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Chapter 275: 275

I think all the bodies of the world are here, Claire thought.

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Of course, you two are completely erasing the majority of them.

“Well, there can be such a disgusting world. ”

“That's why I'm here to erase it. ”

God spoke boldly and sent a thunderbolt towards the front, but his cheeks were still a little red.

It was clear that Claire was conscious of what she said earlier.

“Let's hurry. The amount of Margie emanating from the source is unusual. Maybe juniors are dangerous. ”

“If we're blocking it here, it'll be okay. ”

Claire releases a shooting drone and sweeps the ghouls with a swarm of zombies.

It's hard to deal with monsters that are really strong because of their abilities, but they can be wiped out at a speed that doesn't hurt God.

This time, Kang Shin-hyuk and Inaheee helped develop the drone and also strengthened their abilities.

‘No, maybe Shin-hyuk will solve it alone without us having to draw attention here. ’

Unlike Shin Eun-ah, who only looks down on Kang-hyuk from an absolute standpoint, Claire has been watching Kang-hyuk's growth side by side.

Of course, it was very frustrating that I couldn't be with him in the whole process....

Still, I could see how his growth was going and where he was headed.

Can't you prove it by just looking at the performance enhancement width of the drone completed with his help right now?

“Whatever the characteristics, there are areas that are specific and there are limits…."

His character was so free and strong that it seemed like he was the only one who brought the balance of the game to the world.

Even Shin Eun-ah, who is not sweating a drop by her side right now, is vulnerable to thousands of lightning strikes, and Kang Sin-hyuk was beyond her specifications.

It is self-evident that you can awaken your abilities in earnest and see the growth you have achieved in just a year. Isn't it growing fast even now that it's recognized as number two in the world rankings?

Not only do we talk about strength, but there are fundamental changes happening to everything associated with it.

A little exaggerated, he was a man who could even change the world.

And..... furiously, someone would soon find out.

“Claire, Margie's running aground in the building. Let's go to the building, too! ”

“Yes, it seems like this place has been cleared..... let's go. ”

“Ugh, I want to see juniors quickly……."

“Speak in your heart. ”

“I'm sorry. ”

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I didn't even know that Claire had said that to God.

Claire has a monopoly. No matter how much God allowed him to be an inseparable friend.

But Kang Shin-hyuk..... is too great for her to be exclusive. She was not confident that she could support Kang Sin-hyuk completely on her own.

I should have seen all those great Hero Universe creatures strangling him.

He was one of the most important beings not only on Earth, but throughout the entire dimension.

The piece was being seen early and was even flowering rapidly…….

“The building, it's shaking...... the junior must be doing well. ”



“Oh, yeah. Let's go.”

Thinking about the future of Kang Sin-hyuk, she was terrified.

Rather than worrying that he would abandon himself, he was even more afraid that the day would come when he could not help himself as his mate.

Seeing him return from this African expedition, I truly thought that the time had not come.

I didn't want to talk to him, because it was all based on that idea. It's the wrong fury.

So attracting God into the relationship is not a concession or love for a friend, but in fact, it's just a way to stick to Kang Sin-hyuk.

‘Afterwards, this is why I didn't want to meet a man who was too good. ’

If you were a normal woman, you might have given up on Kang Sin-hyuk neatly here, but Claire is not that gentle to step back.

I didn't mean to miss the man I shot. I didn't think any woman who wasn't himself could monopolize Kang Sin-hyuk. Yeah, even if it's that annoying fox.

Who said it was good? Kang-hyuk and Hair Diagnosis. If his arms are wide enough to handle himself alone, you can only bring one or two more.

He loves himself the most anyway. Yeah, that's it.

She was a little bit stubborn, but she was determined to be with Kang Sin-hyuk.

I've been thinking about that for the last few months.

“Claire, look. ”

“Huh? … Ah. ”

Claire, who couldn't care less about the front because she was immersed in a complex conception, summoned him.

Now, there are only hundreds of meters left in front of the building..... something Seekerman is blocking.

It was armored, with a huge sword.

It must have looked like an article.

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“Oh, I saw that scene in Yagem. ”

“You're gonna be pissed. ”

“Okay, let's call it literature, not yakem. ”

“That's not the problem. ”

He had a string of Seekerman energy emanating from his body, and to this day, all sorts of Androids and Undead were rushing towards him.

Shin Eun-ah said the targets were focused and good, but he couldn't even get rid of the maggots that spread every time they died.

It also seems to be absorbed by the chauffeur.

“If Shin Hyuk had been here, he would have sucked it into the Ultimate Heavenly New World. ”

“Claire, don't stand idle. Attack. ”

“I'm already doing it. But there's no stopping Dory. ”

She also summoned a drone that she had stockpiled immediately after seeing the sights, pouring out the demon she had in a position to consume.

But it's no use. Those undead machines were more desperate than they were to attack with hatred for their two sons.

Even if 100 are dead, one successfully reaches him.

And Magi, as well as the fusion of the flesh, was called the mass of the black knight in real time.

Now that there are hundreds of thousands of undead in this battlefield, thousands of them are directly fused like that, and even the dead can't stop Magi from delivering to him.

Perhaps the contaminated Guyana system intervened directly. To prevent God from reaching the building? I don't know, but it seemed obvious that even God could not ignore the consequences of that terrible collective fusion.

“Eun-ah, I'm sorry. B. Retirement”

Claire exhausted the ammunition she was stockpiling. I never thought I'd steal all the bullets I stockpiled in my inventory. It was ridiculous.

It is not because I have underestimated this world, but because I did not expect a situation to happen that would be hostile to the whole world.

“Where's Mana? ”

“Yes, and a little spirituality…… a drink of cocktails, enough to make. ”

During his time with Kang Sin-hyuk, Claire quickly grew in spirituality. It is not about Kang Sin-hyuk anymore, but it has come up to the level of checking and dealing freely with the amount of spirituality inside itself.

Yes, spirituality. Kang Shin-hyuk probably exerts influence on the souls of others. It is not already a human realm.

“Make it quick if you can. ”


Some cocktails are stockpiled, but they have to taste different than what they make right away. And if it tastes different, it also makes a difference. The cocktails she makes are like that.

Although the environment was the worst, her movements were fast. In an instant, I took out the ingredients, followed the shaker, and shook them in a nice glass.

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“Do you really have to follow this unstable cup? ”

“Yes. That way you can have spirituality. ”

“I can't help it. ”

Shin Eun-ah smiled and drank a finished cocktail.

On a battlefield covered in dead bodies and shredded machinery, a glass of metal knight is now almost the size of a building.

Extremely refreshing.

“First of all, one room! ”

Shin Eun-ah opened the gate to the distant sky, feeling the rising magic power.

The passage of that magical power and the door that leads to her drawing out the infinite magic power.

The magical power that flows out like a waterfall in it is enraged by her power with a golden lightning bolt, and it literally falls to the crest of the knight.


There is no place to hold the sword. Shin Eun-ah converts his magical power to lightning, which continues to pour down on the knight in a row.

He can't move, he gets it and kneels to the ground. The vibrations rang the ground, and the building tilted a little.

Khh, ah, ah, ah!

Because of the lightning strikes, even the monsters he's screaming at are cut off.

A furious man tried to swing his sword at her somehow, avoiding the lightning, but it didn't even matter.

Shin Eun-ah shoots a few more lightning bolts at the maximum output, limiting his movements and keeping his eyes wide open.


“Don't worry, you're beating unilaterally, what's" strong "and" strong "? ”

“You don't die. ”

After hearing that, Claire nods unwittingly.

Now, the lightning that God has created has a level of destructive power that can even harm an X-class creature.

However, even though he had been struck with more than ten feet of lightning, he only knelt on his knees and did not fall.

What's even more alarming is that his lightning resistance is increasing. The first few feet of the man who got hit by a lightning bolt, now he's moving.

‘No way....'

No way, but Claire really looked at him with a little more spirituality in her eyes.

He was made up of a huge amount of corpses and machines, and each time he was struck by lightning, the metals were deforming their appearance by splashing sparks.

Rather than being destroyed, it seemed like a certain form was being completed by lightning. The evidence is making his movements more and more natural!

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“Liar, are you a trait similar to the Ultimate Lord? ”

“You don't have to have a limit, no matter how powerful you are. ”

Shin Eun-ah fixes his gear in the ever-pouring lightning and points a giant sword more than a dozen meters long at the two of them and says to them, "Evil!

However, Claire shakes her head at her words and raises her head.

“That's my mass. Even if the efficiency is lower than the Ultimate Heavenly Lord, if the amount is huge....."

“So what do we do? Claire, just like you said, no one can beat that. ”


Claire looks at him quickly and analyzes him before he runs out of spirit. Fortunately, I was able to grasp the landing point.

“I think it's a metal part that's similar in nature to the Super Heavenly New Jubilee. So..... you know? ”

“Yeah, you can hang up. ”

Shin Eun-ah immediately closed the gate, releasing the infinite magic power from his interior.

He pulled it out in the form of a lightning bolt over his hand, compressed it and lightened it. I sharpened it in the form of a sword that Kang Shin-hyuk usually deals with.



The moment God stood firm, the sword of lightning in her hands disappeared.

The next moment, the Corpse Knight...... the body of Giant Metaldesite, a lightning sword that appeared in an exquisite gap that was not covered by a machine, caused a discharge and burned the corpse.


At the last moment, the giant sword descends, as if he were acting out.

Even if you were hit by a whirlwind maggie in there, you wouldn't be able to avoid death, no matter how divine.

Magi, who was in the sword, was absorbed from the sword and disappeared into the building.


“Not just the sword, Eun-ah! That!”

Is this how it was originally, or is it how God dealt with him?

Magi, an oil from the Giant Metal Destinate, was absorbed into the building and disappeared!

“I won…… No, junior! ”

“Shi, Shin-hyuk! ”

The two of them had no intention of recovering loot of the same nature as the Ultimate Lord, and rushed out of the ruined battlefield into the building!

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