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Chapter 295: 295

“Good luck in the future, Instructor Kang Shin-hyuk. ”

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“Speak comfortably, Mr. Bolton. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk smiled at a middle-aged man sitting in front of his eyes, Emil Bolton.

The only thing growing these days is bitter laughter, thinking like a man.

Emil Bolton, a blind man who once ranked 300th in the world's premier rankings (), is now retired from Shingymnasium, but has proved to be more powerful than ever before.

Now that Shinyoung has been transformed into a battlefield, not an educational institution, he has resolved to fight alongside them, defending his students.

…… So, Emil Bolton was also helped by the power of Kang Sin-hyuk.

“No, you can't treat me like I was taught. You're not a student anymore. We need to make a clear distinction between us, so the steel can be held straight. ”

“I can't help it. ”

The place where the two of them are now was a private restroom in the Royal class.

As long as Kang Shin-hyuk was out of the student's shoes, he needed to set up a new space, so he had a place to talk to and have a seat.

“Then I promised to share the sword with the instructor, but I didn't. But now that I've kept my promise, it's all open. ”

“I did, and I made that promise. ”

Honestly, I couldn't reach it. It's a sign that I've been so busy for a year.

Nowadays, when I think of the past, I think of other things that have bothered him.

But the words of Emil Bolton, the kite with man, led to the past, so I couldn't think of it separately.

“Instructor Kang Sin-hyuk. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

“I have a pretty good idea what you're thinking. In that sense, I think this time the title given to you will help.... Big. ”

He looked like he was about to say something, but he swallowed it and lightly tapped Kang Sin-hyuk's shoulders and switched topics.

“I'm done talking to the principal. Keep using the room you used to use. It's right to be with Dr. Boyle, isn't it? ”

“Ah… yes. ”

“Good..... At this point, it's good to have a lover. ”

He said nothing more, just nodded forcefully and left.

Kang Shin-hyuk, who was left alone, had a strange impression of ‘Dr. Boyle’ who did not come close to him somewhere, and recalled the fact that he had never checked the status after the character had evolved.

Since the nature evolved, too many things like storms have driven me crazy.

[Kang Shin-hyuk SSS + Rank] (97.5% assimilation rate)


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A dragon that broke the sky and climbed over it, interacted with the Samraman statue, and gained the power to interfere with it. Skilled with the power to awaken oneself and change others, I have now taken the first steps to change the world.

[Physical ability]

Force SSS +

Agility SSS +


[Special Ability]

Vitality X

Destroyer X


Pacheon Moo (X) SSS

Rainbow (X) SSS

Spatial Control (X) SS

Dark Mastery (X) SS +

Light Mastery (SSS +) SS +

Fire Mastery (SSS +) SS +

Soul Poison (SSS +) SSS

Metallurgy SS +

Emotion X

Repair S +

Roughly speaking, his change was extreme.

Although it was absurd that the body state had reached the limit of absurdity, namely the SSS + rank, Kang Shin-hyuk was confident that he would be able to cross the limit of absurdity himself soon.

The evidence shows that the special abilities, spirituality, and destructive power that changed in Yellow Dragon Speculation have already reached the X rank. The two of them have already crossed the threshold, but there is no reason why they can't break through physical abilities.

When the skill was reached, the skill evolved from Huanglongtu to the Rarity X rank and the Skill was brought to the SSS rank.

This was not just because of awakening, but because he had gained overwhelming experience in a short period of time, hitting Janus who had made a new sword and a sword mixed with spirituality.

Although the rarity and proficiency of other Mastery skills have increased, it was also alarming that Wind Mastery has been transformed into a skill called [Wind Cheer] in the realm beyond Mastery.

It is only when the Wind Mastery was most appropriate to express the power of the dragon to call the wind and rain, that the power settled around it.

‘By the way, this is not just a skill to call the wind and rain. ’

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Kang Shin-hyuk still remembered the moment Janus came.

He or she overwhelmed the battlefield with his or her spirituality and completely changed the atmosphere of the battlefield into his or her own, a skill that could elicit such a similar effect.

In other words, this is the magic that affects the entire field. An enormous ability to strengthen allies and allow the power of the character of Kang Sin-hyuk to be broadly expressed.

With this skill, Kang Shin-hyuk can be judged to have taken a step as a transcendent worthy of the name of a member of the Hero Universe.

Of course, it is the blood level of the new foot compared to Janus, but if it is his trait, it will grow faster and stronger here. It had to be.

If anything unexpected, it means that your emotional skills have reached the X rank. Is it because of the upliftment of existence? Perhaps because of the changes that have come to his eyes?

Characteristics evolved, and Kang Shin-hyuk underwent some physical changes.

It was mediocre until it was a little taller and more refined, but the changes that came to my eyes were a little harsh.

The pupil of a reptile stands a little vertically like that. Especially when it came to operating the destroyer, it was more intense to stand longitudinally and the snow was faint and gave a little intimidation to others.

But I don't know if it's because of that, but my vision is getting better.

The ability to identify the flow of energy, such as spirituality or horsepower, was great from the beginning, but after the nature evolved, it became more powerful, perhaps even possible to find and cut off weaknesses in the flow of energy starting from others.

Maybe the emotional skills were also influenced by it.


“Oh, Claire. ”

Then the restroom door opens and Claire walks in.

This is probably the first time that I have been officially licensed to enter the Royal class. Other students were also having a lot of fuss about this. At least I was lucky that the royal class was originally a dormitory that did not distinguish between men and women.

If it were a normal male dorm, he would have chosen to go outside rather than let Claire in.

“What are you doing here? ”

“I need to talk to Mr. Bolton. He said all the paperwork was processed. ”

“Yeah, I've been talking to the girls. ”

Claire sits next to him with a small smile, and naturally leans on Kang Sin-hyuk's shoulder and presses her forehead into his cheek.

“You've been so insulted, how do you seduce a minor. ”

“Oh, no way. ”

How dare they insult Claire? She smiles and corrects.

“I can't do it openly. I'm talking back. ‘Wow, what a surprise! They're both so close! It's a couple of centuries! Did Shin-hyuk know who he was from the beginning?’ Something like that. ”


“Actually, the teacher flirted with the student, so it's out. ”

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Kang Sin-hyuk and Claire would have been difficult to follow if the order had been a little out of order.

You can't easily explain the relationship between two people, or even God.

“That's why you're pissing on me," said someone secretly, "I wish I wasn't just a teacher." ”

“Ugh, I don't even want to know who. ”

At least I didn't want her to know.

As Kang Shin-hyuk looks disgusted, Claire smiles at him and asks him quietly.

“Are you okay?”

“It's not okay. ”

“…… Yes, actually, I do. ”

“If you stop, it's just what they want. ”

In fact, they were not depressed by the death of God, as others thought.

I also received confirmation from the manager that Shin Eun-ah was alive, and I vowed to save her one day.

However, it was great to feel frustrated by Janus, the presence of the same Hero Universe.

“Me, I'm going to make a potion to break that damn bitch. Of course I should ask you for revenge. ”


“Yeah, and I'm going to rip that system apart with my powers. ”

Claire quietly made a vow and buried her face in his chest.

I didn't see her face, but I knew what she would look like.

“Is that possible? ”

“Last time, it was really good to be in that world. ”



She still nods quietly, not thinking of getting out of his arms.

“The system of managing the world can also be transformed into a human hand, because it holds that concept firmly. Of course I need your help. ”

“Of course I will. ”

“Yes, help me. Guyana Jormongand, I don't like playing with weird things anymore. ”

Claire stretches out her arms and squeezes her body tightly. It was the first time we had a deep conversation since that day, so Kang Shin-hyuk was a little nervous, but I thought it would be okay now.

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The two will continue to do well as partners. This ideal is an impossible and perfect partner.

“Hey, this is the restroom, but it's a little..."

Beyond the open door, Karen is looking at the two of them. Of course, Kang Shin-hyuk, who knew her approach with an exceptional feeling, stood up.

“Everyone does this. ”

“No, you're going to be sad, so why don't you pay attention to this? ”

The couple stood up with a sigh. But when I opened the door, Karen didn't retreat. Starting with Karen, the ripe members came inside the rope.

Everyone knew that they were setting their ears around it (of course, they were blocking the sound leaking from the silencer).) Why did they all come inside?

“What, why. ”

“No, your identity will be blurred anyway. ”

“I want to discuss the issue of raising the Masked Barkers to the surface. ”

When Kang Shin-hyuk murmured, Inaheee listened to him.

Eleanor nods, clinging to her back. I decided to pretend I didn't see anything that was really sniffing.

“It's not going to be like it used to be, and I just want to be confident. Maybe it would be more beneficial for me to stay here than to lead the White Sheep. ”

“That's a lot of judgment. ”

“I am.”

Eleanor said in a slightly submerged voice.

“Because I've already put my destiny on you. If we're not going to England, we need to establish this identity. ”

“Ah.... Huh? ”

Kang Shin-hyuk listened to her and realized something.

“How long have you been back in England? ”

“And I refused. But it won't be easy, so I need Shinhyuk's help. ”


“Your Majesty's case is special, but by now, all international students will be in a similar position. If Shin-young turns into a battle guild, I won't let anyone stand idly by. It's not enough to summon him to my homeland and use him as a soldier. ”

Karen adds to Eleanor's explanation and smiles at Kang Sin-hyuk.

“So, this is the situation where international students must offer merit to not return to their home country…… What do you think, Shin Eun-hyuk? ”

“Hey, let's just talk about her. ”

“Aaaah! Don't take it out! Me, too! ”

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