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Chapter 266: 266

The place where the fight took place was a small forest, a blackwood, built in a school.

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All the other places, whether it's a practice area or a gym, are within the reach of the attendants, so there would be no place for newcomers who have just entered.

Dowjin was able to quickly find out the information.

He has been staying in training camps all day, and he found some nasty freshmen coming into the woods while he was out of training camp in the morning.

“Karen said she would try to dry it..... but it seems difficult."

“Karen's left? You went to school with Karen? ”

“He's staying at the training camp these days, too. ”

What? I feel a strange feeling in what he just said.

Walking toward Blackwood Forest, Kang Shin-hyuk stares at his face.

Dowjin turns his head very slightly, blushing his face.

“Well, asshole. Aren't you going to clean your face? ”

“You two are dating, right? ”

“Are you crazy, why would I do that? ”

“Do you still like it alone? ”

“Shut up. ”

That's right.

Kang Shin-hyuk smiles and knocks on his shoulder.

“I cheer. But you need to get out of their house better than you think. ”

“What? It was just a normal family before... No, I don't like it! ”

Dowjin was very easy to read inside.

I'm talking to him about people like Yu Jun Man, so it felt like a long time ago when we hated each other.

“Cheer up, bitch. He's pushing you. ”

“What kind of brother are you? Ah, get rid of him! You don't get the look in your eyes!? Besides, he is now...."

When Dowjin was choking and trying to say something, they finally arrived at the scene.


“Argh, ggh....."

“Oh Hye-na, calm down! ”

“Let go, brother, let go...! ”

There were four boys spread out on the floor, and Ohyna, who looked fine, was holding on to the white man.


“It's not a joke, it's not a lie. ”

On the other side, two unfinished girls hid behind Karen's back with a frightened face, and two eyes of Eagle Hyena were directly attached to the girls, as opposed to her abilities.

Curiously, I only see that and the scenario is drawn in my head.

Maybe they got caught in the back of Ohyuna's wall and took one hit here.

The fact of having Ohju-young, the traitor of humanity as his father, will continue to plague her with nothing wrong. Maybe what happened today is just a forecast.

‘I can't tell you what I know, but... I can't pretend I don't know. ’

He took a step forward and opened his mouth.

“Are you here yet? ”

“Oh, Shin-hyuk! ”

Karen, who finds Kang Shin-hyuk, shakes her hand with a bright expression.

Next to him, Dowjin said it was the same, and he looked at Kang Sin-hyuk with horrible eyes.

I know what you're thinking, but that's not it.

He took another step forward, deciding later to teach Dowjin that he had a girlfriend.

“White, I don't want you to come and take me to her class before it gets bigger. I'll talk to them. ”

“There's still time! ”

I said to the white man, but it was Hyena who answered.

She reached out her straight hand and tried to express her abilities to the girls behind Karen, but when Kang Shin-hyuk shook her hand quickly, she vaporized and dissipated.

It's a cold manna, so it can be easily eliminated with a little heat.

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“How...!? ”

“Hey, take it quick. ”


And when the white man lifted up his head, he was gone.

Hanging on a white man's back, the voice of Hyena, who vomited all kinds of curses, became increasingly distant.

Kang Shin-hyuk waved his hands at them and looked at the condition of the fallen boys.

“Oh, but it's clean. ”

“Aren't you hurt much? ”

When Ohyna disappeared, Karen stopped guarding the girls and came to Kang Sin-hyuk and asked.

Kang Shin-hyuk smiled refreshingly.

“I broke my bones neatly."


“Isn't he being punished from the theological semester? ”

“It's okay. Nothing happened here. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk took a small bottle of pete out of his arms.

What was in it was red liquid, and one of the girls raised his voice.

“Potion!? ”

“That's right.”

It was Gura.

It was just a drink, but Kang Shin-hyuk carefully handed it to four boys, as if it were really a potion.

Healing them was not just the same color as the potion, but his yellow dragon speculation.

It was prepared to deceive him that he had the ability to heal. I can't believe that the day will come when he will use it. Readiness was hard and difficult.

“Now, like this……."


Yellow Dragon speculation has the power to activate and regenerate the body.

The bones were so neatly broken, it was really simple to connect them.

Rather quick and brilliant than dizzy potions, those who watched it did, and admired, rather than really expensive potions.

He instantly heals four people and raises his head.

“Look at this. Nothing happened, right? ”

“Yes? But Senior....."

“Nothing happened. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk once again said in a slightly stronger tone.


“Yes, Yep! ”


Now the girls who knew the situation nodded, and Kang Shin-hyuk smiled and pointed at the fainted boys.

“Tell them, too. If you're unconvincing, tell them to come see me later. ”

“Mmm, that's......."

“I don't know if they'll listen to us....."

I thought it would be the girls who read the back story first, but instead of pointing that out, he put the words one step at a time.

“The second grade you took her with you, you look familiar, don't you? He's the vice president of the student council this year. He's the heir to the White Sheep Guild. They're close. I'm Deputy Commander of the Non-Dragon Knights. ”

“Well, I know that. ”

“Then you know you don't have to work for nothing, right? ”


He laughed at the newcomers one more time and added in a quiet tone.

“Don't say back words or say back words where it's never going to take long. I don't like Jeong Oheena, so I'm good at it in front of everyone. That's the right way for a rookie... Do you understand? ”

Deep spirituality, it also contains a little power of character and declares it as if it were injected into the opponent.

The results were very effective.

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“Okay, then wake them up and go. ”


Kang Shin-hyuk woke up the boys and showed them running out of the Hudadadak Forest while poking the ear-riders.

When things were cleared up in an instant, Karen and Dodgin stared at him in a daze.

“Shin-hyuk, you just got a little weird. ”

“How can you wield such power without haste? ”

“It's easier than wielding force. Besides, I've kept them from knowing anything. ”

If those students get to the teacher about what happened with Hye-hyena, who will be punished?

It's them.

Even though the rich lost three years of their lives, Vanguard was still an extraordinary guild, and Oheyoung was their princess.

For Bonamana Ohyna, she would have ended up with a little penalty line, but she would have scolded her first and scolded the students who had spoken back because they were equally violent.

Kang Sin-hyuk didn't even talk about the teachers because he cared about them everywhere.

‘Students' work is the neatest thing to finish among students…… I hope it doesn't make any sense. Probably not. ’

I was not sure how boys would come out, but girls' minds could be read roughly with spirituality.

At least they won't open their mouths first.

There seemed to be some side effects.

As he frowned at the emotions he had read from his girls, Karen, who was checking the sticks, uh, made a stupid sound.

“Shin-hyuk, you just got on the school board. ”

“Yeah, kids start there these days. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk sighed and turned around.

“Let's go, too. I'll start the class.”

“I left all my bags in place, so I won't be able to deal with the perception. ”

“Oh, so you took my bag? Feel it!”

“This arrangement. ”

I lightened Kang Shin-hyuk's mind a little when he was flattered in front of his beloved girl.

But this, I'm sure, is never a fundamental solution.

Perhaps even more annoying things will happen in the future. Even the irrational teacher could be the one who had a grudge against Ohhyena.

If you think about them, you have to avoid reciprocity unconditionally in order to be less tired in school....

“Hey, when do we get our new non-dragon knights? ”

“Maybe this week? ”

“If you ask me not to accept the favor, will you not accept it? ”

“If she wants to come in sensibly, why don't you just fall down and take it? ”

“What if I push you into the vice commander's office? ”

“Talk to the commander. Why don't you give me a kiss? ”

“What? A kiss? ”

Kang Shin-hyuk seriously thought about leaving the Non Dragon Knights this time, but this seemed to be more Obama.

I also thought that I would need a serious conversation with Hyena once.

@ @ @

After school, Kang Shin-hyuk headed to the first floor café of the canal, an appointment place with White White White.

Karen and Dowjin wanted to meet Hyena, but today it could be a little intimate, so I left both of them behind.

No matter how white she was with him, she thought she could run away as much as Kang Sin-hyuk did, but fortunately, she came out first and sat at the table.

And as soon as I discovered Kang Shin-hyuk, I opened my eyes as if I had never expected it.

I didn't know that Kang Sin-hyuk was coming with me in the first place.


I can't believe you're not even calling me you anymore.

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Kang Shin-hyuk bounces off the air and hits his drum.


“You should call me Sunbae, Sunbae. ”

“What are you, Sunbae?... Ah! ”

After being hit by a continuous air bullet, Ohyna grabbed her forehead and groaned.

Kang Shin-hyuk first picked up a scone after putting down a tray containing five minijams and a large bottle of clotted cream, three butter croissants, two cinnamon rolls, three scones, and five cookies.

“Why did you buy so much? ”

“If you don't eat like this before and after training, you won't be able to hold on. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk just baked a hot scoop with a clotted cream and strawberry jam, and bites him with a big bite.

In fact, the Yellow Dragon speculation grew and became a little hungry, but I needed to eat a lot to restore the Yellow Dragon speculation.

“Ah, training……."

Oheina nodded her head convincingly because she knew that Kang Sin-hyuk's level of training was enormous during the holidays.

“So Faction..... why did you come? Me and my brother De... Are you here to interrupt? ”

“I have something to ask you. ”

After killing three scones in an instant, Kang Shin-hyuk drank the cafemoca and said.

“About what happened today. ”

“I walked over and laid it down. That's the end.”

“Is the world funny because of the crowd of Vangards? ”

“What, no....."

The sharp words of Kang Shin-hyuk twinkled at a moment of recklessness. Kang Shin-hyuk's words continued.

“If you ignore all the doctrines and knock and hold, your Vanguard image will improve. Isn't that right?”


“No, maybe you'll be a witness. It shows in real time that Vanguard, the front-line of human protection, is completely ruined by running around like a thunderclap without honor or authority."


“Sit down.”

A short word of Kang Sin-hyuk hesitated.

Kang Shin-hyuk chewed the sausage bread in one mouth and looked at the white man sitting next to the well.

Lee Hyena, who sat helplessly, looked at the white man and asked him to save her, but he ignored it with the white man's heart.

“There's nothing to be angry about. It's true. The white man wants you to be good at this. ”

“Damned...! ”

I'll kill her now.

"Hang in there."

In fact, I thought I was a little twisted too.

It's also a bit silly to teach freshmen in first grade when they're only in second grade.

But the white man was too much for Oheena, and there was no one who could advise her before things got bigger, so at least he was alone in the community.

“Do you think it's gonna end this once? It would have been nice for anyone in the world to leave Ohju-young, and now it's just the opposite. ”


He shrugged his shoulders and looked clean and clean as he tore his lips apart.

Now that I've killed Gi, it's time to encourage him.

“I don't want you to keep me posted. You have to fight like a student at school. The most typical thing is grades and competitions. Nearest is the New People's Ecclesiastical Exhibition, which takes place in April. In keeping with the doctrine, there are endless means of beating your lawfully disliked opponent. ”

“...... Huh? ”

At that moment, Oheina's eyes sparkled as if she had heard something extraordinary.

Instead, the white man opened his eyes and looked at him with a zigzag.

“Hey, Kang Sin-hyuk. ”

“Why, you're right. What I'm saying is, ”

Says Kang Shin-hyuk, biting and parsing raw cream crocansch.

“In the future, don't think Vanguard's name is dirty, but build your own power in the classroom. ”


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“Power would be a good tool. You like student council officers, don't you? Then no one can ignore you. I'm scared of the back wall. Yum.”

After speaking, take a sip of cafemoca and sigh lightly.

The natural virtuosity of Kang Sin-hyuk licking his fingers after breaking cinnamon rolls into three mouths seems to be seeing the CF, and he is a little bit of a white-and-white comedian.

Of course, the words that came out of his mouth did not suit him at all in a crisp atmosphere.

“The same goes for going out to society. If you raise your own values, others will respect you as an individual. Extremely speaking, if you go beyond your father, no one will be able to insult you by feeding him. ”

“I teach you something really good. ”

“Blood and flesh advice. ”

The white man sighs on his forehead..... but then nods.

“Actually, it's not the same as what I wanted to tell you, Hyena. I don't know if it made you angry in the morning. ”

“No, brother. ”

Well, I guess something didn't go well after I tried to convince Oheena in the morning.

However, Oheina's expression was lighter.

“Now I know what you wanted to say in the morning. If you want to think about me, think about me. ”

“No, I'm not saying that. ”

“I'm going to the student council. ”

Oh? Kang Shin-hyuk's ears are fluttering.

If she goes into the student circuit on her own, there will be fewer contacts with Kang Sin-hyuk, and naturally there will be fewer things he will bother about!

But the words that followed made his face rotten.

"And the Non-Dragon Knights are coming in. ”

"What? We can't be modest. ”

“There is no such doctrine in our school, O Lord. ”

The white man corrected by knocking on Kang Sin-hyuk's head.

Either way, Yi Hye-na, who had already hardened her heart, stood up and bowed her head to Kang Sin-hyuk.

Long-grown hair pours down like a waterfall and covers her face.

“Thank you... Senior. You stopped the teachers from getting in your ears..... children, you convinced them. ”


“Look at Hyena, she's all grown up....."

“You're awake. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk opened his eyes a little.


Ohyna raises her head.

Her blue-eyed eyes were staring straight at him.

“I want to work with you in the future. ”

“I don't like it.”

After seeing Kang Shin-hyuk immediately, she bites her lips and adds:

“Informal guild that seniors make, I'll go in. ”

“Hey, white man. ”

“I didn't tell you anything important! I just want to create a public interest group across the guild......."

“You son of a....."

No matter how close White and Ohyna are, in the end, the Competition Guild. In other words, I wanted to bring Hyena with me to the white masked Bacchus.

Of course, the real purpose was to grow Hye-nam as well as Kang Shin-hyuk's ability, but Hye-nam was able to move as he wanted even without knowing the inner lining...

“So make me strong. ”

Ohyna lowers her head again.

I thought it would be almost 90 degrees.

Even though it was for his own purposes, Kang Shin-hyuk felt like he could bow down to the man who killed his father.



There were dozens of people in the cafe, and now all of them are watching the group.

Kang Shin-hyuk gave a deep sigh, thinking that a new rumor would soon come out.

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