A VIP as Soon as You Log In

Chapter 253: 253

The night sky that did not shine the moon or the stars seemed to move in an orderly fashion. Zachman's hair was tied in a secret and combed down neatly. The endless depth and black eyes seemed to attract and trap all who were facing each other.

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His flawless, white skin was beautifully contrasted with black hair.

A red and thick lip, without any lip paper, painted a clear razor wire looking at him.

A rich and fascinating body that can be easily corrupted even by a master who has been trained away from his lifelong desires is confined to a layer of thin silk clothing, making me curious about the other side, even if I don't think about it.

She was Tsukuyo, a VIP member of the Hero Universe.


T rans l a t ed b y jp mt l.c om "And?"

“Ugh…! ”


Kang Shinhyuk took hold of her hand and dashed the moment he saw Tsukuyo.

As he arrives at a place where other humans can't see him, barely leaves her hand and breathes a sigh, Tsukuyo is joyful, blushing his cheeks.

“Anvil, you're so violent. If you wanted to meet me so badly, please give me a call in advance. ”

“What if they show up in front of the Humans!? ”

Transl at e d by Jpmt l.c om Kang Shinhyuk shouted.

A place where all the superstars of South Korea flew long just a little while ago.

If such a place had revealed a lifetime of Cain like Tsukuyo without a clue, the whole camp would have been turned upside down and even Kang Shinhyeok would have been suspicious.

“Yes? Oh, you were worried about that. Hehe, a cute anvil. ”

However, Tsukuyo listened and laughed.

- I want to be banished.

Tsukuyo points at himself, ignoring the message to the dark side of the manager.

“Now that I'm adjusting my appearance to only be seen by Hero Universe members, you don't have to worry, Anvil. ”

“Yes…? ”

When I heard that, I looked at her, and I saw that she had a red spirit twisting around with a dark Mana.

Needless to interpret the source, it was immediately evident that the liver exiled Tsukuyo from the outside.

I was practicing my spirituality, so at least those who didn't know my spirituality would never be discovered.

“What was that...? ”

“Hehehe, I had a great time enjoying the anvil and the mill. ”

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- If he dies...

T r an s lat e d b y Jp m t l.com “I'm glad you had fun. Ha.”

As my immediate concern was resolved, I was curious about the situation.

“Has there been a Dimensional Quest on Earth? And you're here to solve it? ”

“We knew the Earth would soon be the target area for a dimensional quest. It's kind of funny to say, but I was waiting. ”

Tsukuyo spoke maliciously and pointed to Kang Shinhyuk with a long, thin finger.

“Everyone wants to go to the anvil world. In fact, if you look at the bulletin board now……."

I opened the free board a little bit, and there were a lot of members who were talking loudly about who had been chosen by Anvil, starting with Loki.

Kang Shinhyuk tried to ignore some of those who made trouble on the bulletin board who recognized his nickname. I decided to contact Claire again later.

“Hehe, everyone's slow. It's too late to move around when you see the occurrence of dimensional quests. You have to move with feeling.”

Tsukuyo proudly speaks like his daughter, who managed to break through hundreds of events and buy tickets to this year's Nahuna concert.

However, the manager sharpened it north and denied her words.

- The ability to interfere with the system and accept it before it even had a dimensional quest message. The Fire Fox is a Cheeter! No, Bitter! Bitter!

“Maybe there was a beta test at the hero universes...."

“Anvil, suddenly there was a dimensional quest and I came and panicked. Let me give you a little bit of an explanation for that. ”

Tsukuyo ignored Kang Shin-hyuk's encounter with the manager and stretched out his arms to the side of their standing vacancy.

Suddenly, a bench appeared that looked very strong and comfortable. T r a ns l at e d b y Jpmt l.co m

From the inventory, Kang Shin-hyuk was dumbfounded, and she sat there gently at the tip, smiling at him and tapping her knee with her hands.

“Come and lie down. And while you're at it, I'm going to poke you in the ear. ”

“No, I have a girlfriend...... I have a girlfriend. ”

“Oh my God, you look more attractive than you've ever seen before. That's why. But you're not trying to do anything wrong? ”

I'm sure she's lying. I can tell by the look in her eyes.

He could clearly read the swirling desire underneath, even though his eyes were endlessly dull.

It gives me goose bumps about what he's going to do to his body in the name of being able to destroy his ears.

When Kang Shinhyuk finally refused and sat apart from her, Tsukuyo muttered with a grumpy expression.

“Too bad I can't serve you.... Would you like a cup of tea, then? ”

Tsukuyo, who had failed his Ear Digging operation, carefully removed the plate of refreshments from his arms and handed it to him along with the cooled tea at the appropriate temperature.

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“We've got better quality cars than last time. I'm sure it'll fit right in. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

Kang Shinhyuk stopped being fascinated by her movements that led very naturally.

I think I was attracted to this aspect when I met him before, but it was a strange attractive movement again.

Tran slat ed b y Jp m tl.co m “What's the matter, Anvil? ”

“Oh, no. Thank you."

- Don't be fooled, you! Don't forget that the essence of a firefox is to seduce a man!

“Whew, I came to a quiet place, but the flies are noisy. ”

Tsukuyo shakes his hand, revealing the manager's message, then smiles.

In fact, even the place where they were together was not an appropriate environment to talk about.

I've been running outside the base camp for a long time, so it's natural for monsters to show up anytime and anywhere.

However, Shinhyuk Kang was strangely confident that there would be no monsters in this area to disturb them, unless Tsukuyo wanted to.

“Oh, it's delicious. ”

“Hehe, thank God. Then, let me tell you a story about the conditions under which dimensional quests occur. ”

- I can do as much as I want with the manager. The dimensional quest that just happened…….

Tsukuyo clears his throat, and the manager's message disappears as if it were not disturbed there.

As Shinhyuk Kang blinked his eyes, Tsukuyo started explaining with a subtle smile.

“Dimensional quests are created for the first time when the dimension is in crisis. When something goes wrong with the sustainability of the dimension itself, not the individual or the state, the hero universes intervene for the first time. ”

“So that's what's happening on Earth right now. ”

“Quest occurrences are only when it has been observed. This time Anvil, a hero universal member, was on site so he could quickly spot the crisis and issue a quest. ”

“…… I see. ”

Somehow I thought the timing was sophisticated.

Dimensional quests were created the moment he discovered that there were allies in the Zeus Guild.

If he had not known, when would the quest have occurred? It was something I didn't want to imagine.

“The dimension is in crisis of honor...... so flat a problem. ”

“Yes, there's a creature that can make that happen that has infiltrated this level. ”

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As soon as I heard that, many people's names crossed his mind.

At least not Oh Ju-young and Bomber Girl.

He chewed his lips.

“It also means that the Earth has grown in size. Because in a world that's too low-level, even the top executives of Jormungan can't get in. ”

Tsukuyo said that and smiled shyly.

“But rest assured, I'm here, Anvil. I'll stay with you until you kick him out. Big people have a lot of pressure to move once, so once you've completed this quest, you'll be okay for a while. ”

- Exactly. So if you banish her now, it's not going to be easy for her to come back to Earth. Banishment! Banishment!

Kang Shinhyuk felt great pressure as soon as he learned that he had read his spiritual history to someone who did not know who he was.

However, as Tsukuyo listened to his voice with a gentle smile on his side, I began to feel worrying about it.

And I was sure.

The day the new sword was stolen, the one who looked down at him was not Tsukuyo.

“... Thank you, Tsukuyo. ”

“It's like I've been rewarded with this quest just because I met Anvil. So why don't I thank you more? ”

She smiles and pours the tea back into his empty cup of tea, giving happiness to those who see it.

“Oh my, another uninvited guest. ”



Lightning struck Tsukuyo above his head.

But Tsukuyo shakes his hand lightly and pushes it away.

“Baek, stay away. She's dangerous. ”

“How barbaric. ”

By the way, Shin Eun-ah, who appeared out of nowhere, was staring straight at Tsukuyo!

“I came here because I wanted to tell you that I ran out of the blue. I can't believe I was so consumed with such a dangerous creature. I feel the same energy as Jormungan. Junpyo, come here right now! ”

“It's okay, sunbae. This is Tsukuyo. ”

“What……? ”

Shin Eun-ah is also a member of the Hero Universe, so she knows who Tsukuyo is.

However, when she found out about Tsukuyo, she seemed even more vigilant.

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Kang Shin-hyuk was the same wire that Kang Shin-hyuk created.) He sighed as he looked back at Tsukuyo, who was covering his mouth.

“This is Eunah, Tsukuyo. Members of the same hero universes. ”

“As soon as I saw the arrangements, I knew. He wasn't that kid. ”

“Huff!? Kid?"

“Of course. A worthless boy who always used to annoy anvils with his age. A pretty girl who's been trying to monopolize the Anvil since she was young...... That hair ornament looks pretty. ”

“It's mine. ”

Shin Eun-a covers her hairpin with one hand, decorating her front head as if Tsukuyo had taken it away.

One of the two pieces I left in my past life, with a piece of yellow jewelry embedded.

Tsukuyo swooped down and asked Shinhyuk Kang.

“I can't believe that she's in bonding right now...."


“That's good. Perhaps the bartender's nickname, then?" It's cute to fly around the board pretending to be calm. ”

Tsukuo is accusing Shin Eun Ah so recklessly of the truth she didn't want to hear!

Shin hears it endlessly, unable to say Moore, and is shooting Tsukuyo with tears in her eyes.

“Baek, give me a minute. ”

“No, absolutely not. ”


“Oh, I don't give a shit. If we get rid of this annoying girl now, we can spend some more time with Anvils, right? ”

The tension between the two women was extremely heightened.

Why now that the Earth is in crisis of honor, we have to slam into our allies and pull back.

However, when Kang Shin-hyuk thought about whether he should calm them down even more loudly.

In a really long time, Shin Eun Ah's hairpin began to vibrate.


“Oh my……."

Tsukuyo made a smile.

“Looks like the gates of Jormungan are finally connected."

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