[Splitting Steel Javelin]

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[Special Ability - Divide]

* Split - when pitching with this javelin, there is a 30% chance that two more windows will be created aiming for the same goal. The generated spear hits the target and then naturally disappears.

There were too many changes at once, but the first thing he did as an artisan was check out the javelin he made. That was surprising enough.

“Artifacts……! ”

“You can't really make artifacts. ”

Lee Man-woo, who was watching it next to him, just vomited out the laughter of the car. Tra n sl a te d by Jp m t l .com

The world's greatest craftsman, of course, had the world's best emotional skills, and he could find out as much information as he would otherwise not have been able to.

That's how great the artifact that Kang Shin-hyuk just created was.

“You've made up your mind. ”

“I tried not to artificially capture it. ”

“Ha, that's enough. ”

When I heard the story, I just smiled at Kang Shin-hyuk. It seems like we are going back the way we used to go in the past to find the right way with our minds in such a short time.

Tr a n sl a te d by jpm tl.c om “If you submit it to the competition, the prize will be fundamental and you will be able to target the target. Of course, it's a reality that there aren't many people who are capable of throwing pitch pitches, but the criteria for the contest is different. ”

“I can't submit this right now because it will be used for the practice... …. Anyway, thank you for watching me late, sir. ”

“The school had no choice but to observe to prove that it was your product. Huh, it's been a long night. ”

It was only by the words of Shinhyuk Kang that Lee Man-woo realized that time was too late. It's because I was obsessed with hammering Kang Shinhyuk, and I forgot even the flow of time.

“Goodbye. Next time I... No. ”

He felt a very strong impulse after a long time seeing the blacksmith of Kang Shinhyuk, but he struggled to get rid of it.

“No, you did very well today. You must be exhausted. You should go. I need to rest too.”

“I understand.”

Lee Man-woo shook his hand and Kang Shin-hyuk left the club with two sticks. In fact, he's been self-indulging that he's been pretending to be smooth, and he will be.

- Overwhelmed Manager's 100 HP Bonus!

- 200 HP bonus from your manager for joining my room!

- 50 HP bonus to celebrate crafting C-rank artifacts!

It's because the manager's message has been rattling his retina.

“Calm down, please. ”

- The manager is very calm now. We're just celebrating your fairy tale rate has reached 5%.

Tra n slate d b y jp mt l.c om “No, thank you for that...."

Metallurgy has grown considerably with the creation of C-rank artifacts, the growth of metallurgy, the growth of stamina stats, and in the meantime, the primary liberation has gone up to the fairy tale rate, resulting in massive HP and access to the Mai Room.

There's no need to be so confused, but a successive message from the manager adds to the confusion…… and the manager will be 100% frustrated. Now it was Kang Shin-hyuk who was just treating this manager as a friend who liked him very much.

“We've only surpassed 5%, and now we've lost 5 million HP. ”

- I told you that once the First Liberation is complete, you will be able to afford as much of the food value of the Onyx as you want. The amount of HP you've spent in your past 20 years is more than any other member.

“…… I'm scared. ”

The fact that there is a lot of anvil HP is that he has a lot of work stacked up in Hero Universe. You have to stutter and move the giant footprint forward. I couldn't help but notice.

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- But in the end, it's your own business. And as you've done so far, you're going to do it naturally. The artifact in your hand is proving it.

“I mean not just that...... No, it's the same thing after all. Thank you, Manager. Let's get as far as we can. ”

When I think of myself in my past life, the anvil, the same questions, the same agony, always bothered him. However, in situations where the answer has already been given, it cannot be seen as screaming forever.

With the help of his manager, he replied as always to Kang Shin-hyuk's gratitude for cutting out complex thoughts.

- 20 HP bonus for being honest and appreciative!

Kang Shinhyuk returned to the dormitory with two javelins in one hand. As he opens the door, Onyx, lying motionless, looks up and crawls toward him, looking down at the ground.

No, actually, he was running towards the cleaving steel javelin he was holding.

- Boom!

“No. No, sit down. ” T ran s late d by Jpmtl.c o m

- Chuckle, chug!

He hurled his own Javelin Throw to Onyx instead of the artifact and kept the artifact in a safe place.

Afterwards, after washing my body and picking up snacks that I had prepared in advance, I suddenly fell asleep. In fact, I wanted to make sure it was my room, but I was too tired to do that.

Creating artifacts was never simple. It also produced two items during the day, so there was no chance of remaining stamina. Though I was fortunate enough to have a rank-up in the middle of my resume.

“So it's okay to postpone it a little...?"

- Maybe tomorrow's better. Tomorrow is Friday, and the weekend after class.

Kang Shinhyuk tilted his head to the manager.

By the way, Shinhyuk Kang, who also wanted to know something at Hero Universe, was guessing that my room wasn't just a room, but that I should invest until the weekend? What the hell's in there?

At this point, Kang Shinhyuk also seemed to need to tighten his mind. Of course, there was no option to not enter my room for Kang Shin-hyuk who had just made a commitment to move forward.

@ @ @

The next Friday class was not so different from the day before. All the real-world teachers pushed the students without giving them a break, and they were eager to wait for the writing class to come, which occupied a small percentage of Shinyoung's subjects.

However, even the writing class time that was waiting and waiting completely betrayed students' expectations.

“There's a lot of work to be done in the first gate practice. But we need to be prepared in advance so that we can handle everything that happens in real life. In that sense, today we will be conducting a messaging test. ”

“What!? ”

The teacher in Monster Ecology handed out a small test paper, and the students cried alongside him. However, the teacher added a hypothetical word to it. T r an slated by jpm t m

“Take care to solve the wrong number of weekend assignments. Think of it as a direct matter of survival inside the gate! ”

“No, Sam, I have to practice for gate practice this weekend...."

“It's equally important to train your knowledge of monsters appearing at lower gates in preparation for gate practice. All right, let's get started! ”

“F, hell. ”

“You really need to know all this to be superhuman!? ”

The students who received the test paper cried out in different voices.

Of course, I learned everything, but based on my knowledge of monsters, I was often unable to answer because there were so many requests for judgment based on my student's personal situation!

‘Since there are many people who don't know these things and become superhuman, there is still no news of the superhuman death at the lower gate, and they must have had their opinions on the graduation of other superhuman schools……. Of course, Shinyoung has a different dimension. ’

Kang Shinhyuk boldly filled the answers while the students screamed as if they had fallen to hell. I didn't need to borrow Eun Ah's power. He was the one who, before his previous life was revived, was writing a memoir in order to somehow score.

Moreover, Shinhyuk Kang, who was more knowledgeable than anyone, had the ability to move his body since he had mastered the art of fighting monsters in real life situations.

It has been a great help in coming up with the answer to the problem of contemplating the actual situation.


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A small number of students who knew the importance of notebooks, including Kang Shinhyuk, and had always tried to fill in the answers. I have prepared my notes so I have time to train myself for the exercise.

After the last Eviole incident, the teacher who was looking well at Kang Shin-hyuk's answer made a satisfied face, but looking at the answers of the majority of the students, he was making a satisfied face in a different sense.

“I'll grade it right away. Everyone will be busy this weekend. ”

“Oh, please, Sam..."

“I just want every student to be able to get through this gate successfully. ”

She was probably telling the truth. Because the scores showed that most students who received assignments, along with the answers, were able to study theory for more than a few hours over the weekend.

Among them were Karen and the Caucasians.

“I'm sorry, but I was going to do a joint training exercise this weekend...... It's going to be difficult. Hehe.”

“What are you guys really doing? ”

Even Shinyoung's class thinks of white people as a joke, even Karen, who thought she was a good student, is so lame. Karen smiles quietly at Kang Shinhyuk's curiosity and rebuke.

“I'm actually more of a practical type than a theory. ”

“Oh really, Sinoc, you didn't notice I sent you an autograph for answers? ”

“I ignored it because it would be my job if it got caught. ”

“A traitor will pay for his crimes! ”

“Yes, well done. ”

However, it was not so bad for Kang Shin-hyuk that the joint training was abolished. The manager told me to get ready to leave for the weekend. After finishing his routine, he takes off the annoying Karen and the white walker and heads straight for his room.

- Are you ready?

“Yes, maybe. ”

Kang Shinhyuk put on a new sword at his waist, put on the armor he had made for the previous war, carried a backpack of preserved food, water, and the javelin he made yesterday, and put a metal grain on top of it.

It was too much equipment to get into my room, but there was nothing I could do, as the manager said it would be better for me to arm myself in some way.

“Okay, then… let's go inside. ”

- I'm going to my room.

At that moment, I felt his body automatically sucked into something... and the view of Kang Shin-hyuk was completely blocked.

It was as black as a freshly enlisted trainee.

“Am I alive? ”

Rest assured, he's only in a very dark place.

- Boom!

Fortunately, the manager's message that appeared above the retina was illuminating and could be read without problem, but it only made Kang Shin-hyuk feel more uneasy.

What do you mean, just in the dark? He must have just entered my room. Why is it so dark? Before entering my room, I imagined patterns, but I never imagined patterns that I couldn't even look around inside the room!

“Then we should turn on the lights, right? ”

- 50 HP bonus on your great guess!

However, the manager gave him a HP bonus and did not turn on the lights.

Kang Shinhyuk carefully asked.

“Do I have to spend HP to turn on the lights and buy exclusive items or something? ”

- No, HP will not be consumed.

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- You need to carry out a dimensional quest to activate the details of my room.

“The detail was to turn the lights on in the room, I didn't know that. ”

Kang Shinhyuk thought in anger, trembling. And then yesterday, when I became First Liberation, I was told to go to my room and check out the dimensional quests.

I had just handed it over at that time, but I had no idea it was an essential process to use my room.

Quest.By Search and Expedition, we mean missions primarily received by players from NPCs in the game. Perhaps a dimensional quest is also one of its kind.

“After turning on the lights, now you have to do a quest to make chairs and desks in the room, right? ”

- 20 HP bonus for amazing deduction!

In front of Kang Shin-hyuk's eyes, he was overcome by the thought of being beaten, he remembered a textured box that was different from the manager's message. It was a message explaining the dimensional quest that the manager talked about.

[Walls of Despair]

[The armor you made in the past has spread all over the world, and some of it is used for wrongful purposes. If you step up and retrieve the business, it will help increase the fairy tale rate.]

[Retrieve your armored ‘Hiroic Shield’ from the closed world of Kieron. If you retrieve it successfully, you will gain access to Kieron's access, which is permanent.]

[Quest deadline: one month]

[Earth to Kielon Time Ratio - 1: 10]

“Hiroic Shield. ”

Kang Shinhyuk, who was reading the message, came to a certain point and hardened his body. He would, too, because the name Hiroic Shield was attached to the shield he had made in his last memory.

“But is it really for a bad purpose...? ”

- You can see that for yourself from now on.

“Going to another dimension? ”

It's possible to go through the middle dimension of my room.

“Is that why everyone yelled at me to get access to my room……."

If I had just kept the conversation between Kang Shin-hyuk and the manager apart, he would have said that there were no middle-aged bottles like this, but in fact, he had been preparing for this since the moment he learned about Hero Universe.

If another dimension actually exists and it is possible to talk to the people there, then it is impossible to cross over directly into the world.

I just thought it came to me much sooner, much more dramatically than he thought it would.

“Can I really fix this? ”

- You don't have to worry about the difficulty of the quest. Dimensional quests are just a selection of things you can solve with your abilities.

“Choosing means choosing. ”

There's still a lot left.

The manager explained in a very distressing message.

- They're all recovering the armor you made in your past life.


Kang Shinhyuk glanced at the message reflected on the retina with a strange admiration.

Hiroic Shield reminds me of the thought that Anvil held in its place. I remembered the worry of mirrors.

Eventually, it became what she was worried about. Now I feel like I need to see them with my own eyes.

“Quest deadline is one month.... Is that what I think this ratio is? Does this mean that ten days in Kielon is one day on Earth? ”

Quest deadlines in Kielon last three days on Earth.

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Indeed, the manager was giving him a dimensional quest from the beginning, so he told him to use the weekend. Even so, you cannot fulfill all quest deadlines. It's 4: 00 p.m. Friday, and it's 4: 00 p.m. Monday after three days.

“Somehow, I'll be done by Monday school. ”

- You can do as much as you want with your ability.

It was always a matter of time before the manager flattered Kang Shin-hyuk, but this time I thought that Kang Shin-hyuk would do the same. It was similar to the certainty coming from holding a new sword.

“Okay, let's get going. ”

- Yes, sir. I'm connecting to the world of Kieron.

Just like when I came from Earth to my room, I felt like my body was being sucked into something, and when I closed my eyes, he suddenly came back to a bright place.

Even though it was dimensional, I thought it would be okay to do this without a beat. At the same time, the noisy noises that were echoing everywhere knocked at the ears of Kang Shinhyeok simultaneously.

“Hehe, the General is dead! ”

“The laser cannons are about to fire...! ”

“The General is dead! Fall back! Fall back! ”

I'm sure the manager said it would be safe, but why is there such a noise?

Kang Shinhyuk raised his head. Between the great walls, he saw men like himself tearing the war into two hands.

“Stop their arrows! Stop him!”

“We can't back down like this. Today, I will get my boss back! Forward, march! ”

“Ahhhhhh! Energy is gathering on the walls of despair! ”

All of them were armed with cold weapons, such as swords, spears, and bows, and there were rare people who could handle Mana, but could not feel the energy of the artifact. Their level difference was not so great…… but if there is a winning or losing factor, it is the Wall.

“Keep the vermin from coming up! ”

“Today is the day I kill them all! Die bravely, without begging for life! ”

“The gift of water is ours! ”

The incredibly large and solid walls were smooth on the outside, made of solid iron, and even had the ability to aggregate energy and fire destructive beams.

So that was one giant artifact.

“Manager, is that wall...."

- That's right.

Kang Shinhyuk noticed that his spiritual power resonated with something other than a new sword from the moment he fell here. The target was that wall. So that wall has something to do with itself. Moreover, even though it was very large, when I tore it down, I was sure that I knew what I was doing.

- This is a small dimensional kielon. Everything in the world is small. It's no exception, even if you've been logged in from outside.


- If there's only one exception, it's an artifact that has a long history of growing and establishing itself. because only being inanimate and violent can escape the influence of the world. So again, the artifact that you created in your past life.

Yeah, he saw that in the memory of the anvil.

That was the shield he made for the heroes of the Hero Universe.

“... I don't know how to retrieve that. ”

- Chuckle, chuckle!

While Kang Shinhyuk was in despair, the miniaturized Onyx cried out in a cute way.

He turns to face the wall full of spiritual energy, desperately clinging to Onyx.

Understanding why the name of the quest was the Wall of Despair.

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