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Chapter 240: 240

In the Hero Universe Free Bulletin, everyone was tilting their heads to see the Anvil, a new product that Shinhyuk Kang created and sold.

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- Recording, playback? What's the need for this?]

[HALO - ZZ, there are many rules in the unfinished human society. A society in which morality ruled the world before full power was achieved. This is to gain a more advantageous notice in that society.]

How old is the anvil hall? I don't care where I live as long as I'm good at making things. Hee.]

Eun-ah - Check.]

- I get it now. Eun, every time I see those guys with the Anvils, they yell.]

[HALO - Maybe he wants to check that number and ask Anvil to make his own.] T ra nslat e d b y jpm tl .com

Eun Ah - no.]

[Tsukuyo - Oh my... Anvils make really fun stuff. Hehe, my goodness. It looks like the trivial Humans are bothering the anvil.]

Eun-ah, I'll take care of everything.]

Tsukuyo, didn't the anvil make its own move because you lacked abilities? Whew, this is why I have to be there for him myself.]

[Eun-ah -... I'm going to kill you.]

[Loki - A political fight is always a jam of honey. Don't you sell popcorn, popcorn?]

T ranslated by jp mt l.c om - Grow up, Rocky.]

I'm having a baby.]

[Bartender - Foot.]

Kang Shinhyuk raised his head and looked at Claire in front of him.

Claire is closing Hero Universe with a chuckle, just typing "Foot."

“No kid should look over his shoulder. ”

“Don't be so hard on the kid because he's a tough kid. ”

“There's a battle a woman shouldn't run away from. That's what this is. ”

Then there's nothing I can do.

He gives Claire a quick kiss and asks.

“How long can you stay? I think I'll stay here until the expedition. ”

“I'll stay here. The bar won't be available for a while anyway. ”

Why is that impossible? Because of this African expedition, she also received a huge amount of potion quests.

She should send in bulk to her home country, the United States, and be polite to Korea where she is staying.

Other powerful nations such as the European Union, China and Russia put great value on 'Alchemist's Potion', so it was easy to come up with a backhorse if you didn't make it to a fair level.

“You're all being childish. ” Tr an s la te d b y Jp m t l .c o m

“But we're all going to the best of intentions. If I can help, I have to try. I wish I could go on an expedition with you......."

“No. ”

“No, I'm not going. I'll be waiting here. Come back safely. ”

Kang Sin-hyuk said with a fierce look on her face, smiling small as if she was satisfied with the reaction and kissing him.

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You two exchange smiles as you open your lips, and you hear a grumbling voice behind you.

“If anyone sees me, I think I'm leaving now. ”

“It's like a movie. ”

Yeah, it is.

The problem is these two.

Kang Shin-hyuk narrowed his eyes to the two women who had entered the room, Inahi and Eleanor.

“What are you two doing here? ”

“My sister asked me to help her. I'm learning potions from my sister these days. ”

“I followed Nahee because she was trying to sneak away. ”

Ignoring Eleanor's words, I tilted my head to Inahi's words.

When I look back at Claire, she nods in favor. T r a ns lated by jpm t l.co m

"Yes, I did. ”

"Who else can it teach? ”

“Annuities are academic. I taught him because I thought Nahee who had mastered runes would follow me well, but I was right. ”

Claire laughs a little.

I don't really know what the relationship is between a rune and an Alchemy, but it seems that there is some communication between the production system.

“I can't be the only one in charge of potions all the time. Nahee is talented enough to stand behind me. ”

“No...... I thought you were going to start an artifact shop with me? ”

“Artifacts aren't for sale every day. I made a compromise with the financials of our shop. ”

When Inahi said it was our shop, I felt Claire's eyes twitching a little.

“If you can make potions better, you can just open a potion shop by yourself, right? Let's face it, Shinhyuk makes good artifacts without your help. ”

“Oh, that's not true, Sis. It's only by combining my abilities with those of my successor that I can reach. ”

Strange, even though they didn't raise their magic, the electricity seemed to bounce from one person to another.

Kang Shinhyuk suddenly remembered the popcorn that Loki said on the Hero Universe Free Bulletin earlier, and someone carefully pulled his collar behind him.

It was Eleanor, of course.

T ra ns late d b y Jpm tl .co m “X.O.... No, Shinhyuk. ”

Whether it is the new students who are about to enter theology or Eleanor who is trying to establish the title of deputy commander these days, there must be a reason why she called it "Shinhyeok" now.

“Yes. What is it? ”

He looked at Eleanor's serious-looking face and thought that maybe she wasn't just following after Inahhee.

“I want to talk to you about something, iso. ”

“Yes...... Let's leave them alone and talk outside. ”

He leaves the room with Eleanor as he looks at Claire and Inahi during the fight, who are strangely embarrassed to talk about and have a heated argument.

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“That should do it. What's going on? Does he want a new weapon? ”

“Well, actually,

Eleanor seems very hesitant.

If anyone saw her from afar, they would know that she was going to confess to Kang Shin-hyuk from now on.

…… Ah, I saw two of Jinseok laying his laundry on the other side and his eyes were wide open.

“…… Friend? ”

“You can ignore it. I can't hear you over here. ”

He sighs and breathes his spirit into the small cube-shaped object in his arms.

It had a simple effect of collecting and storing sounds around it, with the collector he created.

Those who did not know spiritual power because it was purely spiritual could not realize it was working, and attached was a function that prevented sound from spreading around.

“That's amazing.”

“We are also developing a small version and a remote version. to patent superhumans as they're being developed. ”

“If I had this, I wouldn't have to build a sound barrier. ”

“Might as well use it in important places, right? ”

Kang Shinhyuk, who was promoting his new product for a moment, smiled.

“So what's the big deal? ”

“Africa…… expedition. ”

I didn't think she'd say that.

As she barely uttered that word and kept her mouth shut again, Kang Shinhyuk suddenly remembered something.

“Does the Royal Family participate in this? Oh, I'm sure you'll join the British royal court, since you're in charge of superhumans. ”

“Yes. Besides, the royal grudges against Jormungan... are a little exhausting. ”

“What organization in Jormungan has no grudge against……."

“The Crown Prince's son is dead. ”

Oh, dear.

He never heard the news like this.

In other words, it was a secret within the kingdom.

“To Eleanor. ”

“Cousin. He was a good kid. ”

Eleanor's eyes were filled with hesitation, but there was a clear willingness in them.

Kang Shinhyuk decided to get to the point without returning far.

“Can I interpret it as saying that you want to go on this expedition? ”

"...... Yes."

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Eleanor nods small.

“I want to check. ”

“You're not trying to be hostile, are you? ”

“If they don't hate me. ”

He's a complicated family man.

Kang Shinhyuk nodded with a bitter smile.

“I'll go with you. Put your mask on and you'll be fine. ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

Eleanor nods slightly and smiles for a few moments.

If you take a photo and promote yourself, Miss Shinyoung might be Eleanor, not Inahi this year.

“Hey, Shinhyuk Kang! Who's that beauty there...! ”

“Here comes the noise. ”

“Are you a friend? ”

“I don't think so. ”

Kang Shinhyuk sighed as he turned off the speaker.

After that, Lee Jin-seok got angry and entered the rigorous training, noticing that both Eleanor and Lee liked Shin-hyuk Kang.

By beating Kang Shin-hyuk and talking nonsense about rescuing the women who are suffering from him.

@ @ @

Time flies by.

Kang Shin-hyuk rehearsed his mercenary friends' equipment to a level that increased their physical abilities above the C rank, even with the help of Inahi, especially their firearms.

“Only use it when it's a battle. You know?”

“You know.”

It was really ugly, but it's better to know that you were carrying a strange artifact than to die.

With that in mind, he also trained his friends.

“I'm dying, Shinhyuk! ”

“Don't worry, I'm not going to die. ”

“What have you done to Hyena? ”

“I'll do the same for you soon enough. ”

“Tongue, brother! Shinhyuk!”

A sound mind in a sound body.

The louder the song, the more the body is made.

Kang Shin-hyuk really rolled them to their deaths.

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However, even though they were rolling at a high intensity that was not comparable to the usual training, they were frightened that their bodies were not spread, only painful, because Kang Shinhyuk was pouring out power and Huanglongbing on them.

‘This is good for my character. ’

His trait strengthens himself and all allies.

Its strength included physical strength, physical strength, and even abilities such as comprehension or memorization, making it possible to dramatically increase training efficiency.

- You are a General, capable of leading a great army. 500,000 HP bonus!

‘I won't. ’

- Chet.

In the meantime, there was no communication from the rate of transfer.

Did you think the threat wouldn't work on him because of what happened then, or are you considering how to respond to it……. But it doesn't matter.

They showed their teeth once, so they don't know when to bite.

He didn't want to sit idly by and take it.

[Eun Ah: The place and time are fixed. They're coming to Portugal.]

I think it's worth a look. See you then.]

Eun-ah: Yes.... I'm sorry.]

I: Never mind.]

[Eun-ah: Yes...]

You taught the three mercenaries and once in a while refined your armor to the brazier of nephritis, raising your sense of battle with Eleanor one-on-one.

Eleanor was a very good sparring partner, although she was a bit of a jerk to say this, but she was not as talented at melee warfare as she was at her best.

“That's strange, Shinhyuk. ”

Then one day, Eleanor said that with a strange expression.

“I feel like I'm growing faster when I'm fighting mythology. ”

“Thanks for the compliment, but maybe it's just confronting someone with similar skills? ”

“It's not like that. ”

Eleanor raises her head in frustration because she wants to say something, but can't find the right words.

“It's not that kind of subtle growth, but I definitely feel like my body and magic are being refined...."

“Maybe you're growing up. All right, one more game. ”

Seeing the two of them sweating passionately together, Inahui narrowed her eyes and told Claire.

“Sis, should I learn melee combat too? ”

“You make potions. ”

Time flowed quickly and became the day of the expedition.

A historic moment was approaching us as we decided whether to take a step forward or take a big step backward.

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