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Chapter 305: 305

“It's called chiral. ”

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Speaking in a very confident tone, Wilford pointed to the table in front of Kang Sin-hyuk's eyes.

On the table, there were two small fragments.

It was very sharp, polished with glass, and had a mirror-like cross-section to clearly illuminate the eyes of Kang Sin-hyuk who was looking at it.

It seems to combine humans and reptiles to form a golden pupil standing slightly vertically.

“His name is Chiral. I don't know exactly, but I can feel a tremendous energy. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk glanced at the fragments of the black mirror and spit out the topsy-turvy lines.

Seeing his unusual attitude, Wilford was also satisfied.

“That's right. You're the number one superhero in the world, and you look at things. I haven't explained it yet, but I can see that you are making such an exciting look...."

Is this guy a real idiot? Kang Shin-hyuk looked at Wilford with his eyes open.

“He's also an Artifact Artisan. ”

“Ah, ah, I did."

In the first place, they called the World Prize in the name and forgot about it.

Or maybe Wilford was really a simple organ horse, so he did what he was told to do in my position.

Either way, it's silly, but the stuff in front of my eyes wasn't very funny.


It refers to a mirrored relationship that can face each other like a left hand and a right hand, but never completely overlap.

Kang Sin-hyuk was so sophisticated from that word.

Very recently, I haven't heard from Tsukuyo about the mirror.

Jormongand talked about being just a human mirror.

“So…… I want to hear the exact explanation. ”

I had to crawl into the royal palace to uncover Jormongand's handiwork in the first place, but I didn't think I would be able to hold the rope so easily.

Or this is all the intention of Jormongand, or he or Janus....

While fighting with him and not just showing hostility to him all the time, Kang Shin-hyuk stopped thinking about Janus, who had the consequence of taking God's grace from him.

“I tried to do it from now on. I need the help of a strong man like Puppet Master to continue producing Chiral. ”

“Who put the name Puppet Master first? ”

“It's me.”

I have decided, I will wipe out any trace of him on the ground.

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But that's not it now.

This chiral decision contained a high level of energy that even his spirituality could not grasp.

From now on, revealing your teeth is meaningless.

It really doesn't mean anything.

“Chiral has the ability to greatly enhance the potential of being. It's even a jubilee gift that increases its breadth compared to its original capabilities. ”

Don't know what Kang Shin-hyuk is thinking, Wilford explained chiral more enthusiastically.

“So it's like a potion? ”

“No. Would you like to see it? ”

Wilford takes Chiral from his hand with a bright smile, stabbing him in the forearm.

Kang Shin-hyuk looked at it quietly.

Chiral slowly melts with the sound of dental floss, absorbed into his body.

During that process, Wilford reacted with the energy he had in his possession, deformed and revolted…… until it was finally completely absorbed into Wilford's body.

Kang Shin-hyuk couldn't take his eyes off it.

“If it were you, I would have noticed. The fact that my abilities have just been enhanced. ”

“Certainly…… I see. ”

Previously, Eleanor had told Wilford that he had to be good at something similar to Olivia, or weaker than her.

But when I met him at the dinner tonight, I thought it was strange that he looked stronger than Olivia, and then there was this secret.

“How is that possible? I mean, you've taken energy decisions that are strictly different from your own. ”

“Haha, of course, it wasn't easy. But with endless effort and experimental spirit, we figured out how to fully absorb this chiral into the body. ”

“, how to grow your abilities. ”

“Evolution of Characteristics. ”

Wilford said to Kang-hyuk in a voice that seemed to lick sweet honey.

He felt a deadly blade in it.

“Chiral makes that possible. ”

Let's make assumptions.

If Kang Shin-hyuk had doubted and warned him from the moment he first met Wilford, even after the dinner, when he said, 'He already knows’ that he had no intention of acknowledging him until this moment of meeting with him separately.

Nevertheless, Wilford would have been convinced.

Chiral, by demonstrating the ability of this gigantic creature, I'm sure you'll be able to pull Kang Shin-hyuk towards yourself.

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‘I think it interlocks with Chiral, the Magi that I brought the moment I shook hands with him. Either the ability to help absorb chiral or the effect amplified by chiral to completely brainwash me…… or both. ’

Kang Shin-hyuk only laughed in his heart.

Since the beginnings of the New Age, numerous studies have been conducted on traits, the largest element of personality as a superhuman.

Of course, the potential of each trait is great, and many people dig into how it grows and evolves.

Yet no one has made any significant discoveries about the evolution of the trait.

If there is only one person who can artificially cause the evolution of a characteristic…….

Yes, it was nothing but Kang Shin-hyuk.

Until now.

Is this my fault, too? Because my abilities can evolve traits? Is that why this came out? No, but this is more fundamental.... fundamental? ’

Kang Shin-hyuk, who was still thinking, asked Wilford, who was picking up another chiral on the table.

“Is there anything else? ”


Wilford tilts his head. It also looked like it was floating.

“The power of chiral. It looks like there's something else. ”

“Ah, ah, that's what you said. I didn't tell you because it didn't mean much to us. ”

Wilford laughed bitterly. Then yes, Kang Sin-hyuk thought.

Perhaps this was the point, but he whispered in his ear, pretending to be secretive, knowing that there was no one around anyway.

“Chiral enables the copying of properties. ”


“Even those who don't have a trait can awaken. Yes.”

Wilford confidently said that he saw Kang Shin-hyuk's face twist.

“Chiral is a miracle product that produces superstition. ”

“I got interested. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk just said.

“I don't think you've told me about this. Let's hear what you want. ”

“You said you needed your help earlier? ”

When Kang Shin-hyuk came out in a positive attitude, Wilford's energy increased.

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I didn't expect much from the British royal family in the first place, but I snorted with such a vulgar look.

Wilford, who noticed it and shrugged his shoulders a little bit, coughed big, and said,

“We need a lot of monster masonry. If that's possible, the Stone of the Intelligent Monster. ”

“There were a lot of intelligent monsters among the Magi. ”

“That's it! ”

Wilford asked for it.

Kang Shin-hyuk nodded his head and thought to himself. You don't act.

“There's a gate I'm securing in secret. Kang Shin-hyuk Choin just needs to go inside and secure the stone. What do you think?”

“Secretly? Gates don't know when to run. I have to manage it constantly....."

“I can assure you there is no concern for recklessness. I would also like to talk about how chiral is made and how to use it.... Do you intend to contract with me? ”

Wilford gave Chiral to Kang Shin-hyuk, speaking meaningfully.

It's like saying it's a down payment.

However, Kang Shin-hyuk, who had roughly figured out the structure of this, knew that this was nothing but a shackle to bind and bind him.

Knowing that, I accepted it.

At the same time, I was convinced.

Janus is not involved in this. ’

Or an ally of Kang Sin-hyuk.

She knows that the Pacheon Dragon can't depend on these little pieces.

@ @ @

Chiral was an interesting object.

As soon as Kang Shin-hyuk received the chiral, he tried to put it in his forearm, just as Wilford did, but he told him that if not done in the right way, there could be side effects.

It was only a nosebleed for the drug or horsepower that needed to be taken beforehand, but it didn't seem to be able to figure it out in general.

After such hard work, however, when Kang Shin-hyuk absorbed Chiral in a gentle manner, Wilford began to treat him very comfortably, as he did to other royals.

Kang Shin-hyuk talks a little more to his master and breaks up with him.

“Ah, junior is here! ”

As soon as Kang Shin-hyuk enters the room, Inahee hits him.

I don't think I'm trying to do anything weird. Inahee nods at him with a slightly teary face.

“Hey! What do you do if you just follow that weird-ass, weird-ass motherfucker? You were fucking worried!”

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“Thank you. But I'm ranked number one. ”

“You don't have a knife in your rank number one body!? ”

I tried to say that it wasn't a dizzy knife anymore, but I just smiled because I knew Inaheee wasn't trying to say it.

Inahee, who had clearly changed his attitude, coughed in vain, stumbled on his body several times, and withdrew.

“What a strange thing to do...."

“How was it?”

While he was still in the chair, Eleanor looked at him quietly as soon as Kang Sin-hyuk was released from Inahee.

Though she was a little worried about her sunken appearance that she had not seen much lately, Kang Shin-hyuk was gentle.

“Roughly got the tail. ”

“What's going on!? ”

Inahee jumps up. But shortly after, Eleanor stretches out his arm and grabs her and sits down.

“I want you to tell me..... What happened to the royal family? ”

“Jormongand has taken over. ”


“You were expecting it. ”

“I didn't know the royal family would be so helpless. ”

“If there's an enemy inside, the iron castle will collapse easily."

Kang Shin-hyuk smiled bitterly and sat on his bed.

Hel, who was sleeping in his bed, opened his eyes and climbed up on his shoulder.


Kang Shin-hyuk sighed, tickling his jaw with a cute voice.

I got a rough feeling about Chiral.

At the same time, I found very few clues about Jormongand's origins.

I didn't really like the way the rails were laid, as if I wanted to come to you well.....


“Don't worry. I'll do it one way or another. It will take some time..... but I think Olivia can be saved too."

“Anne, get it over with before you even start anything. ”

But before that, World Prize comes first.

Catching the tail of a snake will be the next thing.

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