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Chapter 317: 317

Why did the sand cover the world in the first place?

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It was the last resort that humans, who were running against each other and towards destruction, realized that there would be nothing left on this planet to go on like this and decided to end the war altogether.

The full name of the sand is [Lullaby].

A material that deactivates all energy, and yet reacts particularly violently to an unbearable energy reaction, to suppress it.

Because of its existence, everything will fall into a tranquil sleep forever.

…… The name was different from the one who made it.

Created with all the skills developed in Merba's unique alchemy, metallurgy, magic and endless warfare, this sand was never extinguished, infinitely divided and connected to a ‘network of strong spirituality', making it possible to move like a single body.

It was a miracle that gave birth to it, and humanity did not understand how they completed [the mascot], and of course it failed to reproduce.

In fact, the finished [mascot] was quite different from the people who intended to make it, as the person who made the name could find out in a different way from the creator.

What people wanted at the beginning was an artifact that was easily controllable, ‘responding only to what they wanted’.

The endless war made the earth desolate, the defenses were sloppy enough that civilians died in the monster raid, and there were fewer horrible weapons of mass destruction called horsemen at the end of the Sanjay, which increased the number of accidents that killed them.

Yet humans still wanted to take advantage of someone else and become rulers.

If we can control the enemy's horsemen in unison, it would be simple to kill the enemy while defending the allies.

If you become the ruler of all horsemen, it will be possible to end the boring war, as well as annihilate the monsters that invade the realm of humanity!

Projects initiated at such a landing point have consequently completely failed.

Humanity did not deal with spirituality by its own power, and what they knew about the existence of spirituality was that the 'armor' made by the famous blacksmiths of the past was transformed into a horseman expressing spirituality during the war.

However, all horsemen had already awakened their own selves and were hostile to humanity without falling in love with any of them.

There was no other spiritual object in the world.

Except for one little hairpin found in the country where the blacksmith lived.

Merba's survivors were convinced that it was the work of an anvil, and he wanted to create a system that controlled other weapons using the hairpin, which did not awaken the self that killed mankind.

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However, unlike their intentions, the spirituality in the hairpins was not according to human will, and the finished [masturbator] began to divide and amplify all ‘energy-bearing individuals', including silk horsemen as well as horsepower.

It took only two months for the world to come to an end.

The horsemen were completely silent by the power of the last artifact left by their maker, and after such a long time, Kang Shin-hyuk came to this world.

“So all those weapons that woke up a long time ago are flying to say hello? ”

When Kang Shin-hyuk briefly compressed the information obtained from the sand, Claire asked as she looked at the dark red weapons that were gushing out between the sand cracks.

However, looking at her shrugged face, she already knew that she meant nothing to her question.

However, Kang Shin-hyuk decided to answer it out of his mouth.

“No, I think I don't even know my parents' faces! ”

“Fuhrer bastards!”

Dozens of airborne weapons were apparently flying in pursuit of the Great Revolution.

Swords, knives, spears, axes, even armor, shields, gauntlets.

Of course, they were of the same type and size, but they all had an unmatched posture, which, by the standards of the Guyanese system, seemed to be the minimum SSS rank.

They were even connected to each other through spirituality, just as [the Magician] was, giving and receiving energy and amplifying it!

“Oh, my God, you have to educate children who don't know their father. ”

“Wait a minute, Tsukuyo. ”


Tsukuyo, who had already gone out first, retreated from him after a word of Kang Shin-hyuk.

In the meantime, Kang Shin-hyuk fully grasped the sand he had just gained control of, accelerating his head rotation and expressing the power of character as he could.

First of all, why did [Magician] suddenly lose control of the weapons?

Needless to say, the mascot who has been acting without a master has recognized Kang Sin-hyuk as the master and is in the process of being attributed to him.

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The artifact of the Sacrifice created by the former human race by using the miracle seeds of his previous life.

It was a miracle product with a remarkable performance, but in the process of attribution it was impossible to do energy purification!

Even now, the spirituality of Kang Sin-hyuk was spreading rapidly through the spiritual network in the sand that spread throughout the planet, and as the sand that came into his control in real time expanded...... the horsemen that were buried in him were rushing.

But I didn't have to panic. The automatic activity of the artifact was cut off everywhere, but it was possible for Kang Sin-hyuk to handle the artifact himself.

“Shin-hyuk, it's coming! ”

“Grandpa, shall I stop you? ”

“No…… I'm ready! ”

When Kang Shin-hyuk shouted aloud, a kilometer-high column that came close to his group just a few moments ago was dismantled and became a glass crystal storm, wrapping around the group and starting to rotate quickly!

And the dark red weapons that flew from all sides were thrown into the storm in unison, and the next moment, they were absorbed by the storm without pulse and extinguished.

“Wow!? ”

“Wow, Grandpa! What is this?”

“Afterwards, thank God. I didn't think so. ”

Originally, the magnet only has the function of absorbing energy, but does not have the function of decomposing and absorbing matter.

However, it is only when it has been active on its own.

Now that Kang Shin-hyuk has taken ownership of the mascot, and even the energy of the pagan dragon, which transforms and evolves everything, the impact of the artifact has increased by one step or more!

“Anvil, I think it was a good choice to get here. There's a tremendous number of weapons flying in the direction we came from. ”

“Ugh, wait. It's a little hard to move to something that's still far away. ”

In Tsukuyo's report, Kang Shin-hyuk strengthened his mind with spirituality and destruction, rotating his brain more warmly.

The magnificent artifact that covered the planet.

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Even if Kang Sin-hyuk, the spiritual master who was the source of this, had acquired ownership, it was not something that could be handled so simply.

Kang Shin-hyuk, who gave up control of the entire country early, began to increase control from where he is now.

However, the energy of the Pacheon Dragon gradually encroached on the masturbator, speeding up its attribution and helping it regain some autonomous movement.

As a result.

“Waaaaaaah...! ”

“Who knows if Grandpa's room handles even the magic of sand? ”

In addition to the storm of crystals that surrounded and rotated the group, there was a tornado of sand that revolved fiercely from all sides.

Dozens of tornadoes rotate fast, and even Earth defends the group with a large rotation centered around Kang Sin-hyuk's group as if orbiting the sun with its axis!

Claire couldn't resist the impulse and took out the drone and filmed this sight. Pour billions of pounds and create CG, and it won't get any better!

“Wow, look at you fly like a swarm of bees. ”

“But increasingly, the sand is gathering around here. Wow, how much did you stack up...."

To put it bluntly, it was a good thing the group was staying in the air.

The sand rises completely and reveals the ground, with a goal of over 100 meters.

Underneath, there were old metals and fragments of buildings, and of course, there were no traces of human beings.

An instant tear from the trail of destruction that reminds me of the last sight of Saizenon, Kang Shin-hyuk twisted his lips as he looked at the myriad horsemen flying towards him through the masonry that formed an autonomously huge sand wall.

“No matter how many blacksmiths you deliver to the army, you've really made a difference. ”

“Huh? You made all that up in your previous life? ”

“Yes.... I can remember now. ”

Synchronization is weakly accelerating. Currently the assimilation rate is 99.8%.

A message that appears to support Kang Sin-hyuk's words.

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He manoeuvres the masturbator with a frowning impression on the fragments of memory dug into his brain.

A twin-spinning sandstorm seized, crushed and smashed all the weapons that their parents didn't even know about.

It didn't feel so good to break the things that evolved by getting the equipment that he made, but it was hard for him to handle an Abyss.

“And…… they'll all be one anyway. ”

The [Magician], evolved by the Pacheon Dragon, is no longer just a gentleman who saves energy.

For countless years, he took advantage of the energy he accumulated to evolve himself and became a predator of his own.

…… This is a little copy of Onyx's abilities.

“That's a little scary. ”

“It's really sad……! ”

While Claire was somewhat frightened by the evolutionary mascot, Tsukuyo was deeply saddened by the real-time appearance of a broken horseman and shed tears.

It is only natural for her to react like this if she loved the weapon that Anvil had created with negative emotions.

However, she did not intend to control the horsemen that revealed this to the producer herself, but merely watched as the mascot ate all the horsemen.

Your spirituality has grown by one step to become an X2 rank.

After a massive spiritual event, he called his spirituality a true transcendent and set foot in the land he deserved.

That's it, his dominance is widening, and the horsemen that came into the power of the sandstorm are not yet directly hit by the storm, but are being absorbed and stumbling.

You have completely regained the guardianship your master possessed!

“Aw, anvil. ”


In the glorious war of horsemen blowing in tens of thousands and tens of thousands of storms of sand that constantly absorb energy, the sand of many realms rises to the sky and reveals the miserable face of the earth.

Then, Tsukuyo, who was closing his eyes and concentrating as if he were looking for something, opened his lips and sighed a little.

“…… I think I found your trail. ”

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