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The moment the shield completely matches the moment it enters your arms, the earth will vibrate violently, and a deep, low cry will erupt from deeper underground.

Kang Shinhyuk understood everything.

‘You were sad because of that monster. ’

- Whoops.

Like a newborn in his mother's arms, the shield in his hand immediately confirmed him as if he were snitching.

What Hiroic Shield hated was not humans fighting between themselves. Since it was originally made for fighting, it was the very nature of armor, it was something I had always been prepared for.

He hated monsters who were using themselves to conceive and prey. Over the years, he has been used as bait for a trap, not as armor for playing in battle. Hiroic Shield was feeling intense sadness and anger for failing to fulfill my duties. Tra n s lat ed by Jp mt l.c om

“Anvil, move! Hell on earth!”

Of course, Kang Shin-hyuk was flying before he even heard it. With his teeth like a bulging fence spread open, he hurled to the ground in an instant, and the fortress that remained as a ruin where the wall disappeared was instantly broken.

Black chitinous, cockroach-like legs all over the body. to a giant mouth that occupies more than half of the face. It looked disgusting just looking at it.


“Sa, help me! Hell on earth!”

“Help me, help me! ”

Kang Shin-hyuk is a child, and those who lost their fighting abilities, including the elderly, chewed their lips as they watched him fall into the open jaws of hell inside the castle. Tra n s l ate d b y jpmt l .co m

The League of Survivors said you're not going to protect those who can't fight? That's a lie. There's no way you won't have an army of survivors. They only chased and plundered Ords to defend their own horde.

There may be good in the battlefield, but evil in this world has long lost its meaning.

‘Maybe they're not the first survivors. ’

Milan told me about the properties of hell on earth. Waiting for food and meditation? The same now. He just used the Hiroic Shield to draw in the prey.

When the prey blooms greedily, at that moment, it swallows everything and hides under its shield again, waiting for the next lamb.

It would have been repeated several times, several times, in this narrow valley.

‘This disaster has driven the world to ruin....'

- Step back, sir. It's hard to win a direct battle now. Now that the quest has been completed, it looks better to practice your metallurgy in a more secluded place.

The manager's message tapped his ear. Obviously that sounds like an ideal advice. After completing the quest's objective, I didn't have to deal with that huge enemy for no reason.

But really? Is it okay to think that this is the end of the quest? That bastard, Hell, who created the Quests.He's still swallowing humans!

- Whoo!

The Hiroic Shield in his arms cries again. I could understand what he wanted to say without even trying to interpret it.

However, when Kang Shin-hyuk, who was in agony, tried to give an answer, Milan's voice sounded like it was tearing his eardrums.

“Attack Hell on Earth! ”

Kang Shinhyuk raised his head. You see dozens of javelins flying all over the hellhole trying to swallow its prey. T r ans l a t ed by jp m tl .com

“Don't let any more humans get eaten by that monster! ”

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“Son of a bitch! ”

“You're making fun of us again... I'll kill you!" ”

“Kill him! Kill it... Huff, think about it after killing it! ”

It was…… truly a strange sight. If we leave the Alliance of the Survivors being devoured by the Underworld, they can save their lives, but the Ord soldiers were throwing spears at the Underworld without thinking of retreating.

The man without the javelin throws out his javelin with his bare hands, and the impossible rush forward with their swords twisted.

After all, even though Hell was a true monster more than ten meters long, they did not hesitate.

Because of the water boy who was taken? No. '

If that's the case, all we have to do is organize the resistance and take back the water boss. However, they were furiously attacking Hell on earth, forgetting the fact that the United Nations had taken the Water Master.

“Down there! ”

“Run, we can still save it! Shit……! ”

“Take it out!”

It is because they are human beings. It's because we couldn't stand by and watch humans like ourselves get eaten by monsters.

Maybe there is more anger in it for the entire human race than there is in the long world of hell, where Shinhyeok Kang doesn't know it... … but it can't be counted.

T r anslated b y Jpmtl .com - Whoo!

“Okay, I get it. I'll grant you your wish. ”

But then there's the sincere fury of some armor that humans don't know about.

In the end, Shinhyuk Kang took a step towards hell, just like other humans.

- If we determine that your life is in danger, we will immediately return you to my room.

“Thank you.”

The manager didn't say anything about his choice. But perhaps he didn't seem to blame him. He would, too.

- With today's login bonus, you got instant Energy Boost!

Kang Shinhyuk smiled. As they were paid on time on Earth, they could only see the login bonus once every ten days. I wonder if that cool will pay for now or else....

“Whatever. ”

Kang Shinhyuk immediately drank the spiritual amplifier. A different kind of pleasure dominated his whole body than when he drank Claire's previous potion.

If his soul had been trapped in a cave so far, it would feel like a hand descending from the sky was forcibly grabbing it and dragging it out into a larger and wider world. All the senses were amplified, revealing a part of the world that was not revealed to him.

- Your spiritual power is temporarily amplified (for 10 minutes) to B + Rank.

Kang Shinhyuk grabbed the javelin like he was possessed by something, and hung the Brenite sphere on it. The javelin and javelin are engraved with the sizzling dragon symbol.

He squeezes the javelin with all his might...... and sprinkles a javelin at the jaw of the protruding man in midair!

- Divide Special Abilities. Trans l a ted by jp mt l.c o m

- Divide Special Abilities.

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The division of special abilities in the Arena (30%) and the division of special abilities in the Short Window (50%) were triggered at the same time.

The result was quite remarkable. The cleavage contained the ability to generate two more spears. The special ability of the Javelin Thrower triggered and divided into three single spears, a total of nine spears were inserted into the jaws of hell!


At the thrust of the javelin by the other soldiers, hell, which was just an annoying cry, twists with a terrifying scream as soon as it was hit by nine Brenite spheres.

As those who were thrown out of his mouth fall to every side, the soldiers who hurled their swords at the impenetrable crust make haste to rescue the people.

“This won't do. ”

However, Shinhyuk Kang took advantage of it for the first time, even though he put a valid hit on him.

That attack was the best he could do right now. Energy was amplified to B + grade and selected the strongest single window to maximize spirituality. Both of the division options came into play, and he was able to strike his enemies with nine spears.

Nevertheless, I was unable to drive out the enemy. Validity? There are about ten more like Shinhyeok Kang. Maybe that would be enough if we could just go through the same attacks in a row.

However, a one-time attack cannot be completed after a valid hit. Moreover, spiritual power remained amplified for less than 9 minutes.


- Whoo!

The land of hell, which clearly recognizes Kang Shinhyuk as an enemy, twists with an annoying cry.

Movement speed was not so fast as it was a monster hiding in the ground and waiting for its prey, but it seemed to give birth to Kang Shinhyuk even though he moved a little bit.

He hurriedly dodges him, blowing himself up again, and thinking endlessly.

‘Even if I could pierce his body with a new sword...'... it wouldn't matter. ’

Even if there are nine spears that are much longer and thicker than the sword, that's the end of it. You risk your life to get close to him and drill a hole with a new sword, and you won't be able to hit a javelin from here.

Does that mean you're gonna keep throwing pitchforks? No. '

We need a more fundamental solution.

A way to feed his mouthpiece a large and beautiful bamboo spear that is nothing compared to what it is now.

You have to think. The best way to try with your own amplified power…….

- Whoo!

At that moment, someone cried with a strong message.

Hiroic Shield? No. He's just speeding up Shinhyuk like a child, wanting to get rid of that bad monster fast.

The Arena does not yet have the self to express my intentions clearly. The same goes for the Brainide Sphere, and in the beginning, he's stuck in the jaws of hell.

“Necromancers? But even if I hold you. ”

- Whoops.

He cried again. It was probably the first time I met him that showed such a firm will. Therefore, Shinhyuk Kang could barely read the thoughts of the new sword clearly.

He claimed that he was far superior to the Hiroic Shield. Like the Hiroic Shield, or even bigger.

Self-integrated armor can maintain its original size in a world where everything is smaller. Just as the Hiroic Shield has become a wall in its ordinary shield, the Necromancer Sword is no bigger than it is now…… It can literally be reconciled as a Blade to kill a god.

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Then it won't be enough to get rid of a bug like that. The problem is that the new Sword is much weaker now than it was when it was made....

‘No, it's worth a try. ’

Kang Shinhyuk muttered as he examined his amplified spirituality. Though he will be miraculously gone in the next few minutes, the power given to him right now is so deep that he dares not count the end.

If I invest all that energy, why else would I not be able to restore the power of the Sword for a little while?

“Okay, fine. Let's do it.”

Kang Shinhyuk suddenly thought instead of pulling out a new sword, he tried to fit it into the javelin.

Luckily, there was a slight groove on the end of the blade handle and the tip of the pommel. The decoration has fallen from the waves of time.

- Whoops.

“No, he's got a hard-on for him now. ”

The new sword told me not to treat myself like junk, so I just had to smile. Maybe the last ten days have brought metallurgy and spirituality up and made friends.



He took a deep breath. The Underworld is still guarding itself, but a myriad of other humans stand up and attack him with force and are unable to reach him.

"Back off, he's attacking! ”

"Back off the wounded, you fool, and think about the camp later! ”

"Kill the monster! Now, monsters are our enemies! ”

He felt it was very strange. Every human being in this position was moving with one mind. Humans who had struggled with the power to kill each other until just a moment ago were suddenly fighting monsters and the world, bound together as human beings, beyond their interests.

It would be convenient to just cut out the contradictions. Ignore me for being a fool, and it'll be simple. But Kang Shinhyuk didn't want to do that. I did not want to define this sensation as a trivial word.


- Whoops.

If it fails, then you can run to my room alone.

However, he did not decide to become a supernatural person.

To be superhuman so as not to run away.

They are trained to fight and win.

So be sure to...

“Kill... that damn monster!" ”

He unleashes a new sword with all his power, including spirituality. The Necromancers soared into the air, so high that they could not be seen in an instant.

The thrusters are flying more than a few kilometers high thanks to their exceeding power limit.

“Huff, huff..."

- Ji-Woo?

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“I'm worried about you...... It's okay, I guess. ”

My head was numb after I ran out of all my spirituality. I felt like I could not move a single step because I was strangely hungry.

Kang Shin-hyuk desperately survived the unprecedented low power-recovery potion. I could feel it. A new sword that rises so high, it suddenly reverses and descends at his will.

‘I'm not done yet...' '

It is the calculation table until it contains all the spiritual power. However, the new sword has not yet been enlarged.

If it doesn't work, it means nothing. It might be better than the Javelin Spear, but we can't kill him.

‘Be strong.'

Relying on the faint string of spiritual power that connects him and the new sword, Kang Shinhyuk muttered.

‘Be strong.’

I thought I could catch the cries of a new sword far away by now. I had to give him more strength somehow.

But how? Kang Shin-hyuk gripped it, focused on the new sword, and on himself that followed it.

"Get back to what you were! ’

If you don't have enough Necropsy Sword power right now, just add it to your power. I had enough power. What if I am?

Kang Shinhyuk naturally found the answer. It would have been possible if it had been in his nature. You must.

He focuses on it with power, pulling out every ounce of his character's potential and pouring it into the faint string of spiritual energy.

[Kuaaaah! Kihiiiiiiiy!]

The earth shakes. Two more have been eaten. Warriors wielding swords and spears rush past Kang Shinhyeok.

The surviving Alliance warriors who escaped his branch, along with Ord's soldiers, are forcefully shoving swords and spears into the body of hell on earth.


And just in time, Shinhyuk Kang hurriedly raised his head.

His eyes were glowing golden.

“Stay away from monsters! ”

Although there was no strength left to shout, Kang Shin-hyuk cried out to tear his throat out with all his soul.

Humans reacted instinctively to his words and retreated momentarily.

A great shadow falls upon the ground.

- Characteristics [Awakened Dragon (A +)] meets all the evolutionary requirements and evolves into [Golden Dragon (S)]. All Statuses grow significantly. Characteristic Skill [Arithmetic (S-)] evolves into [Arithmetic (S +)].

- The New Sword regains some of its original strength and grows to Class B.

The sky is open.

A huge, two-eyed dragon descended to the ground so large that it could not fully capture its appearance…….

[Kuhaaa... Kahaaaak!]

You bite and kill the itty-bitty worm that was writhing on the ground.

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