liked the job.

But if you think about it calmly, you will realize that she only wanted to drive with Kang Shin-hyuk for an excuse.

Kang Shinhyeok soon realized that. Thanks to the manager's intelligence.

- The symptoms of the Fire Fox are getting worse every day…….

‘Whatever. It's good that he's having a hard time every day, and he can relax because of me. ’

Tr a n s l at ed b y Jpmt l .com - Please don't forget to ask your girlfriend, sir.

The manager said she was his girlfriend, but she decided to keep her mouth shut because it was Kang Shin-hyuk who felt something was hidden behind her.

“Oh, there's a place I want you to come with me when I'm done patrolling. It's the headquarters of the association.”

“Yes, Shin Eun-hyuk has decided to act as a revolution. ”

Kang Shinhyuk nodded at Shin Eun Ah's words.

In fact, Shin Eun-hyuk's external activities were comparable to Bridget Polsen, who operated separately from her business.

Of course, she felt strongly that her extracurricular activities were also a plus in her work, but it was true that she was taking the time to do so.

“And... there could be some unpleasantness. ”

“Who's picking on you? Is there anyone in the association who doesn't like me? ”

Of course you can. As I mentioned, Kang Shin-hyuk doesn't do much 'down’ activity on top rankers.

Although he is acting as a Masked Barkers, he is not compared to superhumans from a really busy association, and even from the beginning, Masked Barkers is not a formal activity.

Even though there was a voice inside the association saying, 'Why is that person an association person?' and 'If they belong to the association, they should do what is appropriate for the party.'

‘It's because the name Shin Eun-hyuk, who was supposed to be a temporary identity, has gotten too big. ’

At the time, I just needed an identity to get into the gate easily.

It was astonishing to think of the reason why Shin Eun-hyuk created his identity for the first time since his navel had grown so big for so long.

“No, not the Association. ” T r a ns la t e d b y jp m t l .c o m

Although she had to leave the association, Shinhyuk Kang stopped thinking about it.

“In fact, the association benefits just by being a top ranker in the association. And Masked Barkers takes on a lot of requests from the association. There's no problem with the association. Rather, it also tells us that we need to recognize Masked Barkers as a full team. ”

“Claire would hate that. Claire wants Masked Barkers to remain a secret society of strangers... Huh? ”


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Hey, I think I just made a minor mistake.

Otherwise, Shin Eun Ah would not have suddenly stopped talking and frozen like that.

Of course, he came back with a look like nothing had happened, but Kang Shin-hyuk, who had great vision, could not be fooled there.

"What's the matter, did you have a fight with Claire? ”

“No, I'm not. You and Claire stay close. I can't be mad at you anymore. ”

Shin Eun-ah pouted her lips and gave a blatant pout.

If Claire had done the same thing, she would have kissed me.

- Well done, sir. That's how you protect yourself from a fox by appealing to your girlfriend every chance you get! 500,000 HP bonus from your manager for admiring your Nice Guard!

‘Oh, that's why. ’

While being embarrassed, Shin Eun-ah said.

“You've been against Claire lately....... and just call out my name. ”

“Oh, that's comforting. ”

“But you still speak respectfully to me. ”

“Because of you..."


Kang Shinhyuk witnessed the miracle of the century.

Shin Eun-ah's cheeks were inflating with complaints.

How many of you know her have ever seen such a rare sight?


How cute he must be.

She was a beautiful, lovely, honest child.

Kang Shinhyuk resisted wanting to finger her cheeks filled with air, saying.

“If you want something, let me know. ”

“I wish I didn't have to tell you. ”

“But you say that again. ”

If Shin Eun Ah feels a little different from before, is it a mistake of Kang Shin Hyeok?

- Fire Fox, fire Fox! Firefox!

No, the manager's reaction seemed not to be a mistake.

Kang Shinhyuk sighed and thought for a long time that this would break his promise with Claire, but he carefully said with a mind that he couldn't hide his worries and love for Eun-hye, which grew with synchronization.

“Half, right? ”

“…… heh, heh. ”

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A real smile leaked from Shin Eun Ah's mouth.

Although I think I saw a lot of really rare things today, Kang Shin-hyuk was resolutely behind the scenes.

“But you can't call me by my name. There's too much age difference. ”

“You can call me. Claire, too."

“Claire is American. ”

“I don't care about that either. ”

Shin Eun said as if she was struggling and added as if she remembered later.

“Since Shin Eun-hyuk's age has not been revealed, there's no problem calling her by her name. ”

“You had an official announcement that you were younger than a brain. ”


There must have been an effort by the government and the Association to somehow create the youngest top rankers.

Shin, who had not considered that, groaned and blamed them.

“Besides, if you call me by my name comfortably, I'm not worried that you'll tell me what to do."

“I don't do installments. ”

“I'm still confused. ”

“It's not sunny. ”

“No. ”

Shin Eunah turned her gaze back to the front again, but her cheeks were still reminded.

Suddenly, another word pops out of her mouth.

“I know, I know. ”

Kang Shinhyuk pretended not to hear it and sighed only in his heart.

During the patrol, neither of them opened their mouths.

The endless message of the manager was making the silence bearable.

- I knew this day would come. We will give you the privilege to allow your manager to identify and deter the bully for you in advance. First of all, about the definition of the Fire Fox…….

No, I'm calling it off.

@ @ @

After patrol, the two head straight for the association headquarters.

When I saw Shin Eun-hyuk appearing in a mask next to Shin Eun-ah, not only the employees or superpeople who work at the headquarters, but also the people who found the headquarters because of work were delirious.

“Shin Eun-hyuk.”

“Then, on this expedition, is it Shin Eun-hyuk? ”

“This ensures that you get 1st and 4th place, and even 7th place. If it works, it's a real possibility. ”

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“Looks like you'll be attending the meeting. ”

“You really do belong to the association. ”

The eyebrows of Kang Shin-hyuk in the mask are slightly distorted.

Where are we going on this expedition?

Moreover, if you're referring to Red Shoe Bridget Polsen, she was most likely asked by Shin Eun Ah herself.

- Why didn't you tell me?

Using the whisper function, I spoke silently to Shin Eun Ah right next to me.

Then Shin Eun Ah also answered with a whisper function.

- Eun Ah's whisper: It's unwelcome.

- That's why we need to talk more.

Eun-ah's Whisper: It's not even confirmed yet. All you have to do is tell him what you think at this meeting.

- Tell me where you're going.

Instead of not returning the answer, I heard Shin Eun Ah sigh.

With that strange color, Kang Shin-hyuk felt sorry that he was already this big.

- Quit being such a grandpa, mister.

"The higher the fairy tale rate, the more instinctive the realm is. But it's okay because you're not making tea out there. ’

- The problem is the way you look at your granddaughter. It's a perfect misunderstanding.

It was then that a man dressed in a suit approached two blocks in front of the elevator to the conference room on the fourth floor.

“It's been a long time, miss. ”


You've been through an incredible amount today.

I never imagined there would be anyone who actually used this tone!

The man politely greeted Shin Eun-hyuk and gave his eyes to Kang Shin-hyuk.

I thought Kang Shin-hyuk was surprised by the expression "lady," but now he was wearing a mask.

“It's an honor to meet you, Doll of Death. He knew his reputation well. ”

“Shin Eun-hyuk, please call me by my name. ”

“This is Lee Kang Ryu. He is the Submaster and Planning Officer of the Mercenary Guild Zeus. ”

Oh, Zeus.

Kang Shinhyuk grabbed her hand lightly, giving Shin Eun Ah a glance at the moment.

I finally understood why her face was so hard.

Mercenary Guild Zeus is the dominant tower in the current mercenary industry, No. 1.

It was a mercenary guild her parents had built.

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